Chemistry for Class X Max Marks: 25 Time: 50 Minutes Class: _________________Section________________ Date:___________________ Student’s Full Name: ___________________________ Roll #:__________________ Invigilator’s Signature : ________________ Examiner’s Signature:_____________ Marks Obtained:____________________ Rechecked by:_______________________ MCQs Q.1 On the given answer grid black out the box for your choice with a pencil (10 Marks) 1. A B C D 5. A B C D 9. A B C D 2. A B C D 6. A B C D 10. A B C D 3. A B C D 7. A B C D 4. A B C D 8. A B C D 1). The halogen which is solid at room temperature is; a). Fluorine b). Bromine c). Chlorine d). Iodine 2). A halogen which has higest electron affinity is; a). Chlorine b). Bromine c). Iodine d). Fluorine 3). Chlorine acts as bleaching agent only in the presence of; a). Dry air b). Moisture c). Sunlight d). Pure oxygen 4). The least polar hydrogen halide is; a). HF b). HBr c). HCl d). HI 5). Chlorine reacts with water to form HCl & HOCl, this reaction is; a). Oxidation b). Reduction c).Displacement d). Self- oxidation –reduction 6). The di-atomic molecules of halogen are held together by weak Vander Waal’s forces which shows; a). Volatile nature b). Acidic nature c). Basic nature of the element d). Ectropositivity 7). Halogens are much better soluble in; a). Water b). Organic solvents c). Inorganic solvents d). Polar solvent 8). Which halogen not forms Oxy-acids; a). Fluorine b). Chlorine c). Bromine d). Iodine 9). Iodized table slat is obtained by mixing; a). 0.02% sodium chlorate in sodium chloride b). 0.04% KClO3 in common salt c). 0.02% potassium Iodide in common salt d). 0.03% Potassium chloride in sodium chloride 10). Halogens form ionic compounds with; a). S- block elements b). P- block elements c). d- block elements d). f -block elements CRQ’S; Q.1(a). Complete the column; Column A (3 marks) Column B The oxidation state of halogen in HClO3 The strongest oxidizing halogen A halogen which is liquid at room temperatue (b). Chlorine gives a series of substituted organic products when reacts with hydrocarbons. Give the equations of substitution reactions of chlorine which leads to the formation of carbon Tetrachloride. (2 marks) Q.2(a). Hydrogen chloride is a colourless gas with pungent smell. It has variety of Chemical reactions.Give balanced chemical equations of the following reactions of hydrogen chloride with, i). Reaction with metals ii). Reaction with metal carbontes (2 marks) (b). How Chlorine is prepared on industrial Scale? Give it’s electrodes reactions which occur during the process of preparpation of chlorine. (3 marks) ERQ’s (Attempt any one Q.3 OR Q.4) Q.3 Write the laboratory preparation of calcium oxychloride with percentage range of chlorine absorption and its chemical equation of the reaction. Dicuss three of its chemical properties. (5 marks) Q.4 Chlorine reacts as bleaching agent. Discuss breifly the permanent bleaching action of chlorine with the help of balanced chemical equations. (5 marks)