Name _______________________ Week of October 26, 2015

Name _______________________
Week of October 26, 2015
 Study your sight words.
 Write 4 sentences about things a
monster might want.
 Read for at least 20 min.
Minutes read: _______
Parent initials: _______
 Study your sight words.
 Do a math sheet
 Read for at least 20 min.
Minutes read: _______
Parent initials: _______
 Study your sight words.
 Write 4 sentences about other
things a monster might want.
 Read for at least 20 min.
Minutes read: _______
Parent initials: _______
 No homework. Come to Science
Night tonight at 6:00. You may
wear your costume tonight!
 Read for at least 20 min.
Minutes read: _______
Parent initials: _______
*****Library tomorrow. Be sure
to bring back your books.
Parent Information:
1. There is a candy drive through
Thursday to get candy to be given
out at science night. If you can,
please send bags of candy to help
out. The class with the most bags
wins a pizza party.
What are we learning this week?
Math: We are learning about
Reading/Writing: Sight words will
continue. Please practice them
each night. If your child forgets to
bring it home, all the lists are on my
website. We are also learning new
strategies to improve reading skills.
Students should bring home their
guided reading baggie and sight
word baggie each night for practice
and they need to bring them back to
school each day. We will review
CVC (bed, fox, cat) and continue to
work on Magic E words (like, hope,
IB/Social Studies/Science: We are
working on our unit about
classifying/sorting, wants vs. needs,
and goods and services. This week
our focus will be on goods and
2. The reading contests will be
continuing through Nov. 6th. Make
sure you sign both the homework
sheet for minutes read AND the
contest log.
3. This week is Red Ribbon Week.
Monday – Wear red.
Tuesday – Wear black.
Wednesday – Wear Crazy Hair.
Thursday – Wear mismatched socks.
Friday – Wear pajamas and bring a
blanket and a favorite book.
4. Students need to bring in a clean
candy wrapper on Monday.
Please save one from Halloween
and send it on Monday.
5. If you have any questions, please
feel free to contact me anytime!
My phone number at school is 940-369-2522.
My email is
Website:, select a school,
Borman, academics, 1st grade,
Facebook: Chancellor’s First Grade