Cardiff Local Development – 2026: Plan 2006 Preferred Strategy

Cardiff Local Development
Plan 2006 – 2026:
Preferred Strategy
Office Use
Date Received:
Preferred Strategy
Response Form
Please use this form to set out your views on the Preferred Strategy. Simply provide your
comments to the questions asked. You do not have to answer all questions if you do not want to.
Forms should be received by no later than Friday 14th December 2012 and can be returned in
the following ways:
By email:
By post: LDP Team, Strategic Planning, Cardiff Council, Room CY1, County Hall, Atlantic Wharf,
Cardiff CF10 4UW
You may photocopy this form or obtain further copies from the Council.
Contact Details (If you are using an agent please also complete Agents Details)
Personal Details
First Name
Last Name
Name (if relevant)
Vale of Glamorgan Council
Job Title (if relevant)
Director of Development
Address 1
Directorate of
Environmental and
Economic Regeneration
Address 2
Dock Office
Address 3
Barry Docks
Post Code
Telephone Number
02920 704611
Email Address
Agents Details
Q1. The Preferred Strategy sets out a strategy to deliver 45,400 new homes and 40,000 new
jobs to meet expected housing and jobs needs over the plan period (2006-2026). What is
your view on this level of growth?
Too low
About right
Too high
Q2. Please give reasons to support your answer to Question 1 including, if you don’t support
the proposed level of growth, what level of growth you would like to see and why. (Please
use a separate box for each point made).
Option B is considered to be the most appropriate level of growth as it is evidence based
and appears to represent a level of growth that can be realistically delivered over the LDP
Q3. The Preferred Strategy protects large areas of countryside and the river valleys but does
not propose a Green Belt which would impose strict limits on development during and beyond
the plan period. Do you think Cardiff should have a Green Belt?
Q4. Please give reasons to support your answer to Question 3 including, if you support a
Green Belt, where you think it should be. (Please use a separate box for each point made).
If a green belt is considered to be inappropriate, consideration should be given to the
designation of green wedges in appropriate locations to provide additional protection to
vulnerable land on the urban fringe and to protect the setting of Cardiff.
Q5. Strategic sites are those which could accommodate more than 500 homes or offer
significant employment opportunities. The following strategic sites have been proposed in the
plan to help deliver new homes and jobs . Do you agree with their inclusion in the plan?
A. Cardiff Central Enterprise Zone and Regional
Transport Hub
B. Former Arjo Wiggins Works, Canton
C. Former Gas Works, Ferry Road
D. North West Cardiff
E. North of Junction 33 on M4
F. South of Creigiau
G. North East Cardiff (West of Pontprennau)
H. North East Cardiff (East of Pontprennau)
I. Porth Teigr (Roath Basin South)
J. South of St Mellons Business Park
Q6. If you are for or against the inclusion of any of the above strategic sites A-J, please
specify which site(s) and give your reasons why.
Site name
Reasons in support or against proposals (please use bullet
Site A
 Supports the Cardiff Central Enterprize zone dedicated to
attracting and growing the financial and professional services
Site B
 Appropriate brownfield site
Site C
Appropriate brownfield site
Site D
Proposed strategic employment site will help to make this
large housing site more sustainable.
Site E
Site F
Concerns regarding the suitability of this site in terms of
sustainability – there is likely to be an increase in the number
of car borne trips given the proximity to the M4.
The site is likely to have a potential detrimental impact on
Cardiff’s employment strategy.
The site is likely to exacerbate existing congestion on the
strategic highway network (in particular Junctions 32, 33, 34
and Culverhouse Cross).
Appropriate greenfield site
Site G
Appropriate mixed use greenfield site
Site H
Appropriate mixed use greenfield site
Site I
Appropriate mixed use brownfield site
Site J
Appropriate site given good accessibility and proximity of
existing employment and housing sites.
Q7. Are there any other strategic sites you think should have been included? If so, please
state where and give your reasons why below.
Site name
Reasons (please use bullet points)
In coming months, the Council will be carrying out a masterplanning process on strategic
sites. This will set out guiding principles and provide a general framework for the
development of the sites should they be included in the Deposit Plan.
Your views are sought to help inform this masterplanning process. In this way, the views of
local communities can be considered at an early stage and feed into this process.
Q8. If any of the strategic sites listed in Question 5 are included in the Deposit Plan, what
things do you think should be done or provided (on or off the sites) as part of these
developments to help address their impacts and to meet local community needs? (Please
specify which site and give your answer in bullet points).
Site name
Things which should be done/provided
All strategic sites
Appropriate new and improved infrastructure should be
provided as part of the new developments e.g. education
facilities, health facilities, public transport facilities, public open
Q9. The economic policies seek to:
 Provide a range and choice of land for employment uses, including a Central
Enterprise Zone focussed on financial and business services, and protect existing
employment land;
 Support the city centre and the bay business area by focusing office development
there, and support new and improved retail facilities in the central shopping area;
 Protect mineral reserves and potential resources and maintain a landbank;
 Manage waste arisings.
Do you agree with this general approach?
Q10. Please give your reasons to support your answer to Question 9. If you said ‘No’ please
include what your alternative approach would be. (Please use a separate box for each point
 Support is given for the protection of existing employment sites and the provision of the
strategic employment sites identified in the Preferred Strategy with the exception of site E
(junction 33) for the reasons identified in Q6 above.
The social policies seek to:
Provide a range and choice of housing that meets the full range of housing needs;
Develop sustainable neighbourhoods, tackle deprivation and improve quality of life;
Make Cardiff a healthier place to live.
Do you agree with this general approach?
Q12. Please give your reasons to support your answer to Question 11. If you said ‘No’
please include what your alternative approach would be. (Please use a separate box for each
point made).
 Support is given to the social policies as they will help to ensure that a range and choice of
housing is provided to meet all the needs of Cardiff. Sustainable neighbourhoods are to be
encouraged as they provide a better environment for all.
Q13. The transport policies seek to:
 Reduce the need to travel and reduce car use and dependency;
 Maximise the proportion of journeys made by sustainable modes of travel e.g. rail, bus,
walking and cycling;
 Achieve a 50:50 split between trips made by car and non-car modes;
 Extend and improve the public transport network so it can better meet the everyday
travel needs of existing and new residents;
 Increase opportunities for people to make journeys on foot and by bicycle;
 Ensure that new development is supported by sustainable transport infrastructure;
Provide strategic bus corridors, new park and ride sites and a regional transport hub
incorporating a bus station adjacent to Central Rail Station.
Do you agree with this general approach?
Q14. Please give your reasons to support your answer to Question 13. If you said ‘No’
please include what your alternative approach would be. (Please use a separate box for each
point made).
Support is given to the transport policies as they seek to reduce dependency on the car
and encourage more trips by sustainable transport modes. The desire to work with
adjoining local authorities to secure suitable park and ride / share facilities and secure an
increase in rail based park and ride is welcomed. However, reference should also be
made to working with adjoining local authorities to secure a comprehensive national cycle
network. This would help to ensure continuity with walking and cycle routes and
encourage greater use of alternative and sustainable modes of transport for both work and
leisure trips. This approach has already been particularly successful in providing links
between Penarth Marina and Cardiff Bay / Sports Village. In addition there is a need to
recognise the need for working in partnership on innovative transport solutions to reflect
traffic growth and congestion on the boundaries of the City. In particular there is a need to
consider the coordination of public transport and the provision of direct links into Cardiff
from the Eastern Vale of Glamorgan.
Q15. The infrastructure policy seeks to:
 Set a Community Infrastructure Levy which will require financial contributions from
developers to help fund infrastructure provision.
Do you agree with this general approach?
Q16. Please give your reasons to support your answer to Question 15. If you said ‘No’
please include what your alternative approach would be. (Please use a separate box for each
point made).
The provision of new and improved community infrastructure to meet the needs of new
developments is essential to the creation of sustainable communities.
The environmental policies seek to:
Mitigate against the effects of climate change and adapt to its impacts;
Protect, positively manage and enhance Cardiff’s natural heritage and built heritage;
Designate special landscape areas and maximise accessibility;
Safeguard land for River Valleys and the Coastal Path;
Protect natural resources and minimise pollution.
Do you agree with this general approach?
Q18. Please give your reasons to support your answer to Question 17. If you said ‘No’
please include what your alternative approach would be. (Please use a separate box for each
point made).
Support is given to the environmental policies in the Preferred Strategy. In particular, the
Council welcomes the fact that the St. Fagans Lowlands and the Ely Valley Special
Landscape Area ties in with the Ely Valley and Ridge Slopes Special Landscape Area in
the Vale of Glamorgan. This reflects the continuity of the valley landscape type across the
two local authority areas which has a consistent quality.
Q19. The sustainable neighbourhoods policy seeks to:
 Ensure that all development will be accessible by sustainable transport and of a high
quality, sustainable design that makes a positive contribution to the creation of
distinctive communities, places and spaces.
Do you agree with this general approach?
Q20. Please give your reasons to support your answer to Question 19. If you said ‘No’
please include what your alternative approach would be. (Please use a separate box for each
point made).
Support is given to the sustainable neighbourhoods policy as it seeks to tackle deprivation
and improve the quality of life for all.
Q21. There are 27 Strategic Policies in the Preferred Strategy. Do have any comments on
individual policies? If so, please give your comments below.
Policy number
Q22. Do you have any comments on the Initial Sustainability Report? If so, please give
your comments in the boxes below.
Strategic site E (north of Junction 33) does not score particularly well against the SA
objectives (table 6.3 refers). In fact, paragraph 6.13 acknowledges the Council’s concerns
that the proposed development would have an adverse effect on air quality as it would
increase car use due to its location on the periphery of Cardiff and relatively poor public
transport facilities. The site also scores poorly on biodiversity grounds as it includes
several Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation. The site also lies adjacent to a
Special Landscape Area and is therefore likely to have an adverse effect on the landscape
character and features given its scale.
Q23. Do you have any other comments on any other aspect of the Preferred Strategy?
(Please answer in bullet points)
 N/A