
Ms. House
School Phone: (940) 369-4764
Course Syllabus
Pens black/blue (No gel pens!)
1 box of Kleenex
5 Dividers
One-inch 3 ring binder
Library book, personal book, or e-reader
Wide-rule loose-leaf paper (No spiral paper)
Class Expectations
· Be Punctual. Be on time and in your seat when the bell rings. This also applies to turning in your assignments.
· Be Prepared. Every day you need to bring your supplies to class. No exceptions.
· Be Courteous and Open-Minded. Everyone will have respect for one another. This includes respecting the views of
others that do not agree with your own views. Discussions may be noisy and chaotic at times, but remember to be
respectful of others’ ideas.
· Be Responsible. Remember to copy assignments from the agenda board. It is your RESPONSIBILITY to make-up any
missed work. Check the folder labeled “make-up work” on the front board. In the folder will be the missed
worksheet/handouts distributed in class. Schedule a day and time to make up any missed quizzes and tests.
· Listen to Instructions. If you do not understand, ask questions. I can only help you if I know that you need it.
Course Highlights
· EXPO Curriculum is developed to meet the multifaceted needs of the gifted learner. As such, curriculum is designed that
may include TEKS from any of the four core areas (ELA, Science, Social Studies, Math), as well as the Denton ISD GT
Standards (critical thinking, logical thinking, dimensions of depth and complexity, creative thinking, research skills, research
products, etc.)
· Vocabulary, Writing, Novels, Critical Thinking Skills, Independent Investigation Methods/Research Skills, Analogies,
Current Events, Public Speaking, Creative Problem Solving, Depth & Complexity, Scholarly Behaviors, and SCAMPER
Minor Summative
Major Summative
· Examples of Minor Summative Assignments: Quizzes, graphic organizers, short pieces of writing, oral
questions/discussions in class, exit ticket, bell ringer
· Examples of Major Summative Assignments: Unit tests, presentations, projects, common assessments
Mandatory reassessment is required on major assessments assigned to students that do not show an overall mastery
above 70%. Students will receive a Reassessment Contract and must complete the reassessment within 10 days of the
contract. The recorded grade will be the higher of the original or reassessment grade. Reassessments may not occur
during the final week of the grading period. Minor summative reassessments are at the discretion of the teacher.
**Outside Reading and Projects**
· Students will be responsible for completing projects, quizzes, and/or tests after reading a novel assigned outside of
class. Students must keep up with the daily assignments given in class, while completing the assigned novel or project
outside of class.
. Projects-Students will not be graded on how much money they spend on their project, but their creativeness, effort,
neatness, and ability to meet the requirements. All projects must be original student created pieces of work.
. Application of Depth and Complexity thinking must be evident.
. Models must be labeled with a key.
. Poster board should be used instead of computer paper for final projects.
. Projects must be typed unless otherwise stated.
. Works cited page using MLA format must be included to provide credit and acknowledgement of each source.
. Edmodo is a social networking site, very similar to Facebook, which was specially made for educators and students. It
will allow us to continue conversations outside of the classroom and turn in some assignments electronically. Edmodo will
enable us to revise and share our work with peers, keep up with classroom assignments, and extend lesson content. Please
remember Edmodo is a social network for educational purposes only and should be treated as such.
Parents: Edmodo is very secure; students will have to use the access code given in class to be able to register with the
site. Once all students have registered, the class will be locked to ensure no one outside of our environment can access the
Please notify Ms. House if you do not have computer/internet access at home prior to assignments being given.
______ Please sign and return the bottom portion by Friday, August 28, 2015.___________
We, the undersigned, have read and understand the supplies needed, grading, and expectations for EXPO.
Print Student Name
Student Signature
Parent Signature