Comprehension Homework

Comprehension Homework
Dear Parents,
The second part of first grade we will be
concentrating on comprehension skills. I would like to try
something new for homework with some of the children.
We have three options to make this work.
1.Please go to Super Teacher web site
at to try the free comprehension stories
and worksheets. If you like the site there is a one year fee
of $19.99.
2.You can also go to Lakeshore to purchase a
comprehension work book.
3. I can print some comprehension worksheets off for
you. ( I am limited on copies)
When doing the writing portion of the comprehension
worksheet it is very important to have your child answer
the questions in complete sentences as opposed to one
word answers. Practice using capitals, spaces, and
periods. Turn in the homework daily just like writing
Mrs. Simmons