9th Grade (Advanced) Vocabulary – Lessons 1-5 Lesson 1 Preclude:

9th Grade (Advanced) Vocabulary – Lessons 1-5
Lesson 1
Preclude: to prevent; make impossible
Epiphany: sudden understanding, insight, or revelation about an underlying truth
Fortuitous: occurring by chance, accidental; lucky, fortunate
Lament: to mourn or express sorrow
Assimilate: absorb or be absorbed (often by another culture); make similar
Ambivalence: mixed or constricting feelings; simultaneous conflicting feelings
Lesson 2
Analogous: two or more items that are similar
Audacious: bold or daring; not restrained
Fortitude: strength to face adversity
Resilient: able to survive and rebound from difficult circumstances
Conviction: belief
Adversity: misfortune or hard luck
Lesson 3
Anecdote: a short narrative of an interesting, amusing, or biographical incident
Malevolent: wishing evil to others; hostile, marked by desire to cause pain or distress to another.
Precocious: exceptionally early in development –
Plethora: over-fullness; superabundance; a lot
Gesticulate: use gestures (movement of limbs) instead of or to reinforce speech
Discern: to detect or recognize; make out
Lesson 4
Condone: to excuse or overlook an offense, usually a serious one, without criticism
Imperative: absolutely necessary
Zealous: very eager; enthusiastic
Dire: dreadful; terrible
Fervent: having or showing great intensity of feeling, passionate
Parsimony: parsimonious; stinginess, stingy
Lesson 5
Instigate: to stir up or cause to happen
Prudence: cautious, good judgment
Coveted: desired strongly, wished for longingly
Impunity: freedom from punishment, harm, or bad consequences
Infallibility: the state of being incapable of making an error
Precariously: dangerously; insecurely