Governance Networks Case Study Template PART I Your name: Case Study Title: Citation: Network Name: A. Network’s Place within the Policy Stream/Process (Check all that apply and explain in one or two sentences) (Adapted from Bovaird, 2004): ___ Problem Definition ___ Policy Design and Planning ___ Policy Coordination ___ Policy Implementation (Regulatory) ___ Policy Implementation (Service Delivery) ___ Political Alignment ___ Policy Monitoring / Evaluation B. Organizational Networks Actors ACTOR SECTOR (public, private, non-profit) SCALE (Local to international) LEVEL OF INVOLVEMENT (Center, periphery, intermediate) 1 C. Render a visual articulation of “hubs” and “spokes” structure of the Network (can be done by hand) D. What do the lines connecting the nodes signify? (Direction of financial resources; direction of human resources; direction of physical capital; direction of information) E. Timeline: Major milestones for the network DATE MILESTONE ACTORS IMPLICATED WHY RELEVENT? F. Where is power situated in this network? Who has it and how is it used? G. What are the apparent challenges/problems associated with the functioning of this network? H. Policy Tools Implicated in Network Functioning (See Salamon, 2002 chart) TOOL TYPE ACTORS IMPLICATED 2 I. Capital Flows in Network Systems Analysis NETWORK LEVEL INPUTS ACTIVITIES OUTPUTS SHORTTERM OUTCOMES LONG-TERM OUTCOMES J. Communities of practice operating in this network COMMUNITY OF PRACTICE K. MEMBERS FUNCTION(S) DECISIONMAKING AUTHORITY DECISIONMAKING PROCESS What is the relationship between membership and decision-making authority of these CoPs? What does this relationship tell us about the relative power that the CoP has? What is the relationship between these CoPs? Sketch out the dynamics is that helps explain the relationships. L. What is the role of government in this case? M. How did actors within this network hold each other accountable? 3