Comments Submitted for: The President's Advisory Panel on Federal Tax Reform From: The business owners as stated below Patrick Paine Cynthia Kennedy Video Velocity, Ltd 28 February, 2005 Contact: Patrick Paine PO Box K Virginia City, NV 89440 The President's Advisory Panel on Federal Tax Reform 1440 New York Avenue NW Suite 2100 Washington, DC 20220 27 February, 2005 Dear Panel Members: We welcome this opportunity to voice our opinion about this most important issue. Any person who has studied our system of taxation cannot help but be aware of the obvious fraud being perpetrated upon the American public. This must not continue. In accordance with your guidelines, we will remark on the topics as requested: 1. Headaches, unnecessary complexity, and burdens that taxpayers - both individuals and businesses - face because of the existing system. Citizens spend many hours of their free time, in order to submit to IRS demands, keeping records, submitting this information to tax preparers, or filling out forms, for what is called a “voluntary” tax system. Of course we all know that if you don’t “volunteer” to pay taxes, you’ll find your self in a lot of trouble. The average person works for up to five months of the year, just to pay their tax burden. The convoluted, confusing 40,000 page Internal Revenue Code itself is a major headache contributor! 2. Aspects of the tax system that are unfair: Some of the worst examples of the existing system include the imposition of a double tax on Social Security (how is it possible that Congress has allowed this to exist, much less continue?), and the “Death Tax,” which creates hardships for many, both monetarily and jobwise. We don’t know of any financial entity that can get away with charging exorbitant penalties in addition to unrealistic interest rates for such “transgressions” as being late with a payment – but also for so many unrealistic issues. The IRS regularly hurts or even bankrupts citizens with these unfair charges. What other entity is able to charge huge sums of money in advance, reaping the rewards of interest on our money, well in advance of a purported tax debt? (We refer to the infamous “quarterly tax payments” required of those who own their own business). 3. Specific examples of how the tax code distorts important business or personal decisions. It is common knowledge that many functions of business are motivated by tax breaks or deductions. We who run a business are always looking for the tax advantage. This forces us, for example, to make business purchases off-schedule in order to gain these advantages. Page Two - Video Velocity, Ltd 4. Goals that the Panel should try to achieve as it evaluates the existing tax system and recommends options for reform: It is well known that the leaders of this country and officials of the IRS and DOJ have been asked repeatedly to answer questions which we believe will clarify, once and for all, the truth about taxation in this country. A First Amendment Right to Petition for Redress issued on November 4th, 2002, has been ignored, and until this Petition is answered, the current unconstitutional and unlawful method of taxation will continue to place a great burden upon the majority of our population. It is our hope that the Panel, first and foremost, will seek clarification of the issues brought forth in the Petition. Only then will the Panel be able to enter into this research with a “clean slate.” It is our hope that the Panel will bring the truth to light for the benefit of all who are subject to this unjust tax, bringing about true reform. Please help get the Petition heard, and restore a badly-needed element of Constitutionality to our Republic! Respectfully submitted, Patrick Paine Cynthia Kennedy Video Velocity, Ltd PO Box K Virginia City, Nevada 89440