Dr. Seth Pransky - Mitchell Thorp Foundation

Seth M. Pransky, MD
Clinical Professor of Surgery
Pediatric Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery
Otolaryngology - Head & Neck Surgery; Pediatric Surgery
Contact Information
Dr. Seth Pransky has been on staff at Children’s Hospital since 1985, and has been the Director of the Division of
Pediatric Otolaryngology since 1997. After graduating from the University of Pennsylvania, he earned his medical
degree from Washington University in St. Louis. His postgraduate training included a residency in Otolaryngology
from the University of Pennsylvania and a fellowship in Pediatric Otolaryngology at Children’s Hospital Medical
Center in Washington, D.C. His subspecialty interests include laryngology and recurrent respiratory papillomatosis.
Dr. Pransky is internationally recognized as a leader in Pediatric Otolaryngology. He has occupied prominent
positions in the American Society of Pediatric Otolaryngology, the Society for Ear, Nose and Throat Advances in
Children, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and the American Academy of Otolaryngology, and is a recipient of
the Gabriel F. Tucker Award by the American Laryngological Association for outstanding contributions to Pediatric