Lab - Antibiotic Resistance Today we will test the sensitivity of four organisms to various antibiotics. The purpose of the day’s lab will be to evaluate sensitivity of each organism to the various antibiotics tested. Organisms used are listed in the following table: ORGANISM Gram Reaction & Morphology Bacillus cereus G+ Rod Escherichia coli G- Rod Staphylococcus aureus G+ Cocci Klebsiella pneumoniae G- Rod Antibiotics tested include: DISK CODE ANTIBIOTIC (printed on the paper disk) Ampicillin AM Gentamicin GM Penicillin P Tetracycline TE Ciprofloxacin CIP Nalidixic Acid NA Procedure: Obtain a Mueller Hinton plate. Using aseptic technique open the culture tube. Insert a sterile swab into the liquid broth to saturate. With close strokes in a back & forth motion, swab the entire surface of your plate, being sure to use the cover in an ‘umbrella fashion’ to keep unwanted environmental organisms from the medium. Rotate the plate 90 degrees and re-swab – DO NOT reinsert your swab into the culture. The purpose of this dual direction swab is to create a ‘lawn’ of bacteria over the entire surface of the medium. After inoculation apply the six antibiotic disks to the media by touching them lightly to the surface, label side up so that they may be read. Press LIGHTLY onto the surface and the disk will adhere to the media. You do not need to press the disk down into the media. Arrange the disks about ¾” in from the outer edge of the media in a regularly spaced pattern similar to 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 & 12 on a clock face. (see figure) Allow the culture to incubate at 37oC for 48 hours. Measure the zone of inhibition (if any) for each antibiotic using a metric ruler. Measure from the edge of the paper to the edge of the zone of inhibition. Record the results in the table on the following page. P TE AM NA GM Day 1 Inoculation & Antibiotics CIP P TE AM Measure this distance (mm) for each antibiotic exhibiting inhibition NA Day 2 Evaluation GM CIP Group 1 Organism Group 2 Organism Bacillus cereus Bacillus cereus Resistant/Sensitive (circle R or S) Zone in mm (0 if resistant) Resistant/Sensitive (circle R or S) Zone in mm (0 if resistant) AM – R/S AM – R/S GM – R/S GM – R/S P – R/S P – R/S TE – R/S TE – R/S CIP – R/S CIP – R/S NA – R/S NA – R/S Group 3 Organism Group 4 Organism Staphylococcus aureus Staphylococcus aureus Resistant/Sensitive (circle R or S) Zone in mm (0 if resistant) Resistant/Sensitive (circle R or S) AM – R/S AM – R/S GM – R/S GM – R/S P – R/S P – R/S TE – R/S TE – R/S CIP – R/S CIP – R/S NA – R/S NA – R/S Zone in mm (0 if resistant) Group 5 Organism Group 6 Organism Escherichia coli Escherichia coli Resistant/Sensitive (circle R or S) Zone in mm (0 if resistant) Resistant/Sensitive (circle R or S) Zone in mm (0 if resistant) AM – R/S AM – R/S GM – R/S GM – R/S P – R/S P – R/S TE – R/S TE – R/S CIP – R/S CIP – R/S NA – R/S NA – R/S Group 7 Organism Group 8 Organism Klebsiella pneumoniae Klebsiella pneumoniae Resistant/Sensitive (circle R or S) Zone in mm (0 if resistant) Resistant/Sensitive (circle R or S) AM – R/S AM – R/S GM – R/S GM – R/S P – R/S P – R/S TE – R/S TE – R/S CIP – R/S CIP – R/S NA – R/S NA – R/S Zone in mm (0 if resistant)