Rhetorical Precis Margaret Woodworth Structure

Rhetorical Precis
Margaret Woodworth
 Sentence #1 – Name of author, genre and title of work (date in parentheses)…a rhetorically
accurate VERB (such as “claims,” “argues,” “suggests,” “asserts,” etc.) a THAT clause
containing the main idea or thesis statement of the work.
 Sentence #2 – A section-by-section explanation of what the author is doing (verb) and how
he/she is doing it (methods).
 Sentence #3 – A statement of the author’s apparent purpose, followed by an “IN ORDER TO”
 Sentence #4 – A description of the intended audience and/or the relationship the author
establishes with the audience.
Fill in Starter Template
1. In ________________________’s _________________________________ (year),
he/she ___________________ that ______________________________________.
(main idea)
2. The author first __________________________ by/with ______________________________;
(verb phrase)
he/she then _____________________ by/with ___________________________, and to
(verb phrase)
conclude he/she __________________________ by/with _______________________________.
(verb phrase)
3. His/Her purpose is to ___________________________ in order to _______________________.
4. She seems to have a ______________________________ audience in mind because