University of St Andrews Museum Collections Unit Strategic and Operational Plan 2013-2016 Version 2015 The University of St Andrews is a charity registered in Scotland: No SC013532 1 1. Introduction 1.1 Statement of Purpose The museum collections of the University of St Andrews are a central part of the heritage of Scotland's oldest university. The Museum Collections Unit exists to develop and care for these collections and to make them accessible to all, through a variety of methods, including displays, publications, digital technology and community engagement programmes. The Unit aims to provide the highest quality facilities and services, matching the aspirations of its parent University. 1.2 Historical Perspective The collections of the University of St Andrews have been forming since very shortly after teaching began in the University in 1410. Many of the objects now included in the Museum Collections were originally acquired for quite different purposes, for example as teaching specimens, equipment or as University furniture. Some, such as silver and portraits, relate to the University's history and heritage. Other objects have simply accumulated randomly because the University was seen as a suitable repository for material. From about 1700, a collection of what were then termed 'curiosities' – largely natural history and ethnographic specimens – was displayed in the University Library, with some access permitted to external visitors. The first University 'Museum' was established in 1838 jointly with the St Andrews Literary and Philosophical Society and its collections were displayed in rooms in the United College, principally Upper College Hall. The 'curiosities' were transferred to the new Museum. The collections grew rapidly and included material in the fields of zoology, geology, botany, anatomy, ethnography, archaeology and numismatics, systemically arranged. In 1904 the St Andrews Literary and Philosophical Society transferred its share in the Museum to other bodies including the University and the University assumed sole responsibility for the remaining collections, which were moved to the new Bell Pettigrew Museum in 1912. The Bell Pettigrew Museum functioned as a university and town museum until the 1950s, when it was reduced in size and its non-zoological collections were removed to appropriate departments. The management of the museums collections was somewhat haphazard from the 1950s to 1990: for example, there were no professional curatorial staff and no accessions register was maintained. Another museum within the University appeared in 1957 when the Archaeological collections were put on display in Swallowgate, but this was closed in 1988 (and the collections transferred to the National Museums of Scotland and North East Fife District Council) following the cessation of the teaching of archaeology classes in the University. The current Museum Collections Unit was established in 1990 with the appointment of the first Keeper of Collections. The activities of the Unit have since been directed mostly towards achieving the two principal aims highlighted in the above statement of purpose. 1.3 Current Facilities/Premises 2 The Museum Collections Unit manages three Accredited museums, MUSA, the Gateway Galleries and the Bell Pettigrew Museum; and the MUSA Collections Centre, an open access store and research centre. These and other premises and facilities are described below. MUSA, the Museum of the University of St Andrews, opened to the public on September 30th 2008. It comprises four exhibition galleries plus an education centre, the ‘Learning Loft’, and a viewing terrace. Visitor figures: around 35,000 per annum. Gateway Galleries (North Haugh), opened 2005. Two exhibition areas: a) Permanent display introducing the University’s history and collections and signposting MUSA; b) Temporary exhibition gallery (about four exhibitions per year on subjects appropriate for a university gallery, using the University’s or other collections). About 10,000 visitors per annum. Bell Pettigrew Museum (Bute Building): Natural History museum used for teaching and research in Biology; open to the public during the summer vacation two afternoons per week plus other advertised days. About 1500 visitors, in addition to student use. The MUSA Collections Centre, an open access store and research centre, opened 2010 (adjacent to curatorial offices at 87 North Street). Access by appointment. Public tours currently first Wednesday of the month; visits for specialist groups by appointment. Additional display areas: a) University ‘state rooms’ (e.g. Senate Room, Parliament Hall, Lower College Hall, College Hall St Mary’s) displaying paintings and furniture; b) displays in foyers and seminar rooms of teaching departments that hold collections (e.g. Physics, Classics, Psychology, Social Anthropology). Museum / Library store (North Haugh), opened 2010. New, purpose-built storage. Since completion 50% of the main museum store on the ground floor has been occupied by Special Collections, University Library, as a temporary (3-5 year) measure during their decant and construction of new Special Collections facilities. Regaining this space is a priority. Separate stores for geology (Irvine building area), zoology (Bute building) and human anatomy material (Medical and Biological Sciences building). Museum Collections Office (87 North Street): accommodation on two floors for 7-9 staff, plus a meeting room. 1.4 Analysis of User-Groups and Operating Environment The museum collections and venues have a large and diverse range of users and potential users. These can be simplified into 'internal' groups: staff, students, potential students and alumni of the University of St Andrews; and 'external' groups including outside institutions such as schools, nurseries, further education colleges, other universities, museums and related organisations; specialist groups; researchers; the local community; and the public, including families and community groups as well tourists and other visitors to St Andrews. Figures for internal and external audience engagement, including University teaching and work with schools, are provided in the Annual Report. 3 Internal market context: Use of collections for teaching and research within departments e.g. Biology, Geology, Social Anthropology, Art History, Medieval History, English (creative writing) etc. Cross-departmental teaching and research, e.g. by Museum and Gallery Studies students. Experiential support and activities provided for students involving the collections or our venues e.g. placements with the collections and learning and access teams, frontof-house work. Access via exhibitions / displays / IT / events / activities / learning and access programmes / publications for the benefit of the University community. External market context: Use of collections for research by outside individuals or institutions (universities, museums, etc). Access provision to schools, nurseries and further education colleges through targeted events and programmes and on-line resources. Access via exhibitions / displays in our museum venues / loans to external exhibitions / IT / events / activities/ learning and access programmes / publications for the general public, including families, community groups, etc. Educational or other enquiries from the public. The museums and collections are an important part of the University of St Andrews, in terms of research and teaching and as the University's 'front door', to which all visitors are welcomed. The venues and associated outreach programmes visibly project the institution to, and enable engagement with, a variety of audiences, including schools and the local community, that can be challenging for the University to reach. They are also a part of the museum and heritage provision within the small historic town of St Andrews, which includes the British Golf Museum, St Andrews Museum (Fife Cultural Trust – formerly Fife Council), St Andrews Preservation Trust Museum and the Cathedral and Castle (Historic Scotland). The University's museums are also a part of the wider Scottish and UK museums sector and have a specific relationship to other university museums in Scotland, the UK, Europe and further afield, often sharing similar collections, operating contexts and strategic priorities. Curatorial staff represent the University on the committees of University Museums in Scotland (UMIS), the Scottish Museums Federation and Fife Museums Forum, among other groups. Unit staff provide mentoring support to local independent museums, such as the St Andrews Preservation Trust Museum and Fife Folk Museum. Strategic planning has taken account of current local tourism priorities, such as those of the St Andrews Partnership and Visit Scotland (Fife area) and of Scottish and UK museum strategies and priorities, including the National Development Strategy for Scotland's Museums and Galleries (Museums Galleries Scotland, 2012) and will be refined as these evolve, taking account of new opportunities for collaboration and development. 4 Considerable internal and public consultation was conducted in advance of the establishment of the Gateway Galleries and MUSA, which informed the development of the operations, services and facilities of these venues and of the Museum Collections Unit, including the later provision of an open access store, the MUSA Collections Centre, to increase access to stored collections for researchers and the public. Audience research and visitor analysis has continued, with methods including visitor books, comments cards, exit surveys, monitoring of visitor patterns, market research, written feedback forms at learning and access events and focus groups (including alumni, teachers’ and visual impairment focus groups). A one-year Audience Development Officer post was established with Recognition Funding from Museums Galleries Scotland (running October 2011-October 2012). In-depth analysis of the views and experiences of current users and non-users was conducted through interviews, in addition to review of current methods of evaluation and assessment of information gained through these. Additionally, a pilot Youth Curators group (age range 13-17) was established, and feedback from this demographic analysed, as research showed they are among our hardest-to-access potential user groups (outside of school visits, etc), despite being a key target audience. A report of the findings of the Audience Research Project is given in the internal documents ‘Audience Report’ (series of three) and ‘Audience Development Recommendations’. With the trial of major temporary exhibitions in Gallery 4 at MUSA, from 2013-2015, a pilot strategy for extensive consultation with user groups as an integral part of exhibition planning has been launched. This additional consultation work and a more varied and intensive programme of audience development and visitor consultation has been made possible by the addition to the staffing complement of a new Learning and Access Curator post (October 2013, made permanent June 2014). All evaluation work has informed strategy and planning in the Unit, including the creation of this Strategic and Operational Plan. Opportunities for and potential barriers to outreach and audience development are summarised in the Learning and Access Policy and Plan 2013-16, which likewise have informed this document. The aim of the Learning and Access Policy and Plan is 'To ensure that different audiences share, learn from and enjoy the heritage of the University of St Andrews'. Consultation on draft and final versions of the Strategic and Operational Plan 2013-16 has included the senior management and collections, learning and access, operations and projects and visitor services teams of the Museum Collections Unit; the Deputy Principal (representing the University Executive); and the Audit and Risk Committee (the Unit's managing committee, a sub-group of the University Court, our governing body). Within the context of the broad Plan 2013-16, annual plans will be produced from 2014, allowing for flexibility, responsiveness and uptake of opportunities. Annual reports are submitted to the Audit and Risk Committee. The Strategic and Operational Plan will be thoroughly reviewed and revised before or during 2016. 1.5 Alignment with University Strategic Planning 5 The Museum Collections Unit’s strategic aims and planning objectives support and align with key elements of the University’s 2008-18 Strategic Plan. First is the contribution made by the Collections and the Unit staff to enhancing the quality of teaching and facilitating research in the University’s very successful Museum and Gallery Studies (MGS) programme. All of the Unit’s curatorial staff contribute actively to the MGS course, giving it a strong practical relevance that is acknowledged internationally. Unit staff also support teaching and research in a range of other subject areas, including Social Anthropology (Material Culture module), Classics, Biology (Science, Museums and the Public module), Medieval History, Art History and English (creative writing). More broadly, the Unit’s collections and services, including the museum venues, the MUSA Collections Centre and the Learning and Access programme, make an important contribution to cross-disciplinary Knowledge Transfer and Exchange, e.g. through exhibitions and associated programmes. They enhance the learning experience of students, encourage cultural engagement and contribute to a vibrant and energetic research and teaching culture in many subject areas. Activities and figures are recorded in the Annual Report. Many aspiring museum professionals, drawn particularly from the postgraduate MGS course, but also from various undergraduate disciplines, volunteer within the Unit, gaining professional experience which allows them to make informed career choices, assists personal development, societal engagement (e.g. through assisting at particular public events) and prepares them for the workplace. The museum venues are important parts of the public face of the University, and have a role to play in attracting highly qualified students and staff to St Andrews. They promote the University’s unique identity and intellectual and cultural heritage. They enhance the student experience and offer a focal point for alumni relations, providing social spaces and fostering life-long relationships with students and graduates through engagement programmes. The University's Strategic Plan 2008-18 (p.5, 2.1.2) highlights that 'New opportunities for cultural engagement will be provided by the development of the new University museum (MUSA)'. The Learning and Access programme promotes community relations and encourages diverse audiences, including locals, tourists and school groups to visit the University and participate in inspiring learning experiences. The Unit is well-placed to participate in partnership and collaborations with external bodies. Its staff serve on several national and local museum committees, e.g. University Museums in Scotland, Scottish Museums Federation, 'Scotland and Medicine' and Fife Museums Forum and are members of key groups including the Museums Association, University Museums Group and Universeum (the European Academic Heritage Network). Recent collaborations include participation, on the board of management, in the UMIS 'SPIRIT' project, a partnership of 9 Scottish universities which received a Scottish Funding Council grant to make collections level descriptions and catalogue records of their museum holdings accessible on-line through Culture Grid, allowing researchers and other users to remotely search the museum holding of all the universities for the first time. The Unit is also working with Aaron Quigley, Chair of Human 6 Computer Interaction, University of St Andrews and partners including the University of Edinburgh, on the SMART (Scotland's Museums Augmented Reality Tourism) project, to utilise augmented reality by using smart phones and handsets to promote public access to content and information about items in stored and displayed collections. Unit staff are encouraged to undertake appropriate skills training and participate in continuing professional development, resulting in increased effectiveness and efficiency in the management and delivery of the collections and services. The MUSA curatorial trainee scheme, which since 2008 has employed two recent graduates in Museum and Gallery Studies on one-year fixed–term contracts to start their museum careers, focusing on the fields of collections management and learning and access, has received wide acclamation from the museum community throughout the UK. Steps have been taken to ensure that recent ‘Estate’ developments are energy efficient and reduce environmental impact, in accordance with the University's Sustainable Development Strategy. For example, green measures at MUSA include a ground-source heat pump and solar panels. The beneficial effects of these are highlighted to visitors to this building, which is one of the main public portals of the University, and MUSA has attracted visits from Fife Environmental Trust, school groups and university students studying environmental sustainability. In August 2014, MUSA gained a Gold standard (the highest award) in the Visit Scotland ‘Green Tourism Award’ scheme. MUSA and the Gateway Galleries were a natural focus for events and activities connected to the University’s 600th anniversary, which spanned the period 2010-2014 with the pinnacle of celebrations occurring in Autumn 2013. Since 2010 the Unit has curated a series of anniversary-themed temporary exhibitions in the Gateway Galleries (detailed below). A long-term display in the outer gallery, 'Journeys: 600 years of the University of St Andrews' charts the University's development and links the institutional journey to personal experiences over six centuries. An exhibition of 'hidden treasures' of the museum collections was held at the Gateway Galleries, Autumn 2013. At MUSA, the focal point was an international loan exhibition of medieval maces of early European universities (supported by external funding), with an associated academic conference organised by the School of Art History. An ambitious and inspiring exhibition-related outreach, learning and events programme was well attended and received positive feedback from diverse audiences. The conservation and collecting programmes continue. The Unit actively sought to derive maximum advantage from the celebration of the University’s 600th anniversary with respect to profile, initiatives and fundraising, and achieved this, with several significant external grants, well-attended and positively reviewed exhibitions and events, and positive publicity in local and national newspapers and magazines, television and radio. 1.6 Review of Strategic and Operational Plan 2009-12 7 The Strategic and Operational Plan 2009-12 was prepared shortly after the opening of MUSA and took account of the major strategic and operational impact this was anticipated to have on the Unit’s activities. The majority of key objectives 2009-12 have been achieved. These included: Maintain and further develop MUSA and associated displays, services, facilities and outreach programmes including those associated with the ‘Learning Loft’. Redesign ‘permanent’ display gallery at Gateway Galleries to act as signpost for MUSA. Achieve long-term strategic solution to collections storage problems through relocation of stored collections to: (a) an ‘open access’ museum store; and (b) the planned Library / Museum store – stores constructed and operational from 2010. Purchase and install new electronic collections cataloging system – Adlib installed 2010. Complete SPIRIT / UMIS collaborative project for on-line access to museum collections records. Upgrade website – Museum Collections Unit’s website, within the wider University website, upgraded and relaunched 2011. Raise University and public awareness of the Museum Collections by production of published guides and catalogues for MUSA – Guide and Children’s Guide to MUSA published. Develop merchandise to maximise retail income. Prepare for University’s 600th anniversary: undertake conservation work and collecting; plan temporary exhibitions; plan engaging public programmes - including series of anniversary-themed temporary exhibitions, accompanied by learning and access programme, held in the Gateway Galleries 2010-12 on subjects as diverse as the 450th anniversary of the Scottish Reformation, with a particular focus on the town and University of St Andrews; 200 years of the teaching of Chemistry; the 100th anniversary of the Bell Pettigrew Museum; and 400 years of the University Library. Secure establishment of the two intern posts, both to maintain services and activities and to assist MGS course student recruitment – initially secured until 2015, and since made permanent. A small number of specific objectives have not yet been realised. Chief among these is ‘make the collections catalogue available on-line’ [on the University’s web-site]. Although collections records can be accessed through the Culture Grid website, internal IT difficulties have meant that it is not yet possible for users to access the catalogue through the University’s own website, though web-space for this is reserved in the Museum Collections Unit’s pages. The University’s IT Department is actively working to resolve this issue. Secondly, although two guides to MUSA have been produced, no artefact-specific catalogue has yet been published, largely due to lack of financial resources and staff time. A catalogue of the archery medals has been rescheduled for 2015; and a catalogue of highlights of the museum collections will be produced during 2015. 8 Some objectives, due to their non-finite nature, necessarily remain ongoing, such as ‘continue programme of temporary exhibitions in the Gateway Galleries; ‘conduct visitor evaluations’. On-going and unresolved objectives have been carried to the Plan 2013-16. Achieved objectives are detailed in Appendix III. 2. Strategic Aims 2.1 To maintain and improve standards of curatorial care and collections management, and to preserve and develop the collections in accordance with the Collections Development Policy. 2.2 To maintain and develop the museum venues, services and facilities, reflecting the high standards of the University of St Andrews and taking account of audience research and visitor evaluation. Produce an active programme of temporary exhibitions and continue to establish MUSA as a small but leading university museum and popular visitor attraction. 2.3 To provide access to the collections, both for the University community and general public. Further develop our learning and access programmes and facilities for audience engagement aimed at diverse users, including previously under-represented groups, offering a range of experiences for inspiration, learning and enjoyment and encouraging cultural engagement. 2.4 To develop the use of our collections and venues to facilitate, produce and promote high quality research, including both collections-based research and research into museological practice. Be a key provider of Knowledge Transfer and Exchange. 2.5 To develop the use of our collections and facilities for University teaching and for providing experience for professional development for students, for example by volunteering in the Museum Collections Unit or front-of-house at MUSA. 2.6 To promote the University and its unique identity and intellectual and cultural heritage through high-quality services and programmes, which serve as models of best practice, aid student recruitment and enhance the student experience, provide a focal point for alumni relations and foster links with the local community. 2.7 To develop staff skills and competencies through effective training, leadership and professional development. 2.8 To foster a culture of collaboration, innovation and ambition, participating in effective and productive internal and external partnerships. 2.9 To develop appropriate retail and other commercial activities, maximising potential income from merchandising and commercial use of our facilities. 9 2.10 To play a major role in the University’s 600th Anniversary celebrations, including through a series of themed temporary exhibitions and collecting and public engagement programmes. Seek to derive maximum benefit from the Anniversary with respect to profile, initiatives and fundraising. 2.11 To demonstrate the value of the collections and promote effectiveness and efficiency in the administration and management of the collections and facilities, in order to justify financial support from the University and external funding agencies. 2.12 To support the University’s Sustainable Development Strategy. 3. Summary of Key Priorities, 2013-16 The Unit’s key objectives, linked to the relevant strategic aims, are discussed in detail below. However, for clarity, the major project objectives are summarized here. Regain full use of North Haugh museum store and work area, currently temporarily shared with Special Collections, to enable optimal collections care and expansion through acquisitions programme. Investigate the potential for replacing Gateway Galleries with improved exhibition space, nearer town centre and under control of Museum Collections Unit staff. Transfer data from separate electronic catalogues for Geology, Zoology and Communion Token collections to Adlib, creating one integrated electronic collections catalogue. Make collections catalogue available on-line on the University website. Tackle priority areas of documentation backlog, as identified in Documentation Policy and Plan – eliminating the documentation backlog will require financial and staffing resources, but is crucial for collections management and maintenance of Accredited status. Obtain up-to-date insurance valuations for all items likely to be over £50,000 – to meet new requirement of insurers. Apply for Accreditation; address any issues raised. Pilot temporary exhibition in Gallery 4, MUSA; assess potential for further temporary exhibitions there. Review potential at Gateway Galleries / replacement exhibition space for annual / short exhibitions showcasing diverse research of academic staff in University Schools. Investigate potential for joint exhibitions space with Special Collections. Continue to develop robust visitor consultation strategies, including over planning for new temporary exhibitions in MUSA. Further enhance the visitor experience at MUSA, through development of new interactives and creation of new language guides. Continue Young Artist Award (YAA) schools programme – requires dedicated internal or external funding. 10 Increase schools participation outside YAA. Give conference papers / publish research on the museum collections or museological practice. Host UMIS conference on research, 2013. Relaunch and develop Friends group. Play a major role in the University's 600th celebrations. Special project: an international loan exhibition of medieval maces of early European universities in MUSA with an associated conference organised by School of Art History (dependant on external funding). Secure renewal of MUSA Operations Officer and Curatorial Trainee posts, to maintain operations and service levels. Continue to develop retail and hire functions at MUSA including trialing merchandising for temporary exhibitions 4. Planning Objectives within the Strategic Aims The following objectives for the period 2013-2016 are arranged in groups according to the list of strategic aims in section 2 above. Prioritised objectives are marked in bold. The annual review of the Plan also enables new objectives to be introduced and existing objectives to be time-adjusted, as necessary. The objectives have target dates, where applicable, though some are necessarily ‘on-going’ because of their scale or nature, with progress recorded annually in the Unit’s Annual Report. Some important activities, such cataloguing of new acquisitions, are not included in this list because they are ‘routine and on-going’. However, progress in these and other ‘routine’ areas of work is also recorded in the Annual Report, as are activities that arise unexpectedly and are therefore missing from the Strategic Plan. 4.1 To maintain and improve standards of curatorial care and collections management, and to preserve and develop the collections in accordance with the Collections Development Policy. Objective How to be achieved Continue collections management programmes e.g. conservation, environmental monitoring, pest monitoring as detailed in Collections Care and Conservation Policy Collection Curator to coordinate; Collections team and FOH staff Resources / Conditions for achieving objective In-house. External fundraising for remedial conservation projects 11 Completion date Performance indicator Ongoing Annual Report monitoring Regain full use of North Haugh museum store and work area, currently temporarily shared with Special Collections, to enable optimal collections care and expansion through acquisitions programme Retro-fit ‘shared’ half of museum store with suitable shelving and racking; collections re-located to and reorganised in store. Implement recommendations of Dec 2012 security audits of museum venues and stores Co-Directors. Liaison with Special Collections and senior University management. Dependent on finalisation / construction of new site for Special Collections as part of wider Library and University strategic planning. By 2015 Full use of museum store and work areas regained Co-Director (O&PE); Collections Curators University funding Liaison with Estates and contractors By 2016 Fit-out of store completed; collections relocated to / reorganised within store Collections Curator to coordinate By 2015 Recommendations implemented Review Emergency Plans for museum venues and stores. Provide training day for all Unit staff. Collections Curator to coordinate In-house staff / Estates / University Security Adviser / financial resources In-house staff; University Risk Assessment team Achieved and ongoing Transfer data from Collections separate electronic Curator to catalogues for co-ordinate Geology, Zoology and Communion Token collections to Adlib In-house / IT Services / Business Improvements / Adlib. Financial resources. Geology – 2013 (achieved); CT – 2014 (achieved); Zoology – 2014 (achieved) All staff to be aware of Emergency Plans, and appropriate action to take All collections records held on one system Make collections catalogue available on-line on University website IT Services; Adlib By 2015 Collections Curator to co-ordinate 12 Collections catalogue online Tackle priority areas of documentation backlog, as identified in Documentation Policy and Plan. Seek appropriate additions to collections in line with Collections Development Policy Co-Director (C&E) / Collections Curators In-house staff / 2013-16 Museum and Gallery Studies projects Annual Report monitoring Co-Directors / Curators Ongoing Annual Report monitoring Explore rationalisation of Collections Co-Director (C&E) 2013-16 Annual Report monitoring Obtain up-to-date insurance valuations for all items likely to be over £50,000 Zoology collections - match archival accession information (provenance, field collection etc) to extant specimens, from 19th century onward, enhancing research value of collection Co-Director (C&E) In-house / Univ funds and external funds inc. Art Fund / NFA / Heritage Lottery Fund Appropriate liaison with Environmental Health and Safety Services, sectoral bodies, interested parties e.g. NMS, UMIS Internal funding; external valuers By end 2014 Insurance schedule updated Secure external funding for temporary specialist zoology curator 2014-16 Archival information and specimens reunited. Co-Director (C&E) 4.2 To maintain and develop the museum venues, services and facilities, reflecting the high standards of the University of St Andrews and taking account of audience research and visitor evaluation. Produce an active programme of temporary exhibitions and continue to establish MUSA as a small but leading university museum and popular visitor attraction. 13 Objective How to be achieved Resources / Conditions for achieving objective In-house Completion date Performance indicator Apply for Accreditation; address any issues raised Senior Curator to co-ordinate 2013 achieved Curators / external partners / Museum and Gallery Studies staff In-house staff and budget Ongoing Full Accreditation status renewed acheived Annual Report monitoring Continue programme of temporary exhibitions and associated events in the Gateway Galleries Pilot temporary exhibition in Gallery 4, MUSA; assess potential for further temporary exhibitions Co-Director (C&E), based on 600th maces exhibition Staff capacity and budget for further exhibitions 2013 - maces exhibition achieved. 3 more temporary exhibitions in G4 programmed, 2014-15, to be reviewed throughout and on completion of programme 2014 CoDirectors, Collections & Exhibitions Curator – further exhibitions Carry out pilot Learning and strategy of intensive Access visitor consultation (L&A) during exhibition Curators planning process for MUSA temporary exhibitions Investigate Co-Directors potential for replacing Gateway Galleries with improved exhibition space, nearer town centre and under control In-house staff Liaison with University Executive 14 2014-15 Review of outcome of trial Pilot strategy evaluated, L&A Curators to evaluate suitability for different exhibition topics Annual Report monitoring of Museum Collections Unit staff Review potential at Gateway Galleries / replacement venue for annual /short exhibitions showcasing diverse research of academic staff in University Schools Conduct visitor evaluations of displays and services; respond proactively Effectively market and promote venues, facilities and services Refresh and enhance displays and interactives at MUSA including options to replace the Memory Bank Investigate possibility of offering free wi-fi access for visitors to MUSA Create new, more visitor-friendly language guides for the museum which will be integrated into the audio guides Maintain MUSA Visit Scotland 5 star grading L&A Curators, Collections & Exhibitions Curator Consultation with academic Schools 2014-15 Consultation completed; decision achieved L&A Curators In-house staff; MGS students Ongoing Annual Report monitoring MUSA Operations Officer to coordinate Co-Director (O&PE), MUSA Ops Officer to coordinate In-house staff and budget Ongoing Increased visitors / users In-house / external funds 2013-16 Improved displays and facilities MUSA Ops Officer; IT Services IT advice on security, cost, feasibility 2014-16 Establish if free wi-fi is feasible; if so, implement this L&A Curators, MUSA Ops Officer In-house budget; translation services 2014-16 Improved language guides; enhanced audio-guide Co-Director (O&PE), MUSA Ops Officer In-house Ongoing Grading status – maintained at 5 star annually to date 15 4.3 To provide access to the collections, both for the University community and general public. Further develop our learning and access programmes and facilities for audience engagement aimed at diverse users, including previously under-represented groups, offering a range of experiences for inspiration, learning and enjoyment and encouraging cultural engagement. Objective How to be achieved Resources / Conditions for achieving objective In-house staff; appropriate budget In-house staff and budget Completion date Performance indicator Implement Learning and Access Policy and Plan 2013-16 Provide diverse engagement programmes and learning opportunities at all public venues inc. MUSA Collections Centre Provide learning and access programme for all temporary exhibitions Continue Young Artist Award (YAA) schools programme L&A Curators to co-ordinate L&A Curators to co-ordinate 2013-16 Annual report monitoring Ongoing Engagement figures L&A Curators to co-ordinate In-house staff and budget Ongoing Delivery of programme L&A Curators Secure University / external funding 2013-16 L&A Curators In-house staff and budget 2013-16 Internal funding secured from 2013 on. Engagement figures Engagement figures Increase schools participation outside YAA Target underrepresented groups, initially through youth (13-17) engagement Investigate potential for promoting current University research at bimonthly public event, along 'Inspired By' talks L&A team In-house staff and budget / external funding 2013-14 and Successful ongoing engagement: numbers and participation L&A Curators In-house staff and budget 2015 16 Results of consultation and feasibility study. model Carry out ‘Victorian L&A Technologies of the Curators Future’ project, funded through a Teaching Development Award – end product will be a teaching resource aimed at school children In-house staff, MGS student input, budget provided through Dean’s Office 2015 End of project report and engagement figures 4.4 To develop the use of our collections and venues to facilitate, produce and promote high quality research, including both collections-based research and research into museological practice. Be a key provider of Knowledge Transfer and Exchange. Objective How to be achieved Give conference papers / publish research on the museum collections or museological practice. - Complete catalogue of archery medals - Produce artefact highlights catalogue Host UMIS conference on research, 2013 Encourage research on the museum Completion Performance date indicator Co-Directors; all curatorial staff Resources / Conditions for achieving objective In-house; staff capacity and time Retired Director Funding secured 2015 Co-Director (C&E) working with external publisher. Collections team to facilitate photography. Co-Director (C&E), MUSA Ops Officer Co-Directors; collections Internal funding, time 2015 In-house; liaison with UMIS Autumn 2013 achieved Well-attended conference achieved Provision of access and Ongoing Use of collections for 17 Ongoing Papers and publications produced collections by University members and external researchers Encourage and support M.Litts on the collections / reviewing internal museological practices by MGS students. Investigate possibility of hosting joint PhD students, with academic Schools Promote, conduct and record Knowledge Transfer and Exchange staff facilities for research research Co-Director (C&E); all curatorial staff Work closely with MGS course staff 2013-16 M.Litts produced Co-Director (C&E) Close liaison with academic Schools 2013-15 Viability of project established Co-Directors; all curatorial staff In-house staff Ongoing Knowledge Transfer and Exchange activities. Annual Report monitoring. 4.5 To develop the use of our collections and facilities for University teaching and for providing experience for professional development for students, for example by volunteering in the Museum Collections Unit or front-of-house at MUSA. Objective How to be achieved Continue to develop use of the collections in University teaching, both for Museum and Gallery Studies and other appropriate undergraduate and postgraduate programmes (ongoing). All curatorial staff to support MGS teaching; L&A Curators to coordinate support for other disciplines Continue to recruit Co-Director Resources / Conditions for achieving objective In-house; staff capacity Completion Performance date indicator 2013-16 Annual Report monitoring Operating 2013-16 Annual Report 18 students for MUSA front-of-house duties and for collections management and other projects (casual paid and volunteers) (O&PE), MUSA Ops Officer; all curatorial staff budget monitoring 4.6 To promote the University and its unique identity and intellectual and cultural heritage through high-quality services and programmes, which serve as models of best practice, aid student recruitment and enhance the student experience, provide a focal point for alumni relations and foster links with the local community. Objective How to be achieved Relaunch and develop Friends group Co-Director (O&PE); MUSA Ops Officer Resources / Conditions for achieving objective In-house; liaison with Development Completion Performance date indicator Relaunch 2013 (achieved); and ongoing Numbers and participation of Friends 4.7 To develop staff skills and competencies through effective training, leadership and professional development. Objective How to be achieved Staff participation in appropriate training and professional development opportunities Co-Directors / senior staff to co-ordinate Resources / Conditions for achieving objective In-house and external courses and conferences; training budget Completion Performance date indicator Ongoing Staff development 4.8 To foster a culture of collaboration, innovation and ambition, participating in effective and productive internal and external partnerships. Objective How to be achieved Resources / Conditions for achieving 19 Completion Performance date indicator objective In-house; joint funding Initiate and / or support collaborations within University e.g. around research, exhibitions, public engagement. 2013: SMART Scotland's Museums Augmented Reality Tourism – project Co-Directors; all staff Co-Director (O&PE) Liaison with 2014 Human Computer Interaction Project, Uni. of St Andrews & Edinburgh Outcome of pilot project Play an active part in collaborative initiatives with appropriate external bodies (e.g. Dundee University, Fife Museums Forum, UMIS) 2013 – Joint art exhibition with Dundee University Museum Services Co-Directors / all curators In-house / partnerships fund Ongoing Annual Report monitoring Curatorial trainees In-house / collaboration with Curator, Dundee March 2013 - achieved Exhibition; visitor numbers and engagement figures 2014 – UMIS / SFC student engagement with collections project Co-Director (C&E) Secure SFC funding; appoint public engagement officer; liaison with academic Schools in Uni 2014-2016 Enhanced student engagement with collections through teaching and research Collaboration with curators of British Golf Museum 2014-15 Visitors attracted to MUSA from BGM; crosspromotion of both venues L&A Curator, 2014-15 – MUSA f-of-h Collaboration with British Golf staff Museum during its closure through golf display in MUSA, linked to joint 20 Ongoing Annual Report monitoring promotion of both venues 4.9 To develop appropriate retail and other commercial activities, maximising potential income from merchandising and commercial use of our facilities. Objective How to be achieved Further develop merchandise range to maximise retail income e.g. through trialing merchandise linked to temporary exhibitions programme at MUSA Develop hiring of MUSA facilities to maximise income MUSA Ops Officer; MUSA FOH team Co-Director (O&PE); MUSA team Resources / Conditions for achieving objective In-house staff; funded from retail profits Completion Performance date indicator 2015 Stock produced and sale figures In-house staff On-going Annual Report monitoring 4.10 To play a major role in the University’s 600th Anniversary celebrations, including through a series of themed temporary exhibitions and collecting and public engagement programmes. Seek to derive maximum benefit from the Anniversary with respect to profile, initiatives and fundraising. Objective How to be achieved Continue exciting temporary exhibitions programme linked to 600th anniversary in Gateway Galleries International loan exhibition of medieval maces of early European universities in Senior Curator to lead Senior Curator; O&P Curator. Conference - Resources / Conditions for achieving objective In-house staff; loans from other institutions Completion Performance date indicator 2014 achieved Outstanding series of temporary exhibitions; visitor numbers Significant external fundraising and commitment 2013 achieved External fundraising success. Successful delivery of 21 MUSA; associated conference organised by School of Art History Dr Julian Luxford, School of Art History. Use of MUSA as venue for appropriate 600th events Inspiring audience engagement programme linked to exhibitions and events Collecting programme linked to 600th O&P Curator from central University budget. Dependant on securing £40,000 Recognition Funding Liaison with Development inspiring exhibition and conference. Audience engagement figures. 2013 achieved Successful events programme Successful audience engagement programme L&A Curators In-house staff; some external funding 2014 achieved Collections Curators Donations of material; purchase fund 2014 – Acquisitions for achieved collections and ongoing 4.11 To demonstrate the value of the collections and promote effectiveness and efficiency in the administration and management of the collections and facilities, in order to justify financial support from the University and external funding agencies. Objective How to be achieved Maximise external funding streams All senior staff. Actively raise project-specific funds from bodies inc. Recognition Fund, MGS, Art Fund, etc Co-Director Annual report (C&E) to SFC; reapply for grant when appropriate Sustain annual SFC grant Secure renewal of MUSA Co-Directors Resources / Conditions for achieving objective In-house staff; matching funding from operating budget may be required Applications to Workforce 22 Completion date Performance indicator Ongoing Funds raised Achieved – increased grant secured to 2016-17 Achieved April 2014, Grant maintained Mid to long term security Operations Officer and Curatorial Trainee posts, to maintain operations and service levels Ensure that the Knowledge Transfer activities of the Unit are properly recorded and acknowledged 4.12 L&A Curator to collect and report all data Planning posts confirmed as standard ie permanent for these posts In-house 2013-16 Annual Report monitoring To support the University’s Sustainable Development Strategy. Objective How to be achieved Embed sustainable development and environmental sustainability, in line with University strategy Maintain MUSA Gold standard in Green Tourism Business Scheme Co-Director (O&PE); all staff Co-Director (O&PE), MUSA Ops Officer Resources / Conditions for achieving objective In-house Completion date Performance indicator Ongoing Annual Report monitoring In-house Ongoing Grading status 23 Appendix I Resource Plan (i) Analysis of Staffing (revised July 2014) The Museum Collections Unit is headed by the Co-Director (Collections and Exhibitions) (0.7 FTE) and Co-Director (Operations & Public Engagement) (0.6 FTE), with the following permanent staff: Collections Curator (1 FTE); Collections & Exhibitions Curator (1 FTE); two Learning and Access Curators (1 FTE and 0.6 FTE); MUSA Operations Officer (1 FTE); and the three MUSA Senior Visitor Services Facilitators (0.68 FTE, 0.66 and 0.29 FTE – weekend post). Additionally, two Curatorial Trainees (‘Collections’ and ‘Learning and Access’) are appointed on 1-year fixed term contracts; the scheme has been running successfully since 2008 and has been permanently secured. The Unit also employs casual staff and volunteers across the fields of collections, learning and access and front-of-house at MUSA, often drawn from the postgraduate Museum Studies course. All the above posts are funded by the University. A network of honorary departmental curators, usually professors or senior lecturers of academic Schools to which the collections relate e.g. Chemistry, Art History, support the curatorial staff. Externally funded project staff are occasionally employed, working on specific, time-limited initiatives, e.g. the SFC-funded UMIS SPIRIT project. As reported in the Resource Plan, February 2013 edition, staffing presented a number of challenges 2012-13, following the retirement of the Director, Ian Carradice, in August 2012 and the simultaneous maternity leaves of three senior staff, the Operations and Projects Curator and Learning and Access Curators (job-share), each for a year from Spring-Summer 2012 onwards. Helen Rawson served as Acting Director September 2012 - June 2013. Helen Rawson and Emma Jane Wells were appointed Co-Directors of the Museum Collections Unit in June 2013, with responsibility for collections, exhibitions and research; and operations and public engagement respectively. A new staffing structure was implemented, shown in the staff chart (below). A number of previously temporary posts, including the MUSA Operations Officer and Collections and Exhibitions Curator were made permanent by April 2014. The new structure brings the capacity of the Unit to the level necessary to deliver core services and collections management activities, and current objectives and priorities, in accordance with the Strategic and Operational Plan. 24 Structure of the Museum Collections Unit, July 2014 Co-Director, Museum Collections Unit (Operations & Public Engagement) 0.6 FTE Emma Jane Wells Learning and Access Curator 1 FTE Matthew Sheard MUSA Operations Officer 1 FTE Ella Voce Senior Visitor Services Facilitators 0.66 FTE Arianna Carlini 0.68 FTE Joanna Rodgers 0.29 FTE (weekends) Lili Bagyanszki Co-Director, Museum Collections Unit (Collections and Exhibitions) 0.7 FTE Dr Helen Rawson Learning and Access Curator 0.6 FTE Alison Hadfield Curatorial Trainee (Learning and Access) 1 FTE, 12 months, recurring MUSA Front of House Staff 5 x Casual Staff 8 x Volunteers 25 Collections and Exhibitions Curator 1 FTE Claire Robinson Collections Curator 1 FTE Jessica Burdge Curatorial Trainee (Collections) 1 FTE, 12 months, recurring (ii) Analysis of Financial Resources (revised 2014) The Unit receives an annual ‘Museums Galleries and Collections’ grant from the Scottish Funding Council, currently £34,000. Retail and venue hire at MUSA provide a minor income stream, which we are actively seeking to further develop, currently through reinvesting profits into expansion of retail ranges, including production of guide books, catalogues etc. Some minor income is provided by photography rights and reproduction and through the donations box at MUSA and is applied in support of the Unit. Otherwise, all core staffing and operating costs are met by the University of St Andrews. External funding is sought for major projects and specific initiatives e.g. Heritage Lottery and other funding for capital development of MUSA (2008); Museums Galleries Scotland grant for storage improvements (2013-14). The Recognition Fund has proved an important source of grants, funding display cases for MUSA; the development of the MUSA Collections Centre; an audience development project; and supporting the 600th anniversary exhibition of medieval maces. In order to continue to raise external funds, it is crucial that the high standards and public services of the Unit are retained and external museum standards, including Museum Accreditation, are met. Core Budget Summary 2014-15 Staffing: Casual staffing Operating Budget Total £313,000 £27,000 £66,000 £406,000 Resource division of operating budget General Operations, including collections management MUSA Learning and Access Gateway Galleries – temporary exhibitions Acquisitions Fund Total 26 26,000 17,000 11,500 6,500 5000 £66,000 Appendix II SWOT analysis Assessment and management of specific risks to the collections and services e.g. fire, flood, theft are addressed in the Emergency Plan. All staff are required to be familiar with the Emergency Plan and to participate in emergency training. This SWOT analysis considers the broader Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats relating to the collections, venues, services and operations of the Museum Collections Unit. Strengths Highly-trained, well-motivated professional staff. Stable financial support from University for core activities. Expert support from University in specialist areas: Human Resources, IT, Estates, etc. Well-maintained museum venues and storage areas. Strong links with academic Schools in University, including contribution and support to teaching and research. Strong relationship with Museum Studies course, including engagement with students as casual staff and volunteers. Strong staff involvement in museum sectoral bodies. Experienced partner in collaborative initiatives within / outwith University. One of the few University venues that is public facing allowing for strong engagement and positive impact of the University beyond student and faculty population. Positive public profile; growing visitor numbers at MUSA. High-quality diverse public engagement programme, targeting schools, local community, families and visitors to area. Varied programme of temporary exhibitions. Weaknesses Small core permanent staff working at capacity across several venues and key services means potential disruption in case of extended illness / unexpected loss of staff; reduced opportunities for participation in new, but important, projects and initiatives. Reliance on casual staff and volunteers for lunch cover etc at MUSA – problematic during University vacations, especially Summer. Gateway Galleries visitor numbers affected by location outside town centre - less 'drop-in' and casual visitors. Storage space and opportunity for extending collections reduced by current sharing of North Haugh store with Special Collections during their redevelopment project. 27 Difficulties in prioritising projects crucial to the Museum Collections Unit within the wider University IT Services Department's workload e.g. make collections catalogue available on-line. No dedicated IT officer. Opportunities Relaunch and further develop Friends' Group to build and sustain engagement and support for museum collections and services. Collaboration on specific projects with University Schools and Units, and with external museum and other partners. Support research agenda, through producing and encouraging research on the collections and museological practice; hosting and organising UMIS conference on research, 2013; membership of cross-disciplinary groups such as CATCH (Centre for Archaeology, Technology and Cultural Heritage, University of St Andrews). Be a key provider of Knowledge Transfer and Exchange and public engagement, in-line with University Strategic Plan 2008-18. Broaden user-groups e.g. through current project to engage youths (13-17) beyond schools programme. Further develop retail / commercial activities at MUSA e.g. venue hire Actively participate in 600th anniversary celebrations, maximising profile, initiatives and fundraising opportunities. Take forward findings of Audience Development project, using results to inform strategic planning. Audience development and marketing through social media, in which we are becoming a leader in the Scottish museum sector. Investigation into location of a new temporary exhibitions venue (closer to, or as an extension to, the MUSA building) that will better meet the needs and strategic aims of the Unit - including providing exhibition space for academic staff to promote public access to research Threats Risk to collections e.g. fire, flood, theft, pest infestation. In current economic climate, reduced opportunities for raising project-specific external funding / sponsorship. Any major collections management issues, or decline in or sustained negative experience of public services or facilities, relating to financial resources or management issues would negatively affect public perceptions, Accredited status and possibly recruitment to postgraduate Museum Studies course. Need to retain strong internal management and financial support from University. Insurance review – increased staffing at Gateway Galleries may be required, may limit opening times if financial resources not secured from University. Viability of exhibitions in the Gateway Galleries threatened by changes to buildings management practice, including out-of-hours entry to building by students, further potential reduction in staffing of reception by Residential and Business Services. 28 Issues with controlling environmental conditions in MUSA – if not resolved, may affect necessitate removal of fragile artefact and archival material, affect potential for loans in. 29 Appendix III Concluded Objectives, Strategic Plan 2009-12 The Unit’s activities are recorded in an Annual Report, submitted to the Audit and Risk Committee. These Reports record progress in ‘on-going’ activities and completed projects. The following objectives were removed from the Strategic and Operational Plan 2013-16 because they had concluded under the Plan 2009-12. They are presented under the (now differently worded) Strategic Aims to which they related. 4.1 To develop and establish MUSA as a small, but ‘world-leading’ university museum and popular visitor attraction. Objective How to be achieved Completion date Performance indicator Director / Curators to write Resources / Conditions for achieving objective Internal and external funding Raise University and public awareness of the Museum Collections by production of published guides for MUSA Apply for awards / Visit Scotland grading 2009-12 Guide and Children’s Guide to MUSA published. Children’s Guide supported by MGS funding. O&P Curator In-house staff Dec 2009 5 star Visit Scotland rating. ASVA ‘Rising Star’ award to Operations Officer, 2011. Finalist for ASVA ‘Best Visitor Experience Award’ 2012. 4.2 To develop, produce and maintain high quality displays and exhibitions in the Gateway Galleries. Objective Plan redesign of Gateway outer gallery How to be achieved O&P Curator to co-ordinate Resources / Conditions In-house staff; 30 Completion date Commence 2009-10 Performance indicator Completed 2012 4.5 To develop our learning and access programmes and facilities for community engagement aimed at diverse users, including previously under-represented groups. Our aim is to be seen as one of the University’s key providers of knowledge transfer and to manage facilities and programmes that are cited as models of best practice. Objective Investigate audio guides for MUSA to increase access Implement Revisiting Collections project How to be achieved L&A Curator Resources / Conditions External funding Completion date 2011-12 O&P Curator Financial support from MGS 2009-11 Performance indicator Audio guide, narrated by Joanna Lumley, launched 2012. MGS Recognition Funding Project completed 4.6 To preserve and develop the University’s museum collections, and improve collections care and access to stored collections, through innovative and forwardthinking practices in public service delivery and collections management. Objective Relocate objects to (a) openaccess store and (b) new Museum /Library Store Implement recommendations of security audits of Gateway Galleries and Bell Pettigrew Museum Purchase and install new electronic collections How to be achieved O&P Curator to coordinate; liaise with Estates, Library, architects, etc over collections requirements, fit-out, object relocation, etc Collections Curator, seeking also appropriate advice Resources / Conditions Funding for store. In-house staff; external contractors; specialist museum movers Completion date 2009-12 Performance indicator Completed 2011, (a) supported by Recognition Fund. In-house staff / Estates / MLA Security Adviser 2009-10 Completed Dec 2009 Successful set-up of new system, Adlib; data transfer from Collections In-house / IT Curator / Services / Senior Curator Business Improvements / 31 catalogue Progress SPIRIT project (UMIS collaboration) for putting collections data on-line external firm Senior Curator P/T assistant / Collections funded by SFC Curator to grant supervise 2010-11 INCA to Adlib Completed 2011 4.7 To promote the University through our facilities and programmes, to enhance the University’s reputation and to aid student recruitment, by managing MUSA as one of the University’s ‘unique selling points’ and using its displays and those in the Gateway Galleries to showcase the University’s achievements, past and present. Objective Redesign Museum Collections website How to be achieved MUSA Operations Officer Resources / Conditions In-house / University staff Completion date 2011 Performance indicator Website userfriendly and easy to maintain 4.8 To develop appropriate retail and other commercial activities, maximising potential income from merchandising and commercial use of our facilities. Objective Produce sets of post cards and Christmas cards and develop further merchandise to maximise retail income Develop hiring of MUSA facilities to maximize income How to be achieved O&P Curator Resources / Conditions In-house staff; funded from retail profits Completion date 2009-12 Performance indicator Stock produced and sale figures O&P Curator In-house staff 2009-2010 Achieved and ongoing 4.10 To demonstrate the value of the collections and promote effectiveness and efficiency in the administration and management of the collections and facilities, in order to justify financial support from the University and outside funding agencies Objective Apply for How to be achieved BP Museum Resources / Conditions In-house staff 32 Completion date 2009-10 Performance indicator Application ‘Recognition’ status for Bell Pettigrew Museum Secure establishment of intern posts Curator and Senior Curator Director and O&P Curator submitted: unsuccessful Application to Workforce Planning 33 Posts to be renewed 2011 Achieved to 2015