Honors Biology Ch. 16 Notes The Origin Evolution of Microbial Life: Prokaryotes and Protists Opening Essay Describe the formation of stromatolites and explain the significance of the organisms that produce them. Formation 1. Shark’s Bay in western Australia 2. photosynthetic prokayotes 3. live on the surface of the stromatolite, exposed to sunlight 4. The sticky coating of these organisms concentrates sand grains and other fine particles from the seawater. 5. While a sediment layer accumulates, the prokaryotes keep migrating to the surface and growing over it. 6. A layered mat builds up as this process is repeated. 7. Large mounds form over thousands of years 8. hardening as their older sediment layers solidify and 9. become rocklike structures composed of many layers of prokaryotes and sediment 10. Cyanobacteria are direct descendants Significance Created aerobic atmosphere Prokaryotes 16.2 Compare the characteristics of the three domains of life. Three Domains: Bacteria: Prokaryotic, Archaea: Prokaryotic, Eukarya: Eukaryotic, Char rRNA RNA Poly Introns Page 1 of 2 http://loydbiology.weebly.com Arch Eu + + + + - + Antibiotics - + + PeptidoGlycan? + - - + Histones Mrs. Loyd cloyd@waukee.k12.ia.us Bact 7/12/2016 http://www.mybiology.com Protists 16.12 Explain how primary endosymbiosis and secondary endosymbiosis led to further cellular diversity. (Origin of Protistan Diversity) 16.21 Explain how multicellular life may have evolved in eukaryotes. 1. Colonial protist formed when offspring stuck together 2. Cells specialize somewhat and become interdependent a. efficiency of specialization increases 3. High efficiency: Gamete cells 4. Example: Volvox a. colonial b. produces gametes c. gametes depend on somatic cells while developing Modern specialization: feeding waste disposal gas exchange protection 3 Major lineages formed ancestral eukaryotes stramenopile brown algae unnamed to red algae, green algae, and land plants choanoflagellates animals Mrs. Loyd cloyd@waukee.k12.ia.us Page 2 of 2 http://loydbiology.weebly.com 7/12/2016 http://www.mybiology.com