DRAFT Notification of non-significant change to an authorised plant protection product Please complete all relevant sections of this form. The completed form should be submitted via email to applications@hse.gsi.gov.uk. Your email should include a summary of the reason for changing the formulation. CRD will respond within 10 working days to inform you whether or not the notification has been accepted. Part A Notifier Contact name (incl. title) By completing this form I confirm that the information provided is true to the best of my knowledge, information and belief. Company name Address Telephone Email Date Product Identity Product Name MAPP number Most recent Notice of Authorisation number Authorisation holder (include address) Marketing company (if different) Type of non-significant formulation change requested Alternative source(s) of chemically identical co-formulant(s) Cation exchange in an anionic surfactant/dispersant Addition of a marker substance already determined to be acceptable by CRD (please indicate product name and COP number of the existing assessment below) 1 DRAFT PART B Currently authorised formulation This table must always be completed with the full details of the currently authorised formulation as given (or referred to) on the product’s most recent notice of authorisation: Chemical name CAS no (s) Tradename(s) Function Content (please add sufficient rows as required) Proposed new formulation This table must be fully completed with the complete new proposed formulation. Please highlight where this differs to the currently authorised formulation (above). Chemical name CAS no (s) Tradename(s) (please add sufficient rows as required) 2 Function Content DRAFT PART C – This part should be copy/pasted as required to ensure there is a fully completed table for each proposed alternative co-formulant. Proposed alternative co-formulant Currently authorised Proposed alternative coformulant Trade name Classification from MSDS (CLP codes only) Primary constituent of co-formulant Chemical name Chemical structure CAS number Content Additional constituent of co-formulant Chemical name Chemical structure CAS number Content Additional constituent of co-formulant Chemical name Chemical structure CAS number Content (Please add additional boxes for each significant component of the co-formulant to ensure that the complete co-formulant is described). 3 DRAFT CRD use only Officer Date 4