Analysis of the Heat Transfer Effects of Tube Configuration in a Tube Bundle in Horizontal, TwoPass Condensers by Jennifer Lynne Tansey A Project Submitted to the Graduate Faculty of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the degree of MASTER OF ENGINEERING IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Approved: _________________________________________ Craig Wagner, Ph.D., Project Advisor Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Hartford, Connecticut December, 2011 © Copyright 2011 by ii Jennifer Lynne Tansey All Rights Reserved iii CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES v LIST OF FIGURES vi NOMENCLATURE ix ACKNOWLEDGMENT xi ABSTRACT 1. xi Introduction 12 1.1 Background 12 1.2 Problem Description 1 1.3 Previous Work 2. 2.1 Methodology Theory 1 2 2 2.1.1 Equations of Conservation 2.1.2 Creating the Steam-Air Mixture Velocity Profile 2.1.3 Heat Transfer Relations and Coefficients 2.1.4 Mass Transfer Relations 2.2 2 3 4 6 Mathematical Model 6 2.2.1 Creating the Baseline Conditions 2.2.2 Calculating Initial Values Based on Assumed Temperatures 2.2.3 Calculating Heat and Mass Transfer Coefficients 2.2.4 Calculating the Initial Heat Flux and Temperature Differences 7 2.2.5 Iterating to Solve for an Adjusted Heat Flux and Temperature Differences 8 2.2.6 Recalculating Temperature Dependent Properties 2.2.7 Reiterating to Obtain Converged Values for Heat Flux and Temperatures 9 2.2.8 Calculating the Outlet Circulating Water Temperature of the First-Pass9 2.2.9 Calculating the Outlet Temperature of the Second-Pass 2.2.10 7 Performing an Energy Balance iv 9 7 7 9 9 2.3 Assumptions 10 2.4 Initial Conditions 11 2.4.1 Condenser Dimensions 2.4.2 Operating Conditions 11 2.5 3. 3.1 11 Numerical Analysis - Modeling Using RANS Solver 12 Results 12 Analytical Results 12 3.1.1 Case 1 13 3.1.2 Case 2 22 3.1.3 Case 3 30 3.1.4 Case 4 39 3.1.5 Case 5 47 3.1.6 Case 6 57 3.2 Comparison of Results Using Mehrabian-Based Velocity Profile 3.3 Comparison of Results Using FLOW3D-Based Velocity Profile 67 3.4 Comparison of Mehrabian and FLOW3D-Based Results 4. Conclusions 73 5. References 75 6. Appendix A – Steam-Air Mixture Velocity Profiles 7. Appendix B – FLOW3D Input File for Case 1 64 70 75 76 LIST OF TABLES Table 1. Case 1 First and Second-Pass Heat Flux and Outlet Circulating Water Temperature ... 15 Table 2. Case 1 Calculated Temperatures ................................................................................... 16 Table 3. Case 1 Energy Balance ................................................................................................... 16 Table 4. Case 1 First and Second-Pass Heat Flux and Outlet Circulating Water Temperature Using FLOW3D Data...................................................................................................................... 21 Table 5. Case 1 Comparison of Mehrabian and FLOW3D Calculated Temperatures .................. 22 Table 6. Case 2 First and Second-Pass Heat Flux and Outlet Circulating Water Temperature ... 25 v Table 7. Case 2 Calculated Temperature Comparison with Case 1 ............................................. 26 Table 8. Case 2 First and Second-Pass Heat Flux and Outlet Circulating Water Temperature Using FLOW3D Data...................................................................................................................... 29 Table 9. Case 3 First and Second-Pass Heat Flux and Outlet Circulating Water Temperature ... 33 Table 10. Case 3 First and Second-Pass Heat Flux and Outlet Circulating Water Temperature Using FLOW3D Data...................................................................................................................... 38 Table 11. Case 4 First and Second-Pass Heat Flux and Outlet Circulating Water Temperature . 41 Table 12. Case 4 First and Second-Pass Heat Flux and Outlet Circulating Water Temperature Using FLOW3D Data...................................................................................................................... 47 Table 13. Case 5 First and Second-Pass Heat Flux and Outlet Circulating Water Temperature . 50 Table 14. Case 5 Calculated Temperatures ................................................................................. 51 Table 15. Case 5 First and Second-Pass Heat Flux and Outlet Circulating Water Temperature Using FLOW3D Data...................................................................................................................... 56 Table 16. Case 6 First and Second-Pass Heat Flux and Outlet Circulating Water Temperature . 59 Table 17. Case 6 First and Second-Pass Heat Flux and Outlet Circulating Water Temperature Using FLOW3D Data...................................................................................................................... 63 Table 18. Case Comparison of Circulating Water Temperatures ................................................ 66 Table 19. Case Comparison of Circulating Water Temperatures Using FLOW3D Data ............... 69 Table 20. Case Comparison of Mehrabian and FLOW3D Circulating Water Temperatures........ 73 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1. Cross-Sectional View of Tube Configurations ................................................................. 1 Figure 2. Tube Row Orientation................................................................................................... 11 Figure 3. Case 1 Tube Configuration ............................................................................................ 14 Figure 4. Case 1 First-Pass Circulating Water Temperature vs Tube Length ............................... 14 Figure 5. Case 1 Second-Pass Circulating Water Temperature vs Tube Length .......................... 15 Figure 6. Case 1 FLOW3D Velocity Magnitude Contours ............................................................ 18 Figure 7. Case 1 FLOW3D Mixture Temperature Contours .......................................................... 19 vi Figure 8. Case 1 First-Pass Circulating Water Temperature vs Tube Length Using FLOW3D Data ...................................................................................................................................................... 20 Figure 9. Case 1 Second-Pass Circulating Water Temperature vs Tube Length Using FLOW3D Data .............................................................................................................................................. 20 Figure 10. Case 2 Tube Configuration .......................................................................................... 23 Figure 11. Case 2 First-Pass Circulating Water Temperature vs Tube Length ............................. 24 Figure 12. Case 2 Second-Pass Circulating Water Temperature vs Tube Length ........................ 24 Figure 13. Case 2 FLOW3D Velocity Magnitude Contours .......................................................... 27 Figure 14. Case 2 FLOW3D Mixture Temperature Contours ....................................................... 27 Figure 15. Case 2 First-Pass Circulating Water Temperature vs Tube Length Using FLOW3D Data ...................................................................................................................................................... 28 Figure 16. Case 2 Second-Pass Circulating Water Temperature vs Tube Length Using FLOW3D Data .............................................................................................................................................. 29 Figure 17. Case 3 Tube Configuration .......................................................................................... 31 Figure 18. Case 3 First-Pass Circulating Water Temperature vs Tube Length ............................. 32 Figure 19. Case 3 Second-Pass Circulating Water Temperature vs Tube Length ........................ 32 Figure 20. Case 3 FLOW3D Velocity Magnitude Contours .......................................................... 34 Figure 21. Case 3 FLOW3D Mixture Temperature Contours ....................................................... 36 Figure 22. Case 3 First-Pass Circulating Water Temperature vs Tube Length Using FLOW3D Data ...................................................................................................................................................... 37 Figure 23. Case 3 Second-Pass Circulating Water Temperature vs Tube Length Using FLOW3D Data .............................................................................................................................................. 38 Figure 24. Case 4 Tube Configuration .......................................................................................... 39 Figure 25. Case 4 First-Pass Circulating Water Temperature vs Tube Length ............................. 40 Figure 26. Case 4 Second-Pass Circulating Water Temperature vs Tube Length ........................ 41 Figure 27. Case 4 FLOW3D Velocity Magnitude Contours .......................................................... 43 Figure 28. Case 4 FLOW3D Mixture Temperature Contours ....................................................... 44 Figure 29. Case 4 First-Pass Circulating Water Temperature vs Tube Length Using FLOW3D Data ...................................................................................................................................................... 46 Figure 30. Case 4 Second-Pass Circulating Water Temperature vs Tube Length Using FLOW3D Data .............................................................................................................................................. 46 Figure 31. Case 5 Tube Configuration .......................................................................................... 48 vii Figure 32. Case 5 First-Pass Circulating Water Temperature vs Tube Length ............................. 49 Figure 33. Case 5 Second-Pass Circulating Water Temperature vs Tube Length ........................ 49 Figure 34. Case 5 FLOW3D Velocity Magnitude Contours .......................................................... 52 Figure 35. Case 5 FLOW3D Mixture Temperature Contours ....................................................... 52 Figure 36. Case 5 First-Pass Circulating Water Temperature vs Tube Length Using FLOW3D Data ...................................................................................................................................................... 53 Figure 37. Case 5 Second-Pass Circulating Water Temperature vs Tube Length Using FLOW3D Data .............................................................................................................................................. 54 Figure 38. Case 6 Tube Configuration .......................................................................................... 57 Figure 39. Case 6 First-Pass Circulating Water Temperature vs Tube Length ............................. 58 Figure 40. Case 6 Second-Pass Circulating Water Temperature vs Tube Length ........................ 58 Figure 41. Case 6 FLOW3D Velocity Magnitude Contours .......................................................... 60 Figure 42. Case 6 FLOW3D Mixture Temperature Contours ....................................................... 60 Figure 43. Case 6 First-Pass Circulating Water Temperature vs Tube Length Using FLOW3D Data ...................................................................................................................................................... 62 Figure 44. Case 6 Second-Pass Circulating Water Temperature vs Tube Length Using FLOW3D Data .............................................................................................................................................. 62 Figure 45. Comparison of Average First-Pass Circulating Water Temperature vs Length........... 64 Figure 46. Comparison of Average Second-Pass Circulating Water Temperature vs Length ...... 65 Figure 47. Comparison of Average First and Second-Pass Outlet Circulating Water Temperature ...................................................................................................................................................... 67 Figure 48. Comparison of Average First-pass Circulating Water Temperature vs Length Using FLOW3D Data ............................................................................................................................... 68 Figure 49. Comparison of Average Second-pass Circulating Water Temperature vs Length Using FLOW3D Data ............................................................................................................................... 69 Figure 50. Comparison of Average First and Second-Pass Outlet Circulating Water Temperature Using FLOW3D Data...................................................................................................................... 70 Figure 51. Comparison of Velocity Profiles on First-Pass Circulating Water Temperature ......... 71 Figure 52. Comparison of Velocity Profiles on Second-Pass Circulating Water Temperature .... 72 viii NOMENCLATURE Symbol Units Description A m2 Area Aw m2 Total tube surface area cp,m kJ/(kg·K) Specific heat of the mixture cp,s kJ/(kg·K) Specific heat of steam cp,cw kJ/(kg·K) Specific heat of the circulating water di m Tube inner diameter do m Tube outer diameter Dsa m2/s Diffusivity of steam in air ΔE kW Change in energy in the system Ein kW Energy added to the system Eout kW Energy leaving the system fc - Friction factor Fl - Inundation factor Fs - Superheat factor Fv - Vapor shear factor g m/s2 Gravitational constant H J/kg Static enthalpy of the steam-air mixture Ha J/kg Static enthalpy of air Hs J/kg Static enthalpy of steam k W/(m·K) Thermal conductivity kc W/(m·K) Condensate thermal conductivity kw W/(m·K) Tube wall thermal conductivity Km - Mass transfer coefficient L kJ/kg Latent heat of condensation πΜ kg/s Mass flow rate π′′′ kg/(m3·s) Mass condensation rate of vapor per unit volume π′′ kg/(m2·s) Mass condensation rate of vapor per unit area ix Ma amu Molecular mass of air Mm amu Molecular mass of mixture Ms amu Molecular mass of steam vapor n - nth tube row N - Total number of tube rows Nu - Nusselt number (0.33Rec0.6Pr1/3) p Pa Condenser pressure ps Pa Bulk steam partial pressure ps,i Pa Steam partial pressure at the interface Px m Transverse tube pitch Pr - Prandtl number (cp,m·μ/k) q"g W/m2 Heat flux to the interface q"d W/m2 Net enthalpy flux due to species diffusion q" W/m2 Heat flux Q W Rf Energy (m2·K)/W Fouling factor Re - Reynolds number ((ρ·Ucr·do)/μ) Sc - Schmidt number (μ/(ρ·Dsa)) t s Time T K Bulk temperature of steam-air mixture T0 K Reference temperature Tf K Film temperature Ti K Interface or condensate surface temperature Tl K Circulating water temperature Tl_out °C Outlet circulating water temperature Tsat K Mixture saturation temperature Two K Tube outer surface temperature u m/s Velocity component in the x-direction U m/s Velocity vector Ucr m/s Resultant crossflow velocity (u2+v2)1/2 x v m/s Velocity component in the y-direction V m3 Control volume w m/s Velocity component in the z-direction Ya kg/kg Mass fraction of air Ys kg/kg Mass fraction of steam Greek Symbols Units Description αc W/(m2·K) Condensate film heat transfer coefficient αc* W/(m2·K) Coefficient αg W/(m2·K) Gas-side heat transfer coefficient αl W/(m2·K) Coefficient αwl W/(m2·K) Tube outer wall-circulating water heat transfer coefficient μ Pa·s Laminar dynamic viscosity μt Pa·s Turbulent dynamic viscosity μe Pa·s Dynamic mixture viscosity ρ kg/m3 Mixture density ρc kg/m3 Condensate density σh - Laminar Prandtl number σh,t - Turbulent Prandtl number τ Pa φ - Ackerman correction factor φH - Coefficient Shear stress ACKNOWLEDGMENT I would like to acknowledge and thank my family for their constant encouragement and support of my academic endeavors, especially over the course of my Graduate studies. I would also like to thank my advisor, Dr. Wagner, for providing guidance and technical expertise on this project. ABSTRACT xi This study presents the analyses of the effect of the arrangement of tubes in a tube bundle in a horizontal, two-pass condenser on the amount of heat transferred to the circulating water in the tubes. The tube bundle is assumed to act as a staggered tube bank in cross-flow with downward superheated steam flow. The saturated circulating water is assumed to be turbulent flow. Previously defined relationships for heat transfer through tube banks, including condensate inundation, vapor shear, and the effect of tube surface geometry are used in analyzing six tube configurations to determine the largest change in temperature of the circulating water. The heat flux in the system is defined as a function of the condenser and tube material properties, tube geometry, tube spacing, condensate inundation and steam velocity. Numerical modeling of the six tube configurations using a Reynolds-averaged NavierStokes (RANS) approach is presented to confirm the analytical results. Analyses of the analytical and numerical results from the six configurations examined provide the optimal tube arrangement for maximum heat transfer to the circulating water. It is found that the circulating water temperature is dependent on the steam-air mixture velocity profile used. The most heat transfer occurs in the tubes rows where the steam-air mixture velocities are the highest. Furthermore, the magnitude of the velocity profile is proportional to the magnitude of the change in circulating water temperature. Introduction Background The steam cycle that occurs most commonly in thermal power plants can be ideally represented by the Rankine Cycle. The Rankine Cycle is a thermodynamic cycle involving liquid water, steam and a mixture of the two as the working fluids. In the Rankine Cycle, water is adiabatically compressed and circulated by a pump to a boiler. The boiler isothermally vaporizes the water into steam and directs the steam to a turbine, which adiabatically expands the steam and converts heat energy into rotational energy by turning a shaft. The last step in the Rankine Cycle involves isothermal condensation of the exhaust steam from the turbine back into water to supply the pumps, which completes the cycle. A condenser is used to condense the expanded steam into liquid and to maintain vacuum on the turbine outlet to increase the available energy across the turbine. Horizontal, two-pass condensers are commonly used in steam cycles. Two-pass condensers have an inlet/outlet waterbox with the inlet and outlet of the circulating water on the same side of the condenser, and a return waterbox on the opposite side of the condenser to direct the circulating water from the first-pass into the second-pass tubes. The circulating water moves through tubes that are arranged together to form a tube bundle. Conventional horizontal, two-pass condensers have the top half of the tubes as the “cold” first-pass and the bottom half of the tubes as the “warmer” second-pass. This tube configuration allows the coldest circulating water to first come into direct contact with the condensing steam. Condensers are typically kept under vacuum conditions to increase the pressure drop across the turbine, thereby maximizing the power output. The vacuum system in the xii condenser removes non-condensibles in the condenser. The non-condensibles decrease the heat transfer in the tubes and increase condenser pressure. Problem Description The objective of this project is to analyze different tube configurations in a tube bundle to determine the best arrangement for the maximum amount of heat transferred to the circulating water in a horizontal, two-pass condenser. The six configurations shown below will be examined. Figure 1. Cross-Sectional View of Tube Configurations The dark blue and light blue portions of the cross-sectional views in Figure 1 represent the cold first-pass and warmer second-pass in the tube bundle, respectively. Previous Work 1 Several papers have been written providing heat transfer, vapor velocity, film condensation and pressure drop correlations over horizontal tube banks based on experimental results and detailed simulations using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) models. An analysis of a two-pass condenser was performed by Malin [1] using a CFD model simulating flow and heat transfer. In Malin’s work, a single-phase approach for the steam-air mixture flow within the condenser was used to calculate the performance of a condenser with a superheated steam supply. The simulated condenser employs the use of two tube bundles of parallel staggered tubes with the first-pass entering the lower bundle and exiting the condenser through the upper tube bundle. Browne and Bansal [2] examined variations in experimental observations made in over 70 papers to provide an overview of condensation heat transfer on horizontal tube bundles for downward flowing condensing vapor. The effects of surface geometry, condensate inundation, vapor shear and gravity were studied. Wilson and Bassiouny [3] provided results for laminar and turbulent flow of air across a single tube row as well as staggered and in-line tube banks. The effects of flow and tube geometry on the Nusselt number, friction factor, velocity and turbulence kinetic energy profiles are presented therein. Mehrabian [4] evaluated the heat transfer and pressure drop of air over a single, circular tube and over a tube bank based on experimental results. Additionally, a relationship between the velocity distribution of air in cross flow and pressure drop over horizontal tubes was provided. Methodology Theory The heat transferred from turbulent superheated steam-air mixture in downward cross flow over horizontal tubes to turbulent flow within the tubes is predicted using RANS equations. The mathematical model presented by Malin [1] is adapted for each of the six tube configurations analyzed in this study. Equations of Conservation The governing conservation equations for analyzing a time independent, superheated steam and air mixture are the conservation of mass, momentum and energy equations. All but the conservation of energy equation are solved in a two-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system under steady-state conditions. The energy equation is solved as a one-dimensional system along the length of the tubes. The conservation of mass is defined as: ∇ β (ππ) = −π′′′ (1) 2 Where the source term, and is defined by Malin [1]. , is the mixture mass condensation rate per unit volume The conservation of momentum governs the fluid dynamic behavior of the system and relates the velocity field components, pressure, and external forces, as well as the fluid properties including density and dynamic viscosity. Both the laminar and turbulent viscosities are taken into consideration in the conservation of momentum. ππ’ π ππ‘ + ππ’ β ∇π = −∇π + ∇π + πΉ − π′′′π’ 2 (2a) ∇π = ∇ β (ππ ∇π) − 3 (ππ ∇ β π) (2b) ππ = π + ππ‘ (2c) Two general energy equations are used, Equations (3) and (4). Equation (3) describes the energy of the mixture, and is a function of the mixture static enthalpy, diffusivity of the steam in air, and the enthalpy transport from the bulk steam-air mixture to the vapor-liquid interface. π π ∇ β (ππ»π) = ∇ β ((π + π π‘ ) ∇π») + π"π + π"π β β,π‘ (3) The conservation of energy equation, Equation (4), relates the energy transferred to the system through the tube wall and into the circulating water. ππ πππ ( ππ‘ + π’ β ∇π) + ∇ β (−π∇π) = π (4) Equation (4) is simplified assuming steady-state, one-dimensional flow to calculate the circulating water temperature in the tubes to the following equation. π" = πΜππ βπ (5) Creating the Steam-Air Mixture Velocity Profile A velocity profile for the steam in the condenser is established using the correlation of pressure drop and velocity at each tube row for cross-flow of air over a tube bank created by Mehrabian [4]. 3 βπ = ππ ππ π2 2 (6) The inlet steam velocity is calculated based on the condenser open area and steam mass flow rate, Equation (7). Similarly, Equation (7) is used to calculate an overall velocity for the tube region by changing the area to account for the presence of the tube bundle in the condenser. πΜ = ππ΄π (7) A friction factor, fc, is calculated based on the inlet velocity in the region of the condenser without tubes, Equation (8). π 1.08 ππ = [0.023 + 0.11/ (ππ₯ − 1) π ] π ππ −0.15 (8) This friction factor is applied to the correlation established by Mehrabian [4] to calculate the pressure drop for each row, from which the velocity at the given row is determined. Px is the pitch, or the centerline to centerline distance between tubes and is further defined in section For this evaluation, the vertical pitch and horizontal pitch are equal. The Reynolds number used in calculating the friction factor is based on the overall velocity in the tube bundle. Heat Transfer Relations and Coefficients The heat transferred from the steam-air mixture to the circulating water is modeled using three major equations: heat transfer from the steam-air mixture to the interface, heat transfer through the condensate film and heat transfer through the tube wall to the circulating water. Heat Transfer from the Steam-Air Mixture to the Interface The first part of the heat transfer occurs from the mixture to the interface. The interface is defined as the region between the mixture and the condensate surrounding the horizontal tubes. As described in Malin [1], this heat transfer takes into account the effect of the heat released at the interface due to the condensing vapor, as well as the sensible heat transferred through the diffusion layer to the interface. This heat flux is represented in the following equation. π"=mπΏ + ππΌπ (π − ππ ) 4 (9a) π = ππ» /(1 − exp(ππ» ) (9b) ππ» = π"ππ,π /πΌπ (9c) π πΌπ = (π )(0.33π ππ 0.6 ππ1/3 ) (9d) π The Ackerman-correction factor, φ, is used to account for the effect of mass transfer on the gas side heat transfer coefficient, αg, for flow across staggered tube banks. The gas side heat transfer coefficient is a function of the thermal conductivity of the steam-air mixture at the film temperature, which is the average of the interface temperature and the inlet steam temperature, the tube outer diameter, the Reynolds number and the Nusselt number. The Reynolds number is calculated from the assumed velocity profile at each tube row. Heat Transfer through the Condensate Film Consistent with Malin [1], the second element of heat transferred from the mixture to the circulating water is the heat flux through the condensate film, expressed below in Equation (10a). The equation for this heat flux takes into consideration vapor-shear (Equation (10d)), superheat (Equation (10e)) and inundation of condensate on the tubes (Equation (10f)) in the heat transfer coefficient, αc. π" = πΌπ (ππ − ππ€π ) (10a) πΌπ = πΌπ ∗ πΉπ£ πΉπ πΉπ (10b) 1/4 πΌπ ∗ = 0.735[ππ 3 πΏππ 2 π/(ππ ππ (ππ − ππ€π ))] (10c) 11.8 πΉπ£ = 1 + 0.0095π ππ΄ √ππ’π πΉπ = πΉπ = [ π′′′ = ππ,π (π−ππ ππ‘ ) πΏ ∑π π=1 π′′′π π′′′π π"π΄π€ π (10d) (10e) −0.223 ] (10f) (10g) The Reynolds number in Equation (10d) is the approach Reynolds number of the mixture [1], which, for this evaluation, uses the assumed inlet velocity of the mixture. Equation (10e) factors the latent heat of condensation of the superheated steam into the condensate film heat transfer coefficient. The inundation factor, Equation (10f), evaluates the cumulative condensation rate per unit volume, π′′′, over the condensation rate per unit volume of a given row. The condensation rate is further defined in the Mass Transfer Relations, section 2.1.4. Heat Transfer through the Tube Wall 5 The third step in calculating the overall heat transfer in the system is determining the heat transferred through the tube wall to the circulating water. This heat flux is calculated using Equation (11a). π" = πΌπ€π (ππ€π − ππ ) (11a) The heat transfer coefficient, αwl, depends on the geometry and material properties of the tube, as well as the flow conditions inside the tube. πΌπ€π = πΌπ = π [π πΌπ π π + π ππ lnβ‘( π) ππ 2ππ€ −1 + π π ] (11b) ππ 0.023π ππ 0.8 πππ 0.4 ππ (11c) The initial operating conditions of the circulating water are used to evaluate the Reynolds and Prandtl numbers in calculating αl. Mass Transfer Relations In agreement with Malin [1], mass transfer relations are used in order to accurately evaluate the total heat transferred in the system. The condensation mass flux, which is necessary to calculate the heat flux from the steam-air mixture to the condensate interface, is described by the following equation [1]. π β‘β‘β‘β‘β‘β‘β‘β‘β‘β‘β‘β‘π" = ππΎπ π π lnβ‘(1 + ππ −ππ ,π π π−ππ ππ 2/3 πΌπ /(πππ,π ) ππ ) (12a) πΎπ = ( ) (12b) ππ = π/[1 + ππ ππ /(ππ ππ )] (12c) The condensate mass flux represents the rate at which condensate is formed per unit area along the tube. It is a function of both the mixture, steam, interface and film properties. Km is defined as the mass transfer coefficient and is dependent upon the dimensionless ratios of the Prandtl and Schmidt numbers, the gas side heat transfer coefficient, and the mixture density and specific heat. Mathematical Model 6 A mathematical model was created to analyze the outlet circulating water temperature in the six tube configurations by solving for the heat flux in an iterative manner, first solving for the circulating water temperature in the first-pass and then again at the exit of the secondpass. Creating the Baseline Conditions The initial conditions, operating parameters, condenser and tube bundle geometry, number of tubes, areas and volumes are established. These values are the same across all six cases, except for the number of first and second-pass tubes in each row. The steam, air, mixture, condensate and coolant properties are calculated following the methodology described in Malin [1]. Using these values, the mixture velocity is calculated in the regions of the condenser with and without tubes, as described in section 2.1.2. A velocity is calculated for each row of tubes in the tube bundle. Calculating Initial Values Based on Assumed Temperatures Values for the heat and mass transfer coefficients, as defined in sections 2.1.3 and 2.1.4, are calculated based on the properties taken at the assumed initial temperatures of the interface, film, tube outer wall and circulating water. The temperature at the interface of the mixture and condensate, the interface temperature, is assumed based on the steam and circulating water inlet temperatures. The film temperature is then calculated by averaging the steam inlet temperature and the assumed interface temperature. An estimated value for the tube outer wall temperature is assumed based on the inlet circulating water temperature and the initial assumed interface temperature. Calculating Heat and Mass Transfer Coefficients The heat and mass transfer coefficients, Equations (9d), (12b), (10b) and (11b), are calculated using the values defined in section 2.2.2. The gas side heat transfer coefficient, Equation (9d), is used to solve for the Ackerman correction coefficient, Equation (9c). The mass transfer coefficient, Km, as defined in Equation (12b), can then be calculated using the gas side heat transfer coefficient. Using the mass transfer coefficient, the mass condensate rate per unit area, m”, and per unit volume, m’’’, are obtained from Equations (12a) and (10g). The condensate film heat transfer coefficient, which is dependent upon the mass transfer coefficient, can then be determined once Equations (10c) through (10f) are calculated. The last heat transfer coefficient, αwl, is calculated from the geometric properties of the tube and the thermodynamic and transport properties of the circulating water using Equation (11b). Calculating the Initial Heat Flux and Temperature Differences An initial value of the heat flux for each row is found from Equation (9a) using the previously established values of the mass condensation rate, gas side heat transfer coefficient and the assumed interface temperature. Equations (10a) and (11a) are rearranged, and using 7 the initial heat flux value, are then solved for the temperature differences between the interface temperature and the outer wall temperature of the tube, and the difference between the outer wall temperature and circulating wall temperature. Iterating to Solve for an Adjusted Heat Flux and Temperature Differences Equation (9a) is modified to include the temperature differences between the interface and outer wall, and outer wall and circulating water, shown below. π"=m"πΏ + ππΌπ (π − ππ − (ππ − ππ€π ) − (ππ€π − ππ )) π" πΌπ (13a) π" )) πΌπ€π π"=m"πΏ + ππΌπ (π − ππ − ( ) − ( (13b) The heat flux is solved in an iterative fashion using the Newton-Raphson method by formulating Equation (13b) as a transcendental equation. Equation (13b) is set equal to a function, F(q”), which is then set equal to zero. π" π" πΉ(π")=q" − m"πΏ − ππΌπ (π − ππ − (πΌ ) − (πΌ )) = 0 π (14) π€π The derivative of F(q”) is taken, Equation (15), and set equal to the definition of the derivative of F(q”). This relation is shown in Equation (16). 1 1 πΉ ′ (π") = 1 − ππΌπ (− πΌ − πΌ ) π πΉ ′ (π") = πΉ(π")πππ ππππ −πΉ(π")ππ’πππππ‘ π"πππ€ −π"ππ’πππππ‘ (15) π€π 1 1 = 1 − ππΌπ (− πΌ − πΌ ) π (16) π€π The desired value of F(q”) is zero, which corresponds to the computed heat flux equaling the actual heat flux. Substituting zero into Equation (16) for the desired value of F(q”), an updated value for the heat flux value can be solved in the following. 1 1 π"πππ€ = π"ππ’πππππ‘ + (0 − πΉ(π")ππ’πππππ‘ )/ (1 − ππΌπ (− πΌ − πΌ )) (17) π π€π The new value of q” calculated in Equation (17) is then used to obtain new values of Ti and Two as shown below. 8 ππ€π = ππ + π" πππ€ πΌπ€π ππ = ππ€π + π" πππ€ πΌπ (18) Recalculating Temperature Dependent Properties With the new values of Ti and Two, from section 2.2.5, the film temperature is recalculated. An average temperature is used to calculate the thermodynamic properties dependent upon the film temperature, including dynamic viscosity, thermal conductivity, specific heat, and Prandtl and Schmidt numbers. As these values are updated to reflect the new temperatures, the gas side heat transfer coefficient (Equation (9d)), Ackerman correction factor (Equation (9b)), mass transfer coefficient (Equation (12b)), interface partial pressure of steam, mass condensation rates (Equations (12a) and (10g)), remaining heat transfer coefficients (Equation (10b) and (11b)) and heat flux (Equation (9a)) are also recalculated using the new temperature values. Reiterating to Obtain Converged Values for Heat Flux and Temperatures Once a new set of values has been calculated in section 2.2.6, updated values of the interface and outer tube wall temperature are calculated, following the steps outlined in sections 2.2.4 and 2.2.5. This process is repeated until the values for the heat flux, interface and outer tube wall temperatures converge. The iterative process is completed for each row in the first-pass. Calculating the Outlet Circulating Water Temperature of the First-Pass Performing the iterative algorithm will yield a heat flux for each row of tubes in the first-pass. The outlet circulating water temperature can then be determined for each row using the simplified energy equation in Equation (5). An average, uniform outlet temperature for the first-pass is calculated by multiplying the number of tubes in each row by the outlet temperature of that row and dividing by the total number of tubes in the first-pass. This results in a weighted average of the outlet temperatures. New circulating properties are calculated using this first-pass outlet circulating water temperature. This outlet temperature for the firstpass becomes the inlet circulating water temperature for the second-pass tubes. Calculating the Outlet Temperature of the Second-Pass The outlet temperature of the second-pass tubes is calculated in the same manner as for the first-pass, repeating steps outlined in sections 2.2.2 through 2.2.8. The averaged outlet circulating water temperature for the second-pass is the temperature of the water exiting the two-pass condenser. This value will be compared among all six cases to determine the tube configuration that results in the highest circulating water temperature, thus transferring the most heat to the system. Performing an Energy Balance 9 A heat balance was performed on the entire system to ensure that the iterative methodology outlined in the previous sections yielded accurate results. The change in energy in the steam, circulating water, condensate and through the tube walls was calculated according to Equation (19). (πΜππ,ππ€ ππ€π )ππ’π‘ − (πΜππ,ππ€ ππ€π )ππ + β‘(πΜππ,π (π − π0 )ππ )ππ’π‘ − β‘(πΜππ,π (π − π0 )ππ )ππ + π"πΏπ΄ + (ππ€ ππ€π )ππ’π‘ − (ππ€ ππ€π )ππ = 0 (19) A small margin of error in the change in energy in the system is expected and considered reasonable, given the assumptions and simplifications made throughout the analysis. The outlet steam and air mass flow rates were calculated from the outlet steam and air densities, which were based on the converged outlet mixture temperature. All other variables in the overall energy balance were either the assumed initial conditions or values obtained in the iterations performed to calculate the heat flux. Assumptions To determine the maximum outlet temperature of the circulating water, the following assumptions are made to simplify the problem in order to solve it using the mathematical model outlined in section 2.2. 1. A symmetrical condenser with a horizontal, two-pass tube bundle is examined, where the steam inlet opening to the condenser is in the fore/aft and athwartship center of the condenser. 2. The algorithm evaluates the condenser in two dimensions, assuming that the heat transfer is constant along the length of the tube bundle, but varies through and around the circumference of the tube bundle. 3. The condenser dimensions and material are constant as well as the steam inlet velocity for all six cases. 4. For the six cases that are analyzed in the study, the inlet temperature of the circulating water is kept constant, along with the individual tube size, spacing and number of tubes, thereby keeping the overall tube bundle size constant. 5. The circulating water is turbulent flow and complete mixing of the water is assumed at the end of the first-pass to ensure a uniform circulating water inlet temperature for the second-pass tubes. 10 6. The circulating water temperature does not become a function of the number of tubes in each pass, since the number of first and second-pass tubes is kept as equal as possible. 7. In the FLOW3D models, the steam-air mixture flow is assumed laminar in order to accelerate the simulations so that a comparison to the Mehrabian velocity approach may be made. Initial Conditions Condenser Dimensions A two-pass condenser with a rectangular upper shell is used in the analyses. The upper shell is 3.048 meters long, 0.6096 meters high and 0.6096 meters wide. The tube bundle is approximately 0.3048 meters in diameter and is centered in the upper shell of the condenser. The steam inlet opening is centered on the top of the condenser and is 0.3048 meters wide and 0.6096 meters long. The opening between the upper shell and the hotwell that collects the condensate formed around the tubes is 0.1524 meters wide and runs the length of the condenser. The condenser is assumed to be made of alloy 316L stainless steel. Number of Tubes There are 217 titanium tubes in the tube bundle, each with a 0.0143-meter outer diameter. The tubes are 20 Birmingham Wire Gage (BWG), resulting in an inner diameter of 0.0125-meters. Two alternating rows of tubes are used to create the bundle. One row, row “A,” is centered with a tube on the vertical centerline of the tube bundle. The alternating row, row “B,” is offset by half of one tube diameter from the tube bundle vertical centerline. The tube pitch, or centerline-to-centerline distance between tubes, Figure 2, is the same in the vertical and horizontal direction. Figure 2. Tube Row Orientation Operating Conditions 11 Shell-Side Parameters Superheated steam enters the condenser through the steam inlet opening on the top of the condenser at 116.5°C. This inlet temperature, along with several other parameters, including the steam and air mass inflow rates and condenser operating pressure, have been kept constant in accordance with Malin [1]. The steam mass inflow rate is set to 8.63 kg/s, the air mass inflow rate to 2.78 g/s and the condenser pressure to 34500 Pa. Circulating Water Parameters The circulating water is assumed to enter the tubes at 21.11°C at a velocity of 1.524 m/s. A fouling factor of 1.5·105 (m2K)/W is used to account for the cleanliness inside the tubes. Numerical Analysis - Modeling Using RANS Solver FLOW3D, CFD software developed by Flow Science Inc., is used to simulate the condenser for each of the six cases. The condenser geometry, initial conditions, operating parameters and assumptions made in the heat and mass transfer algorithm, sections 2.2 through 2.4, were used to create the FLOW3D models. Analyzing the condenser and tube bundle using FLOW3D generated a steam-air mixture velocity profile, which was used to confirm the velocity profile created in the heat and mass transfer algorithm. A numerical mesh was created for each of the six cases. A large grid was generated that included the entire cross-section of the condenser. A smaller, denser grid embedded within the larger grid was created for the tube bundle. This nested grid permitted greater resolution around the individual tubes. The first-pass tubes and second-pass tubes were grouped into separate subcomponents within the nested grid. These tube regions were further arranged into separate subcomponents for Cases 3 through 6 in order to group together the tubes exhibiting similar heat fluxes and circulating water temperatures, which varied as a result of the tube configurations. Since the subcomponents are treated as having the same properties, smaller subcomponents had properties closer to the actual properties of the individual tubes that made up each subcomponent. The average circulating water temperature and overall heat transfer coefficient was calculated for each subcomponent. In order for FLOW3D to treat the tubes as having a constant circulating water inlet temperature, fixed surface heat transfer coefficients were applied to the tubes, thus assuming the tubes were maintained at a constant temperature. This was necessary to prevent the tube inlet circulating water temperature from converging to a higher temperature with the steam inlet temperature, preventing any heat transfer from occurring. Results Analytical Results The six tube configurations presented in section 1.2 were analyzed to determine the outlet circulating water temperature using the mathematical model described in section 2.2. 12 Since the tube bundle contains an odd number of tubes, the number of tubes has been divided as equally as possible in the first and second-passes to prevent the number of tubes in a particular pass from influencing the circulating water temperature. The mathematical model, based on the work of Malin [1], employs an iterative solution method to solve for the heat flux, and subsequently for the outlet circulating water temperature. Applying the algorithm to the six cases yielded values for the heat flux from the steam-air mixture to the circulating water, the outer tube wall temperature, the interface temperature and the circulating water temperature for every row of tubes in the tube bundle. The heat flux distribution through the tube bundle was analyzed by graphing the change in circulating water temperature for each row along the length of the tubes in the first and second-passes. The six cases were compared by evaluating the average circulating water temperatures of the first-pass and second-pass tubes. An energy balance was performed for each case to validate the algorithm results. The results of the energy balance for Case 1 are provided and are representative of the results obtained from each case since the methodology presented in section 2.2.10 was followed for all six cases. The six tube configurations were modeled in FLOW3D, which provided the velocity of the steam-air mixture. The FLOW3D velocity profiles were used in the algorithm to calculate circulating water temperatures. Comparisons between the initial results from the algorithm using velocity profiles based on Mehrabian [4] and those obtained using FLOW3D data are presented. The velocity profiles used are provided in Appendix A – Steam-Air Mixture Velocity Profiles. The FLOW3D input file used to simulate Case 1 is provided in Appendix B – FLOW3D Input File for Case 1. The FLOW3D input files for Cases 2 through 6 are similar to that shown in Appendix B. Case 1 The Case 1 tube bundle is split horizontally, with the first-pass tubes comprised of the top 12 rows of tubes and half of the tubes in row 13. The second-pass is comprised of half of the tubes in row 13 and all of the tubes in the remaining bottom 12 rows. The tube configuration is shown below in Figure 3. 13 Figure 3. Case 1 Tube Configuration This configuration was chosen to demonstrate the effect on the circulating water temperature of a horizontal tube configuration with the first-pass on the top half of the tube bundle. The number of tubes in the first-pass totals 109 and the number of tubes in the second-pass totals 108. Algorithm Results Using Mehrabian-Based [4] Velocities The results from Case 1 show that for both the first and second-passes, the highest heat transfer occurs in the lower the tube rows. This results in a higher temperature for the circulating water. This correlation is seen in Figure 4 and Figure 5, and presented quantitatively in Table 1 and Table 2. The topmost row in each pass, row 1 and row 13, has the coolest circulating water temperatures in the first and second-pass, respectively. Figure 4. Case 1 First-Pass Circulating Water Temperature vs Tube Length 14 Figure 5. Case 1 Second-Pass Circulating Water Temperature vs Tube Length Table 1. Case 1 First and Second-Pass Heat Flux and Outlet Circulating Water Temperature First-Pass Second-Pass Row q" (W/m2K) Tl_out (°C) Row q" (W/m2K) Tl_out (°C) 1 1.274E+04 23.284 13 2.597E+04 29.302 2 1.547E+04 23.749 14 2.646E+04 29.385 3 1.729E+04 24.059 15 2.692E+04 29.463 4 1.870E+04 24.299 16 2.735E+04 29.537 5 1.985E+04 24.496 17 2.776E+04 29.607 6 2.083E+04 24.664 18 2.815E+04 29.674 7 2.169E+04 24.810 19 2.852E+04 29.737 8 2.246E+04 24.941 20 2.888E+04 29.798 9 2.316E+04 25.061 21 2.922E+04 29.857 10 2.380E+04 25.170 22 2.955E+04 29.913 11 2.439E+04 25.271 23 2.986E+04 29.966 15 12 2.494E+04 25.364 24 3.016E+04 30.016 13 2.546E+04 25.452 25 3.045E+04 30.066 There is a larger temperature variation of the outlet circulating water temperature in the first-pass tubes (2.168°C), than in the second-pass tubes (0.764°C), showing that less variation in heat transfer is occurring in the lower half of the tube bundle, resulting in a more uniform temperature rise in the circulating water in that half. The averaged circulating water outlet temperature for the Case 1 first-pass tubes is calculated to be 24.872°C and for the second-pass tubes it is 29.657°C. The change between the inlet circulating water temperature and the outlet circulating water temperature of the first-pass is 3.762°C. The change between the inlet and outlet circulating water temperatures of the second-pass is 4.785°C. These values are shown below in Table 2, as well as in the comparison of all six cases in Table 18. There is a greater amount of heat transfer taking place in the second-pass tubes than in the first-pass. The overall change in circulating water temperature in Case 1 is 8.547°C. Table 2. Case 1 Calculated Temperatures Case 1 Temperatures (°C) Inlet 21.11 First-Pass Outlet 24.872 Second-Pass Outlet 29.657 ΔT Between Passes 4.786 Overall ΔT 8.547 The larger change in circulating water temperature in the second-pass can be attributed to the velocity profile. The cumulative mass condensation rate is larger as more condensate continues to form moving from the top of the tube bundle to the bottom. This could lead the higher heat flux rates, and consequently, the higher circulating water temperatures. To verify the algorithm, an energy balance was performed on the entire system, according to Equation (19). The results are provided in Table 3. Table 3. Case 1 Energy Balance E out (kJ/s) 16 E in (kJ/s) ΔE (kJ/s) Circulating Water (mcpΔT) 242.12 236.09 6.02 Air (YaHama) 0.03 0.02 0.01 Steam (YsHsms) 0.00 1909.64 -1909.64 Tube Wall (kΔT) 6591.90 6809.32 -217.42 Condensation (m"LA) 1907.25 Total 8741.30 1907.25 8955.06 Percent Change in Energy -213.76 -2.45% The energy balance shows less than 3% error between the energy introduced into the system and the energy leaving the system. This error is considered acceptable, and can be attributed to either simplifications made in the study or an iterative convergence error. FLOW3D Results The values used to create the condenser tube configuration, initial conditions and operating parameters for Case 1 were used in a FLOW3D model to provide velocity profiles, from which new values for the circulating water temperature were calculated. The resulting velocity profile is shown in the Figure 6 velocity magnitude contours. 17 Figure 6. Case 1 FLOW3D Velocity Magnitude Contours 18 Temperature (K) Condenser Height (m) Unlike the velocity profile assumed by Mehrabian in the initial calculation of the circulating water temperature, Figure 6 shows that the mixture velocity slows down as it moves through the tube bundle and accelerates out through the bottom opening. There is some localized swirling effect in the upper corners of the condenser shell as the steam enters the condenser. The strongest velocity through the tubes is in the upper center third of the configuration where the steam is moving downward through the condenser inlet opening without any interference or directional change. The FLOW3D-predicted steam-air mixture temperature contours are shown in Figure 7 for the Case 1 tube configuration. The Case 1 FLOW3D shaded temperature contours show the cooling of the steam-air mixture as it travels through the tube bundle. The Figure 6 velocity values are used in the algorithm and produced the circulating water temperature distribution shown in Figure 8 and Figure 9 for the first-pass and second-pass tubes, respectively. 19 Figure 7. Case 1 FLOW3D Mixture Temperature Contours Figure 8. Case 1 First-Pass Circulating Water Temperature vs Tube Length Using FLOW3D Data Figure 9. Case 1 Second-Pass Circulating Water Temperature vs Tube Length Using FLOW3D Data 20 The circulating water temperature values for the first and second-pass tube rows are provided in Table 4, in addition to the heat flux at each row. The heat flux and temperature generally decrease at lower rows in the tube bundle. This corresponds to the decreasing velocities through the tube bundle. However, unlike the assumed velocity profile based on Mehrabian [4], FLOW3D provides an accurate depiction of the velocity profile through the tube bundle due to the inclusion of the condenser operating parameters. The FLOW3D velocity profile shows that as the mixture moves through the tube bundle, the velocity does not consistently change in magnitude, as it does with Mehrabian [4]. There are local increases in velocity in rows 2, 5, 14, 23 and 25, which cause the circulating water temperature in these rows to be slightly higher than the row located directly above, exhibited in Figure 8 and Figure 9. The effect of this is seen in the circulating water temperatures given in Table 4. Table 4. Case 1 First and Second-Pass Heat Flux and Outlet Circulating Water Temperature Using FLOW3D Data First-Pass Second-Pass Row q" (W/m2K) Tl_out (°C) Row q" (W/m2K) Tl_out (°C) 1 8.988E+03 22.644 13 5.497E+03 23.317 2 9.016E+03 22.649 14 5.645E+03 23.342 3 8.740E+03 22.601 15 5.277E+03 23.280 4 8.269E+03 22.521 16 5.204E+03 23.267 5 8.677E+03 22.591 17 4.564E+03 23.158 6 8.471E+03 22.556 18 4.405E+03 23.131 7 8.399E+03 22.543 19 4.036E+03 23.068 8 7.424E+03 22.377 20 3.975E+03 23.058 9 7.311E+03 22.358 21 3.672E+03 23.006 10 7.260E+03 22.349 22 3.400E+03 22.960 11 6.061E+03 22.145 23 3.458E+03 22.969 12 6.072E+03 22.147 24 3.297E+03 22.942 13 5.182E+03 21.995 25 3.403E+03 22.960 The outlet circulating water temperatures for the first and second-passes calculated in the initial algorithm using the velocity profile based on Mehrabian, and those calculated using FLOW3D are provided in Table 5. The velocity profile using Mehrabian was much larger, 21 resulting in more heat transferred to the system and significantly higher circulating water temperatures. The first-pass outlet temperature is 22.380°C and the second-pass outlet temperature is 23.147°C. According to the evaluation performed using FLOW3D data, the circulating water temperature increased by only 2.037°C, compared to 8.547°C based on the evaluation using Mehrabian velocities. Table 5. Case 1 Comparison of Mehrabian and FLOW3D Calculated Temperatures Temperature (°C) Mehrabian FLOW3D First-Pass Outlet 24.872 22.380 Second-Pass Outlet 29.657 23.147 ΔT Between Passes 4.786 0.767 Overall ΔT 8.547 2.037 The significantly lower velocities obtained from FLOW3D result in very little heat transfer to the circulating water compared to Mehrabian. This shows a proportional relationship between the magnitude of the steam-air mixture velocity and the circulating water temperature. Case 2 Similar to Case 1, the Case 2 tube bundle is split horizontally. However, the first and second-passes are reversed from the Case 1 configuration, such that the first-pass is on the bottom half of the bundle and the second-pass is on the top. The first-pass contains 108 tubes and the second-pass contains 109 tubes. Any potential effect on circulating water temperature due to the change in one tube from the first to second-pass between Cases 1 and 2 is considered negligible. 22 Figure 10. Case 2 Tube Configuration Algorithm Results Using Mehrabian-Based [4] Velocities As was calculated in Case 1, for each pass, the lower the tube row is in the bundle, the larger the heat flux and the higher the circulating water temperature. This correlation is shown in Figure 11 and Figure 12. The actual temperatures and heat flux associated with each tube row are presented in Table 6. 23 Figure 11. Case 2 First-Pass Circulating Water Temperature vs Tube Length Figure 12. Case 2 Second-Pass Circulating Water Temperature vs Tube Length 24 Table 6. Case 2 First and Second-Pass Heat Flux and Outlet Circulating Water Temperature First-Pass Second-Pass Row q" (W/m2K) Tl_out (°C) Row q" (W/m2K) Tl_out (°C) 13 2.650E+04 25.630 1 1.256E+04 28.138 14 2.700E+04 25.715 2 1.524E+04 28.597 15 2.747E+04 25.795 3 1.703E+04 28.902 16 2.792E+04 25.872 4 1.841E+04 29.138 17 2.834E+04 25.944 5 1.955E+04 29.331 18 2.875E+04 26.013 6 2.051E+04 29.496 19 2.913E+04 26.078 7 2.136E+04 29.640 20 2.951E+04 26.142 8 2.211E+04 29.768 21 2.986E+04 26.203 9 2.280E+04 29.885 22 3.020E+04 26.260 10 2.342E+04 29.993 23 3.052E+04 26.315 11 2.400E+04 30.091 24 3.083E+04 26.368 12 2.454E+04 30.183 25 3.112E+04 26.418 13 2.505E+04 30.269 With the first-pass tubes on the bottom half of the tube bundle, more heat is transferred to the circulating water, resulting in an average outlet temperature in the first-pass tubes of 25.996°C and in the second-pass tubes of 29.699°C. Both the first and second-pass circulating water temperatures increase along the length of the tube; however, more heat is transferred to the first-pass tubes than to the second-pass tubes. Since the first-pass tubes are heated to a higher circulating water temperature, this creates a higher inlet circulating water temperature for the second-pass tubes, compared to the Case 1 configuration. Overall, the tube configuration in Case 2 allows more heat to be transferred to the circulating water than Case 1, as shown in the temperature comparison in Table 7. 25 Table 7. Case 2 Calculated Temperature Comparison with Case 1 Temperature (°C) Case 1 Case 2 First-Pass Outlet 24.872 25.996 Second-Pass Outlet 29.657 29.699 ΔT Between Passes 4.786 3.703 Overall ΔT 8.547 8.589 FLOW3D Results Velocity (m/s) Condenser Height (m) As was done with Case 1, the Case 2 properties and parameters were used to create a simulation for the Case 2 tube configuration in FLOW3D. The velocity profile of the steam-air mixture through the Case 2 tube bundle is shown in Figure 13 and steam-air mixture temperature contours in Figure 14. Condenser Width (m) 26 Figure 13. Case 2 FLOW3D Velocity Magnitude Contours Temperature (K) Condenser Height (m) The Case 2 FLOW3D velocity contours are similar to the one from Case 1; however the steam-air mixture temperature contours differ from Case 1 and show greater distinction between the first and second-pass tubes. This is seen in the Case 2 condenser temperature contours, Figure 14. Condenser Width (m) Figure 14. Case 2 FLOW3D Mixture Temperature Contours In Figure 14, the location of the colder first-pass tubes is evident. The steam-air mixture is cooled as it progresses downward through the tube bundle, and cools even more once it reaches the first-pass tubes. Since the warmer second-pass tubes are located on the top half of the tube bundle, there is not as much heat transfer occurring compared to the lower half of the tube bundle. 27 The resultant velocity for each tube row from Figure 13 created the circulating water temperature distribution using the established algorithm for the first-pass and second-pass, Figure 15 and Figure 16, respectively. Figure 15. Case 2 First-Pass Circulating Water Temperature vs Tube Length Using FLOW3D Data 28 Figure 16. Case 2 Second-Pass Circulating Water Temperature vs Tube Length Using FLOW3D Data Similar to the results obtained from the Case 1 FLOW3D data, the Case 2 circulating water temperature generally decreases with each lower row of tubes, although certain rows in each first and second-passes do not follow this trend, because of the resultant velocity associated with that row. A localized increase in velocity increases the circulating water temperature to a value higher than that of the row located immediately above in the tube bundle. This is seen in rows 18 and 25 in the first-pass and rows 2, 5, 10, and 14 in the secondpass. The heat flux and outlet circulating water temperatures for each row in the two passes are provided in Table 8. Table 8. Case 2 First and Second-Pass Heat Flux and Outlet Circulating Water Temperature Using FLOW3D Data First-Pass Second-Pass 29 Row q" (W/m2K) Tl_out (°C) Row q" (W/m2K) Tl_out (°C) 13 5.424E+03 22.036 1 9.288E+03 23.468 14 5.565E+03 22.060 2 9.292E+03 23.468 15 5.218E+03 22.001 3 9.085E+03 23.433 16 5.135E+03 21.987 4 8.609E+03 23.352 17 4.535E+03 21.884 5 9.913E+03 23.574 18 4.579E+03 21.892 6 8.761E+03 23.378 19 4.173E+03 21.823 7 8.684E+03 23.365 20 3.947E+03 21.784 8 7.719E+03 23.200 21 3.832E+03 21.764 9 7.205E+03 23.113 22 3.640E+03 21.732 10 7.515E+03 23.165 23 3.541E+03 21.715 11 6.321E+03 22.962 24 3.375E+03 21.687 12 6.273E+03 22.954 25 3.522E+03 21.712 13 5.383E+03 22.802 Based on these results, the circulating water is heated by 2.096°C to an average outlet temperature of 23.206°C. Case 3 The Case 3 tube configuration has the first and second-pass tubes divided along a 45degree angle, where the first-pass is above the rotated axis and the second-pass is below. This configuration was chosen to determine the impact of exposing more of the second-pass tubes directly to the steam entering the condenser, while the majority of the first-pass tubes remain in the upper portion of the tube bundle. In the first-pass there are 109 tubes and in the second-pass there are 108 tubes. The results of Case 3 can be compared to those of Case 1 to evaluate the effect of moving some of the first-pass tubes down to lower rows in the tube bundle. 30 Figure 17. Case 3 Tube Configuration Algorithm Results Using Mehrabian-Based [4] Velocities The results for Case 4 using a Mehrabian-based velocity profile through the tube bundle shows the lower tube bundles have the greatest change in circulating water temperature. The bottom-most row of tubes in the first-pass, row 20, and in the second-pass, row 25, has the hottest circulating water temperatures. These results are presented in Figure 18, Figure 19 and Table 9. 31 Figure 18. Case 3 First-Pass Circulating Water Temperature vs Tube Length Figure 19. Case 3 Second-Pass Circulating Water Temperature vs Tube Length 32 Table 9. Case 3 First and Second-Pass Heat Flux and Outlet Circulating Water Temperature First-Pass Second-Pass Row q" (W/m2K) Tl_out (°C) Row q" (W/m2K) Tl_out (°C) 1 1.319E+04 23.360 6 2.120E+04 28.713 2 1.601E+04 23.841 7 2.205E+04 28.859 3 1.788E+04 24.161 8 2.282E+04 28.990 4 1.934E+04 24.408 9 2.352E+04 29.109 5 2.053E+04 24.611 10 2.416E+04 29.219 6 2.154E+04 24.784 11 2.475E+04 29.319 7 2.242E+04 24.935 12 2.530E+04 29.413 8 2.322E+04 25.070 13 2.582E+04 29.501 9 2.394E+04 25.193 14 2.630E+04 29.584 10 2.460E+04 25.306 15 2.676E+04 29.661 11 2.520E+04 25.409 16 2.719E+04 29.735 12 2.577E+04 25.505 17 2.760E+04 29.805 13 2.630E+04 25.595 18 2.799E+04 29.871 14 2.679E+04 25.680 19 2.836E+04 29.934 15 2.726E+04 25.759 20 2.872E+04 29.995 16 2.770E+04 25.835 21 2.906E+04 30.053 17 2.812E+04 25.906 22 2.938E+04 30.109 18 2.852E+04 25.974 23 2.969E+04 30.162 19 2.889E+04 26.038 24 2.999E+04 30.212 20 2.926E+04 26.101 25 3.027E+04 30.261 21 2.961E+04 26.161 The average outlet circulating water temperature for the first-pass rows is 25.097°C and for the second-pass rows is 29.758°C. The Case 3 configuration increases the circulating water temperature by 8.648°C from the initial inlet temperature in the first-pass rows. 33 FLOW3D Results Velocity (m/s) Condenser Height (m) The Case 3 velocity contours are shown below in Figure 20 and the steam-air mixture temperature contours are shown in Figure 21. Condenser Width (m) Figure 20. Case 3 FLOW3D Velocity Magnitude Contours 34 35 Temperature (K) Condenser Height (m) Figure 21. Case 3 FLOW3D Mixture Temperature Contours 36 The first-pass tubes can be seen above the 45-degree axis dividing the two passes. The steam-air mixture is cooling as it moves downward through the tube bundle, particularly in the region where the first-pass tubes are in the lower potion of the tube bundle. The FLOW3D data is used in the algorithm to create the circulating water temperature distribution. As seen in Figure 22, Figure 23 and Table 10, there is an increase in velocity at row 5, which caused the circulating water temperature to rise above the temperature of the higher elevation rows. The velocity decreased through the tube bundle, except at rows 2, 5, 10, 14, 18 and 25 where there were local increases. Figure 22. Case 3 First-Pass Circulating Water Temperature vs Tube Length Using FLOW3D Data 37 Figure 23. Case 3 Second-Pass Circulating Water Temperature vs Tube Length Using FLOW3D Data Table 10. Case 3 First and Second-Pass Heat Flux and Outlet Circulating Water Temperature Using FLOW3D Data First-Pass Second-Pass Row q" (W/m2K) Tl_out (°C) Row q" (W/m2K) Tl_out (°C) 1 9.361E+03 22.707 6 8.702E+03 23.859 2 9.357E+03 22.707 7 8.629E+03 23.846 3 9.152E+03 22.672 8 7.671E+03 23.683 4 8.674E+03 22.590 9 7.139E+03 23.592 5 9.978E+03 22.813 10 7.481E+03 23.650 6 8.812E+03 22.614 11 6.292E+03 23.448 7 8.741E+03 22.602 12 6.239E+03 23.439 8 7.774E+03 22.437 13 5.312E+03 23.280 9 7.236E+03 22.345 14 5.457E+03 23.305 10 7.583E+03 22.404 15 5.087E+03 23.242 38 11 6.380E+03 22.199 16 5.027E+03 23.232 12 6.326E+03 22.190 17 4.405E+03 23.126 13 5.387E+03 22.030 18 4.478E+03 23.138 14 5.534E+03 22.055 19 4.032E+03 23.062 15 5.160E+03 21.991 20 3.837E+03 23.029 16 5.099E+03 21.981 21 3.654E+03 22.998 17 4.468E+03 21.873 22 3.508E+03 22.973 18 4.542E+03 21.886 23 3.328E+03 22.942 19 4.090E+03 21.809 24 3.179E+03 22.917 20 3.892E+03 21.775 25 3.228E+03 22.925 21 3.707E+03 21.743 The Case 3 FLOW3D analysis results in an average first-pass and second-pass circulating water outlet temperature of 22.374°C and 23.192°C, respectively. Case 4 Case 4 is the opposite configuration from Case 3, where the first-pass is on the bottom, Figure 24. This provides a clear comparison between Case 4 and Case 3, showing the impact of reversing the passes, as well as a comparison to Case 2, where all of the first-pass tubes were on the bottom half of the tube bundle. Figure 24. Case 4 Tube Configuration 39 Algorithm Results Using Mehrabian-Based [4] Velocities The results obtained from the algorithm for the Case 4 tube configuration follow the same correlation established in the previous cases. Similar to that shown in Case 2, where the first-pass is on the bottom of the bundle, the circulating water through the first-pass tubes heats up more than in the Case 3 configuration, which results in a greater increase in the second-pass circulating water temperature. The circulating water temperature for the first and second-passes along the length of the tubes is seen in Figure 25 and Figure 26, respectively. The calculated values of the circulating water temperature at each row, and the corresponding heat flux, are provided in Table 11. Figure 25. Case 4 First-Pass Circulating Water Temperature vs Tube Length 40 Figure 26. Case 4 Second-Pass Circulating Water Temperature vs Tube Length Table 11. Case 4 First and Second-Pass Heat Flux and Outlet Circulating Water Temperature First-Pass Second-Pass Row q" (W/m2K) Tl_out (°C) Row q" (W/m2K) Tl_out (°C) 6 2.158E+04 24.791 1 1.254E+04 28.002 7 2.246E+04 24.941 2 1.523E+04 28.460 8 2.325E+04 25.075 3 1.701E+04 28.764 9 2.397E+04 25.198 4 1.839E+04 29.000 10 2.463E+04 25.310 5 1.952E+04 29.193 11 2.523E+04 25.414 6 2.049E+04 29.357 12 2.580E+04 25.510 7 2.133E+04 29.501 13 2.633E+04 25.600 8 2.208E+04 29.629 14 2.682E+04 25.684 9 2.277E+04 29.746 15 2.728E+04 25.764 10 2.339E+04 29.853 41 16 2.773E+04 25.839 11 2.397E+04 29.951 17 2.815E+04 25.911 12 2.451E+04 30.043 18 2.854E+04 25.978 13 2.501E+04 30.129 19 2.892E+04 26.043 14 2.548E+04 30.209 20 2.929E+04 26.106 15 2.592E+04 30.285 21 2.964E+04 26.165 16 2.634E+04 30.356 22 2.997E+04 26.222 17 2.674E+04 30.424 23 3.029E+04 26.276 18 2.712E+04 30.489 24 3.060E+04 26.328 19 2.748E+04 30.550 25 3.089E+04 26.378 20 2.783E+04 30.609 21 2.816E+04 30.666 The average outlet circulating water temperature for the first-pass is 25.862°C and for the second pass is 29.654°C, which is an increase from the initial temperature of 8.544°C. FLOW3D Results 42 Velocity (m/s) Condenser Height (m) The Case 4 FLOW3D velocity profile exhibits a local increase in velocity at the second row and then decreases in magnitude until another spike in row 5. The decreasing velocity trend continues through the tube bundle, except for rows 10, 14, 18 and 25. The overall velocity profile, Figure 27, is similar to those obtained in the previous cases. Condenser Width (m) Figure 27. Case 4 FLOW3D Velocity Magnitude Contours The FLOW3D steam-air mixture temperature distribution for Case 4 is shown in Figure 28. 43 Temperature (K) Condenser Height (m) Figure 28. Case 4 FLOW3D Mixture Temperature Contours 44 The configuration of the colder first-pass tubes in Case 4 is apparent in the Figure 28 contour. These tubes are readily seen below the 45-degree axis that divides the first and second-passes. The sudden increase in velocity at rows 2, 5, 10, 14, 18 and 25 cause the circulating water temperatures in these particular rows to be higher than the surrounding rows, as demonstrated in Figure 29, Figure 30 and quantitatively shown in Table 12. 45 Figure 29. Case 4 First-Pass Circulating Water Temperature vs Tube Length Using FLOW3D Data Figure 30. Case 4 Second-Pass Circulating Water Temperature vs Tube Length Using FLOW3D Data 46 Table 12. Case 4 First and Second-Pass Heat Flux and Outlet Circulating Water Temperature Using FLOW3D Data First-Pass Second-Pass Row q" (W/m2K) Tl_out (°C) Row q" (W/m2K) Tl_out (°C) 6 8.813E+03 22.614 1 9.266E+03 23.519 7 8.740E+03 22.601 2 9.275E+03 23.521 8 7.779E+03 22.438 3 9.068E+03 23.485 9 7.245E+03 22.347 4 8.593E+03 23.405 10 7.567E+03 22.401 5 9.884E+03 23.625 11 6.362E+03 22.196 6 8.731E+03 23.428 12 6.303E+03 22.186 7 8.659E+03 23.416 13 5.394E+03 22.031 8 7.706E+03 23.253 14 5.533E+03 22.055 9 7.177E+03 23.163 15 5.166E+03 21.992 10 7.497E+03 23.218 16 5.093E+03 21.980 11 6.302E+03 23.014 17 4.469E+03 21.873 12 6.244E+03 23.004 18 4.534E+03 21.884 13 5.343E+03 22.850 19 4.092E+03 21.809 14 5.481E+03 22.874 20 3.899E+03 21.776 15 5.117E+03 22.812 21 3.689E+03 21.740 16 5.045E+03 22.799 22 3.548E+03 21.716 17 4.426E+03 22.694 23 3.354E+03 21.683 18 4.491E+03 22.705 24 3.209E+03 21.658 19 4.053E+03 22.630 25 3.272E+03 21.669 20 3.861E+03 22.598 21 3.654E+03 22.562 The average outlet circulating water temperature from the first-pass tubes is 21.939°C. The exit circulating water temperature from the second-pass tubes is 23.190°C. Case 5 47 The Case 5 tube configuration evaluates the outlet circulating water temperature with the first-pass tubes on the outer edges of the bundle and the second-pass tubes centered in the middle of the tube bundle, Figure 31. The first-pass consists of 108 tubes and the second-pass consists of 109 tubes. Figure 31. Case 5 Tube Configuration Algorithm Results Using Mehrabian-Based [4] Velocities The results from Case 4 show that for both the first and second-passes, the lower the tube row is in the tube bundle, the larger the amount of heat transferred to the system and the higher the temperature of the circulating water. This correlation is seen in Figure 32 and Figure 33, and presented quantitatively in Table 13. The topmost row in each pass, row 1 and row 5, has the coolest circulating water temperatures in the first and second-pass, respectively. 48 Case 5 - First-Pass Circulating Water Temperature vs Tube Length 27.00 Row 1 Circulating Water Temperature (°C) 26.00 25.00 24.00 23.00 22.00 21.00 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 Row 2 Row 3 Row 4 Row 5 Row 6 Row 7 Row 8 Row 9 Row 10 Row 11 Row 12 Row 13 Row 14 Row 15 Row 16 Row 17 Row 18 Row 19 Row 20 Row 21 Row 22 Row 23 Row 24 Row 25 Average Tube Length (m) Figure 32. Case 5 First-Pass Circulating Water Temperature vs Tube Length Figure 33. Case 5 Second-Pass Circulating Water Temperature vs Tube Length Case 5 - Second-Pass Circulating Water Temperature vs Tube Length 31.00 Row 5 30.00 Row 6 Row 7 Circulating Water Temperature (°C) Row 8 29.00 Row 9 Row 10 Row 11 Row 12 28.00 Row 13 Row 14 Row 15 27.00 Row 16 Row 17 Row 18 Row 19 26.00 Row 20 Row 21 Average 25.00 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Tube Length (m) 49 2.5 3 3.5 Table 13. Case 5 First and Second-Pass Heat Flux and Outlet Circulating Water Temperature First-Pass Second-Pass Row q" (W/m2K) Tl_out (°C) Row q" (W/m2K) Tl_out (°C) 1 1.319E+04 23.361 5 1.961E+04 28.755 2 1.602E+04 23.842 6 2.059E+04 28.921 3 1.789E+04 24.162 7 2.144E+04 29.066 4 1.934E+04 24.409 8 2.220E+04 29.195 5 2.053E+04 24.612 9 2.289E+04 29.313 6 2.155E+04 24.785 10 2.352E+04 29.421 7 2.243E+04 24.936 11 2.410E+04 29.520 8 2.322E+04 25.071 12 2.464E+04 29.612 9 2.394E+04 25.194 13 2.515E+04 29.698 10 2.461E+04 25.307 14 2.562E+04 29.779 11 2.521E+04 25.410 15 2.606E+04 29.855 12 2.578E+04 25.506 16 2.649E+04 29.927 13 2.631E+04 25.597 17 2.689E+04 29.996 14 2.680E+04 25.681 18 2.727E+04 30.061 15 2.727E+04 25.761 19 2.763E+04 30.123 16 2.771E+04 25.836 20 2.798E+04 30.182 17 2.813E+04 25.907 21 2.831E+04 30.239 18 2.853E+04 25.975 19 2.890E+04 26.040 20 2.927E+04 26.103 21 2.962E+04 26.162 22 2.996E+04 26.219 23 3.027E+04 26.273 24 3.058E+04 26.325 25 3.087E+04 26.375 50 The average outlet circulating water temperatures for the first and second-pass tubes are presented in Table 14. Table 14. Case 5 Calculated Temperatures Case 5 Temperatures (°C) First-Pass Outlet 25.409 Second-Pass Outlet 29.648 ΔT Between Passes 4.239 Overall ΔT 8.538 FLOW3D Results Velocity (m/s) Condenser Height (m) A generally decreasing velocity profile is constructed for Case 5 in FLOW3D, which is shown in Figure 34. 51 Figure 34. Case 5 FLOW3D Velocity Magnitude Contours Condenser Width (m) Figure 35. Case 5 FLOW3D Mixture Temperature Contours 52 Temperature (K) Condenser Height (m) The FLOW3D simulation also provided the steam-air mixture temperature contours shown in Figure 35. The first-pass tubes are more clearly seen on the outer edges in the lower half of the tube bundle. The local velocities at rows 5, 10, 14, 18 and 25 increase to a magnitude greater than that of the velocity at the row located above it in the tube bundle. The effect of the increase in velocity causes a local increase in circulating water temperature, thereby correlating the velocity proportionally to the circulating water temperature. For this reason, the circulating Case 5 - First-Pass Circulating Water Temperature vs Tube Length Using FLOW3D Data Row 1 Row 2 Row 3 Row 4 Row 5 Row 6 Row 7 Row 8 Row 9 Row 10 Row 11 Row 12 Row 13 Row 14 Row 15 Row 16 Row 17 Row 18 Row 19 Row 20 Row 21 Row 22 Row 23 Row 24 Row 25 Average 23.00 22.80 Circulating Water Temperature (°C) 22.60 22.40 22.20 22.00 21.80 21.60 21.40 21.20 21.00 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 Tube Length (m) water temperatures in rows 5, 10, 14, 18 and 25 are slightly higher than the temperature of the circulating water in the row directly above these five rows, shown in Figure 36 and Figure 37, and quantitatively in Table 15. Figure 36. Case 5 First-Pass Circulating Water Temperature vs Tube Length Using FLOW3D Data 53 Case 5 - Second Pass Circulating Water Temperature vs Tube Length Using FLOW3D Data 24.00 23.80 Row 5 Row 6 Circulating Water Temperature (°C) 23.60 Row 7 Row 8 23.40 Row 9 Row 10 23.20 Row 11 Row 12 23.00 Row 13 Row 14 22.80 Row 15 Row 16 22.60 Row 17 Row 18 22.40 Row 19 Row 20 22.20 Row 21 Average 22.00 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 Tube Length (m) Figure 37. Case 5 Second-Pass Circulating Water Temperature vs Tube Length Using FLOW3D Data 54 First-Pass Second-Pass Row q" (W/m2K) Tl_out (°C) Row q" (W/m2K) Tl_out (°C) 1 9.370E+03 22.709 5 9.867E+03 23.869 2 9.349E+03 22.705 6 8.715E+03 23.673 3 9.141E+03 22.670 7 8.648E+03 23.661 4 8.662E+03 22.588 8 7.687E+03 23.497 5 9.985E+03 22.814 9 7.147E+03 23.405 6 8.820E+03 22.615 10 7.504E+03 23.466 7 8.752E+03 22.603 11 6.316E+03 23.263 8 7.780E+03 22.438 12 6.307E+03 23.262 9 7.234E+03 22.345 13 5.398E+03 23.107 10 7.594E+03 22.406 14 5.463E+03 23.118 11 6.393E+03 22.201 15 5.106E+03 23.057 12 6.383E+03 22.200 16 4.978E+03 23.035 13 5.465E+03 22.043 17 4.624E+03 22.975 14 5.530E+03 22.054 18 4.662E+03 22.981 15 5.168E+03 21.992 19 4.158E+03 22.895 16 5.039E+03 21.970 20 4.072E+03 22.881 17 4.681E+03 21.909 21 3.828E+03 22.839 18 4.719E+03 21.916 19 4.209E+03 21.829 20 4.122E+03 21.814 55 Table 15. Outlet FLOW3D 21 3.875E+03 21.772 22 3.783E+03 21.756 23 3.562E+03 21.719 24 3.509E+03 21.709 25 3.562E+03 21.718 Case 5 First and Second-Pass Heat Flux and Circulating Water Temperature Using Data 56 The average outlet circulating water temperature for the first-pass is 22.186°C and for the second-pass is 23.216°C. The change in temperature of the circulating water from the inlet to the second-pass exit is 2.106°C. Case 6 The last tube configuration that was analyzed is the opposite configuration of Case 5. Case 6 evaluates the outlet circulating water temperature with the second-pass tubes on the outer edges of the bundle and the first-pass tubes centered in the middle of the tube bundle, Figure 38. The first-pass consists of 109 tubes and the second-pass consists of 108 tubes. Algorithm Results Using Mehrabian-Based [4] Velocities The velocity profile established by Mehrabian increases as the steam-air mixture flows Figure 38. Case 6 Tube Configuration through the tube bundle as a function of the row in the bundle. The circulating water temperature is dependent on the mixture velocity, and as shown in Figure 39 and Figure 40, each lower row in the first and second-passes in the tube bundle exhibits a higher circulating water temperature than the row above it. The calculated values of the heat flux and circulating water temperature at each row for both passes are given in Table 16. 57 Figure 39. Case 6 First-Pass Circulating Water Temperature vs Tube Length Figure 40. Case 6 Second-Pass Circulating Water Temperature vs Tube Length 58 Table 16. Case 6 First and Second-Pass Heat Flux and Outlet Circulating Water Temperature First-Pass Second-Pass Row q" (W/m2K) Tl_out (°C) Row q" (W/m2K) Tl_out (°C) 5 2.055E+04 24.615 1 1.259E+04 27.693 6 2.156E+04 24.788 2 1.528E+04 28.153 7 2.244E+04 24.938 3 1.707E+04 28.458 8 2.323E+04 25.073 4 1.846E+04 28.695 9 2.395E+04 25.196 5 1.960E+04 28.888 10 2.461E+04 25.308 6 2.056E+04 29.054 11 2.522E+04 25.411 7 2.141E+04 29.198 12 2.578E+04 25.508 8 2.217E+04 29.327 13 2.631E+04 25.598 9 2.285E+04 29.444 14 2.681E+04 25.682 10 2.348E+04 29.551 15 2.727E+04 25.762 11 2.406E+04 29.650 16 2.772E+04 25.837 12 2.460E+04 29.742 17 2.813E+04 25.909 13 2.511E+04 29.828 18 2.853E+04 25.976 14 2.558E+04 29.909 19 2.891E+04 26.041 15 2.602E+04 29.985 20 2.928E+04 26.104 16 2.645E+04 30.057 21 2.963E+04 26.163 17 2.685E+04 30.125 18 2.723E+04 30.190 19 2.759E+04 30.252 20 2.794E+04 30.311 21 2.827E+04 30.368 22 2.859E+04 30.422 23 2.889E+04 30.474 24 2.918E+04 30.524 25 2.946E+04 30.571 59 The average outlet circulating water temperature for the first-pass is 25.545°C and for the second-pass is 29.649°C. In this case, the circulating water temperature increased by 8.539°C. FLOW3D Results Velocity (m/s) Condenser Height (m) In Figure 41, the FLOW3D velocity magnitude contours are shown to decrease through the tube bundle, except at rows 2, 3, 5, 10, 14, 18 and 25. The localized increase in velocity is consistent with other FLOW3D velocity contours, showing that the velocity profile is decoupled from the heat transfer occurring in the system due to the configuration of the first and secondpass tubes. Condenser Width (m) Figure 41. Case 6 FLOW3D Velocity Magnitude Contours The mixture temperature contours predicted in FLOW3D, Figure 42, show the first-pass tubes in the lower half of the tube bundle, as well as the second-pass tubes in the lower half of the tube bundle contribute most to the cooling of the steam-air mixture. Figure 42. Case 6 FLOW3D Mixture Temperature Contours (K) (m) 60 Condenser Width (m) Using the velocity profile established in FLOW3D for Case 6, the circulating water temperature is calculated from the algorithm to produce the graphs of temperature along the length of the tubes for both the first and second-pass rows, Figure 43 and Figure 44, respectively. As in the graphs of the other cases using FLOW3D, the rows that do not experience a decrease in velocity have higher circulating water temperatures relative to that of the row above. 61 Figure 43. Case 6 First-Pass Circulating Water Temperature vs Tube Length Using FLOW3D Data Figure 44. Case 6 Second-Pass Circulating Water Temperature vs Tube Length Using FLOW3D Data 62 Table 17. Case 6 First and Second-Pass Heat Flux and Outlet Circulating Water Temperature Using FLOW3D Data First-Pass Second-Pass Row q" (W/m2K) Tl_out (°C) Row q" (W/m2K) Tl_out (°C) 5 9.999E+03 22.816 1 9.237E+03 23.725 6 8.813E+03 22.614 2 9.262E+03 23.730 7 8.760E+03 22.605 3 9.053E+03 23.694 8 7.798E+03 22.441 4 8.578E+03 23.613 9 7.173E+03 22.334 5 9.884E+03 23.836 10 7.588E+03 22.405 6 8.711E+03 23.636 11 6.381E+03 22.199 7 8.659E+03 23.627 12 6.368E+03 22.197 8 7.707E+03 23.464 13 5.457E+03 22.042 9 7.090E+03 23.359 14 5.509E+03 22.051 10 7.501E+03 23.429 15 5.127E+03 21.985 11 6.307E+03 23.226 16 5.018E+03 21.967 12 6.293E+03 23.223 17 4.678E+03 21.909 13 5.392E+03 23.070 18 4.715E+03 21.915 14 5.445E+03 23.079 19 4.187E+03 21.825 15 5.067E+03 23.014 20 3.987E+03 21.791 16 4.959E+03 22.996 21 3.860E+03 21.769 17 4.623E+03 22.938 18 4.659E+03 22.945 19 4.138E+03 22.856 20 3.940E+03 22.822 21 3.814E+03 22.800 22 3.598E+03 22.764 23 3.497E+03 22.746 24 3.306E+03 22.714 25 3.406E+03 22.731 63 The average outlet circulating water temperature for the first and second-pass tubes is 22.150°C and 23.208°C, respectively. The overall temperature rise of the circulating water for Case 6 is 2.098°C. Comparison of Results Using Mehrabian-Based Velocity Profile The results of the six cases using the Mehrabian-based velocity profile were compared using the average circulating water temperature values. The Mehrabian-based velocity profile increases through the tube bundle with each row, such that each successive row of tubes experiences a higher velocity than the row above it. This velocity profile is constant throughout all of the six cases. The comparison of the average first-pass outlet circulating water temperature is shown below in Figure 45. Figure 45. Comparison of Average First-Pass Circulating Water Temperature vs Length Of the six cases, Case 2 had the most heat transferred to the first-pass tubes. The firstpass tubes in Case 2 were located on the bottom half of the tubes bundle. Case 4, which also had the first-pass on the lower half of the tube bundle, below the 45-degree axis separating the first and second-passes, had the second-highest outlet circulating water temperature. Cases 2 and 4 are most similar in tube configuration, thereby validating the results as these two cases should exhibit similar amounts of heat transfer to the circulating water. Case 6, which centered 64 the first-pass tubes inside of the second-pass tubes, had the next hottest outlet circulating water temperature, followed by the reverse tube configuration, Case 5. The tube configuration in Cases 5 and 6 provide for an averaged amount of heat transferred relative to the cases where the first-pass tubes are concentrated in either the upper or lower half of the bundle. The case where all of the first-pass tubes were on the upper half of the tube bundle, Case 1, resulted in the least amount of heat transferred to the circulating water. Case 3, which is most similar to Case 1, has the second coldest outlet circulating water temperature. Case 3 does not have as many first-pass tubes on the upper half of the tube bundle as Case 1, which is why the average outlet circulating water temperature is slightly higher than that of Case 1. The results presented in Figure 45 show that the most effective orientation of the tubes to maximize heat transfer in the first-pass is Case 2, where the most first-pass tubes are located in the lowest rows in the tube bundle. The stratification of the first-pass outlet circulating water temperatures across the six cases is decreased significantly over the second-pass. The temperatures in the second-pass appear to converge, as shown in Figure 46. Figure 46. Comparison of Average Second-Pass Circulating Water Temperature vs Length Unlike the first-pass, where the hottest average circulating water temperature occurred in the case with the first-pass tubes located as low in the tube bundle as possible, there is not a clear correlation between the average second-pass outlet circulating water temperature and the second-pass tube orientation. Case 3, which orients the first-pass tubes on the upper half of the bundle separated by a 45-degree axis, has the hottest outlet temperature. The largest change in temperature from the outlet of the first-pass to the outlet of the second-pass is Case 1. These values are presented below in Table 18. 65 Table 18. Case Comparison of Circulating Water Temperatures Temperature (°C) Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 Case 4 Case 5 Case 6 First-Pass Outlet 24.872 25.996 25.097 25.862 25.409 25.545 Second-Pass Outlet 29.657 29.699 29.758 29.654 29.648 29.649 ΔT Between Passes 4.786 3.703 4.661 3.792 4.239 4.103 Overall ΔT 8.547 8.589 8.648 8.544 8.538 8.539 Based on the average values calculated from the six cases, Case 3 appears to be the most favorable tube configuration for maximizing increase in temperature of the circulating water. A comparison of the outlet circulating water temperatures for both the first and second-passes is shown in Figure 47. 66 Figure 47. Comparison of Average First and Second-Pass Outlet Circulating Water Temperature Again, the relative disparity in the first-pass outlet circulating water temperatures is largely erased in the second-pass. However, Case 3 has a slightly hotter outlet temperature. Comparison of Results Using FLOW3D-Based Velocity Profile Similar to that discussed in section 3.2, the results predicted using FLOW3D were compared for all six tube configurations. Unlike the velocity profile produced according to Mehrabian [4], the velocity profile established from FLOW3D simulations resulted in a decrease in steam-air mixture velocity as the mixture passed downward through the tube bundle. The FLOW3D velocity profile for each case was fairly similar, which shows that for the analysis of the FLOW3D results, the analysis of the heat transfer occurring in the six cases is independent of the velocity profile. Therefore, the average circulating water temperatures for the first and second-pass tubes were plotted for each case to determine the most favorable tube configuration for heat transfer from the mixture to the circulating water. A comparison of the first-pass circulating water temperature is shown in Figure 48 and a comparison of the secondpass circulating water temperature is shown in Figure 49. 67 Figure 48. Comparison of Average First-pass Circulating Water Temperature vs Length Using FLOW3D Data The range of outlet circulating water temperatures from the first-pass is relatively small; however, Cases 1 and 3 exhibit the largest increase in temperature. These two cases are the most similar in tube configuration and should yield similar results. Case 1 contains more first-pass tubes on the lower half of the tube bundle than Case 3, and according to Figure 48, Case 1 has a slightly higher outlet temperature than Case 3. Correspondingly, Cases 2 and 4 have the most similar tube configurations where the concentration of first-pass tubes is on the lower half of the tube bundle, showing that the lower the first-pass tubes are, the less heat transfer to the tubes occurs. Case 2, which has all of the first-pass tubes on the lower half of the tube bundle, has the coldest outlet circulating water temperature. Cases 5 and 6 have either the second-pass or first-pass tubes centered in the tube bundle, respectively. These cases demonstrate that when the tubes are distributed equally in both the upper and lower halves of the tube bundle, the resultant circulating water temperature is approximately averaged between the calculated temperature when either pass is concentrated on one half of the bundle. 68 The case with the hottest final exit temperature of the circulating water, or the average of the outlet of the second-pass tubes, is not as distinct as with the first-pass tubes. The outlet temperatures in the second-pass tubes tend to converge toward the same temperature, with Case 1 being the coldest. This trend is shown in Figure 49. Figure 49. Comparison of Average Second-pass Circulating Water Temperature vs Length Using FLOW3D Data As was seen with the first-pass, the circulating water temperatures in the second-pass are similar for the similar tube configurations. Cases 1 and 3, Cases 2 and 4, and Cases 5 and 6 show comparable trends in increases circulating water temperature. Table 19 provides the calculated circulating water temperatures, showing that Case 1 experiences the most heat transfer in the first-pass, Case 2 experiences the most heat transfer from the first-pass to the second-pass and Case 5 has the most overall heat transfer to the circulating water. Table 19. Case Comparison of Circulating Water Temperatures Using FLOW3D Data Temperature (°C) Case 1 Case 2 69 Case 3 Case 4 Case 5 Case 6 First-Pass Outlet 22.380 21.884 22.374 21.939 22.186 22.150 Second-Pass Outlet 23.147 23.206 23.192 23.190 23.216 23.208 ΔT Between Passes 0.767 1.322 0.817 1.251 1.030 1.058 Overall ΔT 2.037 2.096 2.082 2.080 2.106 2.098 The average first and second-pass outlet circulating water temperatures for the six cases are plotted in Figure 50, showing the relative differences in the first-pass outlet temperatures and the convergence to approximately 23.2°C in the second-pass. Figure 50. Comparison of Average First and Second-Pass Outlet Circulating Water Temperature Using FLOW3D Data Comparison of Mehrabian and FLOW3D-Based Results The results from the algorithm using the Mehrabian [4] and FLOW3D-based velocity profiles are compared to evaluate the sensitivity of the circulating water temperature to velocity. The velocity profile based on Mehrabian [4] is row dependent and increases as the steam-air mixture moves downward through the tube bundle. It is constant for all six cases and has very high velocities. The velocity profile obtained from simulating the condenser in FLOW3D is slightly different for the six cases, but all decrease as the steam-air mixture moves downward through the tube bundle. There are localized velocity increases at the same rows for most of the cases, which shows that the tube bundle geometry has an effect on the velocity profile through the tubes. Compared to FLOW3D, the Mehrabian-based velocity profile is a much larger order of magnitude. Therefore, the temperature changes seen in the cases using 70 FLOW3D data are much smaller than those from the Mehrabian-based velocities. A comparison of the first and second-pass circulating water temperatures for the Mehrabian and FLOW3D-based velocity profiles are shown in Figure 51 and Figure 52. Figure 51. Comparison of Velocity Profiles on First-Pass Circulating Water Temperature Figure 51 demonstrates the effect of the magnitude of velocity on the circulating water temperature in the first-pass tubes. Increasing the magnitude of the velocity increases the circulating water temperature. The change in circulating water temperature in the first-pass for Mehrabian-based steam-air mixture velocity is substantially larger than for the FLOW3D-based steam-air mixture velocity. The hottest first-pass cases for a Mehrabian-based mixture velocity are with the first-pass tubes located on the lower half. Whereas a FLOW3D-based mixture velocity shows that the hottest first-pass cases are with the first-pass tubes located on the upper half. This difference can be attributed to the difference in velocity profiles. The firstpass tubes that experience the highest velocity, which are the lowest tube rows with Mehrabian (Cases 2 and 4) and the highest tube rows with FLOW3D (Cases 1 and 3), have the most heat transfer to the tubes, resulting in the highest outlet circulating water temperature. Therefore, the velocity is proportional to the circulating water temperature. As the velocity increases, the outlet circulating water temperature increases. For both steam-air mixture velocity profiles, the second-pass outlet circulating water temperatures of all six cases appear to converge. As the velocity profile based on Mehrabian is 71 larger than that of FLOW3D, the second-pass circulating water temperature calculated is hotter for the Mehrabian-based profile than the FLOW3D-based profile. This is evident in Figure 52. Figure 52. Comparison of Velocity Profiles on Second-Pass Circulating Water Temperature Analogous to the first-pass circulating water temperature differences seen in Figure 51, the second-pass tubes that are subjected to higher steam-air mixture velocities (the lower tubes in a Mehrabian velocity profile and the higher tubes in a FLOW3D velocity profile), result in the hottest outlet circulating water temperature. Based on a Mehrabian velocity profile, the cases with the second-pass tubes located in the lower half of the tube bundle, Cases 1 and 3, have the largest change in temperature between the two passes. Based on a FLOW3D velocity profile, the cases with the second-pass tubes located in the upper half of the tube bundle, Cases 2 and 4, have the largest change in temperature between the two passes. The calculated temperatures of the first and second-passes, the change in temperature between the two passes and the overall change in circulating water temperature are provided in Table 20. Also provided in Table 20 is the change in temperature between the results using two types of steam-air mixture velocity profiles. 72 Table 20. Case Comparison of Mehrabian and FLOW3D Circulating Water Temperatures Temperature (°C) Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 Mehrabian FLOW3D ΔT Mehrabian FLOW3D ΔT Mehrabian FLOW3D ΔT First-Pass Outlet 24.872 22.380 2.492 25.996 21.884 4.112 25.097 22.374 2.722 Second-Pass Outlet 29.657 23.147 6.511 29.699 23.206 6.494 29.758 23.192 6.566 ΔT Between Passes 4.786 0.767 3.703 1.322 4.661 0.817 Overall ΔT 8.547 2.037 8.589 2.096 8.648 2.082 Case 4 Case 5 Case 6 Mehrabian FLOW3D ΔT Mehrabian FLOW3D ΔT Mehrabian FLOW3D ΔT First-Pass Outlet 25.862 21.939 3.923 25.409 22.186 3.222 25.545 22.150 3.395 Second-Pass Outlet 29.654 23.190 6.464 29.648 23.216 6.432 29.649 23.208 6.441 ΔT Between Passes 3.792 1.251 4.239 1.030 4.103 1.058 Overall ΔT 8.544 2.080 8.538 2.106 8.539 2.098 Overall, using a smaller magnitude velocity profile, such as the one calculated from FLOW3D, produces a smaller change in circulating water temperature. The temperature differences between the Mehrabian-based and FLOW3D-based velocity profiles are consistent throughout the analyses of the six tube configurations. The analyses using a Mehrabian-based velocity profile result in Case 3 having the hottest circulating water temperature. The analyses using a FLOW3D-based velocity profile results in Case 5 having the hottest circulating water temperature. Conclusions Six unique tube configurations in a horizontal, two-pass condenser were analyzed in an iterative heat and mass transfer algorithm to determine the outlet circulating water temperature through the tubes. The algorithm considers the heat transferred from the steamair mixture to the interface between the mixture and condensate, through the condensate, through the tube wall and into the circulating water. The algorithm also takes into account the latent heat produced by the condensate forming around the tubes. A steam-air mixture velocity profile was established using the approach taken by Mehrabian [4]. The outlet 73 circulating water temperature for each first-pass row was calculated and using a weighted average, a new inlet circulating water temperature was created for the second-pass tubes, from which an exit circulating water temperature was calculated. The results using the assumed Mehrabian-based steam-air mixture velocity profile in the heat and mass transfer algorithm show that all six cases have higher outlet circulating water temperatures for the second-pass tubes than for the first-pass tubes. More heat is transferred to the first-pass tubes when these tubes are located on the bottom of the tube bundle, such as in Cases 2 and 4. Case 2 resulted in the most heat transferred to the first-pass tubes, resulting in the warmest circulating water at the outlet of the first-pass, with a temperature of 25.996°C. Case 1 resulted in the largest change in circulating water temperature from the first-pass to the second-pass with a change of 4.786°C. Overall, Case 3 resulted in the most heat transferred to the circulating water, with an average second-pass outlet temperature of 29.758°C. The Mehrabian steam-air mixture velocity profile that was used in the algorithm could be more accurate and closer to the actual velocity in the condenser, similar to the velocity profile seen in the FLOW3D simulations, by using a different correction factor. The Mehrabian [4] approach directly increases the pressure drop, and consequently, the row velocity with each successive row, which significantly increases the velocity at higher rows. The steam-air mixture velocity profiles obtained from FLOW3D simulations of the six cases decreases as the steam-air mixture moves downward through the tube bundle, due to the tubes obstructing the mixture flow path. This velocity profile is opposite from the assumed profile based on Mehrabian. The FLOW3D velocity profiles obtained for each of the six cases are relatively similar and exhibit symmetry. Comparable to the results using the Mehrabianbased velocity profile, the results using FLOW3D data shows an increase in circulating water temperature in both the first and second-passes. Case 1 has the hottest circulating water temperature of 22.380°C at the outlet of the first-pass tubes. Case 2 has the largest change in temperature between the first and second-passes of 1.322°C. Case 5 has the hottest secondpass circulating water temperature of 23.216°C. In comparing results calculated from the Mehrabian and FLOW3D steam-air mixture velocity profiles in the algorithm, the heat flux and circulating water temperature are found to be proportional to the velocity. As the velocity increases, the heat flux and circulating water temperature increases, consistent with thermodynamic principles. The first-pass tubes that experience the highest velocity, which are the lowest tube rows with a Mehrabian-based velocity profile (Cases 2 and 4) and the highest tube rows with a FLOW3D-based velocity profile (Cases 1 and 3), have the most heat transfer to the tubes. The tubes where the highest velocities result in the highest outlet circulating water temperature. Therefore, the velocity is proportional to the circulating water temperature. The FLOW3D models may be refined to more accurately compare the results of the algorithm with those employing the Mehrabian approach to the steam-air mixture velocity. The FLOW3D grid that was generated was relatively coarse and the flow was assumed laminar in order to expedite simulating all six cases. A higher grid resolution and assuming a turbulent steam-air mixture flow through the bundles would each increase the predicted maximum 74 velocity through the tubes. A grid sensitivity and/or closure model sensitivity analysis could be performed to further validate the results obtained herein. References [1] M.R. Malin, “Modeling Flow in an Experimental Marine Condenser.” International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 24 (5) (1997) 597-608 [2] M.W. Browne, P.K. Bansal, “An overview of condensation heat transfer on horizontal tube bundles.” Applied Thermal Engineering 19 (1999) 565-594 [3] Wilson, A. Safwat, and M. Khalil Bassiouny, “Modeling of heat transfer for flow across tube banks.” Chemical Engineering and Processing 39 (2000) 1-14 [4] M.A. Mehrabian, “Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop Characteristics of Cross Flow of Air Over a Circular Tube in Isolation and/or in a Tube Bank.” The Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering 32, Number 2B (2007) 365-376 Appendix A – Steam-Air Mixture Velocity Profiles Steam-AIr Mixture Velocity Profiles (m/s) Mehrabian FLOW3D Row Cases 1-6 Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 Case 4 Case 5 Case 6 1 48.20 26.74 26.74 26.77 26.72 26.82 26.68 2 68.16 26.93 26.80 26.79 26.81 26.76 26.85 3 83.48 25.58 25.84 25.84 25.84 25.79 25.87 4 96.40 23.26 23.57 23.58 23.57 23.52 23.59 5 107.78 25.33 30.17 30.14 30.12 30.18 30.24 6 118.06 24.33 24.37 24.31 24.32 24.36 24.31 7 127.52 24.01 24.04 24.01 24.01 24.07 24.10 8 136.33 19.41 19.62 19.61 19.64 19.64 19.72 9 144.60 18.92 17.43 17.34 17.38 17.33 17.08 10 152.42 18.71 18.76 18.82 18.75 18.87 18.84 75 11 159.86 13.71 13.93 13.98 13.91 14.03 13.98 12 166.97 13.77 13.75 13.78 13.70 14.00 13.94 13 173.78 10.49 10.57 10.46 10.48 10.72 10.69 14 180.34 10.98 11.05 10.96 10.96 10.94 10.87 15 186.67 9.79 9.90 9.72 9.74 9.75 9.62 16 192.80 9.56 9.64 9.53 9.51 9.34 9.27 17 198.73 7.64 7.80 7.60 7.61 8.23 8.23 18 204.49 7.19 7.93 7.82 7.80 8.35 8.34 19 210.09 6.19 6.77 6.54 6.55 6.87 6.81 20 215.55 6.04 6.16 6.01 6.03 6.63 6.27 21 220.87 5.28 5.85 5.53 5.49 5.97 5.93 22 226.07 4.63 5.37 5.16 5.14 5.73 5.37 23 231.15 4.77 5.12 4.72 4.67 5.18 5.12 24 236.13 4.39 4.72 4.37 4.33 5.05 4.65 25 240.99 4.64 5.08 4.49 4.48 5.18 4.90 Appendix B – FLOW3D Input File for Case 1 Water-steam-air with evaporation/condensation &xput remark='!! Remarks beginning with "!! " are automatically added and removed by FLOW3D.', remark='!! Do not begin any user added remarks with with "!! ". They will be removed', remark='units are SI', twfin=30.0, remark='Final simulation time is 5 minutes', itb=1, remark='Sharp interface tracking on', nmat=2, icmprs=1, remark='Two fluid, compressible flow', ifenrg=3, remark='Energy transport ON, 2nd order advection', ihtc=3, remark='Heat transfer ON -- comp. of conduction in solids', ifvisc=1, remark='Viscosity ON', imphtc=1, remark='Implicit heat transfer', igmres=1, remark='GMRES pressure solver ON', ifdynconv=1, ifrest=0, resfile='flsgrf.condenser1.txt', trest=0.500003, iphchg=2, remark='Two-fluid phase change model ON', incg=1, remark='Non-condensable gas model ON', ifrho=3, remark='Density transport ON, 2nd order advection', gy=-9.817, remark='gravity', ifmu=1, delt=1.0e-5, remark='Initial time is 10 microseconds', iorder=3, remark='3rd order upwind advection', tpltd(1)=0.02, 76 thpltd(1)=0.01, tsprtd(1)=0.0001, / &limits itmax=1000, / &props units='si', tunits='k', rfnc=286.69, remark='Gas constant of pure air (J/Kg.K)', cvnc=1005.0, remark='Heat capacity of pure air (J/Kg.K)', mu1=0.00102, remark='Viscosity of liquid water (Pa.s)', fluid1='liquid water', fluid2='air-water vapor', thexf1=0.0018, remark='Thermal expansion coeff. of liq. water', rf2=461.5, remark='Gas constant pure steam (J/kg.K)', cv1=4181.44, remark='Heat capacity of liquid water (J/kg.K)', cv2=1900.0, remark='Heat capacity of pure steam (J/kg.K)', tstar=333.15, pv1=1.013e5, remark='Constant in psat-T equation (Pa)', tv1=373., remark='Reference temperature in psat-T equation (K)', clhv1=2.212e6, remark='Heat of vaporization of water (J/kg)', rsize=0.05, remark='Accomodation coefficient for phase change', tvexp=0.000453982, remark='Ceofficient in exponent of psat-T eq. (1/K)', tv0=389.65, remark='Superheat temperature (K)', rhof=1024.39, remark='Density of liquid water (kg/m^3)', mu2=0.0000228, remark='Viscosity of air/steam mixture (Pa.s)', rhof2=0.1927, remark='Initial density of air/steam mixture (kg/m^3)', thc1=0.5865, remark='Thermal conductivity of liquid water (W/m.K)', thc2=0.02642, remark='Thermal conductivity of air/steam mixture (W/m.K)', / &scalar / &PCAP / !------------------------------ super block ------------------------ Block 01 &bcdata remark='!! Boundary condition Y Min', ibct(3)=5, ipbctp(3)=0, pbct(1, 3)=34500.0, remark='outlet pressure (Pa)', remark='!! Boundary condition Y Max', remark='y minimum boundary - specified velocity', ibct(4)=6, ipbctp(4)=0, pbct(1, 4)=34490, remark='inlet pressure (Pa)', vbct(1, 4)=0, remark='inlet velocity (m/s)', vbct(2, 4)=-24.101, fbct(1, 4)=0, remark='inlet fluid fraction 0 - vapour, 1 - liquid', remark='y minimum boundary - specified pressure', cncbct(1, 4)=0.0002, remark='inlet mass fraction', tbct(1, 4)=300, remark='inlet temperature', tbct(2, 4)=389.65, remark='!! Boundary condition common parameters', timbct(1)=0, timbct(2)=0.1, / &mesh size=0.006, px(1)=-0.3068, px(2)=0.3068, py(1)=-0.002, py(2)=0.6116, nzcelt=1, pz(1)=0, 77 pz(2)=1.0, / !-------------------------------- nested block -------------------------- Block 02 &bcdata remark='!! Boundary condition common parameters', timbct(1)=0.0, / &mesh size=0.002, px(1)=-0.162, px(2)=0.162, py(1)=0.1440, py(2)=0.4660, nzcelt=1, pz(1)=0, pz(2)=1.0, / !------------------------------------------------------------------------------&obs nobs=3, remark='!! Component 1', obsid(1)='condenser shell properties', remark='!! Subcomponent 1', iob(1)=1, ioh(1)=1, xh(1)=-0.3048, remark='condenser shell', remark='!! Subcomponent 2', iob(2)=1, ioh(2)=1, xl(2)=0.3048, remark='condenser shell', remark='!! Subcomponent 3', iob(3)=1, ioh(3)=1, xh(3)=-0.1524, yl(3)=0.6096, remark='!! Subcomponent 4', iob(4)=1, ioh(4)=1, xl(4)=0.1524, yl(4)=0.6096, remark='!! Subcomponent 5', iob(5)=1, ioh(5)=1, xh(5)=-0.0762, yh(5)=0., remark='!! Subcomponent 6', iob(6)=1, ioh(6)=1, xl(6)=0.0762, yh(6)=0., remark='!! Component 1 properties', rcobs(1)=3612150.00, remark='density x specific heat', kobs(1)=14.60, remark='thermal conductivity (W/m/K)', hobs1(1)=-1.0, hobs2(1)=-1.0, remark='allow heat transfer to all fluids', itpobs(1)=0, twobs(1, 1)=291.48, remark='initial shell wall temp', iaqsrb(1)=0, remark='!! Component 2', obsid(2)='lower tube bundles', ccolor(2)=4294967040, remark='!! Subcomponent 7', iob(7)=2, ioh(7)=1, rah(7)=0.007145, trnx(7)=-0.0381, 78 trny(7)=0.165101, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(8)=2, ioh(8)=1, rah(8)=0.007145, trnx(8)=0.00000, trny(8)=0.152401, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(9)=2, ioh(9)=1, rah(9)=0.007145, trnx(9)=-0.0127, trny(9)=0.165101, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(10)=2, ioh(10)=1, rah(10)=0.007145, trnx(10)=0.01270, trny(10)=0.165101, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(11)=2, ioh(11)=1, rah(11)=0.007145, trnx(11)=0.03810, trny(11)=0.165101, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(12)=2, ioh(12)=1, rah(12)=0.007145, trnx(12)=-0.0508, trny(12)=0.177801, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(13)=2, ioh(13)=1, rah(13)=0.007145, trnx(13)=-0.0254, trny(13)=0.177801, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(14)=2, ioh(14)=1, rah(14)=0.007145, trnx(14)=0.00000, trny(14)=0.177801, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(15)=2, ioh(15)=1, rah(15)=0.007145, trnx(15)=0.02540, trny(15)=0.177801, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(16)=2, ioh(16)=1, rah(16)=0.007145, trnx(16)=0.05080, trny(16)=0.177801, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(17)=2, ioh(17)=1, rah(17)=0.007145, trnx(17)=-0.0889, trny(17)=0.190501, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(18)=2, ioh(18)=1, rah(18)=0.007145, trnx(18)=-0.0635, 8', 9', 10', 11', 12', 13', 14', 15', 16', 17', 18', 79 trny(18)=0.190501, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(19)=2, ioh(19)=1, rah(19)=0.007145, trnx(19)=-0.0381, trny(19)=0.190501, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(20)=2, ioh(20)=1, rah(20)=0.007145, trnx(20)=-0.0127, trny(20)=0.190501, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(21)=2, ioh(21)=1, rah(21)=0.007145, trnx(21)=0.01270, trny(21)=0.190501, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(22)=2, ioh(22)=1, rah(22)=0.007145, trnx(22)=0.03810, trny(22)=0.190501, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(23)=2, ioh(23)=1, rah(23)=0.007145, trnx(23)=0.06350, trny(23)=0.190501, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(24)=2, ioh(24)=1, rah(24)=0.007145, trnx(24)=0.08890, trny(24)=0.190501, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(25)=2, ioh(25)=1, rah(25)=0.007145, trnx(25)=-0.1016, trny(25)=0.203201, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(26)=2, ioh(26)=1, rah(26)=0.007145, trnx(26)=-0.0762, trny(26)=0.203201, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(27)=2, ioh(27)=1, rah(27)=0.007145, trnx(27)=-0.0508, trny(27)=0.203201, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(28)=2, ioh(28)=1, rah(28)=0.007145, trnx(28)=-0.0254, trny(28)=0.203201, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(29)=2, ioh(29)=1, rah(29)=0.007145, trnx(29)=0.00000, 19', 20', 21', 22', 23', 24', 25', 26', 27', 28', 29', 80 trny(29)=0.203201, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(30)=2, ioh(30)=1, rah(30)=0.007145, trnx(30)=0.02540, trny(30)=0.203201, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(31)=2, ioh(31)=1, rah(31)=0.007145, trnx(31)=0.05080, trny(31)=0.203201, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(32)=2, ioh(32)=1, rah(32)=0.007145, trnx(32)=0.07620, trny(32)=0.203201, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(33)=2, ioh(33)=1, rah(33)=0.007145, trnx(33)=0.10160, trny(33)=0.203201, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(34)=2, ioh(34)=1, rah(34)=0.007145, trnx(34)=-0.1143, trny(34)=0.215901, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(35)=2, ioh(35)=1, rah(35)=0.007145, trnx(35)=-0.0889, trny(35)=0.215901, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(36)=2, ioh(36)=1, rah(36)=0.007145, trnx(36)=-0.0635, trny(36)=0.215901, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(37)=2, ioh(37)=1, rah(37)=0.007145, trnx(37)=-0.0381, trny(37)=0.215901, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(38)=2, ioh(38)=1, rah(38)=0.007145, trnx(38)=-0.0127, trny(38)=0.215901, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(39)=2, ioh(39)=1, rah(39)=0.007145, trnx(39)=0.01270, trny(39)=0.215901, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(40)=2, ioh(40)=1, rah(40)=0.007145, trnx(40)=0.03810, 30', 31', 32', 33', 34', 35', 36', 37', 38', 39', 40', 81 trny(40)=0.215901, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(41)=2, ioh(41)=1, rah(41)=0.007145, trnx(41)=0.06350, trny(41)=0.215901, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(42)=2, ioh(42)=1, rah(42)=0.007145, trnx(42)=0.08890, trny(42)=0.215901, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(43)=2, ioh(43)=1, rah(43)=0.007145, trnx(43)=0.11430, trny(43)=0.215901, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(44)=2, ioh(44)=1, rah(44)=0.007145, trnx(44)=-0.1016, trny(44)=0.228601, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(45)=2, ioh(45)=1, rah(45)=0.007145, trnx(45)=-0.0762, trny(45)=0.228601, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(46)=2, ioh(46)=1, rah(46)=0.007145, trnx(46)=-0.0508, trny(46)=0.228601, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(47)=2, ioh(47)=1, rah(47)=0.007145, trnx(47)=-0.0254, trny(47)=0.228601, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(48)=2, ioh(48)=1, rah(48)=0.007145, trnx(48)=0.00000, trny(48)=0.228601, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(49)=2, ioh(49)=1, rah(49)=0.007145, trnx(49)=0.02540, trny(49)=0.228601, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(50)=2, ioh(50)=1, rah(50)=0.007145, trnx(50)=0.05080, trny(50)=0.228601, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(51)=2, ioh(51)=1, rah(51)=0.007145, trnx(51)=0.07620, 41', 42', 43', 44', 45', 46', 47', 48', 49', 50', 51', 82 trny(51)=0.228601, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(52)=2, ioh(52)=1, rah(52)=0.007145, trnx(52)=0.10160, trny(52)=0.228601, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(53)=2, ioh(53)=1, rah(53)=0.007145, trnx(53)=-0.1143, trny(53)=0.241301, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(54)=2, ioh(54)=1, rah(54)=0.007145, trnx(54)=-0.0889, trny(54)=0.241301, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(55)=2, ioh(55)=1, rah(55)=0.007145, trnx(55)=-0.0635, trny(55)=0.241301, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(56)=2, ioh(56)=1, rah(56)=0.007145, trnx(56)=-0.0381, trny(56)=0.241301, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(57)=2, ioh(57)=1, rah(57)=0.007145, trnx(57)=-0.0127, trny(57)=0.241301, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(58)=2, ioh(58)=1, rah(58)=0.007145, trnx(58)=0.01270, trny(58)=0.241301, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(59)=2, ioh(59)=1, rah(59)=0.007145, trnx(59)=0.03810, trny(59)=0.241301, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(60)=2, ioh(60)=1, rah(60)=0.007145, trnx(60)=0.06350, trny(60)=0.241301, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(61)=2, ioh(61)=1, rah(61)=0.007145, trnx(61)=0.08890, trny(61)=0.241301, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(62)=2, ioh(62)=1, rah(62)=0.007145, trnx(62)=0.11430, 52', 53', 54', 55', 56', 57', 58', 59', 60', 61', 62', 83 trny(62)=0.241301, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(63)=2, ioh(63)=1, rah(63)=0.007145, trnx(63)=-0.1270, trny(63)=0.254001, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(64)=2, ioh(64)=1, rah(64)=0.007145, trnx(64)=-0.1016, trny(64)=0.254001, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(65)=2, ioh(65)=1, rah(65)=0.007145, trnx(65)=-0.0762, trny(65)=0.254001, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(66)=2, ioh(66)=1, rah(66)=0.007145, trnx(66)=-0.0508, trny(66)=0.254001, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(67)=2, ioh(67)=1, rah(67)=0.007145, trnx(67)=-0.0254, trny(67)=0.254001, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(68)=2, ioh(68)=1, rah(68)=0.007145, trnx(68)=0.00000, trny(68)=0.254001, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(69)=2, ioh(69)=1, rah(69)=0.007145, trnx(69)=0.02540, trny(69)=0.254001, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(70)=2, ioh(70)=1, rah(70)=0.007145, trnx(70)=0.05080, trny(70)=0.254001, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(71)=2, ioh(71)=1, rah(71)=0.007145, trnx(71)=0.07620, trny(71)=0.254001, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(72)=2, ioh(72)=1, rah(72)=0.007145, trnx(72)=0.10160, trny(72)=0.254001, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(73)=2, ioh(73)=1, rah(73)=0.007145, trnx(73)=0.12700, 63', 64', 65', 66', 67', 68', 69', 70', 71', 72', 73', 84 trny(73)=0.254001, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(74)=2, ioh(74)=1, rah(74)=0.007145, trnx(74)=-0.1397, trny(74)=0.266701, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(75)=2, ioh(75)=1, rah(75)=0.007145, trnx(75)=-0.1143, trny(75)=0.266701, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(76)=2, ioh(76)=1, rah(76)=0.007145, trnx(76)=-0.0889, trny(76)=0.266701, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(77)=2, ioh(77)=1, rah(77)=0.007145, trnx(77)=-0.0635, trny(77)=0.266701, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(78)=2, ioh(78)=1, rah(78)=0.007145, trnx(78)=-0.0381, trny(78)=0.266701, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(79)=2, ioh(79)=1, rah(79)=0.007145, trnx(79)=-0.0127, trny(79)=0.266701, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(80)=2, ioh(80)=1, rah(80)=0.007145, trnx(80)=0.01270, trny(80)=0.266701, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(81)=2, ioh(81)=1, rah(81)=0.007145, trnx(81)=0.03810, trny(81)=0.266701, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(82)=2, ioh(82)=1, rah(82)=0.007145, trnx(82)=0.06350, trny(82)=0.266701, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(83)=2, ioh(83)=1, rah(83)=0.007145, trnx(83)=0.08890, trny(83)=0.266701, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(84)=2, ioh(84)=1, rah(84)=0.007145, trnx(84)=0.11430, 74', 75', 76', 77', 78', 79', 80', 81', 82', 83', 84', 85 trny(84)=0.266701, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(85)=2, ioh(85)=1, rah(85)=0.007145, trnx(85)=0.13970, trny(85)=0.266701, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(86)=2, ioh(86)=1, rah(86)=0.007145, trnx(86)=-0.1270, trny(86)=0.279401, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(87)=2, ioh(87)=1, rah(87)=0.007145, trnx(87)=-0.1016, trny(87)=0.279401, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(88)=2, ioh(88)=1, rah(88)=0.007145, trnx(88)=-0.0762, trny(88)=0.279401, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(89)=2, ioh(89)=1, rah(89)=0.007145, trnx(89)=-0.0508, trny(89)=0.279401, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(90)=2, ioh(90)=1, rah(90)=0.007145, trnx(90)=-0.0254, trny(90)=0.279401, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(91)=2, ioh(91)=1, rah(91)=0.007145, trnx(91)=0.00000, trny(91)=0.279401, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(92)=2, ioh(92)=1, rah(92)=0.007145, trnx(92)=0.02540, trny(92)=0.279401, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(93)=2, ioh(93)=1, rah(93)=0.007145, trnx(93)=0.05080, trny(93)=0.279401, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(94)=2, ioh(94)=1, rah(94)=0.007145, trnx(94)=0.07620, trny(94)=0.279401, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(95)=2, ioh(95)=1, rah(95)=0.007145, trnx(95)=0.12700, 85', 86', 87', 88', 89', 90', 91', 92', 93', 94', 95', 86 trny(95)=0.279401, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(96)=2, ioh(96)=1, rah(96)=0.007145, trnx(96)=0.10160, trny(96)=0.279401, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(97)=2, ioh(97)=1, rah(97)=0.007145, trnx(97)=-0.1397, trny(97)=0.292101, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(98)=2, ioh(98)=1, rah(98)=0.007145, trnx(98)=-0.1143, trny(98)=0.292101, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(99)=2, ioh(99)=1, rah(99)=0.007145, trnx(99)=-0.0889, trny(99)=0.292101, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(100)=2, ioh(100)=1, rah(100)=0.007145, trnx(100)=-0.0635, trny(100)=0.292101, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(101)=2, ioh(101)=1, rah(101)=0.007145, trnx(101)=-0.0381, trny(101)=0.292101, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(102)=2, ioh(102)=1, rah(102)=0.007145, trnx(102)=-0.0127, trny(102)=0.292101, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(103)=2, ioh(103)=1, rah(103)=0.007145, trnx(103)=0.01270, trny(103)=0.292101, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(104)=2, ioh(104)=1, rah(104)=0.007145, trnx(104)=0.03810, trny(104)=0.292101, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(105)=2, ioh(105)=1, rah(105)=0.007145, trnx(105)=0.06350, trny(105)=0.292101, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(106)=2, ioh(106)=1, rah(106)=0.007145, trnx(106)=0.08890, 96', 97', 98', 99', 100', 101', 102', 103', 104', 105', 106', 87 trny(106)=0.292101, remark='!! Subcomponent 107', iob(107)=2, ioh(107)=1, rah(107)=0.007145, trnx(107)=0.11430, trny(107)=0.292101, remark='!! Subcomponent 108', iob(108)=2, ioh(108)=1, rah(108)=0.007145, trnx(108)=0.13970, trny(108)=0.292101, remark='!! Component 2 properties', rcobs(2)=0, remark='density x specific heat', kobs(2)=21.90, remark='thermal conductivity (W/m/K)', hobs1(2)=327.35, hobs2(2)=327.35, remark='allow heat transfer to all fluids', itpobs(2)=0, twobs(1, 2)=298.02, remark='initial tube wall temp', iaqsrb(2)=0, remark='!! Component 3', obsid(3)='upper tube bundles', ccolor(3)=4278190335, remark='!! Subcomponent 109', iob(109)=3, ioh(109)=1, rah(109)=0.007145, trnx(109)=-0.1524, trny(109)=0.304801, remark='!! Subcomponent 110', iob(110)=3, ioh(110)=1, rah(110)=0.007145, trnx(110)=-0.1270, trny(110)=0.304801, remark='!! Subcomponent 111', iob(111)=3, ioh(111)=1, rah(111)=0.007145, trnx(111)=-0.1016, trny(111)=0.304801, remark='!! Subcomponent 112', iob(112)=3, ioh(112)=1, rah(112)=0.007145, trnx(112)=-0.0762, trny(112)=0.304801, remark='!! Subcomponent 113', iob(113)=3, ioh(113)=1, rah(113)=0.007145, trnx(113)=-0.0508, trny(113)=0.304801, remark='!! Subcomponent 114', iob(114)=3, ioh(114)=1, rah(114)=0.007145, trnx(114)=-0.0254, trny(114)=0.304801, remark='!! Subcomponent 115', iob(115)=3, ioh(115)=1, rah(115)=0.007145, trnx(115)=0.00000, trny(115)=0.304801, 88 remark='!! Subcomponent iob(116)=3, ioh(116)=1, rah(116)=0.007145, trnx(116)=0.02540, trny(116)=0.304801, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(117)=3, ioh(117)=1, rah(117)=0.007145, trnx(117)=0.05080, trny(117)=0.304801, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(118)=3, ioh(118)=1, rah(118)=0.007145, trnx(118)=0.07620, trny(118)=0.304801, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(119)=3, ioh(119)=1, rah(119)=0.007145, trnx(119)=0.10160, trny(119)=0.304801, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(120)=3, ioh(120)=1, rah(120)=0.007145, trnx(120)=0.12700, trny(120)=0.304801, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(121)=3, ioh(121)=1, rah(121)=0.007145, trnx(121)=0.15240, trny(121)=0.304801, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(122)=3, ioh(122)=1, rah(122)=0.007145, trnx(122)=-0.1397, trny(122)=0.317501, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(123)=3, ioh(123)=1, rah(123)=0.007145, trnx(123)=-0.1143, trny(123)=0.317501, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(124)=3, ioh(124)=1, rah(124)=0.007145, trnx(124)=-0.0889, trny(124)=0.317501, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(125)=3, ioh(125)=1, rah(125)=0.007145, trnx(125)=-0.0635, trny(125)=0.317501, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(126)=3, ioh(126)=1, rah(126)=0.007145, trnx(126)=-0.0381, trny(126)=0.317501, 116', 117', 118', 119', 120', 121', 122', 123', 124', 125', 126', 89 remark='!! Subcomponent iob(127)=3, ioh(127)=1, rah(127)=0.007145, trnx(127)=-0.0127, trny(127)=0.317501, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(128)=3, ioh(128)=1, rah(128)=0.007145, trnx(128)=0.01270, trny(128)=0.317501, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(129)=3, ioh(129)=1, rah(129)=0.007145, trnx(129)=0.03810, trny(129)=0.317501, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(130)=3, ioh(130)=1, rah(130)=0.007145, trnx(130)=0.06350, trny(130)=0.317501, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(131)=3, ioh(131)=1, rah(131)=0.007145, trnx(131)=0.08890, trny(131)=0.317501, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(132)=3, ioh(132)=1, rah(132)=0.007145, trnx(132)=0.11430, trny(132)=0.317501, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(133)=3, ioh(133)=1, rah(133)=0.007145, trnx(133)=0.13970, trny(133)=0.317501, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(134)=3, ioh(134)=1, rah(134)=0.007145, trnx(134)=-0.1270, trny(134)=0.330201, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(135)=3, ioh(135)=1, rah(135)=0.007145, trnx(135)=-0.1016, trny(135)=0.330201, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(136)=3, ioh(136)=1, rah(136)=0.007145, trnx(136)=-0.0762, trny(136)=0.330201, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(137)=3, ioh(137)=1, rah(137)=0.007145, trnx(137)=-0.0508, trny(137)=0.330201, 127', 128', 129', 130', 131', 132', 133', 134', 135', 136', 137', 90 remark='!! Subcomponent iob(138)=3, ioh(138)=1, rah(138)=0.007145, trnx(138)=-0.0254, trny(138)=0.330201, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(139)=3, ioh(139)=1, rah(139)=0.007145, trnx(139)=0.00000, trny(139)=0.330201, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(140)=3, ioh(140)=1, rah(140)=0.007145, trnx(140)=0.02540, trny(140)=0.330201, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(141)=3, ioh(141)=1, rah(141)=0.007145, trnx(141)=0.05080, trny(141)=0.330201, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(142)=3, ioh(142)=1, rah(142)=0.007145, trnx(142)=0.07620, trny(142)=0.330201, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(143)=3, ioh(143)=1, rah(143)=0.007145, trnx(143)=0.12700, trny(143)=0.330201, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(144)=3, ioh(144)=1, rah(144)=0.007145, trnx(144)=0.10160, trny(144)=0.330201, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(145)=3, ioh(145)=1, rah(145)=0.007145, trnx(145)=-0.1397, trny(145)=0.342901, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(146)=3, ioh(146)=1, rah(146)=0.007145, trnx(146)=-0.1143, trny(146)=0.342901, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(147)=3, ioh(147)=1, rah(147)=0.007145, trnx(147)=-0.0889, trny(147)=0.342901, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(148)=3, ioh(148)=1, rah(148)=0.007145, trnx(148)=-0.0635, trny(148)=0.342901, 138', 139', 140', 141', 142', 143', 144', 145', 146', 147', 148', 91 remark='!! Subcomponent iob(149)=3, ioh(149)=1, rah(149)=0.007145, trnx(149)=-0.0381, trny(149)=0.342901, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(150)=3, ioh(150)=1, rah(150)=0.007145, trnx(150)=-0.0127, trny(150)=0.342901, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(151)=3, ioh(151)=1, rah(151)=0.007145, trnx(151)=0.01270, trny(151)=0.342901, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(152)=3, ioh(152)=1, rah(152)=0.007145, trnx(152)=0.03810, trny(152)=0.342901, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(153)=3, ioh(153)=1, rah(153)=0.007145, trnx(153)=0.06350, trny(153)=0.342901, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(154)=3, ioh(154)=1, rah(154)=0.007145, trnx(154)=0.08890, trny(154)=0.342901, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(155)=3, ioh(155)=1, rah(155)=0.007145, trnx(155)=0.11430, trny(155)=0.342901, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(156)=3, ioh(156)=1, rah(156)=0.007145, trnx(156)=0.13970, trny(156)=0.342901, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(157)=3, ioh(157)=1, rah(157)=0.007145, trnx(157)=-0.1270, trny(157)=0.355601, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(158)=3, ioh(158)=1, rah(158)=0.007145, trnx(158)=-0.1016, trny(158)=0.355601, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(159)=3, ioh(159)=1, rah(159)=0.007145, trnx(159)=-0.0762, trny(159)=0.355601, 149', 150', 151', 152', 153', 154', 155', 156', 157', 158', 159', 92 remark='!! Subcomponent iob(160)=3, ioh(160)=1, rah(160)=0.007145, trnx(160)=-0.0508, trny(160)=0.355601, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(161)=3, ioh(161)=1, rah(161)=0.007145, trnx(161)=-0.0254, trny(161)=0.355601, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(162)=3, ioh(162)=1, rah(162)=0.007145, trnx(162)=0.00000, trny(162)=0.355601, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(163)=3, ioh(163)=1, rah(163)=0.007145, trnx(163)=0.02540, trny(163)=0.355601, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(164)=3, ioh(164)=1, rah(164)=0.007145, trnx(164)=0.05080, trny(164)=0.355601, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(165)=3, ioh(165)=1, rah(165)=0.007145, trnx(165)=0.07620, trny(165)=0.355601, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(166)=3, ioh(166)=1, rah(166)=0.007145, trnx(166)=0.10160, trny(166)=0.355601, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(167)=3, ioh(167)=1, rah(167)=0.007145, trnx(167)=0.12700, trny(167)=0.355601, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(168)=3, ioh(168)=1, rah(168)=0.007145, trnx(168)=-0.1143, trny(168)=0.368301, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(169)=3, ioh(169)=1, rah(169)=0.007145, trnx(169)=-0.0889, trny(169)=0.368301, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(170)=3, ioh(170)=1, rah(170)=0.007145, trnx(170)=-0.0635, trny(170)=0.368301, 160', 161', 162', 163', 164', 165', 166', 167', 168', 169', 170', 93 remark='!! Subcomponent iob(171)=3, ioh(171)=1, rah(171)=0.007145, trnx(171)=-0.0381, trny(171)=0.368301, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(172)=3, ioh(172)=1, rah(172)=0.007145, trnx(172)=-0.0127, trny(172)=0.368301, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(173)=3, ioh(173)=1, rah(173)=0.007145, trnx(173)=0.01270, trny(173)=0.368301, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(174)=3, ioh(174)=1, rah(174)=0.007145, trnx(174)=0.03810, trny(174)=0.368301, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(175)=3, ioh(175)=1, rah(175)=0.007145, trnx(175)=0.06350, trny(175)=0.368301, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(176)=3, ioh(176)=1, rah(176)=0.007145, trnx(176)=0.08890, trny(176)=0.368301, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(177)=3, ioh(177)=1, rah(177)=0.007145, trnx(177)=0.11430, trny(177)=0.368301, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(178)=3, ioh(178)=1, rah(178)=0.007145, trnx(178)=-0.1016, trny(178)=0.381001, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(179)=3, ioh(179)=1, rah(179)=0.007145, trnx(179)=-0.0762, trny(179)=0.381001, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(180)=3, ioh(180)=1, rah(180)=0.007145, trnx(180)=-0.0508, trny(180)=0.381001, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(181)=3, ioh(181)=1, rah(181)=0.007145, trnx(181)=-0.0254, trny(181)=0.381001, 171', 172', 173', 174', 175', 176', 177', 178', 179', 180', 181', 94 remark='!! Subcomponent iob(182)=3, ioh(182)=1, rah(182)=0.007145, trnx(182)=0.00000, trny(182)=0.381001, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(183)=3, ioh(183)=1, rah(183)=0.007145, trnx(183)=0.02540, trny(183)=0.381001, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(184)=3, ioh(184)=1, rah(184)=0.007145, trnx(184)=0.05080, trny(184)=0.381001, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(185)=3, ioh(185)=1, rah(185)=0.007145, trnx(185)=0.07620, trny(185)=0.381001, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(186)=3, ioh(186)=1, rah(186)=0.007145, trnx(186)=0.10160, trny(186)=0.381001, 182', remark='!! Subcomponent iob(187)=3, ioh(187)=1, rah(187)=0.007145, trnx(187)=-0.1143, trny(187)=0.393701, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(188)=3, ioh(188)=1, rah(188)=0.007145, trnx(188)=-0.0889, trny(188)=0.393701, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(189)=3, ioh(189)=1, rah(189)=0.007145, trnx(189)=-0.0635, trny(189)=0.393701, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(190)=3, ioh(190)=1, rah(190)=0.007145, trnx(190)=-0.0381, trny(190)=0.393701, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(191)=3, ioh(191)=1, rah(191)=0.007145, trnx(191)=-0.0127, trny(191)=0.393701, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(192)=3, ioh(192)=1, rah(192)=0.007145, trnx(192)=0.01270, 187', 183', 184', 185', 186', 188', 189', 190', 191', 192', 95 trny(192)=0.393701, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(193)=3, ioh(193)=1, rah(193)=0.007145, trnx(193)=0.03810, trny(193)=0.393701, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(194)=3, ioh(194)=1, rah(194)=0.007145, trnx(194)=0.06350, trny(194)=0.393701, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(195)=3, ioh(195)=1, rah(195)=0.007145, trnx(195)=0.08890, trny(195)=0.393701, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(196)=3, ioh(196)=1, rah(196)=0.007145, trnx(196)=0.11430, trny(196)=0.393701, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(197)=3, ioh(197)=1, rah(197)=0.007145, trnx(197)=-0.1016, trny(197)=0.406401, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(198)=3, ioh(198)=1, rah(198)=0.007145, trnx(198)=-0.0762, trny(198)=0.406401, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(199)=3, ioh(199)=1, rah(199)=0.007145, trnx(199)=-0.0508, trny(199)=0.406401, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(200)=3, ioh(200)=1, rah(200)=0.007145, trnx(200)=-0.0254, trny(200)=0.406401, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(201)=3, ioh(201)=1, rah(201)=0.007145, trnx(201)=0.00000, trny(201)=0.406401, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(202)=3, ioh(202)=1, rah(202)=0.007145, trnx(202)=0.02540, trny(202)=0.406401, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(203)=3, ioh(203)=1, rah(203)=0.007145, trnx(203)=0.05080, 193', 194', 195', 196', 197', 198', 199', 200', 201', 202', 203', 96 trny(203)=0.406401, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(204)=3, ioh(204)=1, rah(204)=0.007145, trnx(204)=0.07620, trny(204)=0.406401, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(205)=3, ioh(205)=1, rah(205)=0.007145, trnx(205)=0.10160, trny(205)=0.406401, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(206)=3, ioh(206)=1, rah(206)=0.007145, trnx(206)=-0.0889, trny(206)=0.419101, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(207)=3, ioh(207)=1, rah(207)=0.007145, trnx(207)=-0.0635, trny(207)=0.419101, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(208)=3, ioh(208)=1, rah(208)=0.007145, trnx(208)=-0.0381, trny(208)=0.419101, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(209)=3, ioh(209)=1, rah(209)=0.007145, trnx(209)=-0.0127, trny(209)=0.419101, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(210)=3, ioh(210)=1, rah(210)=0.007145, trnx(210)=0.01270, trny(210)=0.419101, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(211)=3, ioh(211)=1, rah(211)=0.007145, trnx(211)=0.03810, trny(211)=0.419101, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(212)=3, ioh(212)=1, rah(212)=0.007145, trnx(212)=0.06350, trny(212)=0.419101, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(213)=3, ioh(213)=1, rah(213)=0.007145, trnx(213)=0.08890, trny(213)=0.419101, remark='!! Subcomponent iob(214)=3, ioh(214)=1, rah(214)=0.007145, trnx(214)=-0.0508, 204', 205', 206', 207', 208', 209', 210', 211', 212', 213', 214', 97 trny(214)=0.431801, remark='!! Subcomponent 215', iob(215)=3, ioh(215)=1, rah(215)=0.007145, trnx(215)=-0.0254, trny(215)=0.431801, remark='!! Subcomponent 216', iob(216)=3, ioh(216)=1, rah(216)=0.007145, trnx(216)=0.00000, trny(216)=0.431801, remark='!! Subcomponent 217', iob(217)=3, ioh(217)=1, rah(217)=0.007145, trnx(217)=0.02540, trny(217)=0.431801, remark='!! Subcomponent 218', iob(218)=3, ioh(218)=1, rah(218)=0.007145, trnx(218)=0.05080, trny(218)=0.431801, remark='!! Subcomponent 219', iob(219)=3, ioh(219)=1, rah(219)=0.007145, trnx(219)=-0.0381, trny(219)=0.444501, remark='!! Subcomponent 220', iob(220)=3, ioh(220)=1, rah(220)=0.007145, trnx(220)=-0.0127, trny(220)=0.444501, remark='!! Subcomponent 221', iob(221)=3, ioh(221)=1, rah(221)=0.007145, trnx(221)=0.01270, trny(221)=0.444501, remark='!! Subcomponent 222', iob(222)=3, ioh(222)=1, rah(222)=0.007145, trnx(222)=0.03810, trny(222)=0.444501, remark='!! Subcomponent 223', iob(223)=3, ioh(223)=1, rah(223)=0.007145, trnx(223)=0.00000, trny(223)=0.457201, remark='!! Component 3 properties', rcobs(3)=0, remark='density x specific heat', kobs(3)=21.90, remark='thermal conductivity (W/m/K)', hobs1(3)=227.11, hobs2(3)=227.11, remark='allow heat transfer to all fluids', itpobs(3)=0, twobs(1, 3)=294.26, remark='initial tube wall temp', iaqsrb(3)=0, remark='!! Component common parameters', avrck=-3.1, / 98 &fl nfls=1, remark='!! Fluid Region 1', fioh(1)=1, ifdis(1)=0, freg(1)=0.0, cncreg(1)=0.0002, fyh(1)=1.0, pvoid=34500.0, presi=34500.0, remark='Initial pressure (Pa)', cnci=0.0002, remark='Volume fraction of air initially is 88.47', iflinittyp=0, / &bf / &temp tempi=300.00, remark='Initial temperature (K)', tvoid=300.00, / &motn / &grafic nvplts=1, contpv(1)='tn', / &renderspace ifrs=0, ifcomp=0, ifcompf=-1, / &header project='Case 1', / &parts / Notes: Condenser example. #start tables: #component(1): #end component(1) #component(2): #end component(2) #component(3): #end component(3) #fluid1: #end fluid1 #fluid2: #end fluid2 #end start tables 99