ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – 2013
ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – 2013
Edited by:
Dr. P. Kerr
Ms. Y. Groshak
Table of Contents
Faculty Member List .................................................................................................................. 3
Resident List .............................................................................................................................. 4
Mission Statement ...................................................................................................................... 6
Department Head Report ............................................................................................................ 8
Educational Reports ..................................................................................................................10
Publications – Faculty 2012 - 2013 ............................................................................................17
Podium/Poster Presentations Faculty 2012 - 2013 ..................................................................179
Reviewer/Editor - Faculty 2012-2013 ........................................................................................20
Journal Reviwer/Editorial Board .................................................................................................22
National/International Committees and Service .........................................................................24
Awards and Honours - Faculty and Residents ...........................................................................25
Departmental Resident Research Day 2013 ..............................................................................27
Residents Abstracts/Poster Presentations ................................................................................28
Visiting, Invited and Faculty Professors- Invited Lectures ..........................................................30
Research Grants 2012-2013 ......................................................................................................30
Departmental Committees 2012 - 2013 .....................................................................................32
Organizational Structure ............................................................................................................33
ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – 2013
Faculty Members and Appointments
Associate Professor and Department Head
P. Kerr, BSc (Med), MD, FRCSC
B. Blakley, MD, PhD, FRCSC
Associate Professor:
M. Mina, MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professors:
M. Barker, MD, FRCSC
L. Chan, MD, FRCSC
L. Fishman, MD, FRCSC
A. Frohlich, MD, FRCSC
R. Gall, MD, FRCSC
L. Garber, MD, FRCSC
J. Hochman, MD, FRCSC
J. Jones, MD, FRCSC
D. Leitao, MD, FRCSC
H. Levin, MD, FRCSC
E. Meen, MD, FRCSC
F. G. Osler, MD, FRCSC
D. Sutherland, MD, FRCSC
N. Viallet, MD, FRCSC
A. Varma, MD, FRCSC
Michael Gousseau
DaveRishi Pahwa
Diana Khalil
Dana Wong
Trung Le
Ali Esmail
Bella Wu
Andrea Darnbrough
Magdalena Kujath
Saad Alsaleh
ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – 2013
Department of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery
Department Head
Dr. P. Kerr
Postgraduate Director
Dr. D. Sutherland
Undergraduate Director
Dr. A. Gooi
Research Director
Dr. B. Blakley
Director Continuing Professional Development
Dr. J. Jones
Medical Director Cochlear Implant Program
Dr. D. Leitao
Cochlear Implant Clinical Director
Dr. J. Hochman
Cochlear Implant Admin Director
Justyn Pisa
Director Surgical Sleep Disorder & Breathing Clinic
Dr. J. Chau
Director Simulation & Robotics Lab
Dr. J. Hochman
Postgraduate Education Assistant &
Department Head Administrative Assistant
Yvonne Groshak
Department & Undergraduate Administrative Assistant
Emi Okamoto
Vestibular Lab Director
Dr. B. Blakley
Business Manager
Eric Mann
Otolaryngologists Section Heads:
Health Sciences Centre
Dr. P. Kerr
Children’s Hospital
Dr. D. Leitao
St. Boniface General Hospital
Dr. F. G. Osler
Victoria General Hospital
Dr. M. Barker
Committee Chair holders:
Dr. P. Kerr
Dr. D. Sutherland
Dr. A. Gooi
Continuing Medical Education
Dr. J. Jones
Dr. B. Blakley
Mission Statement
The Mission of the Department of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery, Faculty of
Medicine, University of Manitoba is to provide professional leadership in all aspects of
Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery through its teaching, research, and by providing
exemplary clinical care.
Clinical Care
The clinical mission of the Department:
Provide Manitobans with compassionate, evidence based care with the best possible
clinical outcomes in the clinical areas of general otolaryngology, neurotology,
pediatric otolaryngology, rhinology, communicative disorders; sleep disordered
breathing, facial plastic and reconstructive surgery, and head and neck oncology.
Play an active role in health care management and advocacy as they pertain to the
Provide care to remote communities in Northern Manitoba and Nunavut through the
Northern Medical Unit.
The general educational mission of the Department:
Provide fundamental skills and a basic understanding of otolaryngology to
undergraduates, in-depth training of postgraduates, tailored education for allied
health care professionals, and an environment of continuing medical education in
Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery.
The primary undergraduate educational goals:
Provide fundamental knowledge and skills to medical students such that they are
prepared to enter postgraduate training in the field of their choice and to introduce
them to Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery as a potential career.
The primary postgraduate educational goals:
Provide residents with broadly based, in-depth training that will enable them to enter
general Otolaryngologic practice, or enter advanced training in any of the
Otolaryngologic subspecialties.
The Department provides a safe, collegial, academically stimulating environment for staff and
trainees. Educational goals will be accomplished within the framework of the University of
Manitoba, Faculty of Medicine mission statement, and the accreditation standards of the
Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada.
ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – 2013
The research mission of the Department is to produce scientific work that improves
outcomes for our patients, improves the educational process for our trainees, and improves
the administration and delivery of health care.
Department Head Report
Dr. P. Kerr
I’d like to thank all the full and part time academic faculty, the
trainees, and all our allied health and support personnel for all
their assistance in making 2012-13 a fantastically successful
The Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery at the University of Manitoba has
undergone substantial expansion over the past 6 years, growing from 6 full time academic
faculty to 10. We shifted gears in the 2012-13 academic year, transitioning from growth to an
organizational phase in which we began refining our operations.
The Cochlear Implant Program made excellent progress this year. Mr. Justyn Pisa was
appointed as Coordinator of the program. Under his expert guidance, 34 CI procedures were
successfully completed, and the BAHA program was brought on line. An outcomes review
was conducted, confirming excellent results over the first 2 years of operation. Drs. Leitao
and Garber continued as the Medical Directors of these highly successful programs.
Under the direction of Dr. Hochman, The Robotics and Simulation Lab had continued
success, entering into collaborative projects with other universities on an international level,
and generating much interest at the annual meeting of the CSO-HNS.
The Endoscopic Skull Base Program now consists of 4 surgeons, with the addition of Dr.
Meen to the team. We now have a dedicated intra-op MRI suite for more advanced surgery.
Dr. Osler was instrumental in continuing our series of CPD events focusing on enhancing the
level of individual and team performance, and professionalism within the department. This
series of events included several invited speakers, and the participation of Doctors MB and
the CMA.
Our CPD Director, Dr. Jones, along with Dr. Osler ambitiously set about organizing what will
hopefully become an annual event: POW! The concept of a Prairie Otolaryngology-HNS
Weekend was pitched to the Department and to representatives in Saskatchewan, meeting
with approval. There is a plan to move forward over the summer of 2013 with the inaugural
Our Undergraduate Director, Dr. Gooi, embarked on a plan to completely revise the
undergraduate curriculum. Part of faculty wide curriculum renewal, we will be moving from
the format of unstructured clinical encounters with the medical students, to a more
standardized environment of seminars using case scenarios and simulators in the new
simulation facility at the University of Manitoba. Dr. Gooi’s efforts have been applauded by
the medical students, and he is to be congratulated!
Dr. Sutherland and the Postgraduate team continue to ready the Department for our
upcoming accreditation in 2014. A custom designed on-line system for evaluations and
logging cases was successfully launched. Congratulations to our three graduates for 201213: Drs. Magdalena Kujath, Saad Alsaleh, and Andrea Darnbrough successfully completed
their RCPSC Fellowship examinations.
ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – 2013
Dr. Brian Blakley continues to function as our Research Director. An unprecedented number
of presentations were successfully submitted to the annual meeting of the CSO-HNS and
international meetings in 2012-13; something the whole Department should be proud of.
Once again, thanks to all for their efforts in the Department!
Educational Reports
Postgraduate Director Report
Dr. D. Sutherland
The past year has been a busy and productive one for the
Postgraduate Program in the Department of Otolaryngology.
CaRMS interviews for the ENT residency positions were held in February 2013. The
interviews and tours of our facilities were well received by the CaRMS applicants. Paige
Moore from Memorial University and Alexandra Thielmann from the University of Manitoba
successfully matched to the ENT program in Winnipeg and began their residency training on
July 1, 2013.
The Department hosted its first Postgraduate Education Retreat in March, 2013. Joanne
Hamilton from the Department of Medical Education was our guest speaker. Fourteen
Otolaryngology staff members attended and the main focus was developing Goals and
Objectives that are applicable to the clinical setting.
Residents Day was held on May 16th and 17th, 2013. Our visiting guest Professor was Dr.
Corey Moore from the University of Western Ontario. He gave two engaging talks to the
Department and a teaching session to the residents. He also adjudicated the Resident
Research presentations and Dr. Trung Le was this year’s book prize winner for best research
presentation. Our local residents’ research day was followed by The Canadian Society of
Otolaryngology meeting were several residents gave oral or poster presentations. One of
the highlights of the meeting was the awarding of a Canadian Society of Otolaryngology
Fellowship Bursary to one of our PGY5 residents, Dr. Andrea Darnbrough, who will be
pursuing a fellowship in Laryngology at McGill University.
Royal College Accreditation of the Program is scheduled for February 2014. The
Postgraduate Medical Education office has arranged many sessions on accreditation,
including sessions on all CANMEDs domains. Each session was attended by Dr. Sutherland
(Program Director), along with an additional ENT faculty member. This has been helpful in
the ongoing review and evaluation of our program. It has also encouraged us to look
critically at not only at the medical expert teaching that occurs in our program, but teaching
and assessment in each of the CanMeds domains. Dr. Sutherland and Yvonne Groshak
(Program Administrator) both attended the International Conference on Residency Education
which took place in Calgary, AB, September 2013. This conference has been an excellent
way to receive information and ideals on residency education while allowing registrants to
connect with residency programs across Canada and other countries.
All of our residents who took the Royal College examination this spring were successful. Dr.
Dewji will be starting a practice in Vancouver, BC; Dr. Alsaleh will be doing a Rhinology
Fellowship in Vancouver; Dr. Andrea Darnbrough will be doing a Laryngology Fellowship at
McGill University; Dr. Kujath will be pursuing a General Otolaryngology career in Nova
A big “Thank-you” to all the members of the Department for their contributions to the
Otolaryngology Residency Program.
ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – 2013
Undergraduate Director Report
Dr. Adrian Gooi
New initiatives:
 Use of online real-time polling in class
 Creation of a Med 1 review lecture in real-time quiz/ polling
 Development of a new Med 2 ENT Clinical Skills 1 (Basic
Physical Exam) course
 Development of a new Med 3 ENT Clinical Skills 2 (Procedural Skills) course
 Research on the use of iClickers in class (being prepared for presentation and
 Designation of the ENT curriculum as the pilot for e-Learning modalities in the new
medical school curriculum (CuRE – Curriculum Renewal)
 Development of online tools for resident assessment
 Development of online tools for resident exams
 Development of online tools for faculty assessment
 Introduction of e-Learning tools for assessment of CanMEDS roles in residency
. Recognition for ENT UGME have included:
 Manitoba Medical Student Association Award for Teaching Excellence, Medicine I
o Given to a single faculty member for teaching excellence in first year medical
 Honorary Senior Stick for the Manitoba Medical School Association
o Awarded to faculty member “who students feel they can be open with, respect
their opinions, care about student issues, and can provide insight into any
topics of importance which arise throughout the year.”
 Director- Online Learning for Undergraduate Medical Education
o Coordination of online learning for the four years of medical school
Future Directions
 ENT as the pilot UGME course for Desire2Learn Analytics program
 Research and piloting of Team-based learning, flipped classroom, real-time polling,
3LC project
 Publication of research on e-learning in medical school
Research Director Report
Dr. Brian Blakley
The past year has been very busy for research in the Department
of Otolaryngology. Dr. Hochman has been making significant
progress in the virtual temporal bone world. Dr. Chau has
initiated several sleep medicine projects. Research interest in the
Dept. is growing. There are more projects with greater variety and
more grant money than in previous years. Our Research Day
continues to improve each year. The Department serves a larger role in the Faculty of
Graduate Studies, particularly in the new Biomedical Engineering Program.
In 2012 a Departmental Research Committee was developed that will track, approve and
sometimes even fund research activities in the Department.
Regarding my own research, I had the following collaborations.
This past busy summer I had the pleasure of working with four students on the following
 Stacy McPhee Med II from University of Manitoba REDOX potential and Hearing.
This is the first project that attempts to study the REDOX potential in perilymph and
how it changes with administration of Antioxidants. – Program - Med II Summer
Research Program.
 Suzete Almeida-Rocha-D-Silva medical student from The Universidade Gama Filho.
Brazil. Gap Junctions in Knockout Mice. In collaboration with Dr. Jim Nagy of the
Physiology Dept. we studied hearing loss knockout mice lacking conexin 26 and
wild-type mice. Some mice have significant hearing loss. Others do not. – Program –
Science without Borders.
 Carlos Eduardo Alves Garcia of The Universidade de Brasília. 2013. Gap Junctions
in Knockout Mice. In collaboration with Dr. Jim Nagy of the Physiology Dept. we
studied DPOAEs in knockout mice lacking conexin 26 and wild-type mice. Some mice
have significant hearing loss, but even those with hearing loss had excellent DPOAE
responses, indicating that the hair cells are intact. Program – Science without
 Victor Medeiros Brandão Florêncio of The Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do
Norte. 2013. Otoacoustic Emissions in Gap Junctions. In collaboration with Dr. Jim
Nagy of the Physiology Dept. we studied hearing loss knockout mice lacking conexin
26 and wild-type mice. Some mice have significant hearing loss but hearing loss was
not consistent.
I have served on three graduate students’ advisory committees in electrical engineering.
ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – 2013
Research collaborations in 2013 include
Dr. James Nagy – Physiology,
Dr. Triggs-Raine, Pediatrics,
Dr. Xin Min Li – psychiatry
Dr. Melanie Martin, Radiology,
Dr. Brian Lithgow, Engineering and
Dr. Zahra Moussavi, Engineering.
As a reviewer and Associate editor, I have been too active in reviewing papers, having
reviewed approximately 40 papers in the past year, reviewed 4 grants and performed 3
Clinical Research has consisted of data collection on vestibular projects assessing the
normal values for vestibular tests, and collecting data on patients.
In the future research should continue to increase for the Department and personally.
Educational Reports
Director of Continuing Professional Development
Dr. Jodi Jones
This has been an important year for continuing professional
development in the Department of Otolaryngology-Head &
Neck Surgery. We have continued with ongoing, formal evaluation of all of our rounds and
regular scheduled series. In addition to this, we have received formal University of Manitoba
and Royal College of Surgeons of Canada accreditation for all of our rounds, journal clubs
and visiting professor sessions. We also started the planning of what will be an annual
Otolaryngology conference for Otolaryngologist-Head & Neck Surgeons from Saskatchewan
and Manitoba – Prairie Otolaryngology Weekend (POW), planned for August 23-25, 2013 at
Hecla Resort. This is a very exciting development for the Department and for
Otolaryngologists in this area.
We enjoyed several visiting lecturers this past year. In November, Dr. Paul Farnan, an
expert in physician health and well-being, came to meet with our department. He provided a
session with attending physicians followed by a very productive resident session on resident
health. Both sessions were very well received by the department.
In May, Dr. Michael Pitman, a laryngologist and Director of the Voice and Swallowing
Institute at the New York Eye and Ear Infirmary, came and gave two excellent lectures on
reflux and related conditions as well as laryngeal reinnervation. These were greatly regarded
by the department. He then conducted a session with the residents on spasmodic dysphonia
and management of benign vocal fold lesions. The residents all found these sessions to be
extremely valuable and educational. His visit was supported by an unrestricted educational
grant from Takeda Canada.
Also in May, at our annual Research Day, Dr. Corey Moore , an Otolaryngologist and facial
plastic surgeon, was our guest speaker and adjudicator. He provided rounds on eyelid
reconstruction and an approach to facial trauma. He also provided the residents with a
session on facial aesthetic surgery. These lectures were an excellent addition to the
ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – 2013
St. Boniface Hospital
Section Head Report
Dr. F. Gigi Osler
St. Boniface Hospital (SBH) was first established in 1871 and has
established a tradition of excellence and caring. SBH has
partnerships with numerous organizations and strives to provide Manitobans with the highest
quality health care possible. It anticipates and responds to community needs and is a leader
in patient care, research and education. It maintains the highest ethical standards, respects
life and human dignity, and is committed to the people it serves.
St. Boniface Hospital is a tertiary care facility and is the second busiest teaching hospital in
Winnipeg after the Health Sciences Centre. The hospital campus is comprised of more than
180 departments and services, which are located in seven separate buildings and situated
on 20 acres of land. It also operates several satellite facilities and maintains close
relationships with other health facilities as well as the health agencies of the Grey Nuns
Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery (Oto-HNS) had another busy year at St. Boniface
Hospital and provided care to patients in the emergency department, outpatient clinics, and
inpatient units. There were over 2,950 patient visits to the Oto-HNS outpatient clinics and
close to 1,000 Oto-HNS patients treated in the main operating rooms. The SBH rotation
continues to provide outstanding Rhinology teaching to the residency program under the
expert guidance of Drs. Richard Gall and Gigi Osler. SBH maintains the province’s only CTnavigated sinus surgery system. Dr. Mark Barker continues to provide the residency program
with Laryngology teaching and expert clinical expertise. Drs. Kerr, Sutherland and Viallet
continue to provide excellent head and neck surgical oncology teaching with many head and
neck surgical oncology procedures performed at SBH.
The Oto-HNS presence continues to grow at SBH and maintain its reputation for excellent
patient care and service. We are looking forward to Dr. Eric Meen’s return to the Department
in July 2012 after completion of his Rhinology fellowship at Northwestern University in
Chicago, IL.
Surgical Hearing Implant Program
After ten long years of planning and preparation, the Department of Otolaryngology – Head
and Neck Surgery at Health Sciences Centre was extremely pleased to announce the
creation of the Surgical Hearing Implant Program in April, 2011. Since that time, a talented
and diverse group of individuals have established a state-of-the-art program that provides
cutting edge technology and surgical techniques to Manitobans with severe-to-profound
hearing loss. The program offers implantable devices for two distinct patient groups,
depending on their etiology; Cochlear Implants which are designed for those with severe-toprofound sensory (inner ear) hearing loss who have limited auditory function and bone
anchored hearing aids (BAHA), which are designed to manage conductive hearing loss
related to issues of the outer and middle ear systems. The program has also created a
dedicated BAHA audiology clinic in order to improve service delivery to this patient
Since the first surgery in October of 2011, the program has successfully completed 30
cochlear implant and 16 bone anchored hearing aid procedures, without any complications.
To date, the program is projected to achieve its annual quota for both cochlear implants and
bone anchored hearing aid implants and will continue its efforts at becoming a nationally
recognized implant centre.
Listed below are several achievements the program has accomplished over the past 18
First pediatric cochlear implant in December, 2011.
First hearing preservation implant in April, 2012.
First bilateral cochlear implant in August, 2012.
Number of children successfully implanted: 7
Number of adults successfully implanted: 23
Bilateral cochlear implantation on 50% of pediatric patients
Total number of Cochlear Implant and BAHA devices successfully implanted: 48
Since the inception of the program, we have learned a lot about the complexity of decisionmaking, the different methods of mitigating issues, the expectations for surgery, and the
potential outcomes for patients in the future. With the addition of a new program coordinator
as well as a collaborative effort with Central Speech and Hearing, we are excited to offer
Manitobans more options for the treatment of hearing loss and will continue working hard to
ensure the future success of the program.
Justyn Pisa
Surgical Ear Implant Coordinator
ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – 2013
Peer Reviewed Publications – Faculty 2012-2013
The following list of accepted or published publications and presentations includes
only work by faculty who hold a primary appointment in the Department of
Otolaryngology and work by cross-appointed staff related to the core mission of this
Dr. Brian Blakley
Blakley BW. Patients with Cochlear Implants in the OR- Issues and Concerns. Canadian
Operating Room Nursing Journal. 2011; 29(3) 6-30.
Brock, PR, Knight, KR, Freyer DR, Campbell KCM, Steyger PS, Blakley BW, Rassekh SR ,
Chang KW, Fligor BJ, Rajput K, Sullivan M., Neuwelt EA. Platinum-Induced Ototoxicity in
Children: A Consensus Review on Mechanisms, Predisposition, and Protection, Including a
New International Society of Pediatric Oncology Boston Ototoxicity Scale. Published Ahead
of Print on April 30, 2012 as 10.1200/JCO.2011.39.1110.
version is at
Blakley BW. Decision analysis using decision trees for a simple clinical decision.
Otolaryngol H&N Surg 2012. 41(5), 370-373.
Nagy JI, Bautista W, Blakley B, Rash JE. Morphologically Mixed Chemical-Electrical
Synapses formed by Primary Afferents in Rodent Vestibular Nucleii as Revealed by
Imunoflorescence detection of Connexin36 and Vesicular Glutamate Transporter-1.
Neuroscience 2013. In press.
Brock, PR, Knight, KR, Freyer DR, Campbell KCM, Steyger PS, Blakley BW, Rassekh SR ,
Chang KW, Fligor BJ, Rajput K, Sullivan M., Neuwelt EA (2012) Platinum-induced ototoxicity
in children: a consensus review on mechanisms, predisposition, and protection, including a
new International Society of Pediatric Oncology Boston ototoxicity scale." J Clin Oncol
30(19): 2408-2417
Alsaleh, S, Blakley BW, Dewji Z, Qureshy K, Berard S. Xie L. Steroids in AminoglycosideContaining Ear Drops: Do they Reduce Cochlear Toxicity? Laryngoscope, 2012.
Submitted: Blakley BW. Comments on NIH policy. Science, Nov, 2012
Dr. Jason Chau.
Dziegielewski PT, Chau JK, Seikaly H, Fourth Branchial cleft cyst with no identifiable tract:
Case report and treatment approach. Ear Nose Throat J 2012 Jul 91(7): E23-5
Dr. Jordan Hochman
Considerations of Candidacy for Bilateral Cochlear Implantation within the Limitations
Imposed by a Single Payer Universal Health Care System Forzley B., Chen J., Nedzelski J.,
Lin V., Hochman J. [Accepted- Laryngoscope]
Temporal Bone Surgical Simulation Employing A Multicore Architecture Kraut J., Unger B.,
Hochman J.; Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE), 2013 26th Annual IEEE
Canadian Conference. Page1-6.
Dr. Jordan Hochman
Home-based Computer Gaming in Vestibular Rehabilitation: Effects on Gaze and Balance
Impairment; Reimer K, Szturm T., Johnston J., Hochman J. Accepted - Journal of
Rehabilitation and Research Development
Gesture-Controlled Interactive Three Dimensional Anatomy: A Novel Teaching Tool in Head
and Neck Surgery; Kraut J., Hochman J., Unger B., Hombach-Klonish S. Submitted –
Journal of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery
Mixed Reality Temporal Bone Surgical Dissector: Part 1 - Mechanical Design Unger B.,
Khazraee, M., Kraut J., Sepheri N., Hochman J. Submitted – Journal of Otolaryngology Head
and Neck Surgery
Generation of a 3D Printed Temporal Bone Model with Internal Anatomic Fidelity and
Validation of the Mechanical Construct; Jordan B. Hochman Jay Kraut, Katrice Kazmerik,
Joseph Chen, Bertram J. Unger; Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery – Accepted
Design and Validation of 3D Printed Complex Bone Models with Internal Anatomic Fidelity
for Surgical Training and Rehearsal; Bertram J. Unger, Jay Kraut, Jordan Hochman
Accepted. Medicine Meets Virtual Reality
Validation of Cadaveric versus Isomorphic Haptic Simulation in Temporal Bone Education;
Dana Wong, Bertram Unger, Jay Kraut, Jordan B Hochman; Submitted – Journal of
Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery
Comparison of Cadaveric and Isomorphic 3D Printed Models in Temporal Bone Education;
Jordan B Hochman, Dana Wong, Jay Kraut, Justyn Pisa, Bertram Unger; Submitted
Comparison of 3d Temporal Bone Models and Isomorphic Haptic Simulation in Temporal
Bone Education; Jordan B Hochman, Dana Wong, Jay Kraut, Justyn Pisa, Bertram Unger
Submitted – Laryngoscope
Dr. Paul Kerr
Dr. Donna Sutherland
Le TN, Sutherland DE, Kerr PD. Validity of 1-hour post-thyroidectomy parathyroid hormone
level in predicting hypocalcaemia. Journal of Otolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery.
(submitted April 2013, await decision).
ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – 2013
Reviewer/Editor Faculty 2012-2013
Dr. Brian Blakley
Otol-Head and Neck Surgery - 265
Journal of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery – 167
Otology & Neurotology – 64
Laryngoscope – 28
Archives of Otolaryngology – 2
Kuwait Journal of Medicine – 7
Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics - 2
Clinical Cancer Research (American Association for Cancer Research) – 2
Neurotoxicology and Teratology – 2
Neuroscience (1)
Journal of the American Association for Cancer Research - 2
Canadian Respiratory Journal -2
BioMed Central (online journal from the UK) – 1
Toxicology Letters -3
Cell and Tissue Research – 2
Journal for Medical Decision Making - 8
CMAJ – 4
Podium and Poster Presentations 2012 - 2013
Dr. Brian Blakley
Darnbrough A, Blakley BW, Osler G, Sutherland D. The high performance physician
program: The impact of performance psychology in an otolaryngology program. – WINNER
first prize at the Otolaryngology Department Research Day.
Brian Blakley Alice Kam. Locus of control and dizziness . Presentation at the Annual
meeting of the Collegium Oto-Rhinolaryngologicum Amicitiae Sacrum.
Rome, Italy,
Wednesday Aug 29, 2012
Deng G, Blakely BW – Reducing Aminoglycoside Ototoxicity. Poster - Canadian Medical
Student Research Conference, Univ of Manitoba. 2012.
Blakley BW - American Society for Geriatric Otolaryngology (ASGO) 2012 meeting held in
San Diego, CA; Quddusi T, , Meen E, Berard S, Dewji Z. Does sodium thiosulfate
Delay presbyacusis? Poster prize.
Dr. Jordan Hochman
Le TN, Leitao D, Hochman J. Hair barrette induced cochlear implant receiver stimulator site
infection with extrusion. Canadian Society of Otolaryngology 67th Annual Meeting (CSO,
June 2013). Banff, Canada
Dr. Jordan Hochman
Soft Tissue Modeling in Temporal Bone Simulation; Wong D, Unger B, Kraut J, Hochman J.
Canadian Society of Otolaryngology, Banff Ab., June 2013
Face and Content Validation of a Rapid-Prototyped Temporal Bone Model Unger B., Kraut
J., Hochman J. Canadian Society of Otolaryngology, Banff Ab., June 2013
Gesture-Controlled Three Dimensional Anatomy: A Novel Teaching Tool in Head and Neck
Surgery. Wong D., Unger B., Kraut J., Hombach-Klonish S., Hochman J. Canadian Society
of Otolaryngology, Banff Ab., June 2013
Hair Barrette Induced Cochlear Implant Receiver Stimulator Site Infection with Extrusion
[poster], Le T., Leitao D., Hochman J. Canadian Society of Otolaryngology, Banff Ab., June
Temporal Bone Surgical Simulation Employing A Multicore Architecture, Kraut J., Unger B,
Hochman J. Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering. Regina Sk.,
June 2013
Dr. Jodi Jones
Khalil,D; Mhanni,A; Jones, JLP. Advocating for Genetic Screening in Children with Non-Cleft
Velopharyngeal Insufficieny – the Importance of 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome, 12th
International Congress on Cleft Lip/Palate and Related Craniofacial Anomalies, Orlando,
Florida, May 2013
ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – 2013
Wu, B; Chau, J; Cheung, A; Jones, JLP. Unusual Foreign Bodies – Grill Brush Wire Bristles.
Canadian Society of Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery Annual Meeting, Banff, Alberta,
June 2013 Poster Competition Finalist
Wu, B; Cheung, A; Jones, JLP. Suspected Paradoxical Vocal Cord Movement as a
Presenting Sign of Temporal Lobe Seizures in Two Male Pediatric Patients. Canadian
Society of Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery Annual Meeting, Banff, Alberta, June 2013
Poster Competition Finalist
Dr. Paul Kerr
Le TN, Sutherland DE, Kerr PD. Validity of 1-hour post-thyroidectomy parathyroid hormone
level in predicting hypocalcaemia. Canadian Society of Otolaryngology 67th Annual Meeting
(CSO June 2013). Banff, Canada. Podium presentation
Dr. Darren Leitao
Hair Barrette Induced Cochlear Implant Receiver Stimulator Site Infection with Extrusion
[poster], Le T., Leitao D., Hochman J. Canadian Society of Otolaryngology, Banff Ab., June
Dr. Donna Sutherland
Le TN, Sutherland DE, Kerr PD. (June 2013) Validity of 1-hour post-thyroidectomy
parathyroid hormone level in predicting hypocalcaemia. Canadian Society of Otolaryngology
67th Annual Meeting (CSO 2013). Banff, Canada. Podium presentation.
Dr. Eric Meen
American Society for Geriatric Otolaryngology (ASGO) 2012 meeting held in San
Diego, CA; Quddusi T, Blakley BW, Meen E, Berard S, Dewji Z. Does sodium thiosulfate
Delay presbyacusis? Poster prize
Alsaleh, S, Blakley B, Meen E, Dewji Z. “Addressing Animal Model Issues in Auditory
Research”, Published in the Journal of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery; 40
Supplement 1:S41-4
Meen E, Kern R, Chandra R, Tan B, Peters A, Grammer L, Suh L, Norton J, Cho S, Zhong Q,
Schleimer R, Conley D. “ Is the inflammation in chronic rhinosinusitis eosinophilic or
neutrophilic?” COSM Meeting, ARS Section, San Diego, 2012
Decker J, Meen E, Kern R, Chandra R., “Cost-effectiveness of MRI in patients with idiopathic
dysosmia” COSM Meeting, ARS Section, San Diego, 2012
Journal Reviewer/Editorial Board
Dr. Blakley
Associate editor; Otology section for
- Journal of Otolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery
- Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery
Editorial Board member for
- Journal of Otolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery
- Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery Journal
Reviewer for
- Neuroscience
- Agency for Healthcare Quality research (US – NIH group)
- Archives of Otolaryngology
- Laryngoscope
- Kuwait Journal of Medicine
- Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics
- Journal for Medical Decision Making
Dr. Chau
Reviewer for
- Journal of Otolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery
- The Laryngoscope
Dr. Gall
Reviewer for
- Journal of Otolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery
Dr. Garber
Reviewer for
- The Canadian Journal of Otolaryngology
- Otology and Neuro-otology
Dr. Hochman
Reviewer for
- Journal of Otolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery
- Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery Journal
Dr. Jones
Reviewer for
- Journal of Otolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery
Dr. Kerr
Reviewer for
- Journal of Otolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery
ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – 2013
Dr. Meen
Reviewer for
- Journal of Laryngoscope
- American Journal of Rhinology and Allergy
Dr. Leitao
Reviewer for
- PSI Foundation: Research Grant, Ontario
Dr. F. G. Osler
Reviewer for
- Journal of Otolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery
Dr. Sutherland
Reviewer for
- Journal of Otolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery
Dr. Viallet
Reviewer for
- Journal of Otolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery
National/International Committees and Service
Dr. B. Blakley
- Chair: Canadian section of Collegium Otolaryngologica Amicitae Sacrum(CORLAS)
- Examiner – RCPSC Otolaryngology Exam Board
- American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery Guideline
Committee on Tinnitus. Representing the American Otological Society.
- Technical Expert Panel – Evaluation and Treatment of Tinnitus. Agency
Research and Quality (AHRQ). Comparative Effectiveness Review number
122.Published by AHRQ, Washington DC.
Dr. M. Barker
- Examiner – RCPSC Otolaryngology Exam Board
Dr. J. Chau
-SileoMed Inc, San Jose, CA, USA Consultant, August 2010-present
-Canadian Sleep Apnea Working Group Co-Chair, Canadian Society of
Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery, May 2011-present
-International Sleep Surgical Society Member, June 2011-present
Dr. R. Gall
- Course Director, Canadian Resident Sinus Course, Canadian Society
- Examiner – RCPSC, Otolaryngology
- Member of Specialty Committee for Otolaryngology, RCPSC
- Member of the Surgical Foundations committee, RCPSC
- Member of the Principles of Surgery committee, RCPSC
Dr. J. Hochman
-CSO – Head and Neck Surgery - Vestibular Working Group, 2010-present
- National Board of Directors, Anaphylaxis Canada
- Health Sciences Centre Clinical Ethics Service
Dr. J. Jones
-Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery National In-Training Exam Committee,
Dr. P. Kerr
- Member – CSO-HNS Head and Neck Oncology Study Group
- Member – Chairs Committee – CSO Head and Neck Surgery
- Member - Specialty
Dr. F. G. Osler
- Council, Canadian Society of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery
- Global Health Committee
- Continuing Professional Development Committee, CSO-HNS
- Long-range Planning Committee, CSO-HNS
- Nominations Committee, CSO-HNS
Dr. D. Sutherland
- Member – CSO-HNS Postgrad Committee
ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – 2013
Awards and Honours - Faculty and Residents
Dr. Brian Blakley
Dewji, Z - Resident poster prize at the 2012 meeting of the American Society for Geriatric
Otolaryngology (ASGO) in San Diego April 20, 2012. Quddusi T, Blakley BW, Meen E,
Berard S, Dewji Z. Does sodium thiosulfate delay presbyacusis?
Darnbrough,A, Blakley BW, Osler G, Sutherland D. The high performance physician
program: The impact of performance psychology in an otolaryngology program. – WINNER
first prize at the Otolaryngology Department Research Day 2012.
Dewjii, American Society for Geriatric Otolaryngology (ASGO) 2012 meeting held in San
Diego, CA; Quddusi T, Blakley BW, Meen E, Berard S, Dewji Z. Does sodium thiosulfate
Delay presbyacusis? Poster prize
Dewjii, American Society for Geriatric Otolaryngology (ASGO) 2012 meeting held in San
Diego, CA; Quddusi T, Blakley BW, Meen E, Berard S, Dewji Z. Does sodium thiosulfate
Delay presbyacusis? Poster prize
Dr. Jodi Jones
12th International Congress on Cleft Lip/Palate and Related Craniofacial Anomalies, Junior
Investigator Award, Dr. Diana Khalil, 2013 (Supervisor Dr. Jodi Jones)
Most Outstanding Clinician, Clerkship Nominee, Manitoba Medical Students’ Association,
University of Manitoba, Faculty of Medicine, 2012
Dr. Jordon Hochman
Engineering Research Day, University of Manitoba, Poster Prize Runner-Up.
 Mixed Reality Temporal Bone Simulation
Teaching Excellence Nominee, Manitoba Medical Students Association. 2012
Future Leader of Manitoba Award, Business and Professional. 2012
 Singular annual recipient for Professional and Community Engagement
Department of Otolaryngology – Head & Neck Surgery
Departmental Research Day 2013
Ali Esmail
Michael Gousseau
Update on RCAT project-respiratory
Trung Le
Mr. Nicholas Janosz
Validity of 1-hour post-thyroidectomy
Hypocalcaemia Winner
Pharyngitis in the emergency room.
A retrospective review. Honorable
Prospective study on the use of a
portable video recording devise in a
residency program and its benefits in
patient care and residency teaching.
Vocal Cord paralysis following
surgery of the thoracic aorta:
Incidence and impact on clinical
Best practice for the management of
post-tonsillectomy patients from rural
and remote areas.
Systematic review of hyperacusis
Mr. Vivek Pampersad
Mixed reality simulation
Ms Katrice Kazmer
Mr. Zeinab Dastgheib
Osseous face validation
EvestG and Meniere’s disease
Trung Le
Dana Wong
DaveRishi Pahwa
Bella Wu
Bella Wu
ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – 2013
Abstracts/Poster Presentations 2012-2013
Darnbrough A, Blakley BW, Osler G, Sutherland D. The high performance physician
program: The impact of performance psychology in an otolaryngology program. – WINNER
first prize at the Otolaryngology Department Research Day 2012. May 4, 2012.
Dewji, Z - poster prize at the 2012 meeting of the American Society for Geriatric
Otolaryngology (ASGO) in San Diego April 20, 2012. Quddusi T, Blakley BW, Meen E,
Berard S, Dewji Z. Does sodium thiosulfate delay presbyacusis?
Dewjii, Z American Society for Geriatric Otolaryngology (ASGO) 2012 meeting held in San
Diego, CA; Quddusi T, Blakley BW, Meen E, Berard S, Dewji Z. Does sodium thiosulfate
Delay presbyacusis? Poster prize
Dewjii, Z American Society for Geriatric Otolaryngology (ASGO) 2012 meeting held in San
Diego, CA; Quddusi T, Blakley BW, Meen E, Berard S, Dewji Z. Does sodium thiosulfate
Delay presbyacusis? Poster prize
Dewji, Z - poster prize at the 2012 meeting of the American Society for Geriatric
Otolaryngology (ASGO) in San Diego April 20, 2012. Quddusi T, Blakley BW, Meen E,
Berard S, Dewji Z. Does sodium thiosulfate delay presbyacusis?
Khalil,D; Mhanni,A; Jones, JLP. Advocating for Genetic Screening in Children with Non-Cleft
Velopharyngeal Insufficieny – the Importance of 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome, 12th
International Congress on Cleft Lip/Palate and Related Craniofacial Anomalies, Orlando,
Florida, May 2013
Le TN, Sutherland DE, Kerr PD. Validity of 1-hour post-thyroidectomy parathyroid hormone
level in predicting hypocalcaemia. Journal of Otolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery.
(submitted April 2013, await decision).
Le TN., Leitao D., Hochman J; Hair Barrette Induced Cochlear Implant Receiver Stimulator
Site Infection with Extrusion [poster],. Canadian Society of Otolaryngology, Banff Ab., June
Wong Dana Bertram Unger, Jay Kraut, Jordan B Hochman; Validation of Cadaveric versus
Isomorphic Haptic Simulation in Temporal Bone Education; Submitted – Journal of
Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery
Wong Dana, Jay Kraut, Justyn Pisa, Bertram Unger; Jordan B Hochman; Comparison of
Cadaveric and Isomorphic 3D Printed Models in Temporal Bone Education; Submitted
Wong Dana; Jordan B Hochman, Jay Kraut, Justyn Pisa, Bertram Unger Comparison of 3d
Temporal Bone Models and Isomorphic Haptic Simulation in Temporal Bone Education
Submitted – Laryngoscope
Wong D, Unger B, Kraut J, Hochman J. Soft Tissue Modeling in Temporal Bone Simulation;
Canadian Society of Otolaryngology, Banff Ab., June 2013
Wu, B; Chau, J; Cheung, A; Jones, JLP. Unusual Foreign Bodies – Grill Brush Wire Bristles.
Canadian Society of Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery Annual Meeting, Banff, Alberta,
June 2013 Poster Competition Finalist
Wu, B; Cheung, A; Jones, JLP. Suspected Paradoxical Vocal Cord Movement as a
Presenting Sign of Temporal Lobe Seizures in Two Male Pediatric Patients. Canadian
Society of Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery Annual Meeting, Banff, Alberta, June 2013
Poster Competition Finalist
ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – 2013
Visiting, Invited and Faculty Invited Professors
Farnan, P.A, MD, FRCPC
HealthQues Occupational Health Corporation
Richmond, BC
November 1, 2012
“The Psychologically Healthy Workplace in Healthcare; an Oxymoron
Or Real Possibilty?”
Pittman, M., MD, FRCSC
Director of the Division of Laryngology
Director of the Voice and Swallowing Institute
The New York Eye and Ear Infirmary
May 2 and 3, 2013
“Is it always reflux? A Laryngologist’s perspective”
“Laryngeal Reinnervation”
“Spasmodic Dysphonia and Micorsurgical Management of Benign Vocal Fold Lesions”
Corey Moore, MD, FRCPS
Associate Professor & Program Director
Department of Otolaryngology – Head & Neck Surgery
University of Western Ontario and Site Chief
St. Joseph’s Health Care London
May 16 & 17, 2013
“Contemporary Eyelid Reconstruction”
“An Approach to Facial Trauma”
Research Grants 2012-2013
Dr. Blakley
Project: Mannitol and the Blood-Labyrinth Barrier–-with Dr. Le
o Granting Agency: Health Sciences Medical Staff
o Amount: $2,000.00 one year
Project: Mannitol and the Blood-Labyrinth Barrier–-with Dr. Le
o Granting Agency: Department of Otolaryngology
o Amount: $2,000.00 one year
Project: Science without Borders
o Granting Agency - Government of Brazil
o Amount: $4,500.00
Dr. Hochman
Project: Rapid Prototyped Temporal Bones in Training.
o Granting Agency: Department of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery
o $1000.00 2013
Project: Does Stereoscopy Improve Surgical Skill Learning in Novice Operators
Using a multimodal Temporal Bone Surgical Dissector?
o Granting Agency: Department of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery
o Amount: $1000.00 2013
Project: Rapid Prototyping of the Hyoid Bone: A novel clinical classification.
o Granting Agency: Department of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery
o Amount: $1000.00 2013
Project: Mixed Reality Temporal Bone Surgical Simulation.
o Granting Agency: Health Sciences Centre Foundation
o Amount: $75,000.00 2012-2014
Project: Design of Haptic Interface for Mixed-Reality Surgical Drilling Simulation.
o Granting Agency: Engage Grant, Natural Sciences & Engineering Research
Council [NSERC)
o Amount: $25,000.00 2012
P. Kerr
Project: Multicenter Study: Fluorescence Visualization of Early Oral Cancers.
o Granting agency: Terry Fox Foundation.
o Investigators: CoPI’s: Dr. Catherine Poh, Dr. Scott Durham (Depts of
Otolaryngology and Dentistry, UBC). Local PI: Dr. Paul Kerr
o Local grant allocation: $150,000(2011-2014)
ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – 2013
Departmental Committees 2012 - 2013
Drs. P. Kerr (Chair), M. Barker, L. Garber, D. Leitao, F. G.Osler, D. Sutherland
Dr. D. Sutherland (Chair), B. Blakely, L. Garber, D. Leitao, F.G. Osler, N. Viallet, Two
resident representatives
Dr. A. Gooi
Continuing Medical Education
Dr. J. Jones
Dr. B. Blakley
Dr. F. G. Osler, Dr. N. Viallet, Dr. R. Gall, Dr. D. Leitao
Promotions and Tenure
Dr. B. Blakley
Continuing Professional Development
Dr. B. Blakley
Department of Otolaryngology Research Committee 2012-present
National Board of Directors, Anaphylaxis Canada . 2012-present
Research Committee - Department of Otolaryngology. 2012-present
Health Sciences Centre Clinical Ethics Service, 2011-present
Executive Committee Surgical Modeling Simulation and Robotics Laboratory
Dr. Dr J. Hochman
Member – Specialty Committee for Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery
Dr. P. Kerr
Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery
University of Manitoba
Organizational Structure
Business Manager
Department of OtolaryngologyHead and Neck Surgery
Dept of OtolaryngologyHead & Neck Surgery HSC
Executive Committee
Section Head, Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery
St. Boniface General Hospital
GFT Committee
Section Head, Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery
Victoria General Hospital
Section of OtolaryngologyHead & Neck Surgery SBGH
Section of OtolaryngologyHead & Neck Surgery VGH
Section Head, Pediatric Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery
Children’s Hospital
Section Head, Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery
Health Sciences Centre
Section of OtolaryngologyHead & Neck Surgery
Children’s Hospital
Postgraduate Director
Doctors Manitoba
Undergraduate Director