BIOLOGY 1406 Name __________________ Final Exam Remote _______

Final Exam
1. Homeostasis is the process by which
a. living things maintain their
complex structure and the
internal conditions needed to
sustain life
b. living things reproduce
c. some organisms can enter a
kind of suspended animation
to survive harsh conditions
d. like organisms associate with
like organisms
2. Organisms that can extract energy
from light are called __________;
organisms that must obtain energy
from molecules made by other
organisms are called ______.
a. herbivores, carnivores
b. photosynthetic, herbivores
c. heterotroph, autotroph
d. autotroph, heterotroph.
3. The process of evolution involves
a. natural selection of
organisms that produce more
offspring in certain
environmental conditions
b. changes in a species due to
c. adaptation of an organism to
its environment
d. all of the above
e. the first and third answers
4. Which of the following terms
includes all of the others?
a. Molecule
b. Atom
c. subatomic particle
d. electron
Name __________________
Remote _______
5. The basic structural units of
chemistry and life are:
a. Atoms
b. Electrons
c. Protons
d. Neutrons
e. molecules
6. Ions are atoms that have :
a. different numbers of neutrons
b. broken apart due to
radioactive decay
c. gained an electron
d. lost an electron
e. gained or lost an electron
7. Covalent bonds are all of the
following, EXCEPT.
a. interactions between the
outermost electron shells of
b. result when atoms share one
or more electrons
c. result when atoms gain or
lose one or more electrons
d. are the forces that hold atoms
together in molecules such as
8. Which of the following lists of terms
is in the correct order of size, going
from smallest to largest?
a. electron, proton, atomic
nucleus, electron shell, atom,
b. proton, electron, atomic
nucleus, electron shell, atom,
c. molecule, atom, electron
shell, atomic nucleus, proton,
d. atomic nucleus, electron,
proton, electron shell, atom,
e. electron, proton, atomic
nucleus, electron shell,
molecule, atom
9. During the process of polymerization
(synthesis of biological polymers),
water is a __________, and the
reaction is consequently called a
__________ reaction.
a. reactant, dehydration
b. reactant, hydrolysis
c. by-product, dehydration
d. product, hydrolysis
10. Saturated fats __________.
a. have no double covalent
b. are solid at room temperature
c. contain the maximum
number of hydrogen atoms
d. Both the first and second
answers above are correct
e. The first, second, and third
answers above are correct
a. a sugar and a phosphate
b. a phosphate group and a
nitrogen-containing base
c. a sugar and a nitrogencontaining base
d. a sugar, a phosphate group,
and a nitrogen-containing
14. Diffusion is the movement of
molecules from __________.
a. an area of higher
concentration of that type of
molecule to an area of lower
b. an area of lower
concentration of that type of
molecule to an area of higher
c. outside the cell to inside the
11. Proteins are polymers of …
a. Peptides
b. amino acids
c. nucleotides
d. sugars
15. In osmosis, water diffuses from the
side of the membrane with a higher
concentration of water to the side
with a lower concentration of water.
What determines the concentration
of water in a solution?
a. the volume of the solution
b. the amount of molecules
other than water dissolved in
the solution
c. the size of the container
12. Protein functions in cells include
a. storage and defense
b. catalysis of biochemical
c. structure and movement
d. transport and defense
e. all of the above
16. Which of the following processes
does a cell use to take up molecules
against their concentration gradient?
a. simple diffusion
b. facilitated diffusion
c. active transport
d. endocytosis
e. Both the c and d are correct.
13. A nucleotide is composed of :
17. The cell theory states that …
a. cells are generally small to
allow for diffusion
b. all cells contain cytoplasm
c. cells are either prokaryotes or
d. all living things are
composed of cells
e. all cells arise from organic
molecules such as DNA
18. Chromosomes consist of …
a. DNA
b. Proteins
c. RNA
d. proteins and RNA
e. proteins and DNA
19. The endoplasmic reticulum is needed
for __________.
a. synthesis of certain proteins
b. hormone synthesis
c. detoxification
d. synthesis of lipids
e. all of the above
20. Sorting and modification of proteins
is an important function of
a. Mitochondria
b. Chloroplasts
c. Lysosomes
d. the Golgi complex
e. the plasma membrane
21. The second law of thermodynamics
states that unless additional energy is
acquired, the orderliness of a system
tends to _______, whereas entropy
a. increase, decreases
b. decrease, increases
c. stay the same, increases
d. decrease, stays the same
22. In a chemical reaction, the ________
are the atoms or molecules that enter
into the reaction, and the _______
are the chemicals or atoms produced
by the reaction.
a. products, reactants
b. reactants, products
c. receptors, products
d. catalysts, reactants
23. In endergonic reactions, ______.
a. the reactants have more
potential energy than the
b. energy is released
c. a net input of energy is not
d. all of the above
e. none of the above
24. Activation energy __________.
a. is required for endergonic
b. is produced by exergonic
c. is required for all chemical
d. is produced by chemical
25. In most land plants, photosynthesis
occurs in cells of the __________ of
the leaves, because these cells
contain the largest numbers of
a. Epidermis
b. Stomata
c. Cuticle
d. Mesophyll
e. vascular bundles
26. Why is carbon dioxide a key
molecule in the light-independent
reactions of photosynthesis?
a. It provides electrons to
replace those lost by
chlorophyll during the lightdependent reactions.
b. It is, together with water, the
raw material for the synthesis
of sugars, which are the key
products of the lightindependent reactions.
c. It inhibits the lightindependent reactions of
d. It is the major product of the
light-independent reactions of
27. What is photorespiration?
a. It is the process by which
plants produce energy at
b. It is the process by which
plant cells cool off in hot
c. It is the process that prevents
sugar production in C3 plants
when CO2 levels are low and
O2 levels are high.
d. It is the process by which
plants capture light energy
and convert it into ATP.
28. Which of the following is a true
statement about photosynthesis?
a. In photosynthesis, inorganic
molecules such as carbon
dioxide and water react to
produce organic, energy-rich
molecules such as glucose.
b. In photosynthesis, oxygen is
used to help break down
c. Photosynthesis is an
exergonic reaction.
d. Photosynthesis is a process
that is carried out primarily
by autotrophic prokaryotic
29. Photosynthesis and glucose
metabolism are related because
a. the products of
photosynthesis are the raw
materials for glucose
b. the products of glucose
metabolism are the raw
materials for photosynthesis
c. the products of
photosynthesis are the same
as the products of glucose
d. the raw materials of
photosynthesis are the same
as the raw materials of
glucose metabolism
e. Both the first and second
answers are correct.
30. Glycolysis is __________.
a. the breakdown of starch to
form glucose
b. the synthesis of glucose from
two molecules of pyruvate
c. the breakdown of glucose to
form two molecules of
d. the synthesis of pyruvate in
e. the lysis of glucose in
31. In aerobic organisms growing in the
presence of oxygen, the NADH
produced by glycolysis ultimately
donates its high-energy electrons to
a. electron transport chains in
the mitochondria
b. glucose
c. pyruvate
d. ATP
32. In eukaryotic cells, glycolysis occurs
in the __________, and cellular
respiration occurs in the
a. mitochondria, cytoplasm
b. cytoplasm, mitochondria
c. cytoplasm, chloroplasts
d. chloroplast, mitochondria
33. In eukaryotic cells, the enzymes for
the Krebs cycle are located in the
__________, and those for the
electron transport system are located
in the __________.
a. cytoplasm, cell wall
b. cytoplasm, mitochondrial
c. plasma membrane,
d. mitochondrial matrix,
inner mitochondrial
e. inner mitochondrial
membrane, matrix
34. Except for eggs and sperm, different
cells in your body are different
because they have different
a. DNA
b. Chromosomes
c. Proteins
35. The two strands of a DNA double
helix are held together by
a. covalent bonds
b. covalent bonds between the
sugars of one nucleotide and
the phosphates of the
adjacent nucleotide
c. hydrogen bonds between
bases on opposite DNA
d. ionic bonds between DNA
and water
36. Mutations are changes in
a. sugar-phosphate backbone of
b. base-pairing rules for DNA
c. sequence of bases in DNA
37. The process of RNA synthesis is
called __________.
a. Transcription
b. Translation
c. Replication
d. mutation
38. During DNA replication, a mistake
was made in which an A was
changed to a G. This kind of
mutation is called a(n) __________.
a. point mutation
b. insertion mutation
c. deletion mutation
d. neutral mutation
39. The cells in your skin have a
different shape and different function
from the cells in your liver because
the two types of cells have different :
a. DNA
b. Proteins
c. Lipids
d. carbohydrates
40. Which genes are expressed in a cell
depends on the cell’s __________.
a. Environment
b. Color
c. Function
d. all of the above
e. All except one of the above
answers are correct.
41. Which of the following events
occurs during the interphase portion
of the eukaryotic cell cycle?
a. Cytokinesis
b. DNA replication
c. chromosome condensation
d. metaphase
42. Which of the following correctly
lists the order of the stages during
a. metaphase, telophase,
anaphase, prophase
b. anaphase, prophase,
metaphase, telophase.
c. prophase, metaphase,
anaphase, telophase
d. telophase, metaphase,
anaphase, prophase
43. During the process of cytokinesis in
plants, __________.
a. carbohydrate-containing
vesicles fuse in the center of
the cell, eventually splitting
the cell in two
b. microfilaments squeeze the
cell in two
c. the cytoplasm moves from
one spindle pole to the other
d. chromosomes move to
opposite sides of the
44. Which of the following is NOT a
function of mitosis in a multicellular
a. growth from a fertilized egg
b. replacement of damaged cells
c. maintenance of tissues
d. production of gametes
45. If a plant is true-breeding for a
flower color, it is __________ for
the flower-color gene.
a. Homozygous
b. Heterozygous
c. dominant
46. A Punnett square is __________.
a. a method of crossing pea
b. a chart that can help you keep
track of the alleles during
genetic crosses
c. named after an Augustinian
monk in Brno, Moravia
(currently part of the Czech
47. If a gene has alleles that are
incompletely dominant, an individual
that is heterozygous at this locus will
have characteristics that are :
a. the same as organisms that
are homozygous for the
recessive allele
b. the same as organisms that
are homozygous for the
dominant allele
c. intermediate between
organisms that are
homozygous for the recessive
allele and organisms that are
homozygous for the
dominant allele
48. Structures that may differ in function
but that have similar anatomy,
presumably because of descent from
common ancestors, are called:
a. analogous structures
b. homologous structures
c. vestigial structures
49. Structures that serve no apparent
purpose but are homologous to
functional structures in related
organisms are called _______.
a. analogous structures
b. homologous structures
c. vestigial structures
50. All vertebrate embryos resemble
each other during the early stages of
development. For example, fish,
turtles, chickens, mice, and humans
develop tails and gill slits during
early stages of development. This
suggests that _________.
a. early embryonic development
is conservative
b. ancestral vertebrates
possessed genes that directed
the development of tails and
gill slits, and all of their
descendants still retain those
c. genes that modify the
developmental pathways in
vertebrates arose later in
d. all of the above
51. Which of the following is a basic
requirement for natural selection to
be an effective evolutionary force?
a. Mutation must occur
b. Individuals reproduce at a
rapid rate.
c. Each population is limited to
a small size.
d. A population exhibits some
genetic variability.
e. all of the above
52. Which of the following would
describe artificial selection?
a. breeding organisms for the
purpose of generating certain
features or traits (e.g., dog
b. coloration changes in guppy
populations in the absence of
c. increased frequency of
roaches that avoid sugarbaited poison traps
d. all of the above
53. Which of the following is an
incorrect statement about mutation?
a. Mutation introduces variation
into a population.
b. Mutations can be inherited
from parents to offspring.
c. Mutations may have no effect
on the organism.
d. Mutations that are favored by
selection are more likely to
54. Selection against individuals at both
ends of a phenotypic distribution for
a character, favoring those in the
middle or average of the distribution,
is an example of __________.
a. kin selection
b. sexual selection
c. directional selection
d. disruptive selection
e. stabilizing selection
55. Which of the following is most likely
to result in the evolution of altruistic
a. kin selection
b. sexual selection
c. natural selection
d. directional selection
e. disruptive selection
56. Genetic drift will tend to :
a. increase genetic variability
both within and between
b. decrease genetic variability
both within and between
c. increase genetic variability
within populations but
decrease genetic variability
between populations
d. decrease genetic variability
within populations but
increase genetic variability
between populations
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