SPECTRE (Solar-sail Pitch Enabling Controller Through Root Excitation) Michael Andrews, Brendon Barela, Austin Cerny, Corinne Desroches, Kyle Edson, Conrad Gabel, Chris Riesco, Justin Yong ● SPECTRE seeks to design and prototype a sail blade controller for a proposed heliogyro cubesat mission ● SPECTRE is a continuation of last year’s GHOST senior design project which focused on designing the deployment system of the sail blades Customer: Keats Wilkie NASA Langley Advisor: Dr. Xilin Li LASP Content Breakdown Project Overview Blade Behavior and Controller Requirements Vacuum Chamber Requirements Summary 1.0 Project Overview •Background •Requirements and Design Considerations Overview •CONOPS •Functional Block Diagram 2.0 Blade Behavior and Controller Requirements 3.0 Sensors 4.0 Actuators 5.0 Vacuum Chamber Requirements 6.0 Summary ● A heliogyro is a solar sail satellite propulsion concept with spinning sail blades held in place by centrifugal forces ● Concept first proposed in 1970’s for a rendezvous with Halley's Comet ● Heliogyros offer major advantages over traditional solar sail designs o Deploy large surface areas of sail material with very little support structure o Blades can be pitched to initiate potential orbital maneuvers Project Overview Blade Behavior and Controller Requirements Sensors Illustration of heliogyro solar sail rendezvous with Halley’s Comet (source: NASA/JPL) Actuators Vacuum Chamber Requirements Summary ● HELIOS is a proposed heliogyro that have been researched by the CU aerospace department and our customer at NASA Langley ● NASA would like a smaller low-cost heliogyro demonstrator suitable for a standard CubeSat platform ● Last years GHOST team demonstrated a deployable heliogyro CubeSat platform but failed to incorporate a successful blade control system ● SPECTRE will design, prototype, and test a proof-of-concept blade damping augmentation system for a heliogyro CubeSat mission Project Overview Blade Behavior and Controller Requirements Sensors Actuators 6 blade HELIOS satellite GHOST team heliogyro platform. Vacuum Chamber Requirements Summary ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Satellite must incorporate 2 sail blades with aspect ratios of at least 100:1 Blades must pitch over a range of ± 90° to within ± 5° of a desired angle The controller must demonstrate the ability to damp the first mode of inplane (pitching) and out-of-plane (flapping) oscillation Blade areal density including tip mass shall be comparable to other NASA designs and not exceed 6 g/m2 The blade and controller subsystem must fit within a 6U CubeSat volume of which a minimum of 2U are assumed to be allocated for other subsystems 10 Watts of power is allowed the blade control subsystem ○ We are currently negotiating this requirement with our customer Design of the CubeSat bus and other mission systems is not required Blade Behavior and Behavior and Controller Blade Sensors Project Overview Controller Requirements Requirements Project Overview Vacuum Actuators Chamber Requirements Vacuum Chamber Requirements Summary Summary ● Design is not necessarily going to be spaceworthy, though parts used will have spaceworthy alternatives ● Although preliminary designs incorporate sensing within the spacecraft, a working controller can still be validated if sensors are located external to the spacecraft ● Design will have to be tested in a 1 g Earth environment. The effects of air damping will need to be accounted for ● Ultimately, our customer wants a physically deliverable blade controller that he can show off to his NASA colleagues Project Overview Blade Behavior and Controller Requirements Sensors Actuators Vacuum Chamber Requirements Summary ● ● Two Main tests will validate controller o Perform a 90 degree pitch maneuver and damp resulting oscillations and measure performance o Excite flapping and pitching modes with actuators, then use controller to damp the resulting oscillation and measure performance Testing will need to be performed in a vacuum chamber Project Overview Blade Behavior and Controller Requirements Sensors Actuators Vacuum Chamber Requirements Summary Project Overview Blade Behavior and Controller Requirements Sensors Actuators Vacuum Chamber Requirements Summary ● Blades will be spooled up and housed in the sides of the CubeSat in a housing that occupies roughly 2U on either side of the 6U CubeSat ● The blade will pitch by moving the entire housing with a rotary actuator connected to the CubeSat bus ● High resolution LEPD sensors will be used to calculate blade blade mode and amplitude based high resolution measurements of deflected blade angle near the root. ● Linear and rotary actuators will move the blade and housing to damp flapping and pitching oscillation from the blades Blade Behavior Blade and Behavior and Controller Sensors Project Overview Controller Requirements Requirements Project Overview Vacuum Actuators Chamber Requirements of d d in w Vacuum Chamber Requirements Summary Summary 1.0 Project Overview 2.0 Blade Behavior and Controller Requirements •Time Requirements • Blade Behavior • LEPD Sensor • Actuators 3.0 Sensors 4.0 Actuators 5.0 Vacuum Chamber Requirements 6.0 Summary Sun Blades pitched perpendicular to solar pressure. Orbital velocity increases ● Time to damp requirements stem from a typical heliogyro mission profile ● Two 90° pitch maneuvers are performed during 1 LEO orbit to maximize increase in velocity Earth ● Research has suggested 12 minutes or 1/8th a LEO orbit as a reasonable settling time (REFERENCE) Project Overview Blade Behavior and Controller Requirements Sensors Actuators Blades pitched 90° to avoid deceleration. Orbital velocity remains constant Vacuum Chamber Requirements Summary ● First flapping mode behaves linearly, the mode shape resembles that of a swinging pendulum ● For earth test conditions, (Roark, pg 766) For 0.15m X 15m blade, f = 0.228 Hz Project Overview Blade Behavior and Controller Requirements Sensors Actuators Vacuum Chamber Requirements Summary ● Controller is being designed so that at least 95% of the blade’s surface area is exposed to the sun at all times ● Blades may still oscillate, but amplitude must be low enough that the cross sectional area exposed to the sun is >95% of blade surface area ● Deflection angle α may not exceed 18.2 degrees, Note that this angle is independent blade aspect ratio Overhead View Profile View α α = cos-1(0.95) = 18.2 degrees Project Overview Blade Behavior and Controller Requirements Nominal Cross Sectional Area Minimum Cross Sectional Area Sensors Actuators Vacuum Chamber Requirements Summary ● Blade twists along lengthwise axis, with the tip oscillating and the root remaining in place ● On Earth, twisting frequency (Roark, pg 767) o For 0.15m X 15m blade, f = 0.727 Hz Project Overview Blade Behavior and Controller Requirements Sensors Actuators Vacuum Chamber Requirements Summary ● A trapezoidal area is perpendicular to solar pressure during twisting. Twist angle cannot exceed 25.8 degrees (cos-1(.9)) for this area to remain 95% of the nominal area. ● Blade will be deflected in opposite directions on opposite sides of the blade. The deflection angle α will depend on the blades aspect ratio. For an aspect ratio of 100:1 will approximately equal 0.03 degrees Overhead View Profile View 0.05 * blade width (W) α blade length (L) Nominal Cross Sectional Area Minimum Cross Sectional Area α = tan-1( .05 W / L) = tan-1(.05/AR) For AR = 100, α = 0.03 degrees Project Overview Blade Behavior and Controller Requirements Sensors Actuators Vacuum Chamber Requirements Summary 1.0 Project Overview 2.0 Blade Behavior and Controller Requirements 3.0 Sensors •Basic Sensor Requirements •LEPD Sensors and configuration •LEPD Accuracy 4.0 Actuators 5.0 Vacuum Chamber Requirements 6.0 Summary Sensor requirements stem from small deflection angle of torsional mode (α = 0.03 degrees) ● Sensing must be non-contact to conform to blade mass requirements o Optical sensing options proved to be the most viable ● Sensing requirements depend on whether measurements are made at the root or tip Sensing at the Tip Sensing at the Root ● Blade is displaced furthest at the tip ● Higher resolution needed due to smaller ● Optical measurements must travel further blade deflections and are more susceptible to noise ● Twisting and flapping behavior both ● Measurement of the torsional behavior correspond to deflection in the same computationally expensive and involves direction image processing ● Deflection due to solar pressure is minimal ● Optical measurements can miss the tip entierly Project Overview Blade Behavior and Controller Requirements Sensors Actuators Vacuum Chamber Requirements Summary ● Radiation is reflected off a surface and hits the sensor ● Quadrant Bi-Cell Photodiodes produce four currents from incoming light, separating the signal into transverse and lateral components. ● By reflecting a beam of light off of the blade and onto the active area of the photodiode, we can measure the position of the blade at the point of reflection. ● Resolutions of 1 μM are typical. Grid areas typically have a radius of 2.5 mm Project Overview Blade Behavior and Controller Requirements Sensors http://www.globalspec.com/FeaturedProducts/Detail/OptoDiode/255 014/New_Quadrant_Photodiode_5_mm2 http://www.aptechnologies.co.uk/support/ph otodiodes/bi-cell-a-quadrant-photodiodes δx=(B+D-(A+C))/(A+B+C+D) Actuators Vacuum Chamber Requirements Summary ● The photodiode and laser diode will be attached an inner blade housing. ● Measuring the difference in the nominal light angle, and current incidence angle will provide the blade’s deflection angle ● Sensors will not move relative to the blade when the blade is being pitched ● 2 LEPD sensors placed on the edges of the blade can detect both the pitching and the flapping modes Project Overview Blade Behavior and Controller Requirements Vacuum Chamber Requirements Summary Resolution of the measurement of the deflection angle depends on the incidence angle theta. The laser beam will be placed roughly 5 cm from the root of the blade and 5 cm underneath the blade based on CubeSat geometry. If the theta is within 47 to 49 degrees, the a light source Sensor measurement at maximum allowable deflection angle vs sensor incidence angle. The radius of the sensor is bounded in red. Project Overview Blade Behavior and Controller Requirements Sensors Effective LEPD resolution of the measurement of the deflection angle Actuators Vacuum Chamber Requirements Summary 1.0 Project Overview 2.0 Blade Behavior and Controller Requirements 3.0 Sensors 4.0 Actuators • Actuator Design and Integration • Requirements for actuator and Piezoelectric Motors • Damper Frequency • Microcontrollers 5.0 Vacuum Chamber Requirements 6.0 Summary ● The actuator configuration consists of a linear sliding actuator “stacked”on top of a low profile rotary actuator. ● Actuator configuration is placed in between the blade housing unit and the CubeSat bus. ● This configuration allows for ±90 degree pitch control as well as damping for blade flapping. Project Overview Blade Behavior and Controller Requirements Sensors Actuators Vacuum Chamber Requirements Summary The actuators must be capable of moving the blade at frequencies greater than the mode frequencies of the blade ● The response times of the actuators must be faster than the periods of the blades ● The linear or angular velocity the actuators are capable of do not necessarily need to be the same as the linear or angular velocity of the tip of the blade ● The rotary actuator must be able to pitch the blade ±90° and provide torsional damping. Requires torque of 0.013 mN.m for a 1 minute 90° pitch manuever, based on estimated housing interia of 7.37 gM2 ● Project Overview Blade Behavior and Controller Requirements Sensors Actuators Vacuum Chamber Requirements Summary Y = Maximum root amplitude ω = frequency of the root movements ωn = natural frequency of the solar sail Xp = The amplitude of the tip To achieve a lower amplitude at the tip, the root must have a frequency higher than the natural frequency of the solar sail Project Overview Blade Behavior and Controller Requirements Sensors Actuators Vacuum Chamber Requirements Summary Benifits ● High resolution and accuracy ( <0.01 μm) o Allows for small angular velocity to minimize blade perturbations ● Direct drive motor virtually eliminates backlash and hysteresis ● Lightweight and small volume ● Low voltage requirements ( <12VDC) ● No power needed for holding torque ● Fast Response (10-50 μs) ● Vacuum Versions available Drawbacks ● Angular/Linear velocity is limited ● Much more expensive than traditional motors ● Require extra controller/amplifier circuits Project Overview Blade Behavior and Controller Requirements Sensors http://www.directindustry.com/prod/micos/single-shaft-linear-stagesmanual-7412-1553626.html Actuators Vacuum Chamber Requirements Summary Rotary Stage: RPS-32 Linear Stage: LPS - 65 •Continuous 360 degree motion •Travel range 52 mm •Mass 0.035 kg •Mass 0.6 kg •Max speed 45 deg/sec •Max Speed 10 mm/s •Resolution 0.002 micrometers •0.0005 micrometers •Load capacity 1 kg •Load capacity 2 kg •Voltage 0 to 48 V •Current 0.2 Amps •Dimensions 36x32 mm •Dimensions 160x65x20 mm http://www.pimicos.com/web2/en/1, 6,350,rps32.html http://www.pimicos.com/web2/en/1, 6,350,rps32.html Project Overview Blade Behavior and Controller Requirements Sensors Actuators Vacuum Chamber Requirements Summary ● Ideally will require < 5W Inputs (~5) Outputs (4) Photodiode sensors (2) ● Sample current input (~74mA) ● Resistor required to convert to voltage Actuators (2) ● Varying Voltage up to roughly 12V ● Analog or Digital Encoder (2) for actuators ● Bit rates depend on resolution/range Laser Diodes (2) ● Operating voltage 2-2.5V ● Constant output Computer/Bus Input (1) ● Commanded angle Project Overview Blade Behavior and Controller Requirements Sensors Actuators Vacuum Chamber Requirements Summary ● PIC18F87K22 Microavionics PICboard and baseboard o Borrow or buy, ~$200 o 5.5 µA run mode, 1.8 to 5.5V ~30 µW o 24 A/D input channels o 9 Multi-pin I/O Ports o Headers for external connections Project Overview Blade Behavior and Controller Requirements Sensors Actuators Vacuum Chamber Requirements Summary 1.0 Project Overview 2.0 Blade Behavior and Controller Requirements 3.0 Sensors 4.0 Actuators 5.0 Vacuum Chamber Requirements •Vacuum Testing Overview •Test Chamber set up •Past research with Blade Damping 6.0 Summary ● Early experimentation has shown air viscosity is too high for the blade controller to be tested accurately o Vacuum chamber will be required to test the controller ● Test blade will need to be scaled, full scale 15 vacuum chambers are not feasible with the projects budget or time frame ● Our research has indicated a chamber that simulates atmospheric conditions at 40,000 ft (p = 18.8 kPa, ρ = 0.3016 kg/m3) will reduce air damping enough to test our controller properly o These values are derived from the approximate altitude where cooling fans cease to function due to the inability for air to circulate Project Overview Blade Behavior and Controller Requirements Sensors Actuators Vacuum Chamber Requirements Summary ● ● ● ● Currently to achieve the necessary aspect ratio, the dimensions of the blade are 0.15m X 15m but will need to be scaled to 0.03m X 3m Flapping mode frequency will increase 5x to 1.14 Hz Torsional mode frequency will increase 5x to 1.60 Hz o Based the following equations (Roark, pg 766-767): Though the frequency of the modes will increase they will still can be matched by the actuators. The deflection angles that need to be measured are unchanged as they depend solely on the aspect ratio of the blade Blade Behavior Blade and Behavior and Controller Sensors Project Overview Controller Requirements Requirements Project Overview Vacuum Actuators Chamber Requirements Vacuum Chamber Requirements Summary Summary Power & Commands ● Pressure vessel constructed from 25.4 cm (10in) diameter PVC pipe that is 3 m in length for a scaling ratio of 1:5. o o o ● Large enough to house an entire 6U CubeSat E ≈ 3.3 GPa (engineering toolbox) Wall thickness 0.927 cm (0.365 in) (flexpvc) 10” PVC 3m Assuming an internal pressure of 18.8 kPa o Critical buckling pressure given by o Safety factor of 2.24 Actuator Housing Solar Sail (Roark, pg 736) Blade Behavior Blade and Behavior and Controller Sensors Project Overview Controller Requirements Requirements Project Overview Pump Vacuum Actuators Chamber Requirements Vacuum Chamber Requirements Summary Summary Standard Atmosphere: 760 Torr Source: Heliogyro Solar Sail Structural Dynamics, Control and Experimentation Project Overview Blade Behavior and Controller Requirements Sensors Actuators Vacuum Chamber Requirements Summary 1.0 Project Overview 2.0 Blade Behavior and Controller Requirements 3.0 Sensors 4.0 Actuators 5.0 Vacuum Chamber Requirements 6.0 Summary • Status Summary • Budget • Testing to be Done ● ● ● ● Blade remains in a housing that rotates with the blade. Sensors remain stationary to the blade while the blade pitches. The blade and housing will have a combined mass of approximately 1.1 Kg and 2 sets of LEPD sensors measure both edges of the blade near the root. High resolution measurements of blade deflection are possible by optimizing the sensor incidence angles Flapping modes will be damped with a linear piezoelectric actuator, twisting with the pitching motor, stacked on each other Blade to be scaled to ⅕ its original length and tested with the controller in a vacuum chamber to reduce air damping. Project Overview Blade Behavior and Controller Requirements Sensors Actuators Vacuum Chamber Requirements Summary 11% 18% Sensors Actuators 21% Project Overview Blade Behavior and Controller Requirements Sensors Vacuum 50% Actuators Remainder Vacuum Chamber Requirements Summary ● FEM analysis (2-3 weeks, ongoing) o Specifically blade behavior in response to a movement of the actuators needs to be investigated, blades are not rigid bodies o Establish the amplitudes of oscillation that are to be expected during a pitching maneuver o Determine acceptable levels of angular acceleration during pitch manuevers ● Positioning of LEPD diodes will need to be optimized based on the expected amplitudes (~2 weeks) ● Control system needs to be designed based on FEM response analysis (~3 weeks) o Demonstrate a working Simulink model of controller that encorporates blade dynamics Project Overview Blade Behavior and Controller Requirements Vacuum Chamber Requirements Summary ● Selection of a pump and appropriate means of mounting the controller for the vacuum test chamber (1 week) ● Detailed design of blade housing, including deconstruction into machinable parts (1-2 weeks) Project Overview Blade Behavior and Controller Requirements Vacuum Chamber Requirements Summary ● Modeling techique from Daniel Guerrant and Dale Lawrence ● Assumes no material/structural damping ● The membrane in between the elements are mass-less ● Experimental results have shown good correlation with this FEM theory Source:Heliogyro Solar Sail Blade Twist Stability Analysis of Root and Reflectivity Controllers ● CubeSat deployed after launch ● Blades are deployed ● Blades are pitched to a commanded angle by an actuator for a maneuver ● Sensors detect the current mode of the solar sail ● Actuators move in order to dampen the blades 𝐹 = 𝑚𝑎 𝑚 = 𝑚ℎ𝑜𝑢𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑔 + 𝑚𝑏𝑙𝑎𝑑𝑒 = 810 + 282 = 1092 𝑔 𝑣 𝑡 = 𝑣 0 + 𝑎𝑡 𝑎= 𝑣 𝑡 𝑡 Find t using frequency given since f = 1/sec 𝑎 = 𝑣 𝑡 𝑓 −1 𝜏 = 𝐼𝛼 Ι𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 = Ι1 + Ι2 + Ι3 + Ι4 = 73760 𝜃 𝑡 = 𝜃 0 + 𝜔 0 𝑡 + 𝛼𝑡 2 𝜋 4 𝛼 = 0.001745 Type equation here. 𝜏 = 73760 ∗ 0.001745 = 0.01287 𝑚𝑁 ∙ 𝑚 𝑔 𝑐𝑚2 1 2 1 2 = 𝛼(30)2 (rotate 45 degrees in 30 seconds) rads sec Need to select motor with v >= fd ● The rotary actuator must be able to pitch the blade ±90 degrees and provide torsional damping. Requires calculation of rotational torque: τ = Ια ● I is the moment of inertia about the the blades pitching axis. This inertia is composed of the aluminum housing,the deployed blade, its spool, and tip mass. o Ιtotal=Ι1+I2+Ι3+Ι4 ● α is the angular velocity needed from the motor in order to provide sufficient damping in the required time frame. Function of blade mode frequency. Expect to see oscillations with frequency 𝑓 = 0.23 𝐻𝑧 Frequency is a function of actuator velocity and traveled distance 𝑓 = 𝑣 𝑑 Need to select motor with v >= fd = 𝑐𝑦𝑐𝑙𝑒 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒 How LEPD’s Work (cont.) • • • • Pitching and flapping modes are vertical displacements Change vertical displacement into a parameter to sense Make sure sensor chosen has a large enough active area SPOT-4D, 1.61 mm2; 9D, 19.6 mm2; UDT 4x4 Array 1.96 mm2 http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=3&ved=0CDoQFjAC&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.osioptoelectronics.com%2FLibraries%2FProduct-DataSheets%2FQuadrant-Bi-Cell-Photodiode.sflb.ashx&ei=DFk3VO6aEYityASoqILwDg&usg=AFQjCNESjr7cFeEAVMDHuVhearmslzNZqw&bvm=bv.77161500,d.aWw Density vs. Height 7 x 10 4 Density vs Height Pressure vs Height 1 0.8 5 Density (kg/m3) Pressure (N/m2) 6 4 0.6 0.4 3 0.2 2 1 0 0.5 1 Height (m) 1.5 2 x 10 4 0 0 0.5 1 Height (m) 1.5 2 x 10 4 ● Maximum deflection of 1 to 1.25mm ● High level of precision, dependent on voltage divisions, on order of nm ● Rise time on order of milliseconds ● Weight of 10g, volume of 300 mm3 ● Cost from $200 to $500, depending on included wiring, mounting, displacement, etc. ● Require ±60-100V ● Displacement tolerance of ±15-20% Piezoelectric bending actuators (source: piezo.com) ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Rotational motor would not provide damping Bending actuators move in phase to damp flapping Actuators move in opposite phase to damp twisting Use LEPD to sense disturbances Benefit of being less massive than stacked actuators Similar cost Less possible displacement Increased complexity Pump 10” Clear PVC Pipe (probably needs adjusted down) GoPro or other camera to put inside to take video if “clear” is not enough to see the blade’s behavior LED’s to put inside to light chamber, if needed, to take video PVC cap, used to mount SPECTRE PVC Cement (UNI 1500-08) Reducer from 10” to 4” 4” Suction hose Second reducer from 4” to 3/4” Additional fittings if needed to interface with the pump ● Epoxy can be used to seal holes needed for wiring. o Various epoxies capable of 10-9 torr (less than 1 Pa) (Lesker) ● Adds ~$100 to vacuum chamber cost ● Removes need for wireless control and battery power, reducing cost ● Either clear PVC in sections, or use camera and lighting within chamber ● Pressure gauges Source:Heliogyro Solar Sail Blade Twist Stability Analysis of Root and Reflectivity Controllers Source: Wilkie, William K., et al. "Recent Progress in Heliogyro Solar Sail Structural Dynamics." (2014).