Terry A. Austin Chairman - Biology Department Temple College

Terry A. Austin
Chairman - Biology Department
Temple College
Temple, TX 76504
Central Application Service for Physician Assistants
It is my pleasure to offer my strongest support to Deidre Parker-Mount’s petition to the
programs you represent. Ms. Parker-Mount has attended several of my classes here at
Temple College. I have found Deidre to be an outstanding student who consistently
ranked at the top of my classes.
Deidre brings a level of maturity and responsibility to her work that is refreshing and
inspiring. Her drive to succeed and her self-motivation are a model to students around
her. Her friendly and personable attitude make her a joy to work with. She displays an
integrity of character that I would hope to find far more often in medical providers.
I can easily envision this fine student as an outstanding medical provider. Deidre is a
bright, caring individual who would be an invaluable asset to any program lucky enough
to enlist this young woman.
If you have any questions about this fine student or her circumstances, contact me. Se is,
in the words of Shakespeare speaking through Henry V, "not upon the roll of common
My best regards,
Terry A. Austin