Constitution of the Black Student Alliance At the University of Colorado At Boulder Preamble Despite the clear diversity of the African-American community, our collective social and cultural history is grounded in African heritage and American racism. We have developed distinct values, beliefs and behaviors, which have greatly benefited U.S. society. This collective consciousness enables our community and helps define our own identity as Black students at the University of Colorado at Boulder. We the Black Students of the University of Colorado at Boulder, do hereby establish our organization, and draft this constitution in accordance with the policies of the University of Colorado at Boulder so that our purpose will be defined and realized to its fullest extent. Article I. Name The name of the organization is the Black Student Alliance (hereafter refer to as the BSA) Article II. Purpose The purpose of the BSA is to empower the Black community that grows out of the University of Colorado at Boulder and to increase the education of Black students in that community. Section I. Empowering the Black Community Included in the purpose of the BSA is to: 1. Continue to create and maintain Black cultural consciousness and identity. 2. Engage our responsibility to reflect upon and preserve Black history, to sustain the survival of Black community, and to help achieve the destiny of African-Americans. 3. Expand upon institutions long established by the Black community, including and not limited to Black social, political, educational, economic and spiritual structures. Section II. Increase the Education of Black Students Included in the purpose of the BSA is to: 1. Ensuring African-Americans are fully represented in education by challenging university norms, ideals and established structures. 2. Promote a campus environment that is inclusive of learning for Black students. 3. Provide for some of the immediate and future educational needs of its membership. Article III. Means and Method The means for operation of the BSA are to: 1. 2. 3. Act as a governing body for the distinct interests of black students at the University of Colorado at Boulder. Collaborate with other Black student organizations and allies in the pursuit of the organizational purpose. Provide leadership in the Black community and around campus at the University of Colorado at Boulder. Article IV. Membership Section I. Member General membership is open to registered students at the University of Colorado at Boulder, regardless of race, ethnicity, sex, age, creed or sexual orientation. Section II. Voting Member Voting membership is open to registered students at the University of Colorado at Boulder who have: 1. Attended at least 50% of BSA events. This includes but is not limited to BSA meetings. A voting member must produce proof of their eligibility as a voting member should it be requested by a BSA officer. If proof cannot be produced within a reasonable amount of time, voting membership may be revoked. Attendance will be taken at each event and meeting. Section III. Associate Member If, by the discretion of the BSA officers, any one who is not enrolled as a registered student at the University of Colorado at Boulder may obtain associate membership in the BSA by a fee prescribed by the BSA officers. Associate membership will entitle the member to participate in all services and activities and/or any other benefits that the BSA officers may prescribe. In no instance or occasion may associate members have the right to vote in the BSA, in any of its organizations or committees. Article V. Officers Section I. President This individual shall: 1. Uphold and enforce the constitution of the BSA. 2. Uphold and enforce the constitution of the BSA. 3. Ascertain, maintain and promote a direction that progresses the BSA towards its purpose as Stated in Article II. of this constitution. 4. Maintain a tradition of Black leadership by developing the skills and abilities of the BSA officers and members. 5. Act as a delegate to the power structure of the University. 6. Preside over all sessions of the BSA that include the general membership, unless otherwise decided by the President. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Assume the duties of the Chief Director when the Chief Director is incapable of performing them. Delegate authority when deemed appropriate. Serve as first in command and official spokesperson of the BSA. Be empowered to fill vacancies of all elected and appointed offices in the BSA with confirmation of the BSA officers by a three-fourths vote. Recognize and award achievements of BSA officers and members. Section II. Chief Director This individual shall: 1. Manage and assist with the operations of the BSA officers in accordance with this constitution and the BSA President. 2. Delegate authority when deemed appropriate. 3. Appoint committee chairs and supervise committees as needed. 4. Assume the duties of the President when the President is incapable of performing them. 5. Serve as second in command of the BSA. 6. Serve as official co-signer for all BSA financial accounts. 7. Conduct organization and officer evaluations. Section IV. Director of Finances: 1. Distribute monetary resources to the BSA officers. 2. Evaluate spending trends. 3. Keep up-to-date records of the BSA budget. 4. Serve as an official co-signer for all BSA financial accounts. 5. Insure the efficient transaction of BSA funds. Section V. Director of Communications This individual shall: 1. Develop, maintain and improve the communication infrastructure of the BSA. 2. Serve as co-coordinator of the Newsletter committee. 3. Promote and publicize the activities and programs of the BSA. 4. Records and preserves the history of the BSA. Section VI. Director of Events This individual shall: 1. Plan, organize and implement social, religious and educational programs. Section VII. Representative at Large This individual shall: 1. Create, maintain and improve relationships with people and organizations outside of the BSA. 2. Plan, organize, and implement community service activities that benefit the Black community. Section VIII. Big XII Head Delegate This individual shall: 1. Communicate the goals and objectives of the Big XII Alliance with the Black student Alliance. Article VI. Advisors Section I. Administrative Advisors Administrative Advisors are responsible for the general operations of the BSA. Their responsibilities include: 1. Providing advice and guidance to the BSA. 2. Attend regular meetings as designated by the BSA President. 3. Mediate any discrepancies that arise amongst the BSA officers. Section II. Officer Mentors Officer Mentors are responsible for guiding, educating and advising a designated officer on their specified position. Article VII. Standing Committees Section I. Newsletter Committee Article VIII. Ad Hoc Committees Section I. Big XII Conference Planning Committee Section II. Election Committee Section III. Fall Formal Planning Committee Article IX. Elections Section I. Eligibility All Voting Members who have attended a full semester at the University of Colorado at Boulder and have maintained at least a 2.2 grade point average are eligible to hold office in the BSA. All members nominated for an office position must attend one of three offered officer-training meetings to be held before March 1. There are no limits to the number of terms an officer may serve. Section II. Nomination Procedure Nominations may be made by any of the BSA membership. Candidates for office may nominate themselves. Nominations will be accepted at least one month prior to Election Day and must be presented to the Electoral Committee comprised of the BSA advisor, previous officers and/or faculty and staff. Section III. Election Procedure Election of new officers will be held in first two weeks of March of each year. Proof of candidate's eligibility must be submitted to the Electoral Committee prior to Election Day. Voting membership will elect candidates by a majority vote. In the case of a draw the Electoral Committee will elect a candidate by a two-thirds vote. Section IV. Appointments Should an office other than the Presidency become vacant, appointing a Voting Member who meets the eligibility requirements as stated in Article IX. Section I. of this constitution, may fill it. An appointment is made by a three-fourths vote of the BSA officers. Section V. Term of Office Terms of office are one-year durations beginning one month following elections. Article X. Removal From Office Section I. Eligibility An officer of the BSA will be removed from office should they no longer meet the requirements for office stated in Article V. of this constitution. Section II. Impeachment An elected officer of the BSA may be removed from office after the following procedures have been instituted: 1. The BSA Administrative Advisors must be notified of discrepancies concerning the officer or situation in question. 2. The officer in question must be notified of the aforementioned discrepancies as described by the BSA Administrative Advisors, President or Chief Advisor. 3. A one-week period of internal evaluation will follow. 4. If progress is not made or resolutions are not evolved, the discrepancies will be confined to a probation period lasting an additional one-week of evaluation. 5. If the officer in question was elected to office, the results of this evaluation will be presented at a special session of the BSA. The officer in question may be removed from office by a three-fourths vote of the Voting Membership. 6. If the officer in question was appointed to office, the results of this evaluation will be presented at a special session of the BSA officers. The officer in question may be removed from office by a three-fourths vote of the BSA officers. Section III. Resignation An officer that wishes to resign may do so in writing. The resigning officer must keep the responsibilities of their office until a new officer is appointed or elected. Section IV. Succession of Office The order of succession is fixed to the Presidency. The order of succession to the Presidency shall be as follows: 1. Chief Director 2. Any further succession shall be decided by a special session of the BSA officers Article XII. Amendments This constitution is an acting document and may be removed by a two-thirds vote on the designated Day of Ratification. All amendments to this constitution must be presented in writing. Amendments may be made to this constitution at any time consequent to a three-fourths vote of the BSA officers. Article XIII. Emblem The BSA official emblem must be used for endorsement of all official materials.