Chemistry in World Industries Project Purpose: The purpose of this project is for you to research and investigate how chemistry is related to and used in a particular area of industry. Overview: You will work in groups of 2-3 to research the background (history), chemistry, and importance of a particular industry used in today’s society. Your group will also be building a model to represent the chemistry used in that particular industry and presenting your research and model to the class. Topics: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Your group will be randomly assigned one of the following topics to research for your project. Batteries (compare & contrast different kinds) Plastics (including BPA and phthalates) Nylon Beauty products/cosmetics Fiber optics Internal combustion engine Electrical generation ( via wind or coal burning) LEDs Plasma/LCD TV’s Nuclear Power Helium Solar Power hydrogen fuel cells Nuclear medicine Nanoscience/nanotechnology Project Specifics: Here are the specific things that your group will research about the topic you’ve been assigned. For your topic you will be expected to meet the following requirements… 1. Research the Background (history) of discovery or development- “the who and the how” a. Minimum of 3 sources b. Must start research using Destiny Quest and/or Britannica via the library webpage. Must get prior approval for other sources. c. Written in own words and in terms that your peers can understand. If plagiarized (copy and pasted from sources), school handbook policy will be enforced. 2. Research the Chemistry behind the scenes- any chemical concept related to it and/or the chemical reactions involved in it a. Minimum of 3 sources b. Must start research using Destiny Quest and/or Britannica via the library webpage. Must get prior approval for other sources. c. Written in own words and in terms that your peers can understand. If plagiarized (copy and pasted from sources), school handbook policy will be enforced. 3. Research on how it’s used in everyday life/ why it is important a. Minimum of 3 sources b. Must start research using Destiny Quest and/or Britannica via the library webpage. Must get prior approval for other sources. c. Written in own words and in terms that your peers can understand. If plagiarized (copy and pasted from sources), school handbook policy will be enforced. 4. Presentation Mediaa. Main ideas organized in logical fashion b. MUST use one of the following: powerpoint, Prezi, or Google drive presentation c. Proper presentation etiquette- not too many words on a slide, no paragraphs, no distracting backgrounds (make sure your words can be seen!) d. All research must be cited properly in MLA format either on each slide or at the end of the presentation e. Include pictures and/or animations- must cite source and has to support the topic, be professional f. Optional- can include an original video clip on the topic. Maximum of 2 minutes! 5. Build a physical model of the topic- can be legit/working model or just a descriptive model. a. 3D b. Accurately represents the CHEMISTRY behind the topic c. Use household items, NO store-bought kits! d. MUST BE CREATIVE! e. Must be as professional-looking as possible 6. Presentation Skills- your group will be presenting its research and model a. Dress professionally b. Good eye contact, voice control, body language c. NO reading off the screen d. Minimum of 5 minutes, Maximum of 7 minutes FOR THE GROUP e. KNOW YOUR STUFF! (You’re the expert on your topic) f. EACH MEMBER MUST HAVE EQUAL PRESENTATION TIME! ** Steps 1-3 you are expected to do at HOME over the Thanksgiving break! On the day you return to school you should have your articles PRINTED OUT and the important information HIGHLIGHTED for your group to go over and start putting together for your media presentation. You are expected to have printed 2 articles for each research field- background/history, chemistry, and importance. PRINTING OUT and HIGHLIGHTING YOUR ARTICLES IS WORTH 60 OUT OF THE 160 POINTS FOR THIS PROJECT!** * Steps 4-6 are expected to be done at school during class time. This means that you will be working on either a chromebook or you need to bring in a laptop for your group to work on. ALSO, this means bringing in your materials needed to build your model.* TURN OVER Project Rubric: The following rubric will be used to grade your presentation. Read it over carefully as you research and put your presentation together. 0 1 2 3 Presentation Unprepared. Poor choice of Good choice of Excellent choice of attire, eye contact, attire, eye contact, attire, eye contact, voice control, voice control, voice control, body language. body language. body language. Presentation too Met expectation. Creative in short/ long. presentation of information. Media use None. Poor quality, Sufficient quality Excellent quality of incomplete of presentation, presentation, presentation, no some creativity. exceptional creativity. Does Met expectation creativity. not include and time Exceeds minimum required requirement. expectations. citations. Background info None or Minimal Met expectations. Exceeds plagiarized (copy information, expectations. and pasted from a inaccurate, several source). spelling/grammar errors, only from single source Chemistry None or Minimal Met expectations. Exceeds application plagiarized (copy information, expectations. and pasted from a inaccurate, several source). spelling/grammar errors, only from single source Importance None or Minimal Met expectations. Exceeds plagiarized (copy information, expectations. and pasted from a inaccurate, several source). spelling/grammar errors, only from single source Model None. Little thought/ Met expectations. Exceeds effort into the expectations. design. Inaccurate model. Presentation Total: ____________/ 100pts Bringing in individual research articles by due date: ______________/ 60pts. Project Total: ___________/ 160 pts.