CLUB RENEWAL OF REGISTRATION FORM Registered clubs must renew their registration by completing this form at the beginning of every year by October 1 and submitting it to the Club Coordinator, in the Student Life Office. OFFICIAL Name of Club ___________________________________________ Abbreviation ________ I. Name E-Mail II. Faculty advisor(s) __________________________________________________________ __________________________Phone __________________________ Officers (PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY) Title: __________________________________________________________ Student ID #__________________________________________________________ Name __________________________________________________________ Phone __________________________________________________________ E-mail __________________________________________________________ Title: __________________________________________________________ Student ID #__________________________________________________________ Name __________________________________________________________ Phone __________________________________________________________ E-mail __________________________________________________________ Title: __________________________________________________________ Student ID #__________________________________________________________ Name __________________________________________________________ Phone __________________________________________________________ E-mail __________________________________________________________ Title: __________________________________________________________ Student ID #__________________________________________________________ Name __________________________________________________________ Phone __________________________________________________________ E-mail __________________________________________________________ Title: __________________________________________________________ Student ID #__________________________________________________________ Name __________________________________________________________ Phone __________________________________________________________ E-mail __________________________________________________________ Title: __________________________________________________________ Student ID #__________________________________________________________ Name __________________________________________________________ Phone __________________________________________________________ E-mail __________________________________________________________ III. Please attach a list of any additional officers and members including their names and Student ID #s. By completing this form and submitting it to the Student Life Office, you are authorizing Madison College to share this information with student organizations and their members for the purpose of including you in the activities and events sponsored by organizations. IV. SAB Guidelines - Requirement Is your organization in accordance with the Organizational Policies and Guidelines of the Madison College Student Activities Board listed below? Yes ______ No ________ 1. Every student club and organization shall have at least one advisor who is a contractual member of the Madison Area Technical College professional staff (faculty or staff ). 2. All student clubs and organizations shall have their regularly scheduled meetings on campus. 3. Student clubs and organizations shall not have discriminatory clauses, either overtly or covertly, which restrict membership on the basis of color, creed, religion, sex, age, national origin, handicap, or any other characteristics identifiable with a specific group of people. Student organizations must be in full compliance with Title VI and VII of the1964 Civil Rights Act, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Governor’s Executive Order #9, and Executive Order #11246. 4. Student clubs and organizations shall not have secret or closed meetings. 5. Student clubs and organizations shall comply with all policies and procedures of the Madison Area Technical College, to include, but not be limited to accounting, promotional, and operational procedures. 6. Student clubs and organizations must have a minimum of ten (10) bona fide Madison College student members before they will be registered. 7. As appropriate, all students shall have the opportunity to participate in all activities. 8. Student Activities Board funds shall not be used for political or quasi-political purposes, for political parties, for the election of political candidates, or for the furthering of political causes. (Programs and Events Money) 9. Student Activities Board funds may not be used for religious or quasi-religious purposes whether recognized as established organizations, sects, or denominations, or whether personal or non-orthodox. (Programs and Events Money) 10. To request funds, clubs and organizations must be a formally registered organization as per the criteria set forth by the Student Activities Board. 11. All student clubs must file a report detailing their programs after the event with the Club Council. 12. Clubs and organizations may be disciplined as necessary by the Student Activities Board for reasons such as: 1.) Failure to comply with the policies set forth herein; 2.) Failure to annually renew active status; 3.) Failure to comply with district board policies and regulations; 4.) Fiscal irresponsibility. As president or primary representative of this organization, I assume responsibility to see that all members, especially officers, are aware of and abide by regulations pertaining to student clubs and to see that this organization functions according to its approved constitution. The Office of Student Life has my permission to publish the above information in its publications and on its web site. In addition, I recognize my obligation to be this club’s representative to the Madison College community, to receive official communications and make the contents known to the entire membership. I understand that Madison College prohibits the practice of hazing, which is defined as physical and/or mental harassment of new or continuing members, and that the organization of which I am president has not, does not, and will not engage in hazing of any type and shall obey the student code of conduct as published by the college. I have read, understand, and agree to the statement above. Signature of Club Representative (Student) _____________________________________________ Date ________________