A noun is a word used to name a person, animal, place, thing, or an abstract idea. Common Nouns Proper Nouns Collective Nouns Abstract Nouns General words for things, animals and people. Names of particular people, places and things. Words for groups of animals or people or things. Words for ideas and concepts. We can’t feel, touch, see, hear, or taste them – but they allow us to express important meaning. Abstract Nouns: compassion kindness Proper Nouns love bravery pleasure Monday anger misery liberty Wednesday hate childhood freedom peace loyalty pride courage deceit knowledge friendship brilliance truth delight despair hope awe January November December London Manchester Southport charity calm England honesty justice joy Scotland trust faith wisdom France Maple Street Earth herd Africa Clifton Avenue Collective nouns library Peter Mr Brown batch littler Jane Mrs Smith battery nest Sarah Rice Krispies brood network St Paul Mars Bar bunch pack St Margaret Cadburys cluster packet Lady Gaga Ferrari colony pod The Beatles Mercedes congregation pride Yogi Bear Pluto family school Mickey Mouse Neptune flock suit gaggle swarm milk flower knee team chocolate flag head troupe trousers tree neck common nouns jumper rain door chair skirt wind water table curtain banana lemonade television carpet pear bulb bag car dog motorbike pencil train giraffe bed pen watch house clock cheese necklace book mountain