Name______________________________________ Homework for the Week of February 29th – March 4th Early Release Monday Math Page Tuesday Math Page Wednesday Math Page Thursday Math Page Blog: What do you think about people eating bugs! Read for 20 minutes Read for 20 minutes RAZ KIDZ Ready Test 1 test Study Spelling words Friday Weekly Assessments Blog Due Read for 20 minutes Parent Information Parents, We continue to work on our biography reports in class. Students spent time in class reading their books and looking up extra important information. We began working on our research and information sheet. Some students began on their 1st draft. We will continue to work through our biography activities. Students also explored force and motion. We discussed how properties of force and motion are used on amusement park rides to create a fun and exciting experience. We touched on gravity and energy. This week, we will continue to explore sources of energy. Absences: As always, please make sure that your child is on time. If they are absent, make sure that they are getting all of their make-up work from me, and that they are turning it in. Please consider not allowing your child to miss Fridays as they miss a lot of our assessments, and many of them are not taking the time to make them up. Of course, if they are sick, please keep them at home. However, please make sure that they are submitting their make-up tests. Look Ahead: March 21st-April 3rd: Spring Break April 18th: Biography Report Boards due April 19th: Biography Museum Items needed: We are in need of copy paper. Thank you for your support, Mrs. Hewitson