Español II Unidad 3 Etapa 1 Los Mandatos

Español II Unidad 3 Etapa 1 Los Mandatos
A. Choose the correct answer, in order to create a command in the "tú" form.
1. Speak more slowly. (hablar)______ más lentamente.
2. Eat quickly. (comer) _______ rápido.
3. Write a letter to me. (escribir) ________una carta a mí.
4. Fix the wall. (arreglar) ________ la pared.
5. Johnny, sing. (cantar) Juanito, _________.
6. 6. Mary, read the book. (leer) María, ________ el libro.
7. Open the door. (abrir) ________la puerta.
8. Take out the trash. (Llevar) _______ la basura.
9. Begin now. (comenzar) ________ ahora.
10. Swim in the pool. (nadar) _______en la piscina.
11. Buy that. (comprar) ________eso.
12. Dance with me. (bailar) _______conmigo.
13. Drink the milk. (beber) _______la leche.
Take the cup. (tomar) _______el vaso.
15. Clean the kitchen. (limpiar) _______la cocina.
16. Vacum. (pasar) _______la aspiradora.
17. Take the medicine. (tomar) _______la medicina.
18. Close the door. (cerrar) _______la puerta.
19. Read the book. (leer) _______el libro.
20. Study the magazine. (estudiar) _______la revista.
Irregular Commands (tú) The following eight verbs have irregular commands in the affirmative:
Decir -- di salir -- sal hacer -- haz Ser -- sé ir -- ve tener -- ten Poner -- pon venir -- ven
A. Choose the correct answer, in order to create a command in the "tú" form.
1. Put the pen here. ______la pluma acá.
2. Tell the truth. ______la verdad.
3. Come here. ______acá.
4. Be kind. _______amable.
5. Set the table. (poner) ______la mesa.
6. Do what I tell you. ______lo que te digo.
7. Say something. _____algo.
8. Leave now. ____ahora.
9. Make the bed. ____la cama.
10.Be careful. (tener) _____cuidado.
11.Go right now! _____ahora mismo.
Verbs that end in –car (c to qu), –gar (g to gu), and –zar (z to c) in the preterit tense carry their irregularity
with negative tú commands. Tocar -- toques Explicar -- expliques Llegar -- llegues Jugar -juegues Empezar -- empieces Comenzar -- comiences
Choose the correct answer, in order to create a command in the "tú" form.
1. Don’t run so fast. (correr) No ______tan rápido.
2. Don't speak. (hablar) No _______.
3. Don’t push her. (empujar) No_______a ella.
4. Don't write the book. (escribir) No ______ el libro.
5. Gustavo, don’t jump. (saltar) Gustavo, no _______. 6. Johnny, don't sing. Juanito, no _______.
7. Don’t read that book. (leer) No ______ese libro.
8. Don't open the door. (abrir) No ______la puerta.
9. Don’t leave. (salir) No _______.
10. Don't begin now. (empezar) No ______ahora.
11. Don’t put that there. (poner) No ______eso allí. 12. Don't go home. (irse) No ______a casa.
13. Don’t give me the milk. (dar) No me______la leche. 14. Don't be like that. (ser) No _____así.
15. Don’t touch the picture. (tocar) No_____la pintura. 16. Don't arrive late. No ______tarde.
17. Don’t explain the directions. (explicar) No ______ las direciones.
18. Don't take the medicine. No _____la medicina. 19. Don’t be at the mall. (estar) No _____al mall.