Intro to Genetics Human Traits How do we get our traits? Why are we tall, short, blonde? What makes us…us? Genetics Every living thing – plant or animal, microbe or human being – has a set of characteristics inherited from its parent or parents. Since the beginning of recorded history, people have wanted to understand how inheritance is passed from generation to generation What is Genetics? Genetics Heredity Traits- branch of biology that studies heredity passing of traits from parents to offspring Characteristics that are inherited through DNA Gregor Mendel Gregor Mendel - an Austrian monk, “Father of Modern Genetics” Mendel He was born in 1822 in what is now the Czech republic studied to be a priest and spent several years studying science and math Gregor Mendel Mendel spent many years of his life working in the local monastery and teaching high school. While there, Mendel was in charge of the garden and spent much of his time tending to and studying the plants around him. Observations Mendel observed seven traits in pea plants that only occurred in two forms. (Shape, color, size…) Why these traits? Were How these genetic or environmental factors? did pea plants pass their traits? Pea Plants Pea plants reproduce sexually. (Require both male and female sex cells) Gamete half of the chromosomes Somatic = sex cell. Cell = the “regular” cells in your body. full set of chromosomes Experiments Mendel forced pea plants with different traits to pollinate each Wanted to see how offspring compared to parents. other. The experiments are called genetic crosses Genetic Portraits Genetic Portraits Offspring Mendel noticed that many times the second generation plants showed different traits from the parents Genetic Vocabulary Phenotype= the physical characteristics of an organism. (Purple flowers or white flowers) Genotype= the gene combination of an organism that determines its phenotype. Alleles Allele = the specific form of a trait/gene. We have two alleles for each trait in our DNA. (Ex: Brown eye or blue eye gene / purple or white flower) Dominant Allele = observable trait requiring only one allele to be expressed. (Written as a capital letter) Recessive Allele = allele that is not observed when a dominant allele is present in the genes. Can be hidden. (Written as a lower case letter) Allele Pairing Homozygous = two alleles for a trait are the same. (Ex: BB or bb ) Heterozygous = two alleles for a trait are not the same. (Ex: Bb) Dominant trait will be observed. Science Show - Gregor Mendel 100 Greatest Discoveries Mendel (First section) Chromosome – Gene – Allele – Protein – Trait