Document Analysis Project History 310


Document Analysis Project

History 310

Directions: Choose a document from the packet for the first paper assignment on Bacon’s

Rebellion. Read, analyze, and think about the document using the following questions:

1.What type of document is this? (Example: book, letter, map, memorandum)

2. For what audience was the document written?

3. What do you find interesting or important about this document?

4. Is there a particular phrase or section that you find particularly meaningful or surprising?

5. What does this document tell you about life in America at the time it was written?

Write a 1-2 page analysis of this document, due at the beginning of class discussing your interpretation of the document and what it tells us about U.S. History. Your analysis should include at least one quote from the document, and at least one quote from the textbook, America’s History, to help put your observations in historical context.

Please make sure that the quotes are no more than 3 lines in length, and all information from the document, the textbook, or lecture must be cited using MLA format.

Please make sure your paper conforms to the following guidelines:


The paper should conform to page length requirements (1-2 pages). The paper must be typed, double-spaced, with properly sized margins. Font size should be no smaller than 10 point and no larger than 12 point. You may use Times New Roman or Arial as your font, and do not use italicized versions of these fonts.


Follow the MLA format at all times – do not guess about whether something is proper MLA format – get a guidebook and make sure you know what the appropriate format is for paragraphs, spacing, citations, etc.


Do not use slang.


Do not give life-like characteristics to inanimate objects. For example, the

French government cannot “say” anything, but the President of France can.


The paper should not be divided into chapters using subheadings. The paper should flow together using transitions.


Paragraphs should be indented and not separated by additional line spacing.


Proofread carefully. There should be no misspelled words, no contractions

(example: can’t, don’t, isn’t), no abbreviations, and no personal or possessive pronouns. Do not use “I” or “you” or “us” or “our” or “my”.


Turn off “right justification” on your word processor; the right margin of the text should be ragged.


See your MLA guidebook for appropriate margin sizes.


MLA rules for citations must be used at all times.


Do not use overly long quotations in a paper of this length. If a quotation is over 3 lines in length, paraphrase parts of it and only quote the most significant portions.


If you use quoted material from your documents, be sure to introduce the quotes. For example, you might write:

According to Mary Doe, “Writing a research paper is the most inhumane form of torture known to man,” (Doe 351).

Do not let a quote stand alone without introduction, such as:

“Writing a research paper is the most inhumane form of torture known to man,” (Doe 351).


Submissions of the paper by email are not acceptable.


Papers are due at the beginning of class. Late papers will not be accepted for this assignment.


Always write about history using past tense.



THOSE REQUIRED BY THIS ASSIGNMENT . You may use the textbook for background information and you may use lecture material. HOWEVER, the paper should primarily draw on the document packet. Use no other sources in writing the paper.
