Written In Bone: Buried Lives of Jamestown and Colonial Maryland By Sally M. Walker Chapter Four Vocabulary: Prehistoric corrode Iron Pike copper oxide Lance like lipping Encrusted dysentery absolute proof Essay Questions: 1. Earth’s weathering process will cause graves to be forgotten. Explain how America’s cultural and religious behaviors impede this natural process. 2. What time period is prehistoric to America? 3. Does every continent have the same prehistoric date? Explain your reasoning. 4. What is the process called when iron turns to rust? Is iron the only metal that oxygen reacts with on Earth? 5. In what way does knowledge of soil composition aid archaeologists and anthropologists? 6. Brainstorm why shrouding pins would turn soil green? What is this process called? 7. How do anthropologists utilize body systems to determine the lifestyle of a buried person? 8. Why is absolute proof important throughout an excavation? Use a synonym for this phrase during your explanation. 9. Rationalize why the captain’s burial was outside the “norm” of other burial sites. Interactive: Conduct the following experiment. MUST IT RUST? THE REACTION BETWEEN IRON & OXYGEN Knight Foundation Summer Institute Kathleen Heffner, Beeber Middle School Emily Dorean, Haverford College Introduction: Everything in the world is made up of chemicals, and all chemicals are made up of tiny particles called atoms. A chemical reaction occurs when atoms join together or break apart to form new and different combinations of atoms. In this experiment we will be investigating a chemical reaction between iron and oxygen, which is given by the formula 4Fe + 3O2= 2Fe2O3. This formula shows that when iron is found in the presence of oxygen, the two chemicals join together to form a new compound. This reaction is called an oxidation/reduction reaction and represents the other (along with acid/base reactions) most common type of chemical reaction. In an acid / base reaction, a proton (H +) gets transferred from one substance to another. In an oxidation/reduction reaction electrons get transferred from one substance to another. In this reaction iron transfers some of its electrons to oxygen. The iron atom becomes an Fe+3 ion and oxygen becomes an 0-2ion, which quickly joins with an H+ion to form water. These two elements combine to form iron oxide, or rust. During the corrosion process, irondoes not seem to react with air at all. Water is necessary for the oxidationreaction to occur, to facilitate transport of the electrons, although we doknow that iron will rust in air after a long time, since there are waterdroplets in the air. Another substance that facilitates the transport ofelectrons is vinegar. This experiment will test the corrosion properties of water and vinegar, modeling two of the main environmental causes of increased rust corrosion. The vinegar is our model for acid rain. Industrial and auto emission gases create acid rain by making the rain that falls much more acidic than pure rain water. (Pure rain water has a pH of about 5.6 from dissolved carbon dioxide, a normal constituent of air; acid rain can be as acidic as to have a pH of 3!) Acid rain is not only a problem in urban areas with lots of industry and cars because winds can blow the polluting gases far away before they return to the earth as acid rain. We observe from this experiment that acid rain would accelerate the corrosion process of iron, i.e. the "steel" wool in vinegar will corrode more quickly than the steel wool in water or in dry air. As an introduction to this experiment, have the students brainstorm about ways to test the reaction between iron and oxygen. Talk about what iron and oxygen are, and have the students list some places they are found in our environment. Iron oxide, or rust, is found as a reddish-brown color. If students suggest metals that are not iron, you can talk about how some metals react with oxygen to create compounds that are different colors of "rust''. Objectives: 1. 2. 3. 4. To thoughtfully set up an experiment to demonstrate and test the chemical reaction between iron and oxygen. To critically observe and record observations. To write a standard lab report including clearly-conveyed hypotheses, observations with variables, and conclusion. To know some ways the chemical reaction between iron and oxygen is present in, and affects our daily lives. Vocabulary: Only to be used in write up. Do not Define Chemical Atom Iron Oxygen Reaction Molecule Materials: 3 small containers water (This experiment demonstrates the reaction between the oxygen in the air and the "steel" wool, which is facilitated by water. This reaction works best if the water used has been sitting around a while. Iron should not rust in water if there is no oxygen present, i.e. the reaction is between oxygen and iron, in the presence of water. However there is a lot of oxygen dissolved in water, especially when it comes directly from the tap. Iron will rust in the water, and make it appear as if iron is rusted by water alone, without the presence of oxygen. When water sits around for a while. it becomes "flat" as the dissolved oxygen leaves it. The white vinegar is pretty ' flat" as is.) white vinegar super-fine iron wool (This can be found in paint stores or hardware stores; supermarkets normally sell steel wool (Brillo), which is stainless steel and resists rust!) Procedure: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Set up three containers, label oneWATER, oneVINEGAR, and oneNOTHING. Add approximately 50 ml of water to the container labeled WATER. Add approximately 50 ml of vinegar to the container labeled VINEGAR. Add nothing to the third container labeled NOTHING. Place a small piece of iron wool into each beaker. For the container with liquid, stretch out the wool and place it in the container so some of the wool is below the surface of the liquid and some is above the surface of the liquid. Create an educated purpose, hypothesis and data table with variables. Observe the beakers overthree days. If you observe changes in the iron wool, are the changes the same below the liquid, at the surface of the liquid and above the liquid? Record observations. Create an analysis and conclusion. Conclusion Talking Points: -Pictures of experiment -Describe places where rust is common and not so common. -Suggest everyday examples of this reaction. One idea would be to talk about how corrosion evidence would be different near and far from bodies of water. -Recommend materials that could be used for shrouding in today’s society to prevent corrosion and why these materials are better. SCIENCE CONTENT STANDARD #1: THE NATURE OF SCIENCE for grades 5-8: "collect and summarize data from an experiment and interpret the results in terms of the data." SCIENCE CONTENT STANDARD #2: PHYSICAL SETTING for grades 5-8: "understand that the cycling of water in and out of the atmosphere plays an important role in determining climatic patterns. Water evaporates from the surface of the earth, rises and cools, condenses into rain or snow, and falls again to the surface. The water falling on land collects in rivers and lakes, soil, and porous layers of rock, and much of it flows back into the ocean. SCIENCE CONTENT STANDARD #5: DESIGNED FOR grades 5-8: "discuss how and why science and technology have created synthetic (non-natural) materials." Cross-references: This experiment can be tied most clearly to an environmental science unit on acid rain, as well as a chemistry unit on oxidation/reduction reactions. Because rust corrosion is such a part of our industrial life, there are many ways in which technology has approached this problem. This direction could take you into a lesson on science information and technology (looking at why paint has zinc in it to prevent rusting, etc). The effects of rusting have also had great effects on history, geology and our knowledge of the past, through the corrosion of historical evidence, which could be incorporated into a more interdisciplinary approach to the subject.