Harvey McNaughton is superintendent of parks in Whistler, British Columbia,... famous for its skiing, but which hosts numerous conferences and...

Case 1. Canyon Glen Park Harvey McNaughton is superintendent of parks in Whistler, British Columbia, Canada, which is a town
famous for its skiing, but which hosts numerous conferences and festivals during the summer. Locals and visitors alike take advantage
of the city parks, including the largest one, Canyon Glen. This park has facilities for picnicking, volleyball, and softball, as well as a
small amphitheatre. Harvey is also in charge of the Whistler jogging trail that passes through Canyon Glen. The jogging trail is 22
miles of paved path, not only for jogging, but also for walking, biking, and roller skating (or in-line skating). Harvey was invited to
give a presentation at the Annual Canadian Conference on Parks and Recreation, and he asks you to help him prepare his presentation
graphics. Harvey will give his presentation using 3 5mm slides, but he also wants you to create custom navigation (action) buttons for
the presentation and publish it as a Web page on the Whistler Web site. Do the following:
1 . Create a design template for 3 5mm slides using the graphic file BkgrTree (located in the Tutorial.06 Cases folder on your Data
Disk) as a picture background for all the slides.
2. Choose your color scheme based partly on the colors in the background picture, and partly on the colors in the other graphics you'll
use, which are the JPEG files that begin with the word "Park," located in the Tutorial.06 Cases folder. In other words, the color scheme
should include greens, yellows, grays, and possibly other colors.
3. Use the JPEG file ParkSign as a logo that goes on all the slides.
4. On your Slide Masters, select appropriate, attractive, and readable fonts, font sizes, and font attributes, as well as appropriately sized
and positioned text boxes.
5. Use the picture file Bullet (a picture of a stone at Canyon Glen) from the Tutorial.06 Cases folder to make bullets for all the
level-one bulleted items in the presentation.
6. Select a normal round bullet, but color it gray, for the level-two bullets.
7. If you want, apply any other background objects that you think would look attractive.
8. Save the presentation as a design template to your high-capacity disk using the filename Canyon Glen Slide Template, and close
the file.
9. Open the file ParkShow, and save it as the presentation file Canyon Glen Slide Presentation.
10. Apply the Canyon Glen Slide Template to the presentation.
11. Add the graphics files ParkJog (picture of the jogging trail), ParkPic (picture of one of the covered picnic areas), and ParkRivr
(picture of the river that passes through the park) to the presentation-selecting the appropriate slide into which each picture should be
12. Go through all the slides to make sure they are attractive and legible. Check to make sure the graphics don't overlap the text.
13. If necessary, adjust the colors of the organization chart so it is legible.
14. Save the 35mm slide presentation using the default filename (Canyon Glen Slide Presentation).
15. Print a copy of the presentation as a handout with four slides per page.
16. Prepare the presentation for publication as a Web page by adding custom navigation (action) buttons NavNext and NavBack to
each slide. Don't include a Home navigation button.
17. Make the navigation buttons cyclical-the Back button on Slide 1 hyperlinks to the last slide, and the Next button on the last slide
hyperlinks to Slide 1.
18. Set the custom navigation buttons to become highlighted and to make a sound when the pointer passes over them.
19. Save the file as a Web page using the filename Canyon Glen Slide Presentation.htm. Tell PowerPoint to omit putting in its own
navigation objects.
20. Review the Web page in your Web browser. If you notice problems, fix them, and then save the Web page again.
21. Close the file and exit PowerPoint.