Canyon Glen Park Whistler, British Columbia Amanda Bartlett, Superintendent

Canyon Glen Park
Whistler, British Columbia
Amanda Bartlett, Superintendent
Description of the Canyon
Total area (including jogging
path): 1250 acres
Total miles of jogging path: 22
Wooded area at the base of
two mountains
Small river passes through the
Jogging path follows river
Canyon Glen Facilities
Three covered picnic table areas
46 other picnic tables
15 water faucets (potable water)
Three restroom facilities
Volleyball court, sandy surface
Softball diamond
Amphitheater, 250 capacity
Children’s playground with swings,
slides, teeter-totters, and junglejims
Jogging Path Description
Paved surfaces
Yellow center lines
Distance markers every 1000
meters and every half mile
Rest benches every two miles
Drinking fountains every four
6 access points and parking
Jogging Path Usage
During summer 2001
Ave. number
joggers/walkers per day:
Ave. number bicyclists per
day: 185
Ave. number of rollerbladers per day: 97
Jogging Path Upkeep
About 20% of path is resurfaced each year
Center stripes repainted every three years
Trash cleanup performed by Own-A-Park
volunteer organizations, including:
• Whistler Hospital Nursing Staff
• Troop 204 of the Boy Scouts of America
• Elks Club Lodge 841
Total budget: $122,000 per year
In Conclusion . . .
The Daily Whistler (June 7, 2001 edition) said:
“Canyon Glen Park is truly one of the great treasures of our
city. Economically, our life-blood comes from skiers and
conventioneers. But recreationally, for the local residence,
our life-blood comes from Canyon Glen Park.”