Syllabus for Current Social Problems Sociology 1306.01 Spring 2006 Instructor: Sharon Warden Office: ISC 134 Telephone: 298-8365 Email: Home Email: Course Text: Social Problems, Second Edition. John Macionis. Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey. 2005. Description of Course: Social Problems is an overview course designed to acquaint students with basic social problems found in the United States and globally. This course is structured to help the student define a social problem, address why the problem is so defined, how it came about, and what factors contribute to its continuance in society. Finally, the course addresses possible solutions to the problems and what role the student can play in altering and/or eliminating currently defined and recognized social problems. Objectives: By the end of the course, the student should be able to: 1. Define the term social problem and understand the general characteristics of a social problem. 2. Know the paradigms and theoretical models used in defining a social problem. 3. Understand how individuals and society define social problems and the role that each plays in the definition of a social problem. 4. Discuss basic ideas and models of feminism and sexism in society. 5. Understand core problems in discussing ageing and the theories that guide the study of aging in our society. 6. Address various issues of crime in our society and give a profile of criminals, types of crime, and the criminal justice institutions in our society. 7. Understand various issues regarding sexual activity and issues in our society to include sexual orientation, sexual harassment, sexual identity, and sexual problems/dysfunctions. 8. Address basic issues in the drug culture- history of, war on drugs, the effects of drugs on units in society such as individuals and families. 9. Identify issues that define the current crises within the American health care system and possible solutions to the crises. 10.Understand the economic difficulties in the United States today, factors that contribute to these problems, and possible solutions 11.Explain problems of the American workplace, the importance of work, the issues that might alienate or enhance the American work scene. 12.Address problems in American family life today and how Americans are redefining family. 13.Discuss the American family in terms of work, play, relationships, and its future. 14.Identify issues in education and address possible solutions to the problems found in the schools. 15.Analyze issues of population growth and look at possible solutions for problems resulting from this growth. 16.Discuss and evaluate current problems in the environment such as acid rain, global warming, and air pollution. 17.Discuss possible solutions to environmental issues. 18.Address issues of war and peace and define underlying causes and strategies for war, conflict, and peace. Requirements for the class: There will be three major exams. Each exam will be noncomprehensive and will be objective in nature Each of the exams will constitute 33% of your semester grade. Reading assignments will be made throughout the semester as necessary. Expectations for the Class: You are expected to attend all class lecture/discussion sessions. If you must miss, you are responsible to obtain from the instructor all missed assignments and to obtain notes from a classmate. Missed exams must be made up within one week of the date in which the exam was given to the class. Failure to adhere to these guidelines will result in a grade of zero being assigned. Only extenuating circumstances will alter this policy. No course grade will be curved and no grades will be dropped EVER!!! You are expected to engage in behavior which is appropriate to the college environment. If you are disrespectful, disruptive, or otherwise nonprofessional in the classroom, you will be dismissed from the class. Cell phones are not permitted to be on or in use during class. If a cell Phone is seen or heard during class, you will either have to turn it off Or leave class for the day. There will be no cell phones on exam days. If you must have a cell phone during class on test day, plan on making up your exam another day. Text messaging is strictly prohibited. If I see you text messaging, you will be asked to leave for the day IMMEDIATELY, NO QUESTIONS ASKED!!!! I will be keeping office hours for you to see me as the need arises. I am here to help you, so please feel free to drop by. In compliance with new attendance policies at TC, you will be automatically dropped from the course once you miss 4 class sessions unless you have discussed the absence concerns with me. You should expect an exam about once a month. All exams will be announced in class one week prior to their occurrence. You will receive a review sheet which highlights the essential material to be covered on the exam. TC will communicate with you (including semester grades) through TC Connect and TC Webmail. Please make sure that you know your account information and how to use these services. Cheating and dishonest conduct on exams and course work will not be tolerated. Temple college policies will be followed. A complete description of these policies is available to you online and in the student handbook. Please make sure that you read and understand these guidelines and policies. Grade Scale for Evaluation: A= 90-100 B= 80-89 C= 70-79 D= 65-69 F= all grades below 65 I am looking forward to the semester, and I hope that each of you achieves your goals this spring.