Megan Meier - Video

Megan Meier - Video
You are going to watch two very powerful video about a young girl that was
cyberbullied. You will take notes (minimum of 10 each) as you watch the video.
After watching these videos you will write a reflection of your thoughts about the
young girl and the events that took place. You will then write a short conclusion
as to what you feel about the videos and what was said.
You will write this in Microsoft word, using all of the formatting techniques that
you have learned. You will add pictures (formatting the pictures as well) to
enhance your write-up. You will also add custom bullets points for your notes.
Sections for your write-up:
1. Notes
2. Reflection
3. Final Thoughts
Items to add to your write-up:
1. Header with the date, name of the video & name/period
2. Heading (formatted) for each section
3. Pictures (formatted)