F FA Chapter Media Kit Digital resource located on the FFA Resource CD-Rom Questions? Contact: Dave Krueger, kruege20@msu.edu ____________________________________________________ F FA Chapter Media Kit TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction 2. MS Publisher Guide 3. News Release Tip Sheet 4. Fact Sheet Tip Sheet 5. Schedule of Activities Tip Sheet 6. Brochure Tip Sheet 7. Newsletter Tip Sheet 8. Newsletter Publishing Guide 9. Keys to Writing Well 10. Editing Guide F FA Chapter Media Kit INTRODUCTION The FFA Chapter Media Kit has been designed to assist local FFA chapters with public relations efforts. The kit is formatted with easy to follow tip sheets for each template provided. Agriscience students and FFA members should be encouraged to produce public relations documents for the chapter using the media kit. The media kit contains a disk with five MS Publisher templates as well as a MS Word copy of this document. The individual tip sheets present an excellent foundation of knowledge to get students started. Additional information on writing and editing is also included. Student usage of outside sources on writing, as well as the AP Style Book, will reinforce the tip sheet concepts and generate stronger written pieces. Information on news and public relations writing may also be helpful. Advisors may choose to include instruction on these subjects or allow students to individually pursue additional information. The course pack for AEE 401 Communications Campaigns in Agriculture and Natural Resources, a course offered through Michigan State University, may be obtained at http://www.msu.edu/course/aee/401/coursepack.pdf The course pack can be used as a teaching resource or made available to students for independent learning. Gina Lott, an Agriscience student from Michigan State University in 1999, created this resource. F FA Chapter Media Kit MS PUBLISHER GUIDE To begin using the FFA Media Kit: Open the desired MS Publisher template: srelease.tmp for single page releases; mrelease.tmp for multiple page releases; rbrochure.tmp for recruitment brochures; pbrochure.tmp for community promotion brochures; newsletter.tmp for newsletters. clipfile.tmp for graphics Begin making changes to the selected public relations document using the appropriate media kit tip sheets as guides. To save the created public relations document: Select File. Select Save As. Select the (C:) drive. Type in a new file name for the document. Click O.K. F FA Chapter Media Kit NEWS RELEASE TIP SHEET Open the desired MS Publisher release template (srelease.tmp for single page releases or mrelease.tmp for multiple page releases). Replace all existing text with appropriate chapter information. Type in NEWS RELEASE as the RELEASE TITLE. Select and type in a short and decisive Headline for the news release. The news release should not exceed two pages in length and should be doublespaced. Decide if the news release is to publicize or to promote the activity being written about. As the news release is being written, be sure to continually consult the AP Style Book if anything is in question. A news release must be accurate, brief and clear. It must make sense, have unity of thought and possess narrative flow. Avoid the use of descriptive adjectives and adverbs. A news release should begin with a lead. The lead is a single sentence that summarizes the entire story. The lead must include who was involved, what happened, where it happened, when it happened and may include why or how it happened. The lead should be simple and consist of less than 30 words. The news release should be organized in inverted pyramid style. Information is presented in order of importance from most to least. No conclusion is necessary in writing a news release. If the news release is written properly, the reader will know it is the end of the story. Be sure to thoroughly edit the news release. A news release containing errors of any type will not be published. F FA Chapter Media Kit FACT SHEET TIP SHEET Open the desired MS Publisher release template (srelease.tmp for single page releases or mrelease.tmp for multiple page releases). Replace all existing text with appropriate chapter information. Type in FACT SHEET as the RELEASE TITLE. Delete the Headline. Rather than typing text, use bullet points to organize the fact sheet information. A fact sheet may contain information about the FFA, local chapter, alumni, a specific activity (to accompany a news release), or the officer team. Each type of fact sheet, however, should be exclusive and separate. Organize the fact sheet information chronologically or in order of importance. Fact sheet information should be clear, concise and easy to follow. The fact sheet should contain only necessary or pertinent information. The AP Style Guide should be followed in fact sheet construction. The fact sheet should be well written and must be thoroughly edited. F FA Chapter Media Kit SCHEDULE OF ACTIVITIES TIP SHEET Open the desired MS Publisher release template (srelease.tmp for single page releases or mrelease.tmp for multiple page releases). Replace all existing text with appropriate chapter information. Type in SCHEDULE OF ACTIVITES as the RELEASE TITLE. Delete the Headline. Rather than typing text, use bullet points to organize the schedule of activities information. Organize the schedule of activities into monthly sections and list events chronologically. List activities of importance that are newsworthy or of community interest. State activities simply and concisely. Be sure to include national, state and competitive events in addition to local chapter activities. The schedule of activities may contain both chapter and alumni activities and events in a combined form. The schedule of activities must be thoroughly edited and periodically updated. F FA Chapter Media Kit BROCHURE TIP SHEET Open the desired MS Publisher release template (rbrochure.tmp for recruitment brochures or pbrochure.tmp for community promotion brochures). Replace all existing RED text with the appropriate chapter information. The individuals selected as the General Contact Person and Alumni Contact Person (for pbrochure.tmp only) should be available to respond to requests for information. These individuals should also be very knowledgeable about the FFA organization, chapter, alumni, and associated activities and events. After the RED text information has been appropriately filled in, change the text color from red to black. Highlight the red text, go to the format window, select font and select color as black. This must be done for each area of red text in the brochure. In areas where changes were made, the brochure must be thoroughly edited. At this point, the brochure will be ready for printing and reproduction. Using colored paper for the finished brochure makes the product more attractive and increases audience appeal. The finished brochure should be double-sided and in a tri-fold format. The brochure can be given out by hand or used as a mailer. F FA Chapter Media Kit NEWSLETTER TIP SHEET Open the desired MS Publisher release template (newsletter.tmp). Replace the Masthead with the FFA chapter name on the first page and fill in the Volume #, Number # and the Month Year. On the fourth page, replace the Mailing Address with the appropriate chapter information. This newsletter is formatted to have four pages. Each page has two columns that should be filled with stories and other FFA information. Each story needs to have a headline. One font should be selected for the headlines and a complementing font should be selected for the body text. The headlines should be in 18-point font size while the body text size should be in 10-point font. Use photographs and clip art of high quality to break-up text. The usage of these visual elements will increase the appeal of the newsletter. Tables, lists, graphs and calendars are useful ways to organize information that may otherwise become confusing to the audience. The top portion of the fourth page is designed as a Calendar of Upcoming Events. List these events chronologically in monthly sections. Stories contained in the newsletter must be clear, concise and easy to follow. Utilize the AP Style Guide during story writing. The newsletter must be well written and thoroughly edited. F FA Chapter Media Kit NEWSLETTER PUBLISHING GUIDE Newsletters provide a routine channel of communication to a target audience. Newsletters encourage member and community participation while unifying an audience. Have a single objective for publishing the newsletter. Determine the optimal rate for newsletter publication. Most commonly, newsletters are published monthly or quarterly. The newsletter must have a consistent format. A constant design allows the reader to find information as quickly as possible. Plan the content of the newsletter. Decide the number and types of stories each issue will contain. Determine the number of photographs, clip art and other visual communication tools that the newsletter will employ to reach the audience. Information contained in the newsletter can include the chapter, alumni, officer team, agriscience classroom activities and individual members. Also include national, state and competitive FFA events. Plan the circulation and distribution of the newsletter. Decide how the newsletter will get to the audience. Gather the materials needed to construct the newsletter including stories and visual communication tools. Edit the newsletter thoroughly. The newsletter serves the chapter as a representative of the FFA organization to the community. Proper editing insures that the newsletter positively reflects the chapter and the FFA. F FA Chapter Media Kit KEYS TO WRITING WELL Sentences should be short but not choppy. Related elements should be contained in a single sentence. Use short words. Be careful with adverb usage. Eliminate wordiness in sentences. Justify the use of each word in the sentence. Avoid long introductory phrases. Avoid jargon or technical language unfamiliar to the audience. Write in the third person. Avoid redundancy. Use a variety of sentences and verbs to promote narrative flow. Be sure to EDIT the piece carefully. F FA Chapter Media Kit EDITING GUIDE Editing-The Five Step Process: 1. Read the entire piece from start to finish without stopping. 2. Decide if the structure of the piece is able to reach the desired audience. Ask the following questions: Does the content satisfy the audience needs? Does the lead directly communicate to the audience? Does important information reach the audience quickly enough? Is any essential information missing? 3. Check the piece for accuracy. 4. Review the language of the piece. Ask the following questions: Are words simple, clear and direct? Is the piece written in an active voice rather than a passive voice? Are redundancies eliminated? Is the piece free of grammar, syntax, spelling and typing errors? Is the piece free of bias and jargon? Is the piece written in the third person? 5. Read the piece again for overall quality and reader appeal. Editing is an essential step in all types of media writing. Communication with the audience becomes clearer through editing.