Advanced Placement European History Reformation Multiple Choice Study Guide

Advanced Placement European History
Reformation Multiple Choice Study Guide
Reformation in Germany
Peasants’ relationship to Reformation
Benefice System
Justification by Faith Alone
95 Theses
Which sacraments were acceptable to Luther?
Charles V failure to stop Protestantism…why?
Luther and Zwingli dispute
Calvin and Geneva
The “elect”
Ingnatius Loyola
Council of Trent…describe/what did they do decide?
Cuius region, eius religio
Calvinist church organization
Catherne de Medici
Edict of Nantes
Phillip II and his holdings
Spain and the Netherlands
Anti-Protestant actions of Mary I
Episcopal System
Elizabeth I religious settlement… how was Protestantism set up during her reign?
Peace of Augsburg
Treaty of Westphalia
Results of 30 years War
Institutes of Christian Religion (Calvin)
Causes of Peasant Revolt 1525
French Wars of Religion
Edward VI’s reign
Katherine Von Bora…. What did the marriage “represent?”
Anabaptists…why adult baptism?
Henry IV… why did he convert to Catholicism?
Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism (Max Weber)
Results of 30 Years War
Diet of Worms