LOTF: Vocabulary Exercise _____1. Strident _____2. Gesticulate _____3. Demented _____4. Inscrutably _____5. Ineffectual _____6. Jeering _____7. Protruded _____8. Contemptuously _____9. Belligerence _____10. Ecstatic _____11. Tacitly _____12. Brandish _____13. Impervious _____14. Festooned _____15. Antagonism _____16. Indignant _____17. Unintelligibly _____18. Effigy _____19. Bollocks _____20. Leviathan a. vulgar English word; “to heck with it” b. filled with hate c. cannot be understood d. decorated; engulfed e. overly happy; excited f. image or representation g. impenetrable; incapable of being influenced h. silently i. to bother to the point of frustration j. to project k. to mock l. not effective, futile m. clear and summoning n. mystical sea creature o. to shake or wave, as a weapon p. crazy, insane q. defiance r. above suspicion, cannot be investigated s. to gesture with hands t. angry at something wrong