Vocabulary Terms Quiz 9 AWRY PERTURB

Vocabulary Terms Quiz 9
AWRY – twisted or turned; wrong; amiss
Ex. Due to the weather, our vacation plans went awry.
PERTURB – to make uneasy; to upset
Ex. He shouted, obviously perturbed about something.
BULLETIN –a brief announcement of public interest; a small publication
Ex. The 6th grade bulletin lists the dates of all school holidays.
FELON – a person convicted of a serious crime
Ex. There was a convicted felon on the loose.
STIFLE – to hold back
Ex. I had to stifle my tears during the movie.
POROUS – filled with holes
Ex. The sandy soil was very porous.
LIMBER – flexible; bendable
Ex. In order to do a backbend, you need to be limber.
ENAMOR – to inspire with love; captivate
Ex. My daughter hopes her makeover will enamor feelings from her crush.
UTTER– to speak; absolute; complete
Ex. I was in utter disbelief.
WAFT–a gentle movement of air
Ex. The scent of fire wafted into the garage.