Note Taking Guide Topic # 3073 Water Testing for Aquaculture Systems

Note Taking Guide
Topic # 3073
Water Testing for Aquaculture Systems
Created by Edward C. Meisel III
Importance of water testing for aquaculture systems- High quality
is the most important thing in a
system. Water provides
, an excretory site, maintains
may hold disease causing ____________________.
pH- Water with a pH of 7 is ________________________ while water
with a pH of below 7 is____________________ and water with a pH of above 7 is
Dissolved Gases- Dissolved gases determine ________ _______________. Tests
for dissolved oxygen must be taken ______ _________ because shipping can cause
dramatic __________ in gas levels.
Carbon Dioxide- __________ ___________ is soluble in _____________. Most
carbon dioxide occurs from ___________________. Temperature, light, algae, and
_________________ affect dissolved oxygen levels. ____________________ water
is a must in order to keep oxygen levels up and driving of carbon dioxide.
Ammonia- Ammonia is tested with _______ _____. Algae use ammonia as a
nitrogen source for making _______________. The _____________ of ammonia in
water is present in the _____-____________ ionized form. ______________ is
generally non-toxic to fish but should be monitored to make sure levels do not get too
Hardness- Hardness of water is determined by the levels of ________________ and
________________. The ideal level is between ___ and _____ mg/L.
Testing Methods- The two most common methods are ________________________
and ______________________. _________________________ uses a
concentration reaction to show test colors that can be read on a scale.
__________________________ testing is done with an electronic device that can
give ______________ reading for all aspects of water quality. Most aquaculturists
use _______________________ testing.