EXPO 8- PHILOSOPHY • Summary Topics – (Google Docs) – 1-2 Pages • Aristotle • Socrates • Plato • Write a summary including: Minimum 2 sources • Background • Why famous? Discoveries? Methods? Did they introduce anything new to society? • Impact on the World • What was the relationship between the 3 • Cave Allegory https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UQfRdl3GTw4 • What is the video about? What does it mean? How do “you” interpret the video? Name another phenomenon similar to this one in the world today. TEACHING ASSIGNMENT 1. Intro into Philosophy. What is philosophy? Where did it come from? Examples of famous philosophers? 2. Assess background knowledge of pupils. (Preassessment) 3. Introduce Groups Topic engagingly. 4. Begin lecture ( Constantly check for understanding) 5. Engaging Post assessment 6. Formal Post Assessment.