Electric Restructuring 7/12/2016 David G. Loomis 309-438-7979


Electric Restructuring

4/12/2020 David G. Loomis 309-438-7979


Implementing Competition

Transmission Issues

Vertical Integration

Stranded Costs

4/12/2020 David G. Loomis 309-438-7979

Implementing Competition

4/12/2020 David G. Loomis 309-438-7979

Reason for change

 technology changes - gas cheaper?

 dissatisfaction/current prices

Dissatisfaction across customer class

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Expanded Wholesale


 deregulate only generation - any one can sell in wholesale market for competition

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Retail competition

 separate local distribution from retail sales

 purchase electricity from marketer

 generation also deregulated as in expanded wholesale

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Two market structures for implementing either retail or expanded wholesale

Bilateral contracting - specific supply contracts between 2 parties

Poolco - centralized spot market where electricity is bought as needed and sold as available

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Bilateral contracting with retail competition

Line companies - only provide unbundled distribution

Marketing companies - buy from generators and sell to customers under a bilateral contract between the marketer and customer.

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Poolco Arrangement

 can still have some bilateral contracts called self-nominated contracts.

Long term contracts, called contracts for differences (CFD) can also exist to reduce risk of spot price fluctuations.

4/12/2020 David G. Loomis 309-438-7979

Poolco Entity

 regulated monopolist

 solicits bids from generators regarding prices and amounts of power they are willing to sell each 1/2 hr.

 finds where demand and supply and all generators receive same price.

4/12/2020 David G. Loomis 309-438-7979


4/12/2020 David G. Loomis 309-438-7979


FERC order 888 - requires open access to the transmission grid for all companies

 functional unbundling - must separate different functions and charge itself the same rate for transmission that it charges others

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 regarded as an essential facility in the electricity industry.

Generally assumed to be a natural monopoly.

Regulation of transmission - ROR or PC

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Transmission pricing and cost

 peak vs. off peak

• peak = cost of adding lines + MC

• Off peak = MC

 distance - costs of rights of way, lines and power losses.

4/12/2020 David G. Loomis 309-438-7979

Transmission pricing & cost


Interruptible vs. non-interruptible

 variableness of demand

 possibly use 2 pt. tariffs

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Transmission Characteristics

Load balancing - no storage

Powerline losses - 10% loss in transmission and distribution

Loop flow effects - electric flows overall connected lines

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Pros & Cons of Vertical


4/12/2020 David G. Loomis 309-438-7979

Vertical Integration


• Transaction costs

• Economies of scope

• Improving Coordination

• Hedging Risk

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Vertical Integration


• Self-dealing

• Undersizing

• Discrimination

• Cross-subsidization

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Stranded Costs

Stranded costs are $10B - $200B

Pros & cons of stranded cost recovery

4/12/2020 David G. Loomis 309-438-7979

How to recover Stranded Costs

• Contract renegotiation - get it from customers

• Transmission surcharges

• Compensatory “Exit Fees”

• Accelerated Depreciation

• Auction off transmission facilities

4/12/2020 David G. Loomis 309-438-7979
