Reasons: with one another, leads to battles among colonies.

Trying to keep up with the competition. European countries begin competing
with one another, leads to battles among colonies.
Searching for natural resources to use in manufacturing and for markets to
sell their finished products.
A good place for people to go to get a new opportunity. Countries needed
loyal people to go to these foreign lands to colonize them, this was a fresh start
for those people.
Missionary reasons (David Livingstone – Congo), for religious and
humanitarian reasons. Spread western ideas and technology. “White man’s
burden” Social Darwinism, Racism… Nationalism
Berlin Conference: European leaders got together to decide rules for
colonizing. If you can control territory, you can keep it. No Africans invited.
Menelik II: Emperor
Played countries against
each other & modern
1. Africans (Zulu – Shaka),
2. Dutch
3. British
Diamonds & Gold
Methods of Management
Local government officials
used; to develop future leaders
Foreign officials brought in to
rule; goal to assimilate
Limited self-rule
No self-rule
U.S. and Britain
France, other European
Paternalism: providing for people’s needs, but giving them no rights
Assimilation: over time, local population will become like the
Imperialist country
Colony- was a territory that an imperial power ruled
directly through colonial officials.
Protectorate- had its own government, but its policies were
guided by a foreign power. (Puppet)
Sphere of Influence- Region of a country where an imperial
power had exclusive investment or trading rights.
They took natural resources, mining, plantations.
Cash crops caused famine
Death; new diseases and resistance efforts
Hired Africans at low wages and imposed taxes.
Men were separated from their families.
Destroyed African traditions for European’s including
Muslim Lands around the Mediterranean Sea
Ottoman Empire
Geopolitics: interest in land for its strategic location or products
Russia: Crimean War
Russia wanted a warm weather port
Britain and France helped Ottomans defeat Russia
Egypt: Reform to not be taken over
Muhammad Ali: Suez Canal (Red Sea to Mediterranean)
Egypt borrowed $ to build
Couldn’t repay
British occupied Egypt
India Under British Rule
“The Jewel of the Crown”
Developed India economically
Built paved roads and railway system
Telegraph system
Irrigation canals
Established schools and universities
Everything positive was done to make G.B. money.
Discriminated against Indians
Forced them to change their ancient ways
Attempted to get them to surrender their religious beliefs
Made Indians farm cotton for textiles rather than wheat, which led to a
food shortage.
Sepoy Rebellion- Put down and Britain takes direct control of
India from 1857-1947, called Raj. India was now a colony.
India’s drive for self-rule:
Indian National Congress- This struggle lasts many decades, well
into the 1900’s
Mahatma Gandhi used non-violent protest to gain India’s
independence from Britain. Pacifist: Non-violence, never strike
back. Inspired Dr. Martin Luther King
Imperialism in Southeast Asia
Pacific Rim: Countries that border Pacific Ocean
Strategic location along route to China
Plantation Agriculture: Sugar cane, coffee, cocoa, rubber, coconuts, bananas & pineapple
US Imperialism in Pacific Islands
US won in Spanish-American War
McKinley-educate, uplift & Christianize Filipinos
Filipinos declared independence; US overcame them
US built roads, railroads, hospitals, schools…
US Sugar Plantation $$; wanted to annex Hawaii
Queen Liluokalani – wanted reform - overthrown
Dole – Pres of Republic of Hawaii – annex 1898
OPIUM WAR between China and Great Britain-1839, Great
Britain won and gained control of the island of Hong Kong.
Many countries claimed large sections of China as spheres of
influence (controlling trade and investments).
U.S. asked that China be opened up to all nations through the
Open Door Policy.
Boxer Rebellion (nationalism), 1900, Chinese attacked
foreigners in China, they were stopped by multinational forces.
Sun Yat-sen became president of China in 1912 with a goal of
nationalism, democracy and livelihood (econ. well being).
Japan had been isolated from outside influence from the 1600’s,
until Matthew Perry sailed into Japan in 1853.
Japan had to industrialize. “Rich country, strong military”
By 1914 Japan had become one of the world’s leading industrial
Japan could now compete with European countries and became
imperialist, expanding their empire up through WWII.
U.S. wants to keep European countries out of South America.
The Monroe Doctrine stated that any attempt to colonize
South America would be looked at as a danger to the U.S. peace
and safety.
Panama Canal: Roosevelt – opened 1914
The Roosevelt Corollary- extended the Monroe Doctrine: US =
international police. South America did not like this, they
believed the U.S. was trying to colonize them.