Colorado Department of Education EDAC Committee EDAC

Colorado Department of
Education EDAC
November 6th 2015
9:30 AM – 4:00 PM
Colorado Talking Book Library
180 Sheridan Blvd
Denver, CO 80226
Meeting called by:
Educational Data Advisory Committee
Type of meeting:
Scheduled Data Review Meeting
Jan Rose Petro
Note taker:
Dennis St. Hilaire
Dennis St. Hilaire
Wendy Wyman
David Schneiderman
Lynn Bamberry
Marcia Bohannon
Natalie Morin
Rick Tanski
Jan Petro
Nikki Johnson
Lisa Humberd
Janet Dinnen
Agenda topics
General Business
Minutes Approved
Data Pipeline Advisory Committee
Syncplicity Introduction - EDAC will use this to securely communicate collection
Jill Stacey – Summary of CDE Privacy
Consolidated Application Discussion
Educator Effectiveness – Toby King discussed some changes to Educator Effectiveness and
discussed adding a new collection that would reduce reporting requirements.
Update Approval
ESL-405A CO Services for Children and Youth with Combined Vision and Hearing Loss –
DPSE-001 Expelled and At-risk Student Services (EARSS) Grant Mid-year Survey – Small
edits were requested and EDAC recommended changing collection from Voluntary to
Required to Obtain Benefit. – Approved
DMC-112 Colorado ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 SBD – EDAC asked if blanks are allowed. There
seems to be some contradiction on the file layout concerning blanks. EDAC was curious on
why the file goes from 0/1 to Y/N in file layout. (reason vendor requirements) – Approved
State Board Rules
Proposed Revision of the Colorado Educator Licensing Act of 1991 1 CCR 301-37 – No
recommendations to the Board of Education.
 Grant Distribution – Lynn Bamberry discussed how many grants were given out and
percentage of district approved for funds and amount of funds given. There was a focus on
rural districts in how funds were distributed.
 Kindergarten Readiness Assessment – Melissa Colsman asked a question for districts on
submitting aggregate or student level data for kindergarten readiness assessments.
30 Minutes
ESL-401 ESCAPE Eliminate Student cost of
Advance Placement Exams
Kim Burnham
Overview: ESCAPE provides the Colorado Department of Education with funds to pay Advanced
Placement (AP) fees and reimburse International Baccalaureate (IB) fees for low income students. To
benefit from the program, high school AP and IB coordinators must submit the application to participate
form and assurance pages according to due dates in the packet. Additionally, for AP exams the eligible
student’s answer sheet must have the fee reduction bubble filled in appropriately.
Discussion: Jan has small edits.
Conclusion: Approved
30 Minutes
CGA-207 School Turnaround Leaders
Development Program Grant
Kim Burnham
Overview: Leadership is a critical factor in creating a welcoming, equitable, and productive school
environment in which students learn and consistently demonstrate strong academic achievement and
growth and in which teachers are empowered to learn and grow professionally and collaboratively. In
low-performing schools, leadership is acutely important and must extend in a coherent fashion to teacher
leaders as well as to district and charter leaders in order to create a system of support that is responsive to
student needs. Given the current levels of performance in many of Colorado’s public schools, there is a
tremendous opportunity for Colorado to recruit, develop, and facilitate new and existing leadership
development programs that are specifically focused on developing leaders to serve students in lowperforming schools. 2014-2015 was the first year of our School Turnaround Leaders Development Grant
Program that identified high-quality program providers that focus on developing leaders to serve lowperforming schools. Nine Colorado school districts and charter schools received over $1.6 million to
participate in four turnaround leadership programs, resulting in over 80 eligible aspiring and current
leaders attending these programs.
Discussion: EDAC has a few recommendations, by clarifying that districts and CSI can both apply on
behalf of eligible schools. There were some small wording edits for clarification.
Conclusion: Approved
30 Minutes
CGA-206 Pathways in Technology Early College
High Schools (P-Tech)
Kim Burnham
Overview: In 2015, Governor Hickenlooper signed the Pathways in Technology Early College High
Schools (P-TECH) bill into law (HB 15-1270). P-TECH is intended to create a public-private partnership
to prepare thousands of Colorado students for high-skill jobs of the future. To implement this program, the
Colorado Department of Higher Education (CDHE) and Colorado Department of Education (CDE) seek
proposals from partnerships of school districts, charters or Boards of Cooperative Educational Services
(BOCES), postsecondary education institutions, and dedicated high-growth industry employer(s) partners
for the development and operation of six-year high school focused on career and technical education
programming that spans grades 9-14.
Discussion: EDAC had some concern with hiring part of the survey and the requirements for hiring.
Conclusion: Approved
30 Minutes
CGA-205 Right 4 Rural Grant Program
Kim Burnham
Overview: Right 4 Rural is made available through a federally funded Jacob K. Javits state grant for
leadership and instructional practices in gifted programs, specifically for implementing identification and
programming in underrepresented populations. Right 4 Rural provides resources to scale up existing state
initiatives and guidance for local program plans, identification, and programming. Products developed
during the grant period will be shared across the state and nation.
Discussion: Charter School Institute asked for a list of eligible schools or districts? There was a question
on if follow-up surveys come back through EDAC from RFP’s? Answer, yes once it is completed. There
was a question about grant progress data and if that progress data could be considered PII. EDAC would
like it defined.
Conclusions: Approved
30 Minutes
CGA-204 ESEA In-person Training Topics and
Locations Survey
Kim Burnham
Overview: The survey will attempt to ensure that the training and networking opportunities offered by the
Unit of Federal Program Administration meet the needs of Colorado school administrators.
Discussion: EDAC asked it this survey has something about professional development. EDAC asked to
clarify how much time this takes to fill out and if the survey is anonymous. Would like webinar.
Conclusions: Approved
30 Minutes
CGA-203 Customer Support Survey – Office of
Learning Supports
Kim Burnham
Overview: The OLS Customer Survey is designed to collect specific information about needed
professional development and technical assistance requested by LEA/AU personnel. Survey responses
will inform the activities for the next application of the State Personnel Development Grant (SPDG)
issued by the US DoE, Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services.
Discussion: EDAC asked to add a close date.
Conclusions: Approved
30 Minutes
DMC-123 LEA Data Pipeline Improvement Survey
Kevin Smith
Overview: This collection has been designed to improve the collections and processes associated with
CDE’s data collection system, Data Pipeline, by obtaining feedback from local education agency data
Discussion: Collection took about 20 minutes. It was asked of EDAC, what would be the best timing in
the year to take this survey? Some suggestions were to make sure that it could be submitted once. EDAC
asked about the organization of questions and gave the recommendation to keep the collection open for 6
Conclusions: Approved
30 Minutes
NU-136 CDE OSN Smarter Lunchrooms Survey
Heather Schoen
Overview: The purpose of this survey is to determine the Smarter Lunchrooms training and technical
assistance (TA) needs of Colorado’s School Food Authorities (SDAs).
Discussion: More instructions and make SFA questions optional. Small edits.
Conclusions: Approved
30 Minutes
NU-137 Free and Reduced Price Program Survey
Julie Griffith
Overview: A brief survey will be distributed to collect information from local school district staff
regarding feedback on current training practices, training preferences and training logistics.
Discussion: EDAC asked if submitting was anonymous and the time it took to complete the survey. There
was a recommendation to add a drop down for district name and change the format for question 8.
Conclusions: Approved
30 Minutes
DMC-104 Report Card March
Dennis St. Hilaire
Overview: The Report Card March collection is used to populate SchoolView with general descriptions
of school offerings, programs, health, and courses.
Discussion: EDAC spotted a duplicate question and asked for its removal.
Conclusions: Approved
30 Minutes
Gifted Education Comprehensive Program Plan
Jacquelin Medina
Overview: The comprehensive program plan is submitted to CDE every 4-5 years. This submission is for
the 2016-2020 program plan cycle.
The comprehensive program plan submission is a requirement under the Education of Exceptional
Children’s Act: 22-20-204. The Program Plan must include, but is not limited to the following elements:
definition, communication, identification, programming, personnel, accountability, reporting, record
keeping, and resolution of disagreements. Program plans must also include procedures to identify gifted
students; programming options that will be implemented; and, actions and tools for accountability of the
academic achievement of gifted aligned with state accountability and evaluation of the gifted program.
Early Access provisions are also included in a comprehensive program plan, if the AU determines to
utilize and early access addendum.
Discussion: This collection is used every 4 to 5 years. There were education groups that reviewed this
plan that work with the Gifted unit. Changes with the plan are that is will now be web based, where as in
the past it was paper based. The completion of this plan will be the roadmap for gifted program going
forward. The gifted unit will use this to have transparency so the AUs can comply. Some small edits were
Conclusions: Approved