LAKE SUPERIOR STATE UNIVERSITY School of Business, Economics, & Legal Studies DP121 Computer Applications for Business Fall Semester 2004 Section 001: MWF – 11-11:50 a.m. Section 002: MWF – 12-12:50 p.m. Assistant Professor: Donna M. Payment Office: South Hall 315 Office Phone: 635-2448 E-mail: Home Phone: 635-1471 Office Hours: Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 10-11 a.m. Tuesday, Thursday: 12-1 p.m. Text: Microsoft Office XP Enhanced Edition by Shelly, Cashman, and Vermaat (Course Technology - ISBN #0-61920002-2) Note: It is your responsibility to obtain two high-density formatted disks for class assignments. Course Content & Objectives: Students will demonstrate achievement of four modules of computer software which will include word processing, spreadsheet, database, and graphic presentation instruction applicable to business scenarios. This course is the introductory course to advanced computer skills courses which students may take to gain Microsoft certification. Grading: 3 Module Tests @ 100 points each 300 8 Project Assignments @ 25 points each* 200 Class Participation 25 PowerPoint Presentation 50 Comprehensive Final Exam 100 Total Points Available 675 100-93 A 92-90 A- 89-88 87-83 82-80 B+ B B- 79-78 77-73 72-70 C+ C C- 69-68 67-63 62-60 D+ D D- 59 and below F *As you will see as you view the tentative schedule, there are eleven project sessions in total; you will be required to submit homework from only eight of the eleven assignments from these project sessions. If you so desire, you may submit all eleven and at the end of the semester, I will discard your lowest three scores. Because this flexibility has been built in, I will not accept any late assignments during the semester (no exceptions allowed under any circumstance). Make sure you TYPE your name and exercise number in the upper-right corner. If an assignment has multiple sheets, staple them together, sequencing them according to the order of the exercise. Disorganized assignments (pages out of order, mislabeled, unreadable, etc.) will not be graded and thus, will receive zero points. DP121 Syllabus Fall 2004 Page 1 Class participation points will be awarded based upon attendance, preparedness for class, utilization of class time, and completion of in-class assignments (not the same as the project assignments). Preparedness for class is defined as being able to discuss and demonstrate concepts when you are asked to. Utilization of class time is defined simply as using your time wisely. Using the Internet or playing games during class time is not proper utilization of class time, is distracting to those around you, and is NOT allowed. If you do these things, you will receive a zero (0) for the unit we are covering. Please do not complete and save assignments to disk with the intention of printing the assignments in the lab ten minutes before class begins. It has happened previously that 1) students have had problems printing due to software used at other locations, disk capacity, etc., and/or 2) the printers in the lab are not working. IF THIS HAPPENS TO YOU, YOUR ASSIGNMENT WILL BE CONSIDERED LATE AND WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. Play it safe: be prepared and have your assignments ready when you come in for class. Test dates are listed on the course schedule. Therefore, it is your responsibility to be prepared for a test on scheduled test days. If you have a legitimate excuse (as determined by myself) on the day/time of the scheduled test and contact me prior to or during the class test time, you may be allowed to take the test; make up tests will be in essay format. Honesty Policy: Work presented by a student with his/her name is work completed by that student. Misrepresentation of work is dealt with severely in accordance with the University catalog (page 15) and instructor’s discretion. Disability-Related Accommodations: In compliance with Lake Superior State University policy and equal access laws, disability-related accommodations or services are available. Students who desire such services are to meet with the professor in a timely manner, preferably the first week of class, to discuss their disability-related needs. Students will not receive services until they register with the Resource Center for Students with Disabilities (RCSD). Proper registration will enable the RCSD to verify the disability and determine reasonable academic accommodations. RCSD is located in the Library 101. The telephone number is (906) 635-2454. DP121 Syllabus Fall 2004 Page 2 Weekly Class Schedule (tentative) Week 1 August 30 September 1, 3 Course Introduction Windows XP Week 2 September 8, 10 September 13 Word — Project One ASSIGNMENT 1 DUE Week 3 September 15, 17 September 20 Word — Project Two ASSIGNMENT 2 DUE Week 4 September 22, 24 September 27 Word — Project Three ASSIGNMENT 3 DUE Week 5 September 29 October 1, 4 TEST 1 Excel — Project One Week 6 October 6 October 8 October 11 ASSIGNMENT 4 DUE Excel — Project Two No Class Week 7 October 13 October 15 October 18 Excel — Project Two ASSIGNMENT 5 DUE Excel — Project Three Week 8 October 20 October 22 October 25 Excel — Project Three ASSIGNMENT 6 DUE TEST 2 Week 9 October 27, 29 November 1 Access — Project One ASSIGNMENT 7 DUE Week 10 November 3, 5 November 8 Access — Project Two ASSIGNMENT 8 DUE Week 11 November 10, 12 November 15 Access — Project Three ASSIGNMENT 9 DUE Week 12 November 17 November 19 November 22 TEST 3 PowerPoint — Project One ASSIGNMENT 10 DUE Week 13 November 29 December 1 December 3 PowerPoint — Project Two ASSIGNMENT 11 DUE PowerPoint Presentation Prep Week 14 December 6, 8, 10 PowerPoint Presentations DP121 Syllabus Fall 2004 Page 3