PE V KE Final Requirements for the Energy of a Pendulum

Final Requirements for the Energy of a Pendulum
1. Data Table 11-1 (with modifications)
2. Graph 11-1 Excel (PEA vs. VB)
3. Graphical Analysis leading to KEB vs. VB and
Kinetic Energy Equation.
4. Calculations (in Three Step Form)
1) change in height, 2) PEA, 3) KEB, 4) % error
AOE Data Table 11-2 (data must be recorded in pen or pencil)
(Description of Experimental Value = KE)
KEexperimental will be found in Data Table 11-1 and is
equal to PEA.
KEactual is found in the Calculations section.-#3
6. Conclusion – In terms of TE, PE, KE, Height and
Velocity, compare a pendulum to a rollercoaster