Biology: Life on Earth 7e Student Self Test Questions and Answers

Biology: Life on Earth 7e
Student Self Test Questions and Answers
Chapter 8: Harvesting Energy: Glycolysis and Cellular Respiration
Self Test
1. Photosynthesis and glucose metabolism are related because __________.
a. the products of photosynthesis are the raw materials for glucose metabolism
b. the products of glucose metabolism are the raw materials for photosynthesis
c. the products of photosynthesis are the same as the products of glucose metabolism
d. the raw materials of photosynthesis are the same as the raw materials of glucose metabolism
e. Both the first and second answers are correct.
2. Glycolysis is __________.
a. the breakdown of starch to form glucose
b. the synthesis of glucose from two molecules of pyruvate
c. the breakdown of glucose to form two molecules of pyruvate
d. the synthesis of pyruvate in mitochondria
e. the lysis of glucose in chloroplasts
3. Which of the following statements concerning fermentation is (are) true?
a. Fermentation occurs in either aerobic or anaerobic conditions.
b. Fermentation, like glycolysis, occurs in the cytoplasm of cells.
c. Fermentation produces additional ATP.
d. The end product of fermentation in human cells is ethanol.
e. all of the above
4. The energy-harvesting reactions of glycolysis produce two molecules of __________, two molecules of
__________, and two molecules of __________.
a. ATP, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate, pyruvate
b. ATP, NADH, pyruvate
c. glucose, carbon dioxide, water
d. pyruvate, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate, water
5. In aerobic organisms growing in the presence of oxygen, the NADH produced by glycolysis ultimately donates its
high-energy electrons to __________.
a. electron transport chains in the mitochondria
b. glucose
c. pyruvate
d. ATP
6. Respiration is the process of gas exchange (breathing in oxygen and breathing out carbon dioxide); cellular
respiration is the process of __________.
a. cellular gas exchange
b. cellular cooling
c. production of ATP via the electron transport system
d. cellular reproduction
7. How is the oxygen that is breathed in during respiration used in cellular respiration?
a. Oxygen is converted into CO2 and breathed out.
b. Oxygen is converted into ATP.
Biology: Life on Earth 7e
Student Self Test Questions and Answers
c. Oxygen is the final electron acceptor of the electron transport system.
d. Oxygen is used to produce glucose.
8. In eukaryotic cells, glycolysis occurs in the __________, and cellular respiration occurs in the __________.
a. mitochondria, cytoplasm
b. cytoplasm, mitochondria
c. cytoplasm, chloroplasts
d. chloroplasts, mitochondria
9. In eukaryotic cells, the enzymes for the Krebs cycle are located in the __________, and those for the electron
transport system are located in the __________.
a. cytoplasm, cell wall
b. cytoplasm, mitochondrial matrix
c. plasma membrane, cytoplasm
d. mitochondrial matrix, inner mitochondrial membrane
e. inner mitochondrial membrane, matrix
10. In eukaryotic cells, pyruvate produced by glycolysis is transported into the mitochondrial matrix, where
a. enzymes for the Krebs cycle break down the pyruvate, producing CO 2 as a waste product
b. the electron transport system recombines pyruvate molecules to produce glucose
c. enzymes for the Krebs cycle convert the pyruvate into alcohol or lactate
d. the electron transport system breaks down the pyruvate, producing CO 2 as a waste product.
11. As high-energy electrons are passed from carrier to carrier along the electron transport system in cellular
respiration, the electrons lose energy. Some of that energy is directly used to __________.
a. synthesize glucose
b. break down glucose
c. pump hydrogen ions across a membrane
d. synthesize ATP.
12. In eukaryotes, during the process of chemiosmosis, ATP is produced as hydrogen ions move from __________ to
__________, passing through __________.
a. the intermembrane compartment, the matrix, ATP synthase
b. the matrix, the intermembrane compartment, ATP synthase
c. the cytoplasm, the matrix, the electron transport system
d. the matrix, the cytoplasm, the Krebs cycle
13. Why does death result from any situation that prevents a person from breathing?
a. Oxygen is needed for cellular respiration, so lack of oxygen prevents cells from making sufficient
ATP for essential cellular functions. Cells die as a result, eventually leading to death of the
b. Glycolysis requires oxygen in order to produce ATP, so lack of oxygen prevents cells from
making sufficient ATP.
c. Oxygen is necessary for both fermentation reactions and cellular respiration. so lack of oxygen
prevents cells from making sufficient ATP.
Biology: Life on Earth 7e
Student Self Test Questions and Answers
14. The overall equation for glucose metabolism is C6H12O6 + 6O2 --> 6CO2 + 6H2O + ATP and heat. The carbon
atoms in the CO2 molecules in this equation come from __________ during reactions of __________.
a. O2, glycolysis
b. O2, the electron transport system
c. O2, the Krebs cycle
d. C6H12O6, glycolysis
e. C6H12O6, the Krebs cycle
15. At the beginning of most recipes for bread, you are instructed to dissolve the yeast in a mixture of sugar (sucrose)
and hot water, in some cases with a small amount of flour. Within a short time, this yeast mixture begins to bubble
and foam, perhaps to the point of overflowing the container. What is happening?
a. The bubbles are carbon dioxide that yeast produce as they break down the glucose and produce
ATP via fermentation.
b. The bubbles are oxygen produced by yeast as they grow.
c. The bubbles are detergents that yeast produce to help them digest the proteins in the flour.
d. The bubbles are water vapor produced as the hot water evaporates.
16. Where is the majority of ATP produced?
a. in the aqueous fluid surrounding all cells
b. in the cytoplasm of a cell
c. in the mitochondria of a cell
d. on the rough endoplasmic reticulum
17. Glycolysis can be broken down into what two parts?
a. glucose activation and energy harvest
b. fermentation and cellular respiration
c. extracellular and intracellular events
d. all of the above
18. How do cells recycle NADH back to NAD+ during fermentation?
a. by converting pyruvate to lactic acid
b. by converting pyruvate to ethanol and carbon dioxide
c. by converting pyruvate to acetyl CoA
d. The first two answers are correct.
19. The production of what molecule marks the end of glycolysis and the beginning of cellular respiration?
a. Coenzyme A (CoA)
b. acetyl CoA
c. citrate
d. pyruvate
20. What role is played by the electron transport chain during cellular respiration?
a. The electron transport system takes energy from the high-energy electrons brought by electron
carriers (e.g., NADH) and uses it to pump hydrogen ions against their concentration gradient from
the matrix into the intermembrane compartment.
Biology: Life on Earth 7e
Student Self Test Questions and Answers
b. The electron transport system allows hydrogen ions to diffuse down their concentration gradient
from the intermembrane compartment to the matrix.
c. The electron transport system produces ATP.
d. all of the above
21. Why should anyone care about the importance of ATP production?
a. Even though the production of ATP occurs within individual cells, a multicellular organism
requires the energy produced to carry out vital functions essential for survival. Any organism would
quickly die without constant production of ATP.
b. The memorization of foreign-sounding biochemical terms was required by the instructor.
c. Understanding glycolysis and cellular respiration permits insights into how different organisms
manage their energy needs in different environments.
d. Both the first and third answers are correct
22. You are comparing two cultures of cells, one that is undergoing cellular respiration and one that is fermenting.
Both cultures are producing ATP at the same rate. If this is true, what else would you observe about the fermenting
a. It would require more glucose per minute than the respiring culture.
b. It would have a higher rate of glycolysis than the respiring culture.
c. It would produce pyruvate at a faster rate than the respiring culture.
d. It would require more oxygen than the respiring culture.
e. The first three answers are correct.
23. Suppose that the reactions of mitochondria of a green plant were completely inhibited. What process would
immediately stop?
a. glycolysis
b. fermentation
c. photosynthesis
d. ATP production
e. lactate production
24. Which molecules are produced in glycolysis and used in fermentation?
a. acetyl CoA and NADH
b. pyruvate and NADH
c. glucose, ATP, and NAD+
d. lactate, ATP, and CO2
e. pyruvate and ATP
25. Which pathway produces the most ATP per glucose molecule?
a. fermentation
b. glycolysis
c. Krebs cycle
d. cellular respiration
e. electron transport and chemiosmosis
26. How many molecules of ATP would be produced from 20 molecules of glucose at the end of fermentation?
Biology: Life on Earth 7e
Student Self Test Questions and Answers
a. 10
b. 20
c. 30
d. 40
e. 100
27. The initial reactions that break down glucose without the use of oxygen are called ____________________.
Krebs Cycle
28. In the absence of oxygen, pyruvate acts as an electron acceptor in a process called ____________________.
oxidative phosphorylation
29. ____________________ is a series of reactions, occurring under aerobic conditions, in which large amounts of
ATP are produced.
Krebs Cycle
cellular respiration
30. If oxygen is present after glycolysis, pyruvate is transported to the mitochondria and broken down further during
the process called ____________________.
electron transport chain
ATP dependent oxidation
Krebs cycle
31. Electrons from NADH and FADH2 are deposited in the ____________________.
electron transport system
outer membrane of the mitochondria
32. ____________________ is the process in which hydrogen ions move down their concentration gradient through
ATP-synthesizing enzymes.
substrate level phosphorylation
facilitated diffusion
outer phosphorylation
33. The figure below depicts an overview of glucose metabolism. Label the reactions
Biology: Life on Earth 7e
Student Self Test Questions and Answers
Biology: Life on Earth 7e
Student Self Test Questions and Answers
34. Two different molecules of energy storage are formed by the reaction depicted below. Match the molecule with its
formation site in the reaction.
35. Glycolysis involves the breakdown of sugar. Put the correct compounds entering
and exiting glycolysis in this diagram.
Biology: Life on Earth 7e
Student Self Test Questions and Answers