Unit 2 ID-Sigs: The Reformation, Religious Wars & Exploration

Unit 2 ID-Sigs: The Reformation, Religious Wars & Exploration
(Chapters 14 & 15)
Text Reading Questions
A. (Chap. 14 pg. 453-466) Condition of the Church & Protestantism, and the Social Impact of Lutheranism
1. Identify the disorders that existed in the Church prior to the Reformation and discuss the early attempts within the church to
2. Discuss the events that led up to Martin Luther’s pronouncement of the Ninety-Five Theses.
3. Analyze the response of the Church to Martin Luther’s attacks and explain how these events led to the establishment of the
4. Identify the four fundamental arguments made by Luther that are the basis of Lutheran beliefs.
5. Explain how Luther’s writings led peasant revolts in the Holy Roman Empire & discuss Luther’s response to these revolts.
6. Discuss the impact of the Lutheranism on the role of women.
B. (Chap. 14 pg. 466-477) The Political Impact of the Protestant Reformation & its Spread
1. Charles V has been considered a medieval emperor. In what respects is this true?
2. Analyze the attitudes and views of German princes within the Holy Roman Empire towards Protestantism.
3. Identify the significant contributions of the following individuals in spreading the Protestant Reformation:
1) Ulrich Zwingli
2) John Knox
4. Discuss how John Calvin’s beliefs about salvation differed from that of Martin Luther and identify Calvin’s Theocracy
established in Geneva, Switzerland.
5. Explain why Anabaptist where treated so poorly by both Protestants & Catholics.
6. Identify the dynastic and economic motivation behind the English Reformation & discuss the actions of both Henry VIII and
Elizabeth I in establishing the Anglican Church.
C. (Chap. 14 pg. 477-484) Catholic Counter-Reformation
1. What were the goals and methods of the Ursuline order of nuns and the Society of Jesus (Jesuits)?
2. Identify the achievements of the Council of Trent?
3. What was the Holy Office? What did it do to combat heresy?
(Chap. 15 pg. 490-497) Religious Wars of the 16th Century
4. What were the causes and consequences of the French civil war of 1559 to 1589? Was the war chiefly a religious or political
event? Explain.
5. What were the origins and the outcome of the war between the Netherlands and Spain in the late and early seventeenth
6. What were the circumstances surrounding Elizabeth’s decision to aid the United Provinces in their war against Spain? What
was the Spanish reaction?
D. (Chap. 15 pg. 497-502) The Thirty Years War
1. Why did Catholic France side with the Protestants in the Thirty Years’ War?
2. Summarize the 4 phases of the 30 Years War, be sure to discuss the major events and persons of each phase.
3. Discuss how the Peace of Westphalia marked a turning point in European political, religious, and social history.
E. (Chap. 15 pg. 502-512) Exploration & Conquest
1. Discuss the causes and motives behind European overseas exploration.
2. Identify the role and accomplishments of Portugal in early European overseas exploration.
3. Identify the accomplishments of the following explorers
1) Bartholomew Diaz
2) Vasco da Gama
3) Ferdinand Magellan
4) Christopher Columbus
4. Analyze the biosocial impact of the Columbian Exchange on both the new and old world civilizations.
5. Discuss the economic effects of Spanish discoveries in the new world on that of 16 th century Spain during the period
known as the Golden Century of Spain.
6. Identify the governing systems established by Spain & Portugal in the new world.
Unit 2 ID-Sigs: The Reformation, Religious Wars & Exploration
(Chapters 14 & 15)
F. (Chap. 15 pg. 512-515) Status of Women
1. Compare and contrast the views of Protestants and Catholics regarding women and their role in society.
2. Discuss the causes and characteristics of the witch-hunts from1560-1660 and explain why they came to an end.
(Chap. 15 pg. 519-524) Literature & Art of the 16th & 17th Centuries
3. Discuss the significance and characteristics of Elizabethan & Jacobean literature.
4. Explain why the Catholic Church embraced Baroque Art.
5. Discuss the style and work of Peter Paul Rubens.
Chapter 15: ID-Sigs (Due at the end of the unit with your binder)
Reading: pp. 487-524
Terms & Events
Saint Bartholomew’s Day Massacre
Edict of Nantes, 1589
Union of Utrecht
Spanish Armada
Edict of Restitution
Peace of Westphalia
Price Revolution
Columbian Exchange
11. Baroque
12. Francis I
13. Henry IV
14. William of Orange “the Silent”
15. Phillip II of Spain
16. Gustavus Adolphus
17. Cardinal Richelieu
18. Michel de Montaigne