Date of Meeting 18 March 2011 Group Name

Date of Meeting
Group Name
Chair: HMRC Lead
Agent Representatives attending
18 March 2011
Helen Jepson (HJ) Local Compliance (LC)
Barbara Harewood (BH) ATT/CIOT
Christine Newitt (CN) Duncan Toplis
Chris Rooke (CR) AAT
Ian Smith (IS) ICAEW
Mark Poplett (MP) ICAEW
HMRC attendees
Cora Morley (CM) WT coordinator Business Customer Unit (BCU)
Suzanne Jervis (SJ) Agent account Manager (AAM) BCU
Sally Dunlop
Minutes & Action points
CM Confirmed agreed minutes had been circulated.
All APs done with exception of AP2. AP1CM to take fwd.
Update on all issues resolved since last meeting
CM reminded group that this covered interim period & gave overview of whole of LWT. Dormant issues
are not included; these are issues that NWT/HMRC would like to take fwd/adopt but were subject to various
constraints but would be revisited where opportune.
Update on Group’s existing unresolved issues
CM updated on R40 progress. R40 Working Group meeting took place in December 2010. There was an
improvement in turnaround though a range of issues raised and confirmed. R40 policy holders now
considering next steps to put appropriate service improvements in place. Seeking fit with the "Transformation
of Repayment processes" & a meeting has been arranged for 24 May with Customer Operations and the
working group to address a number of the issues raised
R40s showing PAYE earnings complicate matters. The National Claims Office (NCO) at Leicester deals with
pure claims only; where PAYE income has been received the R40 is passed to PAYE to process as NCO do
not have access to National Insurance & PAYE Systems (NPS). Problems with R40 being passed back & forth
between NCO & PAYE office which agents are unable to resolve through usual process should be referred to
AAM service to resolve.
Post meeting note: Withdrawal of R40CG & quote from R40 Notes (2011):
“If you have Capital Gains Tax to pay, even if overall you are due a repayment of tax for the year, you must
not complete the R40 but instead register for Self Assessment (SA). You can then give details about your
capital gains in your SA Tax Return”.
CM gave brief summary of progress of post working group & that March edition of WT publication will have
additional details etc.
Agents asked why not universally possible to communicate using email. CM explained that there is restricted
access to external email system & issues with security. HJ advised that compliance is investigating extending
email across the business. Consideration will also be given to managing expectations regarding turn round
times ~ post will still be dealt with in chronological order.
HJ explained "caseflow" & introduction of scanning for all compliance related correspondence which will store
an electronic copy to the record. This will be introduced gradually but once fully operational agent will notice a
difference. Agents should continue to send post to local office until advised otherwise. BH asked in situation
where agents are initiating correspondence will there be instructions of where it should be sent? Agents need
additional guidance. CM advised work is being undertaken on website
Handling Compliance Post
AP2: Check office locator & inc. link (office address shown on the individuals’ page)
Contact Us
PAYE & SA (employees)
A detailed update on the current post position will be communicated in WT Publication 42 due out on 30
March. In summary Customer Operations have now streamlined all of their work and there are five types of
processing offices where the work is split into the following categories:
SA returns repayments and forms
pensions and benefits,
registrations - SA1, 64-8, CWF 1
customer and agent letters
Agent post is now identified separately in all of the five new work areas and is given to teams with the
appropriate level of knowledge to deal with.
Post meeting note: Centralisation of Self Assessment & PAYE (employee) post as detailed in WTP 42 page 7
HMRC WTP 42 April 2011
CR mentioned that he had seen new phishing emails. CM advised that these should be referred to security
team to investigate & close down,
HMRC Security
ADL for payroll.
CM updated. BH said that agents were still wasting valuable time queuing for information to finalise payroll etc.
& ultimately are often cut off. Not a satisfactory service.
Key Messages from HMRC
Agents Account Managers
SJ updated on next phase of joint learning ~ “Powers”. It was unlikely that AAMs would be organising any
local events however agents can request AAM to facilitate seminars for them. Additionally we have produced
online learning & a video:
Joint Learning
Three additional Toolkits had been released earlier in the year to cover National Insurance contributions and
statutory payments, VAT Output Tax and VAT partial exemption.
AAMs now have approx 2500 agents registered to use service & target is 15,000 by September 2011.
AAM Issues service has received 600 referrals since its introduction.
February enhancements included:
Speaker request
You can request a speaker to come to your meeting to deliver a presentation on a range of topical subjects
which currently include:
the Agent Account Manager role
agent services
online services for agents
penalty regime
This list is updated regularly & is not exhaustive. Bespoke presentations can be requested. The speakers can
also facilitate DVD-based learning products on compliance checks and penalties.
Template 3
Feedback: unfortunately this has only been used to record negative responses & whilst we
understand that generally customers will take time to express dissatisfaction & we can assume that
the rest are satisfied we want to encourage agents to use the feedback form.
SJ advised there are further enhancements planned to the AAM portal (KANA) & agents will be updated.
SJ advised of other developments including webinars:
Penalty Video
AAMs need to maximise the message & encourage agents to sign up. General discussion around marketing
the service & suggestions were email on Accounting Web; info in “Tax Advisor” publication. SJ advised that a
marketing strategy was being worked on & thanked group for their.
CN added that she was very pleased with the service & BH added her agreement.
Agent Account Managers
WT Updates
SA Autocoding
CM referred to message sent 3 March 2011 & reminded agents of anticipated switch on of SA Autocoding
which allows information from SA return to flow to NPS where appropriate. It will not override any changes
already made at customer request but will update with any additional information.
New Late Filing & late payment penalties
Reminder that rules are changing from April 2011
Main message is that there has been no change to implementation dates. HMRC will have “soft landing” light
touch approach with minimum tagging requirements.
Mandatory online filing of Company Tax Returns: managing the transition
CT Online
New Issues Resolved/discussed at the Meeting
HMRC system automatically uses the figure provided by DWP & overrides the figure on the tax return without
question or information note. CM referred group to Resolved Issues Digest WT100 25 November 2011
CN why is it that SA is “process now check later” yet agents figures are being altered without explanation or
contact. Agents are concerned that the pensions information from DWP is not always correct & the way the
system works is creating additional work & jeopardising agent/client relationship. AP3: CM to research &
consider suggestion for improvement.
BH concerned that no action is taken to advise agent that repayment had been blocked. CM advised that as
far as she is aware this had always been the process however she will investigate & take forward. AP4
IS added that despite having 64-8 in place & passing all security checks he been unable to establish where a
repayment had been sent. AP5 CM will investigate & respond.
Agents raised concerns about UTR processing. CM advised that similar issues had been raised at Leicester &
she would append response for their information although some of the details are case specific. SJ mentioned
a particular problem with processing p/ships & advised that online authorisation should speed up the process.
CN advised that in her experience online authorisation was taking approximately 6 weeks but paper taking
less time. After discussion SJ established that it may be an individual issue & proposed approaching online
services & if still not able to resolve then submitting through for to AAM resolution. SJ advised that 72 hour
turn round time for online so not a service issue. BH added that consideration should be given to “Fast Track”
where agents need to extend initial authority to other heads of business. AP6: CM to put forward as
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BH was concerned that WT information is not being effectively disseminated across agent community &
wondered if there is anything that can be done to improve communications? Group discussion CM confirmed
that once the minutes are agreed agents are free to share them with associates & encouraged to publish them
on their web pages etc. CM confirmed that this is inconsistent & on the NWT radar. As a temporary measure if
CM is provided with email address for local communications representative (or similar) she will include them in
mailing of agreed minutes. Any additional suggestions to CM.
BH said it had recently been brought to her attention that there had been a change to the deadline for receipt
of return to code out tax due etc from 31 Dec. BH raised concerns that once again changes are being
introduced without sufficient communication & of course the withdrawal of the tax return guide. AP7: CM to
investigate & follow up
BH finally added that CIOT/ATT had produced a joint WT report which made interesting reading.
CIOT/ATT Working Together Report March 2011
Date of Next Meeting
Friday 5 August 2011
Summary of Action Points
AP1: CM to follow up appropriate contact for Post Streaming.
AP2: CM to check office locator & inc. link
AP3: CM to research NIB & consider suggestion for improvement.
AP4: CM to establish repayment process
AP5 CM to investigate procedures
AP6: CM to put forward suggestion for fast track for existing 64-8
AP7: CM to establish & follow up changes to SA proceedures
Summary of hyperlinks
Handling Compliance Post
Contact Us
HMRC WTP 42 April 2011
HMRC Security
Joint Learning
Penalty Video
Agent Account Managers
Mandatory online filing of Company Tax Returns: managing the transition
CT Online
CIOT/ATT Working Together Report March 2011
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