Structural Analysis of Bridge Gusset Plates: Steel vs. Composite by Stephen Ganz An Engineering Report Submitted to the Graduate Faculty of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the degree of MASTER OF ENGINEERING IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Approved: _________________________________________ Ernesto Gutierrez, Project Adviser Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Hartford, Connecticut August, 2012 i © Copyright 2012 by Stephen Ganz All Rights Reserved ii CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................................. v LIST OF FIGURES .......................................................................................................... vi TERMINOLOGY / LIST OF SYMBOLS / ACRONYMNS .......................................... vii ACKNOWLEDGMENT ................................................................................................ viii ABSTRACT ..................................................................................................................... ix 1. Introduction.................................................................................................................. 1 2. Methodology ................................................................................................................ 2 3. Bridge Design .............................................................................................................. 4 4. Loading ........................................................................................................................ 5 4.1 Dead Load .......................................................................................................... 5 4.2 Live Load ........................................................................................................... 5 4.3 Total Load (W) ................................................................................................... 5 5. Materials ...................................................................................................................... 6 5.1 Carbon Steel ....................................................................................................... 6 5.2 HexPly 8552 IM7 ............................................................................................... 7 6. FEA Models ............................................................................................................... 11 6.1 6.2 Plate Geometry ................................................................................................. 16 6.1.1 Bottom End Plates ................................................................................ 16 6.1.2 Mid Span Plates ................................................................................... 17 6.1.3 Upper End Plates .................................................................................. 18 Truss Geometry ................................................................................................ 18 7. Results........................................................................................................................ 19 7.1 Carbon Steel Plates .......................................................................................... 19 7.2 HexPly 8552 IM7 Plates .................................................................................. 21 7.2.1 HexPly 8552 IM7 [0 90]S .................................................................... 22 7.2.2 HexPly 8552 IM7 [0 45 90]S ............................................................... 24 iii 7.2.3 HexPly 8552 IM7 [0 15 30 45 60 75 90]S ........................................... 26 7.3 Factors of Safety .............................................................................................. 29 7.4 Deflections ....................................................................................................... 30 8. Conclusions................................................................................................................ 31 9. References.................................................................................................................. 32 10. Appendices ................................................................................................................ 34 iv LIST OF TABLES Table 1: Carbon Steel Properties ..................................................................................... 6 Table 2: HexPly 8552 IM7 Properties ............................................................................. 7 Table 3: Composite Layup Arrangements ....................................................................... 7 Table 4: Factors of Safety ................................................................................................ 30 Table 5: Deflections ......................................................................................................... 30 v LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1: Side and Plan views of the Bridge ................................................................... 4 Figure 2: Bridge Free Body Diagram .............................................................................. 5 Figure 3: Abaqus Material Editor for A36 Carbon Steel ................................................. 6 Figure 4: Abaqus Material Editor for HexPly 8552 IM7 ................................................ 8 Figure 5: Abaqus Fail Stress for HexPly 8552 IM7 ........................................................ 8 Figure 6: Abaqus Section Editor for HexPly 8552 IM7 [0 90]S ..................................... 9 Figure 7: Abaqus Section Editor for HexPly 8552 IM7 [0 45 90]S ................................ 10 Figure 8: Abaqus Section Editor for HexPly 8552 IM7 [0 15 30 45 60 75 90]S ............ 10 Figure 9: FEA Bridge showing loads and boundary conditions ...................................... 11 Figure 10: Iso view of a joint with shell thicknesses rendered ........................................ 11 Figure 11: Abaqus model showing all loads and constraints .......................................... 12 Figure 12: Abaqus model with z-constraint (U3) suppressed for clarity......................... 12 Figures 13a, b: Loading applied to the lower mid-span plates ........................................ 13 Figures 14a, b, c, d: Bottom end plate boundary conditions ........................................... 14 Figures 15a, b, c: Side view of bridge and close up showing tie constraints .................. 15 Figure 16: Bottom End Plate Detail Drawing (Plates A and L) ...................................... 16 Figures 17a, b: Mid Span Plate Detail Drawings (Plates B, D, E, F, G, H, I and J)........ 17 Figure 18: Upper End Plate Detail Drawings (Plates C and K) ...................................... 18 Figure 19: Abaqus FEA Von Mises Stress results for A36 Carbon Steel Model ............ 19 Figure 20: Abaqus FEA Deflection results for A36 Carbon Steel Model ....................... 20 Figure 21: Abaqus FEA Tsai-Wu results for HexPly [0 90]S Model.............................. 22 Figure 22: Abaqus FEA Deflection results for HexPly [0 90]S Model ........................... 23 Figure 23: Abaqus FEA Tsai-Wu results for HexPly [0 45 90]S Model......................... 24 Figure 24: Abaqus FEA Deflection results for HexPly [0 45 90]S Model ...................... 25 Figure 25: Abaqus FEA Tsai-Wu results for HexPly [0 15 30 45 60 75 90]S Model..... 27 Figure 26: Abaqus FEA Deflection results for HexPly [0 15 30 45 60 75 90]S Model .. 28 Figure 27: Tsai-Wu Equation .......................................................................................... 29 vi TERMINOLOGY / LIST OF SYMBOLS / ACRONYMNS FEA – Finite Element Analysis FBD – Free Body Diagram 2D – 2 Dimensions DOT – Department of Transportation NTSB – National Transportation Safety Board FHWA – Federal Highway Administration E – Modulus of Elasticity (Msi) G – Modulus of Rigidity (Msi) ν – Poisson’s Ratio ρ – Density (lbf/in3) tp – Ply Thickness (in) YS – Yield Strength (ksi) UTS – Ultimate Tensile Strength (ksi) σ1t – Tensile strength in the 1 (longitudinal) direction (ksi) σ1c – Compressive strength in the 1 (longitudinal) direction (ksi) σ2t – Tensile strength in the 2 (transverse) direction (ksi) σ2c – Tensile strength in the 2 (transverse) direction (ksi) τ12f – Shear Strength (ksi) [Orientation number of plies]S – Laminate Layup which is characterized by ply orientation, number of plies and symmetry about the mid-plane (S, if applicable). Abaqus – Computer Software used to perform modeling and FEA Isotropic – Same properties in all directions Orthotropic – Different properties in different directions TSAIW – An abbreviation for Tsai-Wu Abaqus uses vii ACKNOWLEDGMENT I would like to thank Professor Ernesto Gutierrez-Miravete for his guidance throughout master’s project. I would also like to thank Professor David Hufner for his guidance on finite element analysis of composite materials using Abaqus. And I would also like to thank all the other teachers and professors from Washingtonville High School, SUNY Binghamton and RPI for sharing their knowledge. viii ABSTRACT A structural comparison of gusset plates for a single span Warren Truss bridge was performed using Abaqus/CAE for different materials. The two materials chosen are A36 carbon structural steel and HexPly brand 8552 IM7 prepreg composite. Four bridge models were analyzed; one consisting of steel plates and three models with composite plates of varying ply orientations. Performance of the two materials was evaluated based on failure margin and deflection. The goal here is to compare the performance differences in metallic and composite material to determine their acceptability for use in bridge construction. ix 1. Introduction Bridges play a vital role in transportation networks the world over. Spanning up to several thousand feet in length and towering up to several hundred feet high, these manmade engineering marvels allow safe, convenient passage for people and their cargo. Although declining in popularity in new construction, many bridges still in service are based on truss designs to efficiently transmit load back to their foundations. Warren Truss bridges with verticals have appeared as early as the mid-1880’s and remained popular in highway construction throughout the 20th century [1]. Analysis of their gusset plates becomes ever more critical as these structures are nearing the end of their design life. Gusset plates are integral to a truss-based bridge because they serve as the attachment point for the truss members. Gusset plates have become the focal point of much research since the collapse of the I-35W Bridge in Minneappolis, MN in 2007, in which the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) reports that the probable cause is due to inadequate plate design [2]. This prompted the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) to advise an immediate re-inspection of steel truss bridges across the United States [3]. For this project, a structural comparison of bridge gusset plates of different materials was performed. Loading is assumed to be in-plane (2 dimensional). The gusset plates were modeled and analyzed in Finite Element Analysis (FEA) software, Abaqus/CAE. Performance criterion was based on failure margin and deflection. 1 2. Methodology In order to perform a comparative structural analysis for steel and composite gusset plates, a Warren Truss bridge was constructed to state and federal guidelines. Loads were determined based on the bridge’s design and load carrying requirements as shown in Appendix A. The computer generated model used in FEA represents the vertical section of either side of the bridge consisting of plates, trusses, loads and boundary conditions. Bridge components are created using shell elements. The trusses are connected to the plates with tie constraints to simulate a weld. The trusses have a simple, robust geometry with a coarse mesh. Assigning these a coarse mesh is acceptable because this project is not concerned with any analysis of the trusses themselves and because their mesh refinement has no effect on the results for the plates. Other more advanced analyses simulate the entire bridge in much greater detail such as in [2], but this was part of an investigation into the failure of the I-35W Bridge. The model shown in [2] is a global-local model where the joints of interest are two highly detailed solid models with extremely dense mesh refinement embedded into a bridge model constructed of beam elements, an analysis such as this is beyond the capabilities of the resourses which I have access to and for the purposes this project, this high level of complexity is not warranted. The approach taken for this master’s project is similar to the analsysis shown in [4] in which only the vertical truss side of a bridge was modeled. One small difference is [4] uses beam elements to represent the trusses instead of shell elements. Gusset plates for this mater’s project are sized based on dimensions shown in [4] which are typical for a railroad bridge and are assumed to be a close enough approximation for the gusset plates of a highway bridge. Since the goal is to compare material performance through structural analysis of identical items, the size of the gusset plates is inconsequential. What does matter is that the gusset plates are the same size from one model to another (steel and composite models). Loading will come from dead load (bridge weight) and live load (vehicles, snow) based on building requirements in accordance with DOT rules and regulations [5, 6]. Detailed 2 calculations of these loads are provided in Appendix A. Transverse forces (wind) will be ignored since these plates are not significantly loaded in the transverse direction, the lateral members in the plane of the top and bottom chords resist wind loads [1]. This also permits the use of shell elements for 2D analysis. Failure of these joints is more commonly associated with tensile and buckling failure as shown in [2]. This will provide enough information to make a structural comparison. A mesh study summarized in Appendix B ensured accuracy of the steel and composite bridge models. Stresses and deflections resulting from the final runs were compared to draw conclusions about the different materials. There are four total models being analyzed, one with steel plates and three with composite plates of different layups. This was done to determine if increasing the number of different orientations within the same material thickness improves its performance by possibly increasing isotropic behavior. For consistency, the plates in all models are 2 inches thick and the trusses in all models are made from A36 steel, because this project is only concerned with the performance of the plates. Once results from FEA are obtained, factors of safety are calculated based on failure criterion. Therefore, the factors of safety for the steel model are calculated to be Ultimate Tensile Strength (UTS) divided by the maximum Von-Mises stress. Factors of safety for the composite models are calculated to the inverse of the maximum Tsai-Wu value (1/Tsai-Wu). A qualitative comparison of deflections is also provided. 3 3. Bridge Design The bridge chosen for this project is a single span Warren Truss with verticals. This highway bridge does not actually exist, but has been constructed using state and federal guidelines. Figure 1 below details the overall dimensions of the bridge which is assumed to be 120' long and 20' high with angular members set at 45°. All of the vertical beams in the Warren Truss and horizontal joists are assumed to have a cross section of 64in2 [6] and are made from carbon structural steel that is 0.282 lb/in3 in density [7]. The clear minimum width of the roadway for a bridge maintained on a state highway in Connecticut is 28’ [5] and assumed to be 1’ thick. On either side of the bridge there is a 5’ wide sidwalk that is 6” thick [5]. Therefore, total bridge width is 38’. The two sides of the bridge are connected by seven floor joists at the bottom, to support the roadway and five joists connect the bridge at the top. 20’ 6x 20’ 120’ 38’ Figure 1: Side and Plan views of the Bridge 4 4. Loading In the case of bridges, loading comes from three major components: dead load (structure), dynamic load such as wind and live load (vehicles and snow). For the purposes of this project only dead load and live load will be considered. 4.1 Dead Load Dead load is comprised of the weight of the Warren Truss section, sidewalks, asphalt, roadway and floor joists. Based on the dimensions listed in Section 3 and calculations detailed in Appendix A dead load has been determined to be 297,201 lbs. 4.2 Live Load Live load is comprised of weight of passing vehicles and snow. Appendix A details the calculations for live load and has been determined to be 279,435 lbs. 4.3 Total Load (W) The combination of Dead Load and Live Load results in a Total Load (W) of 576,636 lbs. For the purposes of this project the load is assumed to be distributed evenly, so onefifth of the total load is applied at the joints as shown below. Figure 2 below shows how the bridge is assumed to be loaded. The load W/5 is applied to each plate as shown as a surface traction equal to 1153 psi. C E G I K A B D F H J L R1 W 5 W 5 W 5 W 5 W 5 R2 Figure 2: Bridge Free Body Diagram 5 5. Materials 5.1 Carbon Steel Carbon steel was chosen as the baseline material for the gusset plates because of its widespread use in structural applications. It’s relatively low cost, ease of machining and weld-ability makes it a popular choice as a building material. However, it requires regular maintenance and inspection since it is subject to corrosion and must be protected from the elements with paint. Table 1 lists the material properties and Figure 3 shows how they were defined in Abaqus/CAE. The gusset plates in all models are 2 inches thick. This material is used for the plates in the “steel” model and the trusses for all models. Table 1: Carbon Steel Properties Property [7, 8] E (Msi) G (Msi) ν ρ (lb/in3) YS (ksi) UTS (ksi) Figure 3: Abaqus Material Editor for A36 Carbon Steel 6 Value 30.0 11.5 0.292 0.282 36 min 58-80 5.2 HexPly 8552 IM7 The material chosen for the composite plates is the same as the composite of choice as determined in [6] and Table 2 lists the mechanical properties of HexPly 8552 IM7. Three different layups were chosen to determine if there is a significant performance advantage that comes with varying fiber orientation (i.e. increasingly isotropic behavior) and this will help hone in on the best performing composite layup. The plies were kept symmetric about the mid-plane and the number of plies (or thickness of each orientation) was kept equal per layer. This was done because results are the same in layers of the same orientation at the same distance from the mid-plane and therefore reduces the amount of time to evaluate results. Table 3 below shows the number of plies and thickness for each orientation and verifies that total thickness was held to 2 inches for all composite plates. Figures 4 and 5 show how the elastic and failure properties were entered in Abaqus/CAE. Table 2: HexPly 8552 IM7 Properties Property E1 (Msi) E2 (Msi) E3 (Msi) ν12 ν13 ν23 G12 (Msi) G13 (Msi) G23 (Msi) σ1t (ksi) σ1c (ksi) σ2t (ksi) σ2c (ksi) τ12f (ksi) ρ (lb/in3) tp (in) Value 23.8 1.7 1.7 0.32 0.32 0.0229 0.75 0.75 0.831 395 -245 16.1 -32.3 17.4 0.047 0.006 Table 3: Composite Layup Arrangements Layups Thickness Total Thickness [083,9083]S 0.50 per oreintation 2.0 [056,4556,9056]S 0.333 per orientation 2.0 [024,1524,3024,4524,6024,7524,9024]S 0.143 per orientation 2.0 7 Figure 4: Abaqus Material Editor for HexPly 8552 IM7. The required elastic values from Table 2 are entered here. Figure 5: Abaqus Fail Stress for HexPly 8552 IM7. The user defines the longitudinal and transverse tensile and compressive strengths as well as shear strength and the cross-prod term coeff (f*) which is necessary for the F12 term in the Tsai-Wu equation [9, 10]. The stress limit is not required, Abaqus will use f* instead [10]. 8 Figures 6, 7 and 8 show how the layups were defined in Abaqus. Abaqus requires a thickness for each orientation rather than number of plies times a ply thickness. The thickness or each orientation was kept so that the total thickness of the composite was 2 inches (the same as steel). The default number of integration points (3) was used. Figure 6: Abaqus Section Editor for HexPly 8552 IM7 [0 90]S 9 Figure 7: Abaqus Section Editor for HexPly 8552 IM7 [0 45 90]S Figure 8: Abaqus Section Editor for HexPly 8552 IM7 [0 15 30 45 60 75 90]S 10 6. FEA Models As shown in Figure 9, the models used for analysis are a complete vertical side section of a Warren Truss bridge consisting of plates, trusses, loads and boundary conditions. Loads were applied to partitioned sections of the plate’s surface as surface tractions which are defined as force per unit area (psi); refer to Figure 13 to see how these loads were defined. This reduces the chance of unusually high stress concentrations commonly associated with point loads which can adversely affect the accuracy of the model. C G E I y (U2) K i A Pinned End D B W 5 F W 5 x (U1) J H W 5 W 5 L W 5 Roller End Figure 9: FEA Bridge showing loads and boundary conditions. Results were recorded only for plates which are circled. Plates and trusses were constructed with shell elements and meshed with hex elements following the guidance provided in [10] for creating composite sections using shell elements. An iso-view of the plates and trusses with thicknesses rendered is shown in Figure 10. Shell elements are appropriate for a 2D analysis and the use of hex elements provides more accurate results than triangular elements. Figure 10: Iso view of a joint with shell thicknesses rendered 11 The Free Body Diagram (FBD) for the bridge is shown below. The entire bridge was constrained in the out-of-plane (U3, z-direction) to keep the analysis 2D, this is illustrated in Figures 11 and 12. The load W/5 is applied to each plate as shown as a surface traction equal to 1153 psi. This is calculated in Appendix A and summarized in Section 4 and shown in Figure 13. y (U2) x (U1) Figure 11: Abaqus model showing all loads and constraints. y (U2) x (U1) Figure 12: Abaqus model with z-constraint (U3) suppressed for clarity. 12 Surface traction Figures 13a, b: Loading applied to the lower mid-span plates. Loading was applied as a surface traction to the center square section of plates B, D, F, H and J. Surface traction load (psi) calculated in Appendix A. 13 The two end plates were assigned boundary conditions as follows: the bottom edge of plate A is constrained in the x and y directions (U2, vertical and U1, horizontal) and the edge of plate L is constrained in the y direction (U2, vertical). Rotational degrees of freedom were left unconstrained to simulate a simple support condition. L A Figureds 14a, b, c, d: Bottom end plate boundary conditions. 14 To simulate a welded joint, tie contraints were assigned at the mating surfaces between the plates and trusses as shown in Figure 15. The master and slave surfaces were selected to be the truss and plate surfaces respectively. Figures 15a, b, c: Side view of bridge and close up showing tie constraints. 15 6.1 Plate Geometry For this bridge model there are 3 major types of plates: the bottom ends, the top ends and the mid-span plates. Figures 16, 17 and 18 shown below are the detail drawings for all the plates. It can be seen that all the plates are based off of the mid-span plate design, where the top and bottom end plates are basically modified mid-span plates. And the mid-span plates are based on the dimensions of plates shown in [4]. All of the plates could have been kept the same for simplicity, but this was avoided to minimize the total amount of elements in the models. Also shown in the detail drawings is the geometry for the surface partitions used for tie constraints with the truss members and for the application of surface traction loads. All dimensions shown are in inches unless otherwise specified and as previously mentioned, all plates are 2 inches thick. 6.1.1 Bottom End Plates These are the plates at the bottom corners on each side of the bridge. They connect only two trusses and are assigned boundary conditions (described in Section 6) along their bottom edges. They are basically the same as the mid-span plates, but are cut in half down their vertical centerline. This reduces the number of mesh elements and cuts down on time to solve the model. 40 22 2x 20 2x 10 45° 5 10 45 Figure 16: Bottom End Plate Detail Drawing (Plates A and L) 16 6.1.2 Mid Span Plates These are the plates that are used everywhere on the bridge except the ends. They are the largest and also connect the most truss members. There are two sub-types of these plates, both are identical in external geometry, the only difference is the number of partitioned surfaces to overlap with a corresponding number of trusses. Both plates are symmetrical about the vertical centerline. 5 40 22 5x 20 10 45° 10 5x 10 10 90 Figures 17a, b: Mid Span Plate Detail Drawings (Plates B, D, E, F, G, H, I and J) 17 6.1.3 Upper End Plates These are the plates located at the upper corners at each end of the bridge. They are basically the same as the mid-pan plates that connect to 5 trusses, but with a corner cut off to only connect to 4 trusses. Again, this was done to eliminate unnecessary computation of non-load bearing structure. 5 10 40 22 4x 20 45° 4x 10 45° 10 10 10 45 Figure 18: Upper End Plate Detail Drawings (Plates C and K) 6.2 Truss Geometry The horizontal, vertical and diagonal trusses were sized to span the gaps between plates while achieving perfect overlap with the partitioned surfaces (which are assigned tie constraints described in Section 5) and to maintain the overall dimensions of the bridge described in Section 3. This means that the horizontal trusses are 190”, the vertical trusses are 200” and the diagonal trusses are 295.411” long. All of the trusses were modeled to have a solid 12” cross section and the reason for assigning them such a robust geometry is to reduce error due associated with excessive bending or buckling and also limit their deflections in general. Therefore, overall deflections of the model are due to the cumulative deflections of the plates. 18 7. Results 7.1 Carbon Steel Plates Performing a finite element analysis on a bridge model with carbon steel gusset plates yielded the following results. The greatest Von-Mises stress in any of the plates was found to be 12,668 psi. This correlates to a factor of safety of 4.58 based on minimum UTS of 58 ksi. The steel model serves as a baseline for which the composite models are compared to. Figure 19 below shows the stress results for the bridge model with A36 carbon steel plates. Figure 19: Abaqus FEA Von Mises Stress results for A36 Carbon Steel Model 19 Figure 20 shows the overall deflections of the bridge (magnitude) as well as deflections in specific directions shown on the left with respect to the coordinate system on the right. Maximum deflection of the structure was 0.447 inches downward and 0.180 inches sideways, resulting in a maximum magnitude of deflection of 0.454 inches. U2 (y) U1 (x) Figures 20: Abaqus FEA Deflection results for A36 Carbon Steel Model 20 7.2 HexPly 8552 IM7 Plates Performing a finite element analysis for the models with composite gusset plates yielded the following results. However unlike the steel plates, factors of safety for the composite plates cannot be calculated using a Von-Mises stress, their factors of safety are based on Tsai-Wu failure criterion. This Tsai-Wu value is calculated automatically by the CFAILURE field output request based on material properties from table 2. The use of CFAILURE is discussed in Appendix C and is dependent on the fail stress criteria defined in the material properties editor shown in Section 5. The results shown are only for half of the total layers, this is because the layers are symmetric about the mid-plane and results are the same in layers of the same orientation at the same distance from the mid-plane. The lowest peak TSAIW value for the three composite models was 0.286 for the [0 45 90]S layup which corresponds to a factor of safety of 3.50. A TSAIW value equal to or greater than 1 indicates failure [9]. 21 7.2.1 HexPly 8552 IM7 [0 90]S Figure 21 shows Tsai-Wu results for this model. There are 4 total layers for each plate in this layup and the results for layers 1 and 2 are shown below. Although these plates are 4 layers thick only half the layers need to be shown, because of symmetry about the midplane. This model generated a maximum TSAIW value of 0.296 found in layer 2 correlating to factor of safety of 3.38. Figure 21: Abaqus FEA Tsai-Wu results for HexPly [0 90]S. The trusses are shown in ghost in any layer other than layer 1 because they only have 1 layer. 22 Figure 22 shows the overall deflections of the bridge (magnitude) as well as deflections in specific directions shown on the left with respect to the coordinate system on the right. Maximum deflection of the structure was 0.879 inches downward and 0.329 inches sideways, resulting in a maximum magnitude of deflection of 0.890 inches. U2 (y) U1 (x) Figure 22: Abaqus FEA Deflection results for HexPly [0 90]S 23 7.2.2 HexPly 8552 IM7 [0 45 90]S Figure 23 shows Tsai-Wu results for this model. There are 6 total layers for each plate in this layup and the results for layers 1, 2 and 3 are shown below. Although these plates are 6 layers thick only half the layers need to be shown, because of symmetry about the mid-plane. This model generated a maximum TSAIW value of 0.286 found in layer 2 correlating to factor of safety of 3.50. Figure 23: Abaqus FEA Tsai-Wu results for HexPly [0 45 90]S. The trusses are shown in ghost in any layer other than layer 1 because they only have 1 layer. 24 Figure 24 shows the overall deflections of the bridge (magnitude) as well as deflections in specific directions shown on the left with respect to the coordinate system on the right. Maximum deflection of the structure was 0.816 inches downward and 0.331 inches sideways, resulting in a maximum magnitude of deflection of 0.833 inches. U2 (y) U1 (x) Figure 24: Abaqus FEA Deflection results for HexPly [0 45 90]S 25 7.2.3 HexPly 8552 IM7 [0 15 30 45 60 75 90]S Figure 25 shows Tsai-Wu results for this model. There are 14 total layers for each plate in this layup and the results for layers 1 thru 7 are shown below. Although these plates are 14 layers thick only half the layers need to be shown, because of symmetry about the mid-plane. This model generated a maximum TSAIW value of 0.400 found in layer 4 correlating to factor of safety of 2.50. 26 Figure 25: Abaqus FEA Tsai-Wu results for HexPly [0 15 30 45 60 75 90]S. The trusses are shown in ghost in any layer other than layer 1 because they only have 1 layer. 27 Figure 26 shows the overall deflections of the bridge (magnitude) as well as deflections in specific directions shown on the left with respect to the coordinate system on the right. Maximum deflection of the structure was 0.921 inches downward and 0.377 inches sideways, resulting in a maximum magnitude of deflection of 0.944 inches. U2 (y) U1 (x) Figure 26: Abaqus FEA Deflection results for HexPly [0 15 30 45 60 75 90]S 28 7.3 Factors of Safety The steel gusset plates outperform the best composite ones by approximately 30% based on factors of safety (4.58 vs. 3.50). The stresses and TSAIW values listed in Table 4 are the peak values from each plate/layer. The plate with the highest stress or layer with the highest TSAIW value for that particular model is highlighted. Table 5 lists the factors of safety for every layer of each plate and the lowest values are highlighted. Factors of safety are based on the failure criterion of each material and the factor of safety for each model is taken to be the lowest factor of safety of all the plates or lowest factor of safety in all the layers for the composite models. This is because each layer of a composite must be evaluated individually for failure [9]. Therefore, the steel model’s factor of safety is based on the plate with the highest Von-Mises stress and the composites models’ factor of safety is based on the plate with the highest TSAIW value. The results shown are only for half of the total layers, this is because the composites are symmetric about the mid-plane and results are the same in layers of the same orientation at the same distance from the mid-plane. Since the composite models are based on Tsai-Wu criterion (failure), the factors of safety for the steel model are based on the Ultimate Tensile Strength (UTS). Typically, factors of safety are based on Yield Strength (YS), but this approach is not appropriate for a failure analysis. The factors of safety for the composite models are calculated as the inverse of the TSAIW value. The Tsai-Wu criterion predicts failure if the left side of equation is equal to or greater than 1 [9]. F11 12 F22 22 F66 62 F1 1 F2 2 2 F12 1 2 1 Figure 27: Tsai-Wu Equation [9] 29 Table 4 shows the maximum stresses, TSAIW values, and factors of safety for every model. The stresses and TSAIW values shown are the peak values shown on the figures from Section 7.1 and 7.2. The factors of safety for the steel plates are based on 58 ksi UTS divided by the maximum Von Mises stress and factors of safety for the composite plates are based on the inverse of the TSAIW value. Table 4: Factors of Safety Steel Model Von-Mises Stress Max allowable FS 12668 58000 4.58 TSAIW Max allowable FS HexPly [0 90]S 0.296 1 3.38 HexPly [0 45 90]S 0.286 1 3.50 HexPly [0 15 30 45 60 75 90]S 0.400 1 2.50 A36 Carbon Steel Composite Models 7.4 Deflections Table 5 compares the maximum deflections of each composite model versus steel and the lowest deflections of the composite models are highlighted in red. Based on deflections the best performing composite models deflected 183% more than the steel model in every direction. Table 5: Deflections Steel Model U magnitude U1 U2 0.454 0.180 -0.447 HexPly [0 90]S 0.890 0.329 -0.879 HexPly [0 45 90]S 0.833 0.331 -0.816 HexPly [0 15 30 45 60 75 90]S 0.944 0.377 -0.921 183% 183% 183% A36 Carbon Steel Composite Models Lowest % over steel 30 8. Conclusions Based on the results of this comparative structural analysis, gusset plates made of HexPly 8552 IM7 composite material provide no performance advantage versus conventional A36 Carbon steel plates of equal size. This is due to the orthotropic nature of composite materials which proved to be disadvantageous in an application where loading a plate can be in as many as six different directions. Although the composite is very strong in the longitudinal direction (much stronger than steel) it is significantly weaker in the transverse direction. Comparing results between the three composites shows that increasing the number of different ply orientations within the same thickness in an attempt to increase isotropy actually decreased overall strength in the case of the [0 15 30 45 60 75 90]S layup. The reason for this is likely that the number of plies being loaded longitudinally (strong axis) were reduced. The difference between the factors of safety for steel and best performing composite was considerable (approximately 30%) and the deflections of the composite models were greater still, nearly twice as much as steel. This can be a very undesirable condition as the larger amount of flex could lead to increased instability under changing load conditions, larger heave motions and amplify the effects of cyclic loading. This application is better suited for isotropic materials such as steel. 31 9. References 1. Kulicki, J.M. “Bridge Engineering Handbook.” Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2000. 2. Abaqus Technology Brief TB-09-BRIDGE-1. “Failure Analysis of Minneapolis I35W Bridge Gusset Plates,” Revised: December, 2009. 3. Meyers, M. M. “Safety and Reliability of Bridge Structures.” CRC Press, 2009. 4. Najjar, Walid S., DeOrtentiis, Frank. “Gusset Plates in Railroad Truss Bridges – Finite Element Analysis and Comparison with Whitmore Testing.” Briarcliff Manor, New York, 2010. . 5. State of Connecticut Department of Transportation. “Bridge Design Manual.” Newington, CT 2003. 6. Kinlan, Jeff. “Structural Comparison of a Composite and Steel Truss Bridge.” Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Hartford, CT, April, 2012. 7. Budynas, Richard G. and Nisbett, J. Keith. “Shigley’s Mechanical Engineering Design 9th Edition.” McGraw-Hill, New York, NY, 2011. 8. American Standard for Testing and Materials - Standard Specification for Carbon Structural Steel, ASTM A36/A36 M. ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA 2008. 9. Gibson, Ronald F. “Principles of Composite Material Mechanics Second Edition.” Boca Raton, FL: Taylor and Francis Group, 2007. 32 10. Abaqus/CAE 6.9EF-1. “Abaqus User Manual.” Dassault Systèmes, Providence, RI, 2009. 11. Portland Cement Association. Unit Weights, 2012. 12. Beer, Johnston. “Vector Mechanics for Engineers Statics and Dynamics 7th Edition.” New York, NY. McGraw-Hill, 2004. 33 10. Appendices Appendix A. Calculation of Loads 35 Appendix B. Mesh Study 44 Appendix C. CFAILURE 76 34 Appendix A – Calculation of Loads 1. Loading Atruss 64in 2 Figure A1 - Truss cross section Figure A2 - Bridge height, length and truss arrangement 1.1 Dead Load Vertical Warren Truss Section stl 0.282 lbf in A truss 64 in Density of carbon steel [7] 3 2 Area of the trusses [6] Wtrusses ( 15 20ft 6 28.28ft) Atruss stl Wtrusses 101721 lbf Weight of 1 side of the bridge Sidewalk Lbridge 120 ft Length of the bridge wsw 5 ft Width of the sidewalks [5] hsw 6 in Height of the sidewalks [5] lbf concrete 145 3 ft Density of concrete [11] Wsw Lbridge wsw hsw concrete Wsw 43500lbf Weight of 1 sidewalk 35 Roadway wroad 28 ft Width of the roadway [5] wbridge 2 wsw wroad Total width of the bridge wbridge 38ft Height of the deck, [6] troad 1ft lbf asphalt 45 3 ft Density of asphalt [6] Wroadway wbridge troad Lbridge asphalt Wroadway 205200lbf Weight of the entire roadway Floor and Roof Joists Wjoists 12 wbridge Atruss stl Wjoists 98759lbf Weight of all the floor joists Total Dead Load W DL W trusses W sw W roadway W joists 2 WDL 297201lbf Total Dead Load 36 1.2 Live Load Vehicles W V 80000lbf 51ft Lbridge Maximum allowable vehicle weight for 1 lane [5] WV 188235lbf Snow W snow 40 lbf ft 2 Snow load [6] wbridge Lbridge Wsnow 182400lbf W LL W V W snow Total Live Load 2 WLL 279435lbf 1.3 Total Load W WDL WLL W 576636lbf Total load, this is one-half of the entire load the bridge will support W 115327 lbf Load applied to each bottom mid-span plate W 5 Surftract 10in 10in Load applied to each bottom mid-span plate as a surface traction Surftract 1153psi Surface traction load for Abaqus 5 37 2. Truss Loads - Method of Joints [12] Feg Fce C Fac Fcd Fbc I G E Fdg Fde Fgh Ffg 45deg A W R1 2 D B Fab Fik Fgi Fkl Fhk Fhi Fjk H F Ffh Fdf Fbd K L J Fjl Fhj W W W W W 5 5 5 5 5 W R2 2 Figure A3 - Bridge FBD Guess values (Fgxx) for solve blocks, hence the "g". Fgab 1 lbf Fgce 1 lbf Fgde 1 lbf Fggh 1 lbf Fghk 1 lbf Fgac 1 lbf Fgcd 1 lbf Fgdf 1 lbf Fggi 1 lbf Fghj 1 lbf Fgbc 1 lbf Fgeg 1 lbf Fgfg 1 lbf Fghi 1 lbf Fgjk 1 lbf Fgbd 1 lbf Fgdg 1 lbf Fgfh 1 lbf Fgik 1 lbf Fgkl 1 lbf 38 F 39 40 41 42 43 Appendix B – Mesh Study Table of Contents Results 45 Steel Model 46 Composite Model 60 Plate Locations C E G I K A B D F H J L R1 W 5 W 5 W 5 W 5 W 5 R2 44 Appendix B – Mesh Study Mesh Study Results Plates and trusses were constructed with shell elements and meshed with hex elements following the guidance provided in [10] for creating composite sections using shell elements. Shell elements are appropriate for a 2D analysis and the use of hex elements provides more accurate results than triangular elements. Steel Model – The following pages document results from the mesh study carried out to ensure accuracy of the steel model. Mesh density was adjusted by decreasing seed size (element size) in several increments from a coarse to very fine mesh until a convergence of stress was observed. It was determined that a seed size of 2 inches provides optimum results and best modeling efficiency. Composite Model – Following the same methods as those described in the process to observe stress convergence in the steel model, convergence of the composite model was observed by plotting the change in Tsai-Wu failure criterion (TSAIW) as mesh density was refined. The composite used in this study is a 4 layer laminate symmetric about the mid plane [0 90]S. Only 2 layers need to be reviewed because results are symmetric about the mid-plane. Both layers were reviewed in order to observe if there was any significant difference between the two layers’ ability to converge and identify any problems, however as the following data shows, both layers followed the same convergence trend for all plates. It was determined that a seed size of 2 inches provides optimum results and increases modeling efficiency for plates A, B, C, E, F, G and a seed size of 1 inch provides best results for plate D . These are the seed sizes that will be used in all composite models 45 Appendix B – Mesh Study Steel Model Plate A 46 Appendix B – Mesh Study Plate A Seed Size 10 5 2 Elements 33 155 548 Stress 10090 10779 11037 Plate A 12000 V-M Stress (psi) 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Elem ents Stress is converging with an increase in element size. A seed size (element size) of 2 inches will provide accurate results. 47 Appendix B – Mesh Study Plate B 48 Appendix B – Mesh Study Plate B Seed Size 10 7 5 4 2 1 Elements 95 152 179 306 1115 4474 Stress 6496 6951 6961 7085 7421 7569 Plate B 8000 V-M Stress (psi) 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 Elem ents Stress is converging with an increase in element size. A seed size (element size) of 2 inches will provide accurate results. 49 Appendix B – Mesh Study Plate C 50 Appendix B – Mesh Study Plate C Seed Size 10 7 5 4 2 Elements 55 89 147 225 962 Stress 9588 9985 10252 10242 10293 Plate C 12000 V-M Stress (psi) 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Elem ents Stress is converging with an increase in element size. A seed size (element size) of 2 inches will provide accurate results. 51 Appendix B – Mesh Study Plate D 52 Appendix B – Mesh Study Plate D Seed Size 10 7 5 4 2 1 Elements 128 163 171 276 1108 4345 Stress 9675 10221 11809 12021 12629 12696 Plate D 14000 V-M Stress (psi) 12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 Elem ents Stress is converging with an increase in element size. A seed size (element size) of 2 inches will provide accurate results. 53 Appendix B – Mesh Study Plate E 54 Appendix B – Mesh Study Plate E Seed Size 10 7 5 4 2 Elements 95 152 179 306 1115 Stress 8900 9438 10722 11056 11194 Plate E 12000 V-M Stress (psi) 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Elem ents Stress is converging with an increase in element size. A seed size (element size) of 2 inches will provide accurate results. 55 Appendix B – Mesh Study Plate F 56 Appendix B – Mesh Study Plate F Seed Size 10 7 5 4 2 Elements 95 152 179 306 1115 Stress 10550 11303 12164 12567 12667 Plate F 14000 V-M Stress (psi) 12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Elem ents Stress is converging with an increase in element size. A seed size (element size) of 2 inches will provide accurate results. 57 Appendix B – Mesh Study Plate G 58 Appendix B – Mesh Study Plate G Seed Size 10 7 5 4 2 Elements 128 163 171 276 1108 Stress 9999 10353 11224 11335 11950 Plate G 14000 V-M Stress (psi) 12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Elem ents Stress is converging with an increase in element size. A seed size (element size) of 2 inches will provide accurate results. 59 Appendix B – Mesh Study Composite Model – [0 90]S Plate A 60 Appendix B – Mesh Study 61 Appendix B – Mesh Study Plate A Seed Size 10 7 5 2 Elements 33 98 155 548 Layer 1 0.193 0.197 0.227 0.227 Layer 2 0.218 0.241 0.267 0.274 Plate A 0.300 Layer 2 0.250 Layer 1 TSAIW 0.200 0.150 0.100 0.050 0.000 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Elem ents TSAI-WU criterion is converging with an increase in element size. A seed size (element size) of 2 inches will provide accurate results. 62 Appendix B – Mesh Study Plate B 63 Appendix B – Mesh Study Plate B Seed Size 10 5 4 2 Elements 95 179 306 1115 Layer 1 0.084 0.088 0.096 0.107 Layer 2 0.095 0.101 0.104 0.127 Plate B 0.140 Layer 2 0.120 Layer 1 TSAIW 0.100 0.080 0.060 0.040 0.020 0.000 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Elem ents TSAI-WU criterion is converging with an increase in element size. A seed size (element size) of 2 inches will provide accurate results. 64 Appendix B – Mesh Study Plate C 65 Appendix B – Mesh Study Plate C Seed Size 10 7 5 4 2 Elements 55 89 147 225 962 Layer 1 0.264 0.218 0.246 0.249 0.266 Layer 2 0.231 0.200 0.229 0.232 0.245 66 Appendix B – Mesh Study Plate C 0.300 Layer 1 0.250 Layer 2 TSAIW 0.200 0.150 0.100 0.050 0.000 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Elem ents TSAI-WU criterion is converging with an increase in element size. A seed size (element size) of 2 inches will provide accurate results. 67 Appendix B – Mesh Study Plate D 68 Appendix B – Mesh Study Plate D Seed Size 10 7 5 4 2 1 Elements 128 163 171 276 1108 4345 Layer 1 0.145 0.151 0.126 0.158 0.208 0.239 Layer 2 0.176 0.184 0.174 0.189 0.249 0.267 Plate D 0.300 Layer 2 0.250 Layer 1 TSAIW 0.200 0.150 0.100 0.050 0.000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 Elem ents TSAI-WU criterion is converging with an increase in element size. A seed size (element size) of 1 inch will provide accurate results. 69 Appendix B – Mesh Study Plate E 70 Appendix B – Mesh Study Plate E Seed Size 7 5 4 2 Elements 152 179 306 1115 Layer 1 0.124 0.129 0.135 0.163 Layer 2 0.110 0.112 0.117 0.145 Plate E 0.180 0.160 Layer 1 TSAIW 0.140 0.120 Layer 2 0.100 0.080 0.060 0.040 0.020 0.000 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Elem ents TSAI-WU criterion is converging with an increase in element size. A seed size (element size) of 2 inches will provide accurate results. 71 Appendix B – Mesh Study Plate F 72 Appendix B – Mesh Study Plate F Seed Size 10 4 2 Elements 95 306 1115 Layer 1 0.135 0.140 0.171 Layer 2 0.160 0.163 0.193 Plate F TSAIW 0.250 0.200 Layer 2 0.150 Layer 1 0.100 0.050 0.000 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Elem ents TSAI-WU criterion is converging with an increase in element size. A seed size (element size) of 2 inches will provide accurate results. 73 Appendix B – Mesh Study Plate G 74 Appendix B – Mesh Study Plate G Seed Size 10 4 2 Elements 128 276 1108 Layer 1 0.125 0.141 0.169 Layer 2 0.106 0.123 0.152 Plate G 0.180 Layer 1 0.160 0.140 Layer 2 TSAIW 0.120 0.100 0.080 0.060 0.040 0.020 0.000 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Elem ents The results for seed sizes 7 and 5 appear to skew results, they are taken to be inaccurate and therefore, ignored. TSAI-WU criterion is converging with an increase in element size. A seed size (element size) of 2 inches will provide accurate results. 75 Appendix C - CFAILURE 1. Define Fail Stress and/or Fail Strain values in the suboptions menu of the materials editor. The user defines stress and/or strain depending on which results they would like to view (MSTRN, MSTRS, TSAIH, TSAIW, etc). For when defining fail stress for a composite material, the cross-prod term coeff (f*) is necessary for the F12 term in the Tsai-Wu equation [9] [10]. However, the stress limit is not required, Abaqus will use f* instead [10]. 76 Appendix C –CFAILURE 2. Under Output Field Requests, right click – edit, expand the menu under “Fracture/Failure” and check the box for CFAILURE. Manually enter the number of section points in the format: 1,2,3,4,5…n. Where n is equal to the total number of plies times intergation points. The default number of integration points is 3 and this can be altered by editing section properties. 77 Appendix C –CFAILURE 3. The user can now run the analysis and view results for each layer by clicking “Section Points” under the “Results” menu at the top of the screen. Select “Plies” and results can be viewed by layer. 78