The Composition of the Property Tax Base and the Exportation of Municipal Tax Burdens: A Comparison of Sixty-Two Texas Cities By Wm. Feagin, Jr. Submitted for Publication in The Texas Journal of Political Studies September 27, 1996 ABSTRACT This article examines the extent to which municipalities in Texas are able to export their tax burdens. Exportation indices are calculated for sixty-two Texas cities to indicate their relative ability to shift the burden of municipal taxes to non-residents. The calculated indices reveal that about one-half of the cities in the sample are net exporters of taxes while the others are net importers. A regression model is then specified to explain why some municipalities are better able to export tax burdens to non-residents than others. The findings indicate that as the per capita value of commercial and industrial property in a city’s property tax base increases, the city’s ability to export more of its overall tax burden increases. It is argued, therefore, that a city’s ability to export taxes occurs mainly through the shifting of property taxes on commercial and industrial property to consumers outside the city. The Composition of the Property Tax Base and the Exportation of Municipal Tax Burdens: A Comparison of Sixty-Two Texas Cities Introduction. Former U.S. Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendall Holmes once remarked that “taxes are what we pay for a civilized society.” A more precise characterization might be that taxes are one of the costs we pay for public programs and services. Though there may be political debate in a given community over the merits of funding specific programs with tax dollars, there is generally an understanding that tax revenues must be generated if programs or services are to be provided. Ultimately, the political debate is over who will bear the burden of taxes that are imposed. The distribution of tax burdens in a community is a topic of concern for academics, policy-makers, and citizens. Because municipalities have been forced to meet increasing or stable demand for public services while resisting or limiting tax increases, the issue of tax exportation - the degree to which the burden of paying a city’s taxes falls on non-residents - has become more important. How much of a city’s tax burden is exported to non-residents? Unfortunately, no direct measure of tax exportation exists. However, it is possible to compare the extent to which a municipality exports its tax burden relative to other cities by examining relevant indicators. The purpose of this paper is to develop and test such indices for sixty-two Texas cities.1 The exportation indices provide a fairly simple conception of each city’s ability to export a portion of its tax burden relative to other cities in the sample. Additionally, this paper tests the hypothesis that a city’s ability to export its tax burden relative to other cities increases as the per capita appraised value of its commercial and industrial property tax base increases. This study finds significant support for this hypothesis, suggesting that the property tax, among the three taxes examined here, may be the most important in affecting the exportation issue. This, of course, has important policy implications for cities in designing their revenue structures. Some Theoretical Considerations Relevant to Tax Exportation. Tax exportation is a particular type of tax shifting. Depending on the tax in question and on market conditions, the economic burden of paying a tax (known as economic incidence) may be shifted from the entity that is legally responsible for transferring tax dollars to the taxing authority (known as statutory incidence or legal liability).2 In the United States, the legal liability for many of the taxes imposed by all levels of government falls on businesses. Obvious exceptions include personal income taxes and property taxes on owner-occupied singlefamily housing. While businesses may have the legal responsibility for paying a tax, they cannot bear its economic incidence (Rosen, 1988: 265).3 The economic burden of the tax will be shifted either to customers on the one hand, or to the employees of the business or the stockholders in the business on the other. For example, if the tax can be incorporated into the price structure of a good or service, the incidence of the tax is said to be shifted forward to the purchaser. Economists refer to this phenomenon as the price-migration effect (Gade and Adkins, 1992; Phares, 1980). Whether the economic incidence of a tax will be borne by the consumer depends on the price elasticity of demand for the taxed good or service. Relatively price elastic demand means that consumers are sensitive to the price of a good or service and will adjust downward the quantity that they consume as its price increases. Taxes potentially increase the prices of goods and services that businesses supply. If demand is relatively price inelastic, then consumers will not adjust their consumption of the good or service, regardless of the tax-induced price increase. In such a situation, we can conclude that the economic incidence of the tax (or at least the largest portion of it) is borne by consumers. Figure 1(a) illustrates the price-migration effect of an excise tax placed on some hypothetical good or service for which demand is relatively price inelastic. The slope of the demand curve DX indicates that demand for good X is relatively price inelastic. The pre-tax equilibrium price (PE) is set at the intersection of DX and the supply curve SX. The price-migration effect means that two new prices are created by the imposition of the excise tax on good X - the price paid by consumers (PC) and the price received by suppliers (PS). Assuming that the statutory incidence of the tax is placed on consumers (demand side), the revenues generated by the excise tax are defined by the geometric area knhf. The portion of the tax that is paid by consumers is represented by the difference between PC and PE (the larger shaded rectangle) while the portion of the tax absorbed by the supplier is the difference between PS and PE (the smaller shaded rectangle). Thus, while both the consumer and the supplier are negatively affected by the tax, clearly the consumer bears most of the economic incidence of the tax when demand is relatively price inelastic. On the other hand, market conditions may preclude the shifting of the tax to the consumer. If demand is relatively price elastic, or if reasonable alternatives to the good or service exist, the tax will be borne by owners of the business in the form of lower return on investment or by employees in the form of lower wages. Unless demand is perfectly price elastic, customers will absorb some of the burden of the tax as indicated by the smaller shaded rectangle. When demand is relatively price elastic, we may say that the greatest portion of the tax is paid by owners of capital or employees. Figure 1(b) illustrates the effect of the excise tax placed on good X when demand is relatively price elastic. As in Figure 1(a), we assume that the statutory incidence of the tax is imposed on consumers. Additionally, the original equilibrium price is denoted PE, the tax-induced price paid by consumers is PC, and the tax-induced price received by suppliers is PS. In this scenario (when demand is relatively price elastic), the relative portions of the tax paid by consumers and suppliers have changed. The economic incidence of the tax borne by consumers is represented by the smaller shaded rectangle and that absorbed by suppliers is indicated by the larger.4 Note that it is not possible by examining this graph to determine whether the incidence (represented by the difference between PE and PS) will be borne by owners of the business or their employees. Such a determination would depend on specific knowledge of labor-market conditions.5 Of course, these observations are theoretical. The task of determining exactly how much of a tax is borne by consumers, owners, or employees depends upon whether we can obtain reliable empirical estimates of the price elasticity of demand. Estimating the portion of a city’s taxes that are exported not only requires an reliable assessment of the elasticity of demand but also requires an accurate determination of which consumers, owners, and employees reside outside of the city’s jurisdiction.6 Nevertheless, if we accept certain assumptions concerning conditions in the marketplace, the relative degree of tax exporting can be determined using the exportation indices developed in this study. No attempt is made to estimate the actual dollar amount or percentages of taxes that are exported. However, the exportation indices provide a rough measure of the ability of sixty-two Texas cities to export some of their tax burdens relative to each other. Conditions of Tax Exporting. Some taxes seem to be more obviously exportable than others. Most of us can readily appreciate that a large portion of a city’s hotel/motel room occupancy tax will be paid by out-of-town visitors. Although the liability rests with the hotel, we readily assume that the economic incidence of the tax rests with the person renting the room. After all, when the renter receives his bill at the end of his stay, the tax is indicated as part of the total. However, what if the tourist sector of a city’s economy is weak or in recession? Suppose, for example, that on any given night very few of the available hotel rooms in the city are rented. Under these conditions, the economic incidence of the tax would fall mainly on the supply-side as hotel operators absorb the burden of the tax in order to hold rental rates down. In a similar fashion, it is easy to appreciate that the portion of a city’s sales tax paid by out-of-town shoppers is exported (provided that the tax can be shifted forward to consumers). Again, however, it is exceedingly difficult to establish precisely how much of a city’s sales tax is paid by non-residents. Making an exact determination would require that retailers identify the city of residence of each of their customers (or at least a representative sample) at the time that individual transactions are made. How other taxes are exported is more difficult to appreciate. Taxes imposed on personal incomes (by states, and, in some parts of the country, local governments) on personal incomes are a good example. However, a portion of these may be exported to the federal government (and therefore taxpayers nationally) by virtue of their deductibility from the federal income tax (Phares, 1980). The tax imposed on personal incomes by the national government cannot be shifted. The suggestion that a portion of a city’s property tax burden could be exported might seem absurd to many. Indeed that portion of the property tax that falls on single-family, owner-occupied residential property cannot be shifted away from the owner. Neither is it likely that a substantial portion of the tax on single-family (rental) property is exportable, although the incidence may be shifted to renters. Where market conditions prevent property taxes from being incorporated into rental rates, the tax is capitalized and the incidence falls on the owners of the property. Therefore, whether the tax is exported depends on where the properties’ owners reside. It is possible that a sizable percentage of multi-family residential properties could be owned by non-residents and therefore exported, particularly in cities where a surplus of rental properties exist. The portion of the property tax that falls on commercial and industrial property is exportable, however, provided that market conditions allow shifting to consumers and that businesses that are liable for paying the tax serve regional or national clienteles (Ladd, 1975; McClure, 1967; Gade and Adkins, 1988). Therefore, cities that have relatively high commercial and industrial property values per capita are likely to be exporting a substantial amount of their property, and overall, tax burdens. 7 Measuring Tax Exportation. In order to determine the relative degree to which any of the sixty-two cities in the sample are able to export a portion of their tax burdens, exportation indices were developed for each city.8 The index for each city in the sample is provided in Table 5 in the Appendix. It is important to note that all cities export part of their tax burdens and import a portion of the tax burdens of other cities. The question is whether, on balance, a city exports more taxes than it imports. Positive indices indicate cities that export more taxes than they import. Negative indices indicate cities that are net importers of other cities’ tax burdens. To be more precise, a negative index indicates a city whose residents pay more of the tax burdens of other cities than their city is able to export to non-residents. A positive index suggests that a city’s residents are benefiting from tax shifting to non-residents. Caution should be exercised in interpreting the indices. The values do not indicate the percentage of taxes that are imported or exported. The magnitude of a city’s index is meaningful only as it relates to the indices of the other sixty-one cities. The exportation index centers on zero (which is the average). An index of 0 would indicate a city in which exporting and importing is roughly the same. The City of Lubbock has an index of virtually 0. Note that the indices range from a high of 138.9 for Texas City, 85.5 for Grapevine, and 47.6 for Irving to -58.2 for Missouri City, -54.6 for Euless, and -51.8 for Round Rock. It is important to ask, however, whether each city’s exportation index makes sense as it relates to the indices of other cities. Does it seem logical that Texas City, among all 62 cities in the sample, should have the highest exportation index? Is it reasonable that Grapevine would have the highest index among cities in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex? Why would the Houston suburb of Missouri City have the lowest index, followed closely by the Dallas-Fort Worth suburb of Euless and the Austin suburb of Round Rock? The next section attempts to answer these questions. Empirical Findings. What explains whether a city will be a net exporter or importer of taxes? The key to a city’s ability to export taxes appears to be the property tax - or, to be more precise, the composition of its property tax base. 9 This seems ironic since few people appear to appreciate that property taxes can be exported at all. Usually, the discussion about shifting municipal tax burdens to non-residents centers around the sales tax. This study investigates the question of whether a city’s ability to export its tax burden is related to the per capita appraised value of the commercial and industrial portion of its property tax base. The following regression model is specified: Exporti = 1 + 2C/IPCi + 3Valleyi + 4Suburbi where, Exporti = the exportation index of a city C/IPCi = the appraised value of a city’s commercial and industrial property per capita Valleyi = a city located in the Rio Grande Valley Suburbi = a bedroom community (residential suburb of a major metropolitan city) Specifically, the following hypotheses are to be tested: Hypothesis #1: A city’s ability to export its tax burden relative to other cities increases as the appraised value of the commercial and industrial portion of its property tax base increases [2 > 0];10 Hypothesis#2: Cities located in the Rio Grande Valley are likely to have higher exportation indices than other Texas cities [3 > 0];11 Hypothesis#3: Cities that are residential suburbs (bedroom communities) or major metropolitan cities are likely to have lower exportation indices than other Texas cities [4 > 0].12 The regression analysis yielded the following estimated equation: Exporti = -25.0058 + .00207C/IPCi + 23.4111Valleyi - 30.0875Suburbi (-8.174) (15.18) (4.602) (-8.337) The estimated equation indicates that for every one thousand dollar increase in the per capita appraised value of a city’s commercial and industrial property base there is a 2 point increase in its exportation index. The t-statistic for 2 is significant at the 95% confidence level, indicating support for hypothesis #1. Figure 2 depicts the regression results; complete regression results are provided in Table 1. Inclusion in the model of the two dummy variables makes it possible to test whether there are three separate regression lines (one for all Texas cities with populations over 25,000, a second for Rio Grande Valley cities with populations over 25,000, and a third for suburban cities with populations over 25,000). The center regression line represents the relationship between the per capita commercial and industrial property values for all Texas cities with populations over 25,000 and their exportation indices (Y-intercept = -25.0058). However, the estimated equation also indicates that the average autonomous exportation index for Rio Grande Valley cities is 23.41 points greater than other Texas cities. By adding the regression coefficient for Rio Grande Valley cities to the Y-intercept, we obtain the Y-intercept for the top regression line. This line represents the relationship between the exportation indices of Rio Grande Valley cities and their per capita commercial and industrial property values. The average autonomous exportation index (Y-intercept) for Rio Grande Valley cities, therefore, is approximately -2. The t-statistic for 3 is statistically significant, indicating support for hypothesis #2. The bottom line is similarly obtained by adding the regression coefficient for suburban cities to the Y-intercept. The average autonomous index for bedroom communities is -55.0933, 30.09 points lower than other Texas cities. A significant t-statistic for 4 indicates support for hypothesis #3.13 In other words, bedroom communities do have lower exportation indices, holding per capita commercial and industrial property values constant. Table 1. Regression Results Ordinary Least Squares Dependent Variable: Exportation Index Mean of Dependent Variable: 0 Std. Error of the Regression: 12.0888 Total Variation: 65031. Regression d.f.: 3 2 R: .86966 F3,58: 128.9997 Variable Coefficient Y-intercept -25.0058 C/IPC .0020701 Valley 23.4111 .2288 Suburb -30.0875 Beta -.7466 5.087 .4145 Std. Error 3.059 .000136 4.602 3.609 Number of Observations Std. Dev. of Dep. Variable: 32.65 Sum of Squared Residuals: Regression Variation: Residual d.f.: 58 2 Adjusted R : t-stat Mean of X -8.174 -15.177 14789.76 .11290 -8.337 .27419 62 8476.01 56555. .86292 Std. Dev. of X -11774.92078 .31906 .44975 Finally, note that the general F-statistic (F3,58) is significant at the 95% confidence level. The adjusted R2 is very high (.8692), indicating that 87% of the variation in exportation indices among the sample cities is explained by the specified model. These findings provide some empirical verification of the theoretical assumptions on which the exportation index is based - specifically, that property taxes can be exported and that a city’s ability to export its overall tax burden depends in large part on the composition of its property tax base. With respect to this latter point, we may note that Texas City’s apparent ability to export its tax burden results from the fact that much of its property value lies primarily in the petrochemical industries located there. The presence of the Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport and concomitant hospitality industry located in Grapevine provide that city with a strong commercial and industrial property tax base and high exportation ability. On the other hand, the absence of extensive commercial and industrial properties in Missouri City, Euless, and Round Rock provides those cities with limited ability to export taxes. Policy Implications. While it is understandable that policy-makers may be eager to embrace taxes that are more easily exportable than others, the desire to shift the tax burden of a municipality to non-residents probably should not be the sole criterion for adopting or increasing a particular tax. Nor should it be the goal of a revenue structure. Taxes that are frequently identified as candidates for exportation (i.e., sales tax and hotel/motel taxes) generate revenues that can be highly cyclical, unstable, or seasonal (Bland, 1989: 6-8, 15, 17-20, 43, 55, 62). Additionally, some economists argue, as a philosophical issue, that exportation of tax burdens leads to inefficiencies in the public sector because citizens are less aware of the costs of providing public services (Wildasin, 1987). However, a city does have a legitimate interest in exporting a portion of its tax burden as a means of re-capturing some of the costs of providing services to non-residents (public safety at events and the workplace, well-maintained streets, etc.). Consequently, the findings of this study indicate that a city’s best strategy to accomplish that goal would be to increase the commercial and industrial component of its property tax base. Of course, depending on the type of businesses attracted by a city (i.e., “clean” or “dirty” industry), a municipality also risks incurring increased costs when its expands its commercial and industrial property tax base.14 Finally, the issue of exportation (and importation) of municipal tax burdens deserves more scholarly attention. While this analysis provides some interesting insights into the issue, it admittedly suffers from a lack of methodological rigor. The computation of exportation indices in the manner performed here poses some concerns about construct validity. A direct measure of exportation would clearly be preferable. Additional analyses designed to verify the theoretical assumptions associated with municipal tax exportation are needed. A study of municipal tax exportation nationally would be an important contribution. Furthermore, future studies should attempt to construct more comprehensive models to address a number of questions related to exportation. For example, do the type of businesses or industries which make up a city’s commercial and industrial property tax base affect the exportation issue? This study is an initial step in verfiying the importance of the property tax in exporting municipal tax burdens. Additional analyses are needed. Are the decisions of individuals and households with respect to establishing residence in one city versus another affected by the exportation issue? The Tiebout hypothesis would lead us to expect people to establish residence in cities that are net exporters. As previously mentioned, Wildasin’s findings (1987) suggest that exportation of tax burdens leads to inefficiencies in the public sector. Do individuals and households choose to live in cities where the costs of providing higher levels of public services are shifted to non-residents? Ultimately, municipal tax exportation is a political issue. Municipalities have been in competition for years over economic development. If competition among the political leaders of cities to bring economic benefits to their residents is to be expected, it is equally likely they would attempt to shift economic costs away from their residents. For political scientists, particularly game theorists, municipal tax exportation is an issue that deserves greater attention. In a sense, the competition among cities to shift tax burdens is like the child’s game of musical chairs - except in this version, the winners are the residents of cities that are able to have their tax shares (sic) sat in (paid by) non-residents. Bibliography Sources Cited: Bland, Robert L. 1989. A Revenue Guide for Local Government. Washington, D.C.: ICMA Bland, Robert L. and Phanit Laosirirat. 1995 “The Effect of Truth-in-Taxation on Property Tax Yields.” Unpublished. Ebel, Robert. 1990. A Fiscal Agenda for Nevada. Reno: University of Nevada Press. Gade, Mary N. and Lee C. Adkins. 1992. “Tax Exporting and State Revenue Structures,” National Tax Journal, vol. XLIII, pp. 39-52. Ladd, Helen. June 1975. “Local Education Expenditures, Fiscal Capacity, and the Composition of the Property Tax Base,” National Tax Journal, pp. 145-158. McClure, Jr., Charles E. 1967. “The Interstate Exporting of State and Local Taxes: Estimates for 1962,” National Tax Journal, vol. XX, no. 1, pp. 49-77. Phares, Donald. 1980. Who Pays State and Local Taxes? Oelgeschlager, Gunn, and Hain Publishers, Inc. Cambridge, MA: Rosen, Harvey S. 1988. Public Finance. 2nd edition. Homewood, IL: Richard D. Irwin, Inc. Wildasin, David. 1987. “The Demand for Public Goods in the Presence of Tax Exporting,” National Tax Journal, vol. XL, pp. 591-601. Other Relevant Sources: Aaron, Henry J. and Joseph A. Pechman, eds. 1981. How Taxes Affect Economic Behavior. Washington, D.C.: the Brookings Institution Bowman, John H. 1974. “Tax Exportability, Intergovernmental Aid, and School Finance Reform,” National Tax Journal, pp. 163-173. Davies, David G. 1986. United States Taxes and Tax Policy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Fuji, Edwin, Mohammed Khaled, and James Mak. 1985. “The Exportability of Hotel Occupancy and Other Tourist Taxes,” National Tax Journal, vol. XXXVIII, pp. 169177. Greene, Kenneth V. and Vincent G. Munley. 1984. “Perceptions of the Ability to Export Nonresidential Property Tax Burdens,” Public Finance Quarterly, vol 12, no. 1, pp. 117-127. Pechman, Joseph A. 1987. Federal Tax Policy. 5th edition. Washington, D.C.: the Brookings Institution Appendix Calculation of the Exportation Indices. Data relative to three taxes - the general sales tax, the property tax, and the hotel/motel room occupancy tax - for sixty-two Texas cities were collected and are provided in Tables 1, 2, and 3 respectively. Each table indicates the nominal rates imposed on the tax base by each city and the levy or revenue generated by the tax. All figures are for FY 1994. A number of basic statistics relative to each of these three taxes were calculated for each of the sixty-two cities in order to determine the exportation indices. Revenue or Levy Per Capita. The revenue generated by applying a city’s local rate to its tax base is divided by the city’s population. Revenue per capita provides a rough measure of a city’s tax effort relative to that of other cities. Tax Capacity. Sales, property, and hotel/motel room occupancy tax capacity measures are calculated to answer the question, “If each of the sixty-two cities in the sample applied a uniform tax rate to its tax base, how much revenue would each city raise from each tax?” For each of the three taxes, tax capacity is calculated by dividing the taxable value of a city’s tax base by the local rate, multiplying that figure by the average local rate for the tax (the uniform rate), and dividing by the population for the city. Tax capacity provides a rough measure of the potential revenue that a city could raise from a particular tax if it applied the average rate to its base. Tax Capacity Index. The tax capacity figure is divided by the average tax levy per capita for the sixty-two cities. Capacity indices are calculated for each city for each of the three taxes. The tax capacity indices are expressed as percentages. A tax capacity index of 100 indicates a city whose tax capacity is equal to the average levy per capita of the sixtytwo cities. An index of 90 indicates a city whose tax capacity is 90% of the average levy per capita while an index of 110 indicates a city whose tax capacity is 10% greater than the average. Total Tax Capacity. The total tax capacity for a city is calculated by summing its sales, property, and hotel tax capacity measures. This figure represents the total revenue per capita that would be generated by the three taxes if a city applied the average rate for each tax. The average levies per capita for the three taxes can be summed to obtain the average total tax levy per capita for the sixty-two cities. Total Tax Capacity Index. Total tax capacity indices for each city are obtained in the same manner as tax capacity indices for sales, property, and hotel taxes except that this index expresses the combined tax capacity of a city as a percentage of the average combined revenue per capita. Therefore, a total tax capacity index of 100 indicates a city whose total tax capacity (for all three taxes) is equal to the average levy per capita (for all three taxes). Per Capita Income Index. Income per capita for each city is divided by the average income per capita for the sixty-two cities to obtain its per capita income index. An index of 100 would indicate a city whose income per capita is equal to the sixty-two city average. The index provides a rough measure of the ability of the city’s residents to pay taxes. Again, the index is centered on 100 and suggests that, if the residents of each of the sixty-two cities paid an equal percentage of their incomes in taxes to their respective municipal governments, the residents of a city with an index of 100 would pay the average amount of their incomes in taxes. Residents of a city with an index of 90 would pay 90% of the sixtytwo city average while residents of a city with an index of 110 would pay 10% more dollars in taxes. The Exportation Index. In order to determine the relative degree of tax exportation (or importation) that occurs in a city, its total tax capacity index is compared to its per capita income index (total tax capacity index is subtracted from the per capita income index). Positive differences indicate cities that, on balance, export more of their tax burdens to nonresidents than import the tax burdens of other cities. Negative values indicate cities whose residents pay more of the tax burdens of other municipalities than the city is able to export. An exportation index of 0 would indicate a city that exports taxes that are roughly equal to the taxes it imports. As the values of the exportation index increase from zero, the ability of a city to export taxes to nonresidents increases. Conversely, as the values of the exportation index decrease from zero (negative values), the city increasingly imports the tax burdens of other cities. Table 1. Sales Tax Rates, Levies, Levies Per Capita, Sales Tax Capacities, and Sales Tax Capacity Indices for Sixty-Two Texas Cities With Populations Over 25,000, FY 1994 Sales Tax Sales Tax Sales Tax Levy Sales Tax Sales Tax City Rate Levy Per Capita Capacity Capacity Index Abilene 0.02 $ 19,348,000 $181.41 $118.36 85.9% Amarillo 0.02 33,162,000 210.40 137.26 99.6 Arlington 0.02 48,029,000 183.51 159.63 115.8 Baytown 0.01 5,232,600 81.95 106.93 77.6 Beaumont 0.02 20,628,000 180.44 156.96 113.9 Bedford 0.44 3,324,400 75.97 99.12 71.9 Brownsville 0.65 15,456,000 156.18 101.89 73.9 Carrollton 0.58 13,041,000 158.70 207.08 150.3 Corpus Christi 0.62 25,397,000 98.65 128.72 93.4 Dallas 0.67 145,920,000 144.92 189.09 137.2 Deer Park 0.68 1,472,500 53.25 69.48 50.4 Denton 0.75 7,242,800 109.29 95.07 69.0 DeSoto 0.65 1,927,700 63.11 82.35 59.8 Duncanville 0.86 2,791,500 78.09 101.89 73.9 Edinburg 0.65 3,850,000 128.83 84.05 61.0 Euless 0.62 4,439,100 110.24 95.90 69.6 Fort Worth 0.95 48,854,000 109.14 142.41 103.3 Galveston 0.56 7,387,600 125.07 95.99 69.7 Garland 0.62 12,744,000 70.55 92.05 66.8 Grand Prairie 0.70 13,346,000 133.98 116.54 84.6 Grapevine 0.43 4,533,600 155.25 202.57 147.0 Haltom City 0.47 2,826,900 86.04 112.26 81.5 Harlingen 0.45 11,325,000 232.38 151.60 110.0 Houston 0.63 229,470,000 140.73 183.62 133.3 Huntsville 0.38 3,197,600 114.51 99.61 72.3 Hurst 0.60 7,792,900 232.11 201.91 146.5 Irving 0.52 28,328,000 182.72 238.41 173.0 Killeen 0.61 7,766,100 122.23 106.33 77.2 Kingsville 0.70 2,048,900 81.06 70.51 51.2 LaPorte 0.71 1,248,100 44.72 58.35 42.3 Laredo 0.51 12,520,000 101.87 132.92 96.6 League City 0.80 1,767,600 58.61 44.98 32.7 Lewisville 0.59 8,407,600 180.73 235.81 171.1 Longview 0.52 15,292,000 217.49 189.19 137.3 Lubbock 0.64 21,492,000 115.42 150.60 109.3 Lufkin 0.44 6,518,000 215.79 187.70 136.2 McAllen 0.49 20,780,000 247.32 215.13 156.1 Mesquite 0.51 18,952,000 186.75 162.45 117.9 Midland 0.68 10,057,000 112.44 146.71 106.5 Mission 0.63 4,028,900 140.61 91.73 66.6 Missouri City 0.54 1,443,300 39.90 52.06 37.8 Nacogdoches 0.67 3,145,800 101.90 132.96 96.5 New Braunfels 0.41 3,500,500 128.06 167.10 121.3 North Richland Hills 0.57 8,828,200 192.36 167.32 121.4 Odessa 0.61 8,896,100 99.18 129.41 93.9 Pasadena 0.65 8,787,300 73.62 96.06 69.7 Pharr 0.57 4,171,900 126.72 82.68 60.0 Plano 0.51 24,775,000 192.48 251.16 182.3 Port Arthur 0.78 3,502,000 59.64 77.81 56.5 Richardson 0.45 14,278,000 187.47 244.60 177.5 Round Rock 0.57 5,610,700 74.97 65.21 47.3 San Angelo 0.83 7,072,800 83.73 109.25 79.3 San Antonio 0.60 91,874,000 98.16 128.08 92.9 San Marcos 0.46 6,208,500 216.00 187.89 136.4 Sherman 0.59 4,974,100 157.40 205.38 149.0 Temple 0.59 9,102,300 197.41 171.72 124.6 Texarkana 0.50 7,496,500 236.81 205.99 149.5 Texas City 0.25 12,715,000 311.47 203.21 147.5 Tyler 0.53 12,248,000 164.72 214.92 155.9 Victoria 0.71 6,885,900 125.03 163.13 118.4 Waco 0.67 17,382,000 167.80 145.96 105.9 Wichita Falls 0.67 8,290,900 86.13 112.38 81.6 62 city averages .013 18,118,000 137.80 139.96 101.5 std. deviations .004 35,138,000 58.80 53.01 38.5 Table 2. Property Tax Rates, Levies, Levies Per Capita, Property Tax Capacities, and Property Tax Capacity Indices for Sixty-Two Texas Cities With Populations Over 25,000, FY 1994 Property Property Levy Property Tax Property Tax City Tax Rate Tax Levy Per Capita Capacity Capacity Index Abilene 0.58750 $ 13,199,000 $123.75 $125.26 69.3% Amarillo 0.27890 11,533,000 73.17 156.01 86.3 Arlington 0.64170 53,557,000 204.63 189.63 104.9 Baytown 0.73703 12,090,000 189.36 152.77 84.5 Beaumont 0.61500 19,869,000 173.80 168.05 93.0 Bedford 0.43594 6,915,300 158.02 215.55 119.3 Brownsville 0.65450 10,469,000 105.79 96.12 53.2 Carrollton 0.57830 26,458,000 322.00 331.09 183.2 Corpus Christi 0.61796 37,232,000 144.62 139.16 77.0 Dallas 0.67440 284,690,000 282.74 249.30 138.0 Deer Park 0.68000 9,212,300 333.15 291.33 161.2 Denton 0.74790 13,470,000 203.27 161.61 89.4 DeSoto 0.64850 8,379,800 274.35 251.57 139.2 Duncanville 0.85800 9,539,200 266.85 184.94 102.3 Edinburg 0.65208 3,563,200 119.23 108.73 60.2 Euless 0.61862 6,006,400 149.16 143.38 79.3 Fort Worth 0.95000 126,090,000 281.68 176.31 97.6 Galveston 0.55590 8,777,100 148.59 158.94 88.0 Garland 0.61910 34,262,000 189.66 182.16 100.8 Grand Prairie 0.69559 25,300,000 253.98 217.12 120.1 Grapevine 0.42500 10,476,000 358.75 501.95 277.8 Haltom City 0.47243 3,326,200 101.23 127.42 70.6 Harlingen 0.45470 4,723,500 96.92 126.75 70.1 Houston 0.63000 370,710,000 227.35 214.58 118.7 Huntsville 0.38440 1,410,400 50.51 78.13 43.2 Hurst 0.59600 6,171,800 183.83 183.41 101.5 Irving 0.52210 41,324,000 266.54 303.57 168.0 Killeen 0.61240 7,173,300 112.90 109.63 60.7 Kingsville 0.69917 2,476,900 97.99 83.34 46.1 LaPorte 0.71000 7,394,800 264.99 221.90 122.8 Laredo 0.51010 14,004,000 113.95 132.83 73.5 League City 0.79500 10,172,000 337.29 252.29 139.6 Lewisville 0.58740 10,865,000 233.55 236.42 130.8 Longview 0.52340 14,629,000 208.05 236.37 130.8 Lubbock 0.64000 31,429,000 168.79 156.82 86.8 Lufkin 0.43520 3,657,000 121.07 165.42 91.5 McAllen 0.48510 12,375,000 147.29 180.54 99.9 Mesquite 0.51000 16,049,000 158.15 184.40 102.0 Midland 0.67930 16,780,000 187.61 164.23 90.9 Mission 0.63480 3,193,700 111.46 104.41 57.8 Missouri City 0.54000 7,641,200 211.22 232.59 128.7 Nacogdoches 0.66750 4,130,500 133.79 119.19 66.0 New Braunfels 0.41000 3,551,300 129.92 188.43 104.3 North Richland Hills 0.57000 8,150,800 177.60 185.27 102.5 Odessa 0.61300 9,856,900 109.89 106.60 59.0 Pasadena 0.64750 17,235,000 144.39 132.60 73.4 Pharr 0.57000 2,731,500 82.97 86.56 47.9 Plano 0.51020 41,256,000 320.53 373.59 206.7 Port Arthur 0.77500 6,850,600 116.66 89.51 49.5 Richardson 0.45385 22,125,000 290.49 380.61 210.6 Round Rock 0.56924 6,137,800 82.01 85.67 47.4 San Angelo 0.82850 14,404,000 170.51 122.38 67.7 San Antonio 0.59557 131,960,000 140.99 140.67 77.8 San Marcos 0.46000 2,993,800 104.16 134.65 74.5 Sherman 0.58730 6,342,000 200.69 203.20 112.4 Temple 0.58620 7,940,700 172.22 174.70 96.7 Texarkana 0.50000 4,621,800 145.97 173.64 96.1 Texas City 0.24500 9,482,900 232.29 563.81 312.0 Tyler 0.53360 13,159,000 174.40 194.35 107.5 Victoria 0.71000 10,785,000 195.81 164.00 90.8 Waco 0.66764 16,989,000 164.01 146.07 80.8 Wichita Falls 0.67360 15,227,000 158.19 139.64 77.3 62 city averages 0.59464 26,976,000 180.72 187.12 103.5 std. deviations 0.12740 60,518,000 73.27 91.77 50.8 Table 3. Hotel Tax Rates, Levies, Levies Per Capita, Hotel Tax Capacities, and Hotel Tax Capacity Indices for Sixty-Two Texas Cities With Populations Over 25,000, FY 1994 Hotel Tax Hotel Tax Hotel Tax Levy Hotel Tax Hotel Tax City Rate Levy Per Capita Capacity Capacity Index Abilene 0.07 $ 933,365 $ 8.75 $ 7.82 79.6% Amarillo 0.07 2,211,045 14.03 12.54 Arlington 0.07 2,670,000 10.2 9.12 Baytown ----Beaumont 0.07 1,404,800 12.29 10.99 Bedford 0.07 437,852 10.00 8.95 Brownsville 0.07 831,074 8.40 7.51 Carrollton 0.03 56,606 .69 1.44 14.6 Corpus Christi 0.07 3,642,320 14.15 12.65 Dallas 0.07 20,159,140 20.02 17.90 Deer Park -----Denton 0.07 485,487 7.33 6.55 DeSoto 0.07 176,280 5.77 5.16 Duncanville 0.07 136,774 3.83 3.42 Edinburg 0.07 140,595 4.70 4.21 Euless 0.07 129,451 3.22 2.87 Fort Worth 0.07 3,306,419 7.39 6.60 Galveston 0.07 2,461,200 41.67 37.25 377.8 Garland 0.07 347,816 1.93 1.72 Grand Prairie 0.07 332,769 3.34 2.99 Grapevine 0.06 2,349,700 80.46 83.93 Haltom City 0.04 34,428 1.05 1.64 Harlingen 0.07 483,446 9.92 8.87 90.2 Houston 0.07 25,069,000 15.38 13.75 Huntsville 0.04 121,427 4.35 6.80 69.2 Hurst 0.07 18,542 .55 .49 Irving 0.05 4,771,449 30.78 38.52 Killeen 0.07 425,467 6.70 5.99 Kingsville 0.07 152,000 6.01 5.38 54.7 LaPorte 0.04 75,162 2.69 4.22 Laredo 0.07 1,770,078 14.40 12.88 League City 0.06 281,720 9.34 9.74 Lewisville 0.07 234,147 5.03 4.50 45.8 Longview 0.07 655,246 9.32 8.33 84.8 Lubbock 0.07 1,637,504 8.79 7.86 Lufkin 0.07 335,544 11.11 9.93 McAllen 0.07 1,965,673 23.40 20.92 Mesquite 0.07 271,174 2.67 2.39 Midland 0.07 663,113 7.41 6.63 Mission 0.04 16,234 .57 .89 Missouri City ----Nacogdoches 0.07 327,646 10.61 9.49 New Braunfels 0.07 671,079 24.55 21.95 North Richland Hills 0.07 156,782 3.42 3.05 31.1 Odessa 0.07 596,424 6.65 5.95 Pasadena 0.07 178,549 1.50 1.34 Pharr 0.07 106,908 3.25 2.90 Plano 0.07 851,256 6.61 5.91 Port Arthur 0.07 290,402 4.95 4.42 Richardson 0.07 1,170,853 15.37 13.74 Round Rock 0.07 143,709 1.92 1.72 San Angelo 0.07 614,293 7.27 6.50 San Antonio 0.07 21,323,974 22.78 20.37 San Marcos 0.07 399,526 13.90 12.43 Sherman 0.05 147,131 4.66 5.83 Temple 0.07 461,765 10.01 8.95 Texarkana 0.04 247,985 7.83 12.26 Texas City 0.07 104,398 2.56 2.29 Tyler 0.07 665,080 8.81 7.88 Victoria 0.07 472,561 8.58 7.67 Waco 0.07 972,785 9.39 8.40 Wichita Falls 0.07 750,211 7.79 6.97 62 city averages 0.06 1,804,000 9.84 9.41 std. deviations 0.02 4,756,600 11.92 12.16 Table 4. Total Tax Capacities, Total Tax Capacity Indices, Per Capita Income, and Per Capita Income Indices for Sixty-Two Texas Cities With Populations Over 25,000, FY 1994 Total Tax Total Tax Per Capita Per Capita City Capacity Capacity Index Income Income Index Abilene $251.44 74.7% $11,857 90.2% Amarillo 305.81 90.9 12,744 97.0 Arlington 358.38 106.5 16,239 123.6 127.6 92.8 -111.8 91.0 76.4 128.7 182.1 67.7 52.5 34.8 42.8 29.2 67.2 17.5 30.4 853.8 16.7 139.8 5.0 391.9 60.9 42.9 131.0 99.1 80.0 101.0 21.3 24.3 67.4 9.0 -96.5 223.3 60.5 13.6 29.5 60.1 45.0 139.8 17.5 66.1 207.2 126.4 59.3 91.1 124.7 23.3 80.2 78.0 85.4 70.9 96.0 124.0 Baytown 259.70 77.2 12,963 98.6 Beaumont 336.00 99.9 12,751 97.0 Bedford 323.61 96.2 19,847 151.0 Brownsville 205.51 61.1 6,284 47.8 Carrollton 539.61 160.4 19,065 145.0 Corpus Christi 280.53 83.4 11,755 89.4 Dallas 456.29 135.6 16,300 124.0 Deer Park 360.81 107.2 15,645 119.0 Denton 263.23 78.2 12,013 91.4 DeSoto 339.08 100.8 18,093 137.7 Duncanville 290.25 86.3 17,060 129.8 Edinburg 196.98 58.5 7,474 56.9 Euless 242.15 72.0 16,635 126.6 Fort Worth 325.32 96.7 13,162 100.1 Galveston 292.18 86.8 12,399 94.3 Garland 275.93 82.0 15,056 114.6 Grand Prairie 336.65 100.1 13,752 104.6 Grapevine 788.45 234.3 19,526 148.6 Haltom City 241.32 71.7 11,764 89.5 Harlingen 287.22 85.4 9,183 69.9 Houston 411.95 122.4 14,261 108.5 Huntsville 184.54 54.9 9,273 70.6 Hurst 385.81 114.7 16,621 126.5 Irving 580.50 172.5 16,424 125.0 Killeen 221.95 66.0 9,582 72.9 Kingsville 159.23 47.3 9,338 71.0 LaPorte 284.46 84.5 14,439 109.2 Laredo 278.63 82.8 6,981 53.1 League City 307.02 91.2 17,932 136.4 Lewisville 476.73 141.7 15,316 116.5 Longview 433.89 129.0 12,761 97.1 Lubbock 315.28 93.7 12,322 93.8 Lufkin 363.05 107.9 12,527 95.3 McAllen 416.58 123.8 9,814 74.7 Mesquite 349.24 103.8 14,115 107.4 Midland 317.57 94.4 16,201 123.3 Mission 197.03 58.6 6,887 52.4 Missouri City 284.65 84.6 18,764 142.8 Nacogdoches 261.64 77.8 9,478 72.1 New Braunfels 377.48 112.2 11,777 89.6 North Richland Hills 355.64 105.7 15,912 121.1 Odessa 241.95 71.9 11,588 88.2 Pasadena 230.00 68.4 12,402 94.4 Pharr 172.14 51.2 5,561 42.3 Plano 630.66 187.4 21,820 166.0 Port Arthur 171.74 51.0 9,706 73.8 Richardson 638.95 189.9 21,335 162.3 Round Rock 152.60 45.4 12,764 97.2 San Angelo 238.13 70.8 11,353 86.4 San Antonio 289.12 85.9 10,884 82.8 San Marcos 334.97 99.6 8,103 61.7 Sherman 414.41 123.2 12,929 98.4 Temple 355.37 105.6 12,914 98.3 Texarkana 391.89 116.5 11,931 90.8 Texas City 769.31 228.6 11,794 89.8 Tyler 417.15 124.0 13,400 102.0 Victoria 334.80 99.5 12,332 93.8 Waco 300.43 89.3 10,195 77.6 Wichita Falls 258.99 77.0 11,686 88.9 62 city averages 336.48 100.0 13,144 100.0 std. deviations 132.24 39.3 3,662 27.8 Table 5. Commercial/Industrial Property Per Capita and Exportation Indices for Sixty-Two Texas Cities With Populations Over 25,000, FY 1994 Commercial/Industrial Exportation City Property Per Capita Index Abilene $ 9,549 - 15.1 Amarillo 10,300 - 6.1 Arlington 13,699 - 17.0 Baytown 13,712 - 21.4 Beaumont 12,621 2.9 Bedford 9,265 - 54.8 Brownsville Carrollton Corpus Christi Dallas Deer Park Denton DeSoto Duncanville Edinburg Euless Fort Worth Galveston Garland Grand Prairie Grapevine Haltom City Harlingen Houston Huntsville Hurst Irving Killeen Kingsville LaPorte Laredo League City Lewisville Longview Lubbock Lufkin McAllen Mesquite Midland Mission Missouri City Nacogdoches New Braunfels North Richland Hills Odessa Pasadena Pharr Plano Port Arthur Richardson Round Rock San Angelo San Antonio San Marcos Sherman Temple Texarkana Texas City Tyler Victoria Waco Wichita Falls 62 city averages std. deviations 7,557 28,624 13.3 15.3 9,888 20,886 27,373 - 6.1 11.6 - 11.8 10,869 11,728 8,085 7,165 7,328 17,396 9,793 - 13.2 - 36.9 - 43.5 1.7 - 54.6 - 3.5 - 7.5 11,007 17,756 55,565 10,539 11,202 - 32.6 - 4.6 85.8 - 17.8 15.5 12,890 5,656 13.9 - 15.7 12,424 30,031 5,680 4,342 - 11.8 47.6 - 6.9 - 23.7 17,898 11,460 9,559 15,821 23,277 - 24.6 29.7 - 45.2 25.2 31.9 13,681 17,684 15,806 11,637 10,460 6,006 5,549 11,503 13,436 11,209 - 0.1 12.6 49.2 - 3.6 - 28.9 6.2 - 58.2 5.7 22.6 - 15.4 8,845 5,283 6,238 22,912 8,561 26,071 5,038 9,080 11,535 13,002 20,837 19,121 14,780 81,538 17,566 13,318 14,879 10,475 14,790 11,775 - 16.3 - 26.0 8.9 21.4 - 22.8 27.6 - 51.8 - 15.6 3.1 37.9 24.8 7.4 25.7 138.9 22.0 5.7 11.7 - 11.9 0.0 32.7 ENDNOTES 1 A discussion of how the exportation indices were developed for the sixty-two Texas cities is provided in the Appendix. Originally, sixty-eight Texas cities with populations over 25,000 were selected for this study. The unavailability of data pertaining to the appraised value of commercial and industrial property for six cities (Austin, Bryan, College Station, Conroe, Del Rio, and El Paso) prevented their inclusion. Please see tables provided in the Appendix for a list of the sixty-two cities included in the sample. The appraised value of a city’s commercial and industrial properties is used as an exogenous variable in a regression model to explain the city’s relative ability to export its tax burden (see section titled “Empirical Findings”). 2 In some of the literature on tax incidence, statutory incidence is also referred to as tax impact. See, for example, Ebel (1990: 287). 3 I speak of a business as a legal entity. The legal entity, however, cannot bear the economic burden of a tax. The economic burden of a tax on business will be borne by consumers in the form of higher prices, employees in the form of lower wages, or owners of the business in the form of lower return on investment. Ultimately, people bear the economic burden of paying taxes. 4 Figures 1(a) and 1(b) are based largely on the analysis of partial equilibrium models in Rosen (1988: 269-273). 5 In-depth analysis of labor-market conditions is beyond the scope of this paper. McClure (1967: 56) observes that “(o)ne prime determinant of the price effects of any business the dominance of taxed firms in their respective markets. Any tax on business is clearly likely to be shifted forward (to consumers) if all firms in a market pay than if only a few do. In the latter case, the tax is likely to be absorbed by profits on capital or shifted backward to the less mobile factors, land and labor.” 6 Again, an in-depth analysis of these issues are beyond the scope of this paper. The exportation indices developed here are designed to be relative, rather than exact, measures of the ability of the sixty-two cities in the sample to export taxes. 7 This hypothesis is discussed and tested in the section titled “Empirical Findings.” 8 The methodology used to develop the indices are discussed in detail in the Appendix. This approach has been employed in at least one other tax exportation study; however, the indices in that study were calculated for states rather than municipalities (see Robert D. Ebel, A Fiscal Agenda for Nevada, 1990, pp. 137-142.) Bland and Laosiriat found empirical support for the hypothesis that “as the businessowned portion of the property tax base increases, local governments have an opportunity to export more of their tax burden (sic) to non-residents” (1995: 13, 17). 9 10 Cities that have much of their appraised property value in commercial and industrial property likely have businesses that serve national or regional clienteles. If market conditions allow property taxes to be shifted to consumers, then much of these cities’ property taxes would be exported to nonresidents. 11 Cities in the Rio Grande Valley have relatively high exportation indices because the average income per capita in these cities is only 57% of the sixty-two city average ($13,144) while their average total tax capacity is 78% of the sixty-two city average ($336.48). In other words, while taxes collected by Rio Grande Valley cities are, on average, about three-quarters of those collected by other Texas cities, average incomes in these cities are a little over one-half of average incomes in other Texas cities. This suggests that these cities collect more taxes than their residents have the ability to pay. Consistent with the assumptions associated with the methodology used to calculate the exportation indices (see the Appendix), the difference is likely exported to non-residents. Thus, we would expect these cities to have higher autonomous exportation indices than other Texas cities, regardless of the per capita values of their respective commercial and property bases. 12 Bedroom communities are likely to have lower exportation indices for two reasons: (a) the percentage of their property tax bases that is composed of residential properties (non-exportable) is much higher than the average of the sixty-two city sample and (b) residents of these communities typically work, shop, conduct their business, consume entertainment and leisure services in municipal jurisdictions other than those they reside in. 13 14 t-statistics for 3 and4 are significant at the 95% confidence level. The model developed in this study is not intended to be a comprehensive model to measure all financial costs and benefits that might be associated with such a strategy, much less social costs and benefits.