Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Round 5 Round 6 Round 7 Round 8 Round 9 Round 10 Round 11 Round 12 Round 13 Round 14 A writes B Writes 30 100 60 300 500 7000 3000 900 800 4000 80 0 2000 600 40 200 70 400 600 8000 4000 1000 700 5000 90 10 1000 500 Number to Shout 43 152 69 349 567 7600 3456 901 860 4500 87 5 900 444 Instructions: Two children stand with whiteboards A and B at either ends of the hall/playground. In each round they write the numbers shown and the teacher, standing with the children in the middle, calls out the number in the last column. The children look quickly at the whiteboards being held up by the A and B and decide which one to run to (the nearest 10,100 or 1000 depending on the number called)