Sentence Analysis Name ___________________________________________ Date __________________

Sentence Analysis
Name ___________________________________________ Date __________________
Copy a sentence from a news article into the box below
1. What type of sentence is this? a. Simple b. Compound c. Complex d. Compound/Complex
2. Write the simple subject(s) of the sentence:
(Circle one)
2 Points
2 Points
3. Write the verb(s), including auxiliary verbs: _______________________________________________________
2 Points
4. Write the direct object(s)—if any—below. If no direct object, write None.
2 Points
If there are no direct objects, circle the reason:
The verb(s) is (are):
a Passive Voice
5. The sentence is:
a. Active Voice
b. Intransitive
c. Linking
b. Passive Voice
(Circle one)
3 Points
(See directions below for 6, 7, 8)
6. _________________________________________________________________________________________
3 Points
7. _________________________________________________________________________________________
3 Points
8. _________________________________________________________________________________________
3 Points
20 Points
Bonus (2 Points): Find one of the starred (*) items
For 6, 7, and 8:
Copy three (3) excerpts from the sentence, and identify one of the following elements in each excerpt.
If necessary, circle the element to show exactly which part of the excerpt you are referring to
in your answer.
Example: “…His committee rose to the occasion and voted yes…”
(The prepositional phrase is circled)
NOTE: You may copy and identify only one of each.
For example, you may NOT copy and identify three prepositional phrases.
Grammatical Elements: Prepositional Phrase, Adjective, Dependent Clause, Gerund,
Possessive Pronoun, Article, Adverb, Present Participle, Past Participle, Auxiliary verb
*Appositive, * Infinitive Phrase, *Conjunctive Adverb, *Noun of Direct Address